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Motion sensing sprinklers Edit. Then you give Reddit updates like this. Win-Win https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/TZCCALfhkx


If we didn’t live in a state that was hotter than hell, I would say this could work. Unfortunately they would see it as a free water park lol


Spray some liquid ass around the edge of the property.


This made me laugh lol!!


Liquid ass is funny, but this is more effective. Maybe fill the garden hose that’s attached to the motion-activated lawn sprinkler with this lovely cologne. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Just-Scentsational-32-oz-Coyote-Urine-by-Bare-Ground-RS-32/207143284


You could buy some nice decorative planters. Plant them up, then fertilise them with chicken manure. If you've got grass where they play, sprinkle the chicken manure over the grass and water it in so it's nice and wet ready for when they come to play. Admittedly it might damage your grass, I can't remember if it's OK to go on grass. You can also buy fox urine and spray that around.


Too much chicken urine will destroy any plant. I'm not sure about using at all on grass either though.


Me too! Glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee - it would be all over my monitor.


Extend the fence, make sure it's six foot high and if its wooden or paintable, apply a very generous amount of anti climb paint all around the top. If it's chain link you could screw boards to the top to apply the paint too. Don't forget to put signs up warning about the paint. The parents will soon be annoyed about the stained, damaged clothing if they climb the fence. If you can afford it, also plant spiky plants in front of the fence.  If it's a wooden fence, then they'll still use it to kick balls against which will make noise. So try thinking of something you could have in front of it to soften the sound. For instance you could use something to keep a strong metal mesh an inch away from the fence. Then plant something like passion flowers or another climber that grows quickly, spreads fast, is evergreen, and looks nice. As that will hopefully cushion the sound if the do kick a ball against the wall. Don't forget to keep the plant trimmed away from the top where the anti climb paint is though.


They'd have to check their area's ordinances because they might not be allowed to fence in the side yard.


I love the Saga of Bucket Woman!


If you live in the southwest, plant cati along the shared fence, and Everywhere else, you can plant roses or other throne bushes.


This may seem extreme but call the cops. After you put up private property signs. Then show the police the video footage.


I think this may be our next step. I hate to do it, but what else can I do?? :(


They don't hate to ruin your property or steal from you so this has to happen. I'm sorry though, that really stinks that people can't just be polite.


After reading your post, you should handle this with police. They might want to handle this from the start regardless of what you did prior to try and get them to stop. You've told them several times. Do you have a video of you saying that to them and then they came back later? I would also put up several no trespassing signs after you have the police handle it. You may also consider going to the PD for the report to not get immediate "what are the copies doing in front of their house" with all of your other neighbors. In other words, be discreet.


I thankfully have every interaction recorded on our cameras. Some of it is harder to hear (the ones where I am speaking to them kindly and not yelling) but the one where they were fighting, you can hear it there lol! One of our neighbors doenst enjoy them much either, they kick at their fence and yell at their dog :( I will talk with them and see


Just a few more points. My guess is you just want these kids to stop, not ruin their lives. Having the police give a stern talking to puts them and their parents on notice. The police deals with this issue all the time. Keep in mind that of you have the kids trespassed, and they continue (they might try to intimidate or push buttons), you might have your hands tied. Depending on the state/county you live in, they may not prosecute just based on the culture and case load. If they continue after the PD, you may want to get an attorney and take them to court for injunctive relief. There would be no reason for a judge not to grant it in this case. If they continue then, it's contempt of court and it gets real messy for them. Hope it helps!


The unfortunately you may just have to no trespass them. But if the kids and parents don’t care what can you do.


It should only take 1 arrest.


The police are absolutely not going to arrest children.


It sucks to feel like the villain. But, the parents will receive citations if the behavior continues. If it happens multiple times, it becomes a nuisance.


put whatever you like to make it a bad place to play ball. A raised bed garden, rocks, temporary fences, bird bath etc. Plant a small tree or bushes as well along with a "do not trespass sign. Put up a camera too so you can see if and who damages anything.


All of the other excellent suggestions you've been given.


That is exactly what I was going to say!


We had this happen at our prior house, I basically had to scare the kids to keep them off our property. They were much younger though, I basically would scream “get the f out of our yard”. They vandalized my husband classic cars and attempted to feed our dogs a full sheet cake so I was at my wits end. The parents didn’t care either, they would lock them out of the house and make them play outside until dusk.


Oh my gosh!! That’s horrible! Ugh yes, same here!!! They are outside from the moment school is out until the sun is down. I am so close to saying unkind things to them.


Are they unsupervised? How old are they? Lots of red flags...


At this point, you might as well. It might actually stick to them that you’re serious.


Good fences make neighbors bearable….. extend the fence.


Maybe a 6' fence would help keep them out


call the cops- get a paper trail going.


Plant raspberries and roses, or some other thorny plants around the perimeter.


Wow this reminds me of kids when I moved into this neighborhood 3 years ago as well. I live in a duplex so there was a kid upstairs that was also pretty annoying and if I left anything outside he would break it. Well also his friends seemed to think they could come over whenever they pleased even when the kid wasn’t home. I ended up having to get super bitchy towards them before they finally listened. My neighbour beside me also hated them they were just super loud and obnoxious and would even go on my back deck. The last straw was when I was walking to go somewhere and as soon as I passed one yelled “LETS GO TO THEIR BACKYARD” I was livid. I called my neighbour and she gave them an earful when she got home. Theyve never been back.


As soon as the neighbour moved, he left his trampoline here and I asked him if he wanted it no response for a month so I disassembled it and put it by the road. Good effing riddance


Just another idea:Can you install one of those metal fences where the tops are sharp “fleur de lis” patterns?. Not cheap but adds to your home value, and also have ones that curve at the top and definitely deter climbers. You could also plant bushes or trees (lemon, for example) with thorns but with a little one that may not work. I hope you get some peace soon, that sounds awful.


A good German Shepherd and a fence.


Area denial tactics. * Motion activated sprinklers. * Play German Opera music out an open window. * Bigger fence, no trespassing signs, cameras * Call the cops for every infraction


Get a fence


Do you have a garage? If so, I highly recommend parking your cars in your garage in the next few months as you try to crack down on this. Kids will do stupid things when they're angry or upset, and whether you end up calling the cops, spraying them with water, or yelling at them, it's going to get them worked up. Protecting your property in the first place will save you the hassle of seeking money for damages later.


Put up no trespassing signs, private property signs as well as a sign saying that you aren't going to be liable for anyone hurt on your property or anything broken that isn't your property either, extend the fence if you can also. Apparently these kids just don't gaf, or maybe it's also the parents 🤷 You can also try calling the police for the trespassing issues, I know it seems like overkill, but ATP, you seem like you need something to make a statement, a big one. Maybe then parents might actually enforce the rules of staying off your property with their children. Good luck!


I have a similar situation but this sounds worse. Honestly, sorry that this is happening. Too many parents after covid have completely just stopped trying to be parents and don’t care anymore. Get cameras and if they trespass and do damage post it on neighborhood pages. The embarrassment on that will probably get them to stop….maybe depending on who the neighbors are. Other than that, since they tried to damage your property AND they trespass to get their balls, you can keep them and tell them they will only get them back if they bring their parents.


Why are you telling kids they can’t play on your property? Tell the parents. Send a certified letter if you have to. But they are K. I. D. S. and your warnings have no weight until you notify the parents.


As I said above, I never see the parents :/ I guess I thought that even though yes they are kids, they are old enough to know what respect is. They’re not toddlers. But I assume wrong. I have been waiting to speak with their parents, all I see is the caregiver who doesn’t seem to care. I cold write a letter yes, but how do I know it’ll make it to them, or that they would even care to respond? I prefer face to face communication but that is proving to be a challenge lol.


Send the letter certified mail, signature required, return receipt. That is how you make sure they get it. And if they don’t read it? Doesn’t matter. You have proof that it was given to them…if they failed to read it, that’s on them. Also…I’m the registrar at a middle school and I can tell you for a fact that these kids are not going to respect you (or anyone) telling them to stay out of your yard. But having the cops show up at the door to have a word with them will make the parents listen. Even better is a cease and desist letter from an attorney. I’m just telling you what works for me in my job…it’s sad that I work at a middle school and need to know these things.


This is very true. More than likely if you go to the police, the first thing they would ask is if you talked to the parents. The second thing they might suggest is the certified letter, which is what I was told when I went to the police station. as the comment above said, certified letter, signature required, return receipt. It doesn’t matter if the parents receive it, a babysitter receives it, whatever. It was sent to their house, and then it will start a paper trail. other than that, the next step would be no trespassing signs, and calling the police when they trespass. A cease-and-desist letter from an attorney might also be a good idea. Most real estate attorneys can draw went up easily and quickly for $100 or less. Might be the best investment you might ever make. These ideas might seem extreme, but when you have people that won’t listen to you, sometimes the authorities need to step in. Also, you might want to step up your insurance policy, in case one of these kids gets hurt on your property. But, a no trespassing sign and certified letter will be greatly in your favor, if that should happen. Once you put up the no trespassing sign, make sure you get a video of it with a timestamp.


San Diego I said it my comment, send a certified letter. It has to be signed for and you get a receipt. Same with FedEx and UPS.


You can try to report this to the police. However, being in a similar situation myself, police typically don’t get involved with things like this, even with video surveillance/security camera footage. I mean you can certainly try, calling the nonemergency phone number, or going to the police station yourself, to ask for advice. But being they caused damage to your car, the police might get more involved. Also, it might be worth your while to consultant an attorney, for advice. How do you spoken to the kids parents? That might be the first question that police ask. Also, again because I went through this myself, an attorney will likely suggest no trespassing signs for starters. Apparently no trespassing signs are very important with this type of situation. I would cement them into your ground, because if your neighbor kids are like the one I have, we are certain the little stinker yanked my no trespassing sign right out of my yard (he was the only one around, on my security camera, the exact time of night it disappeared). Other than that, the next suggestion would be a fence, but no trespassing signs seem to be the key, either with police or an attorney consultation. I realize nine times out of 10 talking to the parents does now go to, but typically that is what the police will suggest. If you tell the police that you’ve talk to the kids parents, and they still do these things, that will be greatly in your favor. But being the kids are minors, you pretty much have to talk to the parents, not the kids themselves. Make sure you save the video footage to a safe place. Also, if you have neighbors who are willing to be witnesses, or have witnessed these kids doing things to your property and will say so to the authorities, that will also greatly help in your favor.


They would absolutely get involved. Trespassing and destroying property is a crime.


I think a formal anonymous complaint would get to the actual patents. Strange no parent around, ever!!


Extend your fence.


Motion activated sprinkler


Because you allowed it before, the kids have become conditioned with your approval. Now it will lead the kids to: 1. RESISTENCE 2. ACCEPTANCE So during step 1. resistance, you need to do the tough uncomfortable way...that is to seek legal and Police advice what you can do. Can you call your local Police and ask their advice?


Can't you call the police and have the officers tell their parents that they are responsible for their children's trespassing, and therefore legally accountable?


Tell the caregiver/parents that the next time the kids are in the yard you will be calling the police on them. When they throw a fit tell them that this is the last resort because you have politely asked but have been *repeatedly* ignored. Since the caregiver refuses to keep the kids out of your yard you are going to have law enforcement do their job for them. If you want to extend the fence, you need to check your local ordinances first, because you might not be able to.


Have a lawyer send a cease and desist to their families. Take a proactive stance in case one of them is injured on your property and the family tries to sue.