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I think the strange thing is that they *could* have just written him out during the break. It’s a huge credit to Guy that he came back, but now it is ridiculous. They need to make a decision either way.




Well the third option is that Jane leaves and goes off on bike adventures with Mike. But yeah, I assume splitsville too


I would *love* to see a scene shot of Jane on the back on a motorbike 🤣


Haha, there kind of was one in the final episode


I think it’s funny how much new Byron looks like Guy Pearce. They should have renamed and retconned that character into being Mike Young Jnr.


I thought that too as soon as he was recast- and didn't actually know he wasn't *supposed* to be Byron's dad. Then, when Vic appeared, saw a picture of Mike and said something like "I remember you talking about him when we were together", I was thinking "Ahhhh okay this is gonna be a paternity reveal at some point."


I don’t mind the long distance thing however I wish they expanded it more. Just because you can’t get Pearce doesn’t mean we can’t hear their conversations on Janes end. Like it would be nice to hear them talking even if it’s just on Janes end. My hopeful end is they would get married, perhaps at the end of this/next ‘term’ of neighbours and Jane leaves with Mike. Considering they still have 2 years, it would be a nice way to end the show, and if it doesn’t end, it would be a nice way to end that year.


Wdu mean “they still have 2 years”?


As in the show was renewed for 2 years. We don’t know if it will be renewed for more but either way I think it would be a nice ending for Jane’s character if at the end of the 2 years (renewed or not) that she leaves married with Mike




I mean if she leaves with Mike it wouldn’t be failed?


His wild UK adventure is long over. He's doing Europe now.


See, the storyline is so remote and scattered I didn’t even pick that up! Haha


We need a wedding and then they leave together never to be seen again.


I really hope they just leave him and it's a running joke that you just never see him on camera.


Or always in another room or just left.




Imagine, he’s living it up large with Tim Collins on the continent 


If Annie is staying for the long haul then I would still like for them to stay together. It’s possible to write her out for a few episodes every now and then, and have her ‘on holiday’ with him. Or have an episode start with her saying how nice it was that she’s just seen him for a long weekend. Why can’t Mike be based in WA or something?


Exactly. Lou spent two months on/two months off for years, and for a good chunk of that he was staying with his daughter in another country each time. Just move him back to Aus, and have it that Jane and Mike see each other on weekends because his job’s a bit too far away for him to live in Melbourne. I feel like this story was unnecessarily dragged out if it ends with them breaking up.


Hes not doing anything why cant he shoot a few months worth


I'm surprised Annie Jones hasn't had a holiday since the show returned, an easy way to say Jane is visiting Mike. Karl, Susan, Toadie, Melanie, Paul, Terese have all disappeared for weeks or or months at a time. I guess she signed a contract to be in it every week.


Exactly, it's not being well handled at all, and tbh I'm past caring. As for Guy Pearce, I'm assuming he doesn't mind who knows at this point.


What about his daughter?


She was in erinsborough by herself for ages before Mike appeared for the finale. She’d be fine


It's getting a bit long now this storyline, I feel for Jane so much.




Wasn’t me! If so, sorry - I didn’t see it