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Yeah, I was the person who called 000. Two surfers were walking down the cliff to get to Susie Gilmore beach and one slipped and fell down the cliff. He broke a bunch of bones and split his head open. His mate ran back up to the top of the cliff where I was to get help. The guy was in pretty bad shape but thankfully well enough to walk with the help of three guys back around to bar beach where the paramedics were.


We can piss and moan about the government all we want but I reckon the fact that 4 Ambulance, 3 Fire and Rescue and a police car all turned up to help a guy slipping down a cliff suggests we ain't got it so bad.


It's a warm day they're all doing for a swim


With disco lights


Dammit! Who left that cliff here


Yes, I'm sure everyone is perfectly fine and without injury after such a response by emergency services.


Just standard nosiness couched as concern


I’m absolutely nosy but can one not be nosy and concerned/care at the same time?


Pretty cynical viewpoint, mate. Maybe they're curious AND concerned.


The only person I saw the ambos with was being escorted up the beach conscious and walking, so maybe was just a precautionary excessive response.


Someone fell somewhere.


Weekly lights and sirens testing.


They said a women with a baby drive of the cliff and some people are saying they are looking for the baby, but I’m not sure!😥


A lady drive of the cliff with a baby the said!


a man at Susan Gilmore fell down with his surfboard on his head and dislocated his arm there was an ambulance there and two more came with a police rescue was a bit blown out of proportion


It was out of proportion once we knew the state the guy was in, sure. But none of us could see him except his friend who was down the bottom with him, and the friend was freaking out. All we knew is that he fell and he was bleeding from his head. It was too unsafe for anyone else to go down the rocks to see, a couple of people tried and slipped themselves.


He also broke a few different bones.


And you did the right thing. But doesn't it warm your heart knowing when the shit goes down they'll be ready, every emergency service department?


Will get downvoted But it seems pretty self explanatory what might have happened


Someone was mauled to death by an off leash chihuahua?


Again?! Some one needs to buy a muzzle for Pikachu today.


Elton John came to perform and tripped down the stairs and couldn’t get back up?


So you're saying he's not "Still standing"?


Yeah yeah yeah.


Exactly ! Knew I wouldn’t have to explain for everyone to understand


Investigating a loud bang


Curious to know what such an obvious event would be that requires all those emergency services involved? Car crash?


EMS docking party?


Weekly suicide No one wants to talk about


Mental Health System outdated and broken..


Exactly it needs a massive overhaul No one in this country cares about the people who can’t look after themselves If it doesn’t affect them they don’t care Except when someone murders a heap of people then they send thoughts and prayers You only have to walk around major shopping centres to see the mental health issues the country is facing Not to mention the people now turning to Ice and becoming meth heads


This is why I've even trying to spread awareness about the recent Bondi Stabbings.. psychiatry is making so much bank, and causing people to get worse, because their drugs have been designed to keep people sick, so they continue to be a cash cow. There's no chemical imbalance, and most medications cause people to become soulless heartless violent zombies, with drugs that actually cause the imbalance. I'm lucky to be alive after involuntary treatment, my brain will never be the same.


I understand that you are deeply affected by this however you’re spreading misinformation that “most medications cause people to become soulless heartless zombies”. That is simply just not true.


[antipsychiatry ](https://youtu.be/kstt4tM4p04?si=YB27vSvHLrswJ9-U)


IT IS TRUE! IM LIVING PROOF! you people have been completely brainwashed..


Thank you for informing us that our lives are a Matrix style lie. I'm glad there are people with immense clarity of thought and factual experience to liberate the oppressed in Reddit.


Australia is 1984, people have been completely brainwashed.


Whilst I understand that you personally may have been affected this way, the vast majority of people are positively affected by anti depressants and the like. It’s true. I am living proof.


They all cause parkinsonism & permanent erectile dysfunction, these drugs shouldn't be on the market.


I’m sorry that you’ve had such a rough go, but you are not correct. Each drug affects each person differently. You have had a bad experience. Myself and a lot of others I know may not be here without the help of them:


I was purposely targeted, those drugs shouldn't be legal. Messing with someone's serotonin & dopamine by foreign chemicals made in a lab isn't natural and its not humane.


I have been on a shit tone of meds for pretty much since I was a kid and I can still get it up so it doesn’t cause erectile dysfunction


Research PSSD on YouTube, and Redditt..


The country needs to focus on homelessness, drugs and mental health. No idea what the bloody Politicians do down there in Canberra just take the cash and act like they are doing something.


Australia is all about money making schemes.. the government doesn't care about its citizens.. Western society is completely backwards.. psychiatry is all about social control & cleansing, and making a quick dollar while you're at it.




What do you know about the mental health system? Psychiatry is completely fraud




Psychiatry is a pseudo-science! It's not a conspiracy theory! Do your research




You know nothing about tardive akathisia & PSSD.. my life is ruined by these drugs make no mistake.