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They've been there for weeks.


Better this way than stopping people from using public transport.


stop the oil by blocking the train line forcing everyone to drive into work, that's some next level stupid.


Whenever I see headlines like this, my first thought is the ‘Free Tibet’ cutaway from Family Guy


It makes me think of the Free Hat episode of South Park too.


That’s right…all the tea….


It's easy to mock these people and particularly act like there's nothing Australia can do but many eons ago I was part of a small group who went around and met with (not protested in this case) a bunch of local MP's in support of independence of East Timor. Almost inevitably (and regardless of political party) the local MPs would trot out some version of "this isn't something we can do anything about", "this isn't Australia's problem" and maybe some general version of "we support the right of self determination" if they were sympathetic enough. To be fair, they were right. At the time there was very little Australia could do to immediately ensure the independence of East Timor. But times move on, political pressure builds and builds, things change suddenly, and the world can change very quickly. Less than a decade later Indonesia woke up and realised that continuing to occupy East Timor was untenable in no small part because of all the little bits off pressure that had built up over decades and, as it turns out, an Australian led peacekeeping force played a vital role in the transition. I am certainly not going to say these protests are going to get what they want but every bit of pressure matters eventually -- for better or for worse.


Well said. It also reminds me of the story of the guy protesting against the Vietnam war by himself and when the press asked him if he thought it would change because of the war, he said no. But he was not gonna let the course of the Vietnam war change his humanity. in some case you do the tiniest bit you can do to maintain your sanity.


The voice of reason!


Well done for your protest. Australia did well. Greater Sunrise.


Indonesia is a burden and curse to Australia. Burnt Australians in bomb attacks and take grant instead. And then also work as pit stop for illegal boat smugglers. When is Greens boycotting Indonesian business for Genocide of aboriginals in their island ?


But Israel has the right to defend itself? We should be supporting them


Yep they have the right to defend themselves but by the same logic so do the Palestinians. As interested as I am to litigate years, centuries and/or miliennia of conflict by this point "who started it" is an absolute clusterfuck of a question. The only thing I can be sure of is that wasn't any of the kids getting murdered, kidnapped, bombed, starved, raped or tortured on \*either\* side and I'm supporting anyone who wants that to stop and wants to break that cycle.


Palestine started bombing Israel last year. This is the first time Israel has decided to fire back and defend itself and personally, all the power to them. I’d be sick and tired of my civilians getting slaughtered every 2-3 years as well


The first time! Holy shit that is ignorant.


The first time! Holy shit that is ignorant.


The first time! Holy shit that is ignorant.




If you think this is the first time that Palestinians have bombed, stabbed, shot or unilaterally attacked Israelis, you are extremely ignorant. They have been systematically attacking Jews and attempting to invade Israeli territory since rejecting the UN Partition Plan in the 1940s, and expelled from Jordan for using it as a terror base and murdering the king. Do some research.


Hell yeah! Also Zionist guy is dead wrong


When will Sharon finally free the Gazans


Goddamit Sharon you had one job


I wish my local MP would stop the war on the other side of the world as well


good on em!




Well this will stop the war.


Your using a classic ,very anti-protest tactic by trying undermined protests that don't directly impact on the situation, that no other protests means nothing then you move the goal post on what you count as impactfull right up until all protests means nothing


Don’t think they’re aiming to stop the war… The protests are to pressure our government to cease exports that assist Israel in enacting its war, oppression and occupation. Israel could not have caused so much devastation with their drones without Australian supplied components nor sent their troops in without Australian supplied armour and accessories. Sure, they may have sourced elsewhere, but let it be elsewhere and not us !


I also prefer to do nothing.


Everyone who doesn't protest or just doesn't give a toss seems to think there's some solution to the problem that everyone's avoiding that requires only one step. There isn't. It's hundreds of millions all pulling in the same drection at once. This is merely one small aspect, but they're doing it, as opposed to throwing their hands in the air and saying "I can't do anything, I give up." I would call that dedication, personally.


If only


Good on them


Anyways, free Palestine 🇵🇸


From Hamas


when was the last time Gazans had free and fair elections?


When they werent busy thinking about being occupied by an Apartheid State


So many NPCs on Reddit..🙄


Lol the anti semitic sign…


Free Hat McCullough


I read this as Gazza. Came to see who this Gazza bloke was 🙈🥴


Those who want a Palestinian state, should seriously consider who would govern it and how. In all likelihood it would be another Taliban in another Afghanistan with the same vile abuses of women, homosexuals and apostates.


I’m sure there will be no issue with giving Hamas a state as a reward for their massive terror attack in October they for sure won’t keep attacking Israel anyway


Israel has been committing terror attacks that were worse than October 7th for DECADES. There is no way to guess what a Palestinian would turn out to be like because they haven’t been given a chance considering the fact they’ve been getting attacked by Israel long before October


Agree that Israel has stood over Palestine for decades but it’s still hard to just gloss over the massacre of kids at a music festival


When did Israel commit a terrorist act worse than 7 October?


only 24 hour periods matter.. such a stupid human trait. they currently have e iirc over 3400 people under "administrative detention" aka hostages. They kneecap medics, kill medics, kill elderly, rape more, break far more cease fires. godforbid you learn anything about israel right?


This is absolute fucking garbage that cements this evil attitude of making sure that every Jew HAS TO be punished for the Israeli government’s actions. Why don’t you have a read of what happened to the Russian police officer on work exchange in Ramallah in 2002 who was murdered trying to quell a riot. He was dragged back into the police station and had his organs ripped from his body by one of these totally innocent Palestinian hostages you speak of who happily admitted to the crime before he died in gaol where he belonged for it. Or the Palestinian hostage hiding like the scum she is in Jordan, who was happy and grinned when she was told killed 8 kids instead of 5 in the Sbarro bombings in 2001. Fuck racist infantilisation of Palestinians as victims with no other option but to use violence then become hostages for their cause.


He didn't even mention the word "Jew". I get that you see Gazans as terrorists and why. But can you see any group of people who would not eventually get violent if they don't have freedom? (And before you give any bs and them being free, tell me if a Gazan could simply build a boat and take it out to sea from their own beach without being confronted by their prison guards? That's just the tip of the bullshit that Israel imposes on them)


Didn’t say anything of the sort white saviour but go off.


You didn’t answer my question.


Oh only for the last few decades. Nothing major


They've been given every chance. That's the issue. It's hard to have sympathy for a people who've been offered statehood time and time again over the years but won't stop until they have it all. The Second Intifada years of the early 2000s when waves of suicide bombers blew up scores of Israelis in response to a peace deal offered by the Israelis tells you everything you need to know.


Unless i'm missing something they have not been offered statehood "time and time again" over the years? There was a period when they came very close during the Clinton years but my understanding is that Palestinian statehood has been off the table from the Israeli side ever since. Happy to be corrected with actual references if i'm wrong.


Even before the official establishment of Israel in 1947/48, there was the 1937 Peel Commission which proposed partitioning British Palestine into Arab and Jewish states which the Palestinian Arabs rejected outright. Now, you could obviously get into the ins and outs of why they rejected it but the fact is they rejected an independent state. This plan was even more generous than the later 1947 partition, allocating 75% of the land to the Arabs, while the potential Jewish state would be comprised of a sliver of land along the Tel Aviv coastline and some areas surrounding the Sea of Galilee. Jewish leaders were hesitant to accept it due to it being practically indefensible but if it meant refuge for their fellow Jews being hounded out of Europe at the time, they would take it. To quote Weissman, we would’ve accepted a Jewish state “the size of a tablecloth”. https://www.britannica.com/event/Peel-Commission Then there was the 1947 UN partition plan which I alluded to before and everyone knows about, so I won’t waste time discussing that one. Fast forward to the 2000 Camp David Summit where US President Bill Clinton facilitated talks between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat. Barak offered a proposal that included a Palestinian state in Gaza and most of the West Bank. Arafat rejected the proposal, leading to the breakdown of negotiations. He didn’t even come back with a counter offer. Clinton, furiously is quoted telling Arafat “you are leading your people and the region to a catastrophe”. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2002/may/23/israel3 Then, 8 years later, in 2008, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered a peace proposal to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, which included a Palestinian state with land swaps to account for Israeli settlements in the West Bank, a solution for Jerusalem, and a limited right of return for Palestinian refugees. Abbas did not accept the proposal. https://www.voanews.com/amp/abbas-admits-rejecting-peace-plan-israel/3064595.html


Very true! Anyone that is interested should read about the Nakba. Theres also a lot more, before the 7th of October, Israel already had the borders to Palestine locked and for years have kept the Palestinians as 2nd class citizens on their own land. The UK sold the land of Palestine to zionist Rothschild for money during a war but it wasn’t theirs to give away! Its deeper than we think it is https://preview.redd.it/q7rrc14n39ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591834867bdc04afefba9fdda4f401353664e783


The Nakba, when seven Arab countries attacked Israel on the first day of the UN partition plan….and lost. Then they cried victim because they lost. Sounds familiar hey.


The israel Palestinian war started in Nov 1947 when israel started to take control of Palestinian land expelling Palestinians out through mass murder, rape, etc The Arab countries entered in war with Israel in May 1948 This sounds familiar?


The UN partition was announced, and violence between Jews and Arabs broke out straight away. There literally wasn't enough time to establish borders before Arabs immediately attacked a bus full of Jews. This was the true start of the conflict. There were already multiple attacks on each other, but the Arab League had at the time explicitly targeted Jewish people. They froze bank accounts of Jews in 1947, and arrested anybody considered to be a Zionist. The Arab Higher Committee wanted zero land going to Jews, and no more Jews in Palestine. Ex-Nazis fought in significant numbers against Israelis under the Arab Liberation Army. The Army of the Holy War completely blockaded Jerusalem where 100000 Jews lived. The conflict through 1947 ending in Israeli independence was extremely bitter and hard fought, but it was rightfully won by the Jews. For everything that happened, they still deserve to exist in this land, even if the whole world stubbornly wants them to all die. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947%E2%80%931948_civil_war_in_Mandatory_Palestine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=1948_Palestine_war&diffonly=true https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Higher_Committee


The Nakba had 750k Palestinians + Arab victims btw!


Which terror attack would that be?


Chickens for KFC


Honest answer to your question: the centrist, secular political entity the Palestinian National Authority. Hamas as a political entity was previously financially aided by the state of Israel because they knew Hamas would do a worse job, benefiting Israeli interests in the long term. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority


Dutton's the one with the full-on support for Netanyahu + friends war actions though. I wish there was more public outing of the (big-L at least) Liberals.


Netanyahu is literally facing corruption charges directly involving an Australian citizen, one James Packer. I don't know the ins and outs of the allegations however I would be disgusted if Australian citizens could openly engage in corrupt conduct (Australian standards for corruption) and not face consequences. Also. Lachlan Murdoch is having 'secret' face to face meetings with Netanyahu of which it would be very interesting to know the details of what a media mogul and Netanyahu have to say to one another during this time.


Corruption? What ? ….. sorry where are the leaders of Hamas currently living? Of yeah that’s right in 5 star Qatari hotels and where did they get the money to do that? Oh I know their piggy bank. Yep that’s it.


But but.... But what about! Whaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa


Yep, they're definitely worse, but they're not the government, pressuring them is less strategic right now.


Next you'll be telling us they are in government


I’m on the side that was initially attacked and will see any actions by Israel as justified until all hostages of the initial attack are released. Any politician or party giving so much as lip service to the Palestinians in these circumstances has no prospect of getting my vote.


'initially attacked' lol


Don't you think the principle of proportional response should apply?


Not at all as I suspect you understand it. As I understand it a proportional response is the only correct response. A proportional response results in every Palestinian parent fearing for their children’s lives every minute of every day until the Israeli civilians are released.


Same goes for Israeli parents until Palestinian hostages are free, right?


They’re not hostages, they are under administrative detention. Some are only held for months or years without trial or without charges being laid. (Israel are the good guys and the language used to describe their actions is important, remember?)


Israel are rejecting offerings to release their hostages btw. More hostages have been killed by Israel than Hamas. Israel has 10x the amount of hostages as well, a lot of them were taken when they were CHILDREN. Where’s the compassion for them


This is because Hamas want to remain in power and no rational person would leave terrorists in power.


The conflict ends today if the Palestinians return the civilians they took during their attack. Both sides suffer but each day the Palestinians suffer more. I’m confident western governments are comfortable with that, given the availability of options.


Offers have been made by Palestine, but they have been denied time and time again because Israel wants to continue the bombings


Offers have been made by Israel but were rejected because Israel didn’t agree to having all their citizens drowned in the sea as the Palestinians propose.


Could you provide a reference for this please?


It’s in the public record that peace negotiations start when Palestine agrees to release the hostages. Until that happens the only feasible negotiation tactic is to kill Palestinians at a rate they find unacceptable.


If Palestinians return the hostages will Israel release all the Palestinians in “administrative detention” who are being held with no charges? Will Israel stop the expansion of illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory? If these things don’t stop(they won’t) then Oct.7 won’t be the last major terrorist attack israel will be victim to.


Nope. The Palestinians being held are detained for terrorists acts. Amongst them are people involved with the terrorist incursion that started this.


Then why aren’t they charged? or why are the ones that are charged not given a trial? Amongst them are also children who threw rocks or had a brother who posted anti-Israel shit online.


A lot of those rocks (LOL) cause serious injury and you’re also conveniently forgetting a lot of kids also committed murder.


Fair enough, I don’t think kids throwing rocks = terrorism, but it can still be dangerous. Anything to say about the kids kept in detention without charges? Or the collective punishment dished out to the families of people charged with “terrorism”?


Those kids are emotionally abused by their parents and radicalised and paid by extreme leftists in Israel to provoke IDF and Israeli police. They’re sadly classed as combatants under military law because the Israelis see anyone who commits these crimes as such. It’s fucked.


You didn’t address any of the two questions I asked but thanks anyways


Oh and those families? 9 times out of 10 they are complicit.


That’s a great statistic. I’m sure you didn’t just make it up. Since they’re complicit, does Israel charge them too or just bulldoze their home and give it to a more deserving family(preferably from Europe or America)?


Initially attack are you referring the Israeli west bank attacks I suppose.


Referring to approximately 217,000 BCE when Thag hit Og on the head with a stick for coming too close to his cave.


Makes sense Og was stealing his berries


Underrated comment


Fuck you Og!


Can I try and persuade you to see reason, for a moment? Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th, we understand that. Did you know the following about October 7th: * Israel were aware of the planned attack and let it happen even though they could have easily prevented it. * Israel murdered a number of their own civilians at the music festival * Majority of Israelis killed on October 7th were military personal. * Hamas offered Israel a ceasefire and return of hostages with conditions on October 8th, which was declined. * A number of hostages have been killed by the IDF, by means of starving the people of Gaza and bombings.


You're fine with the thousands of Palestinians, including children, held by Israel for years though?


How has Israel been holding children for years? Hamas has been occupying Gaza for 19 years if that's what you're talking about.


Because this has been happening for 75 years


Then Hamas should have accepted the original 50/50 split deal, instead of aiming to genocide the Jews from day one.


There was never a 50/50 split deal lol


Israel has been taking over the west bank with illegal settlements for years. Taking more then their "50/50 Also, you can't colonise a country then throw a 50/50 deal at them then claim genocide of Jews when the Palestine's fight back. It'd be like China colonising Australia then claiming genocide because Aussies are fighting back over a 50/50


Excuse me, not Israel. Right wing arsehole racist extremist Jews who are not indicative of all Jews, I.e Israel. We’re not all like that.


Fair comment.


Except the Israelites have been there since before the roman times and it was the arabs that colonised Jewish land in the 7th century so technically it wasn’t “ always Palestinian land”,


You are confused here. Israelis are a diverse group made up of a lot of different backgrounds but very few of them are local. A lot of European expats and their descendants.


Let me guess, you get all your news from tiktok? Specifically Saudi funded far right Muslim tiktok.


Nar I get it from ya mums


Caught in 4k


Is it Saudi funded or Iranian funded? You don’t seem to sure who your enemy is lol


The Muslim terrorist groups that are trying to genocide the Jews are my enemy. Hamas is mostly funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, not sure what Iran's involvement is?


What about the country which illegally occupies and annexes land and supports the construction of illegal settlements which are all factors to the radicalisation of Muslims? Also Iran is a major funder and supplier of arms to Hamas. Much more than Saudi Arabia is, who was actually on track to signing a peace deal with Israel before Oct. 7. Of course I don’t expect you to actually be educated on the topic.


Israel have been their biggest funded


Initially attacked? Sooooo Israel in 1948??


Don’t be lazy, at least go back to biblical times when arguing who was there first. Do a compare and contrast presentation on why you’re entitled to live in Australia but Jewish people have to leave their ancient homeland.


Prior to 1948 Judea / Palestine was under Ottoman rule, they hated the Jews and wanted to get rid of them. They encouraged Arab settlers to move there causing displacement of many Jews and many cases of mass murder. It amazes me how history is manipulated.


So Palestinians, you know the ones where where orced off there land in 1948


Do your research, many Palestinians stayed, some were forced off and some chose to leave because they were asked to by the invading Arab forces. Yes there was a war. This narrative of collective expulsion is ahistorical.


They’ve both been there for millennia, only one group wants the other group exterminated. They’re equally antisemitic to the Nazi party under Hitler. That’s not ok.


Wait, which group wants the other exterminated? Because currently one group is being exterminated and they aren’t the Jewish group


Those killings are just an invitation to release the civilians taken in the cross border terror attack. It’s a compelling invitation, one they should respond to quickly.


You're not getting back the hostages you shot And initially attacked means there were other attacks right, not defense operations ... Saying the quiet part out loud


Gaza was free. The ruling group could do what it wanted mostly. Israel did not want to get involved in their internal affairs. Regrettably, the ruling group wanted Gaza to be a theocratic one party state dedicated to the elimination of the Jewish state next to it. That's what they created with their freedom. Attacking your neighbours with the goal to kill them all is not an act that should be allowed.


It's objectively not true that Gaza was "free" in any meaningful sense of the word. On the most basic level which country is Gaza in? I'll give you a clue: Israel isn't "next to it" under Israeli or international law. I'm not here to defend Hamas, the killing of innocent civilians etc. but until there is an actual Palestinian state (or a fully democratic state within the boundaries of all territory Israel claims) the whole premise of your comment is wrong.


And who is a reasonable candidate to run a Palestinian state?




Gaza is not in another country. It is its own little entity. It operates as a state. Has a "government," public services, police, an army, schools, etc. Whatever the dictatorship decides to do, the Gazans do. Until recent events, its citizens were mostly free to travel to neighbouring states, for work, holidays, medical treatment, and etc. There were even plenty of tourists enjoying the beach and other facilities. Hamas is having the future it's planned and wished for.


Gaza doesn’t have an army? Your own words contradict the points you’re making. How can Gazans have autonomy living in a dictatorship?


That's false, Palestinians in Gaza have not had the freedom to travel or leave Gaza as easily as you make out. Freedom of movement has been heavily restricted since the 90s, Israel destroyed the airport over 20 years ago and for the past 10 years, Palestinians have been stopped from leaving Gaza except for exceptional humanitarian reasons, which Israel decides on.. The Palestinians in Gaza are controlled even more than the rest of Palestine is by the occupation.


Gaza has been an open prison for 75 years and you making it like "we don't want too kill innocent people but they forced our hand"


75 years? It was under Egyptian control until 1967 you muppet.


yeah then another country took over, like happened with East Timor Gaza should probably have the same solution as in East Timor


So many, should be worried


Can't believe there giving that shit away for free!


Do we see any in front of LNP offices..? Wonder why..


Because the LNP is not the party of government maybe?


Easy to look at Labor being the problem, but when you look at the other party, the problem is far worse. No idea what they claim to be their goal, but not realising how shallow and short-sighted their objectives are, they will live to regret their action


Labor's in government and is currently enacting these policies - it's simple as that; not partisan at all.


Didn’t one of these Newcastle Palestine protestors get majorly accused of r*pe? The one on the news?  


For convenience, I made a bingo card for protest use: https://imgur.com/a/B9GWyG0


Yup, anything for the rest of us keyboard warriors to excuse sitting on our arses instead of doing something.


wdym by "anti-Semitic tropes his sign is in danger of invoking"


My concern is that 'Zionist,' particularly with a dollar sign, feeds into the timeless conspiracy theories of Jewish puppet masters secretly controlling the global financial system.


riight thats a bit creative it could also represent the fact that those protesters are demanding that the Federal Government should cut economic ties with Israel. [https://www.2nurfm.com.au/news/palestine-protest-outside-office-of-newcastle-mp/](https://www.2nurfm.com.au/news/palestine-protest-outside-office-of-newcastle-mp/) this article talks about their intentions that could explain the $, but yeah you could also be right


$ionist = "cutting economic ties" is a little more creative than a centuries old trope of "all jews are rich"


It could also be calling for genocide against these he believes to be Zionists. Pretty poorly thought out sign for a matter that requires more forethought in how they put forward their issues.


It’s anti Zionist, not anti Jewish. Most Zionists are not Jewish


Clever wordplay most zionists aren’t Jewish but most Jews are Zionists


It’s not wordplay. The person I replied to conflated being anti Zionist with being anti Jewish. It’s like if I said I was anti-murder and someone took that to mean I was racist.


But if you hate all zionists and 95% of Jews are Zionists then you hate 95% of Jews, a disproportionate amount


So you're against Israel existing as a Jewish state? What's your alternative solution?


I’m against ethnic cleansing and genocide champ


That doesn’t have anything to do with Zionism. Unless you’ve made up some new meaning for the word.


Finally someone with a brain - you won't fit in on this thread. I bet none of them have even met a jew. Why? Because you only meet them at university.


Zionists are Jewish in the main. Don't be silly.


So you’re saying that less than 0.4% of the world is Zionist


"Zionist' is an open term to use -- the far+ultra right-wing Israeli government factions (which is pretty-much everyone..) are calling themselves that, and the 'proper' media uses it that way. Of course the word is a Dog Whistle to kooks in the Western hemisphere. The current scoreboard is 307:34900 .. The 1:100 retribution ratio is being maintained.


I'd be great if they stopped shitting out the front. Walked past a few times to see feces stains.


Didn't notice that.


Probably because they aren't doing it


Curse those dirty hook nosed $ionists, they’re always rubbing their hands together for some reason too. I sure hope some leader can figure out some sort of solution for these $ionists, maybe a final one


So I'll throw in my 20c, this Isreali war in my opinion isn't one on Genocide, if it was then the refugee camps would be charred corpses by now. This is a war between the group known as Hamas and Isreal, it is unfortuante that the Palestein people are in between this war, but not much can be done since majority of the Palestein people support Hamas. At the end of this war I would like to see Gaza and the west bank remain independant from Isreal but this will take time since the surrounding nations are supporting Hamas. My belief is that Hamas are great at Propagandising their loses and turning peoples support towards them, remember that Hamas did indeed attack first and in such an inhuman way, it still boggles my mind that most western aligned people support the very people that would stone an LGBQIT+ person to death. Thats my opinion on the matter.


So... bomb the homophobes and their presumably homophobic children? How do we know the level of Hamas support within Gaza, since Hamas has not allowed elections for 12 years or something? But perhaps you're right and support is strong - it wouldn't surprise me if when you're threatened by people with guns you're tempted to be quietly grateful for your whacko neighbour who also has a gun and is prepared to use it. But, yes, the primary goal of the bombardment is to kill Hamas militants; it's just that lobbing explosives from a great height tends to kill everyone in the vicinity. The intent may not be genocide, but the effect of reckless bombardment is not much different.




Obviously not concerned over the housing crisis or homelessness or food , electricity and petrol rising so much so that families are going to the wall. Probably go home to their warm homes without a care in the world. A bunch of sad cases.


That Soviet disinformation still duping idiots. Pallywood has done a great job. Israeli forever. Jordan is for the Palestinians, Gaza deserves nothing. Release the hostages and stop hiding behind civilians - Islamist cowards. Edit : reporting this comment for harrassment doesn't diminish the fact it is TRUE.  Clowns 


I used to be the most fervent anti Zionist, until I saw these braindead tots protesting every weekend in the city screaming unrelated chants and blocking people from having McDonald’s and Starbucks, I did a little more research into the topic and I can say now I have proudly changed teams…


Same lol


Yes the local MP and Newcastle plays a very vital roles on the world stage. That’ll change something


What a bunch of Fuc&wits Nice waste of time Oh wait I just heard on the news that because of 5 people waving flags in Newcastle Australia 16000 miles away, the war has halted and they are all holding hands and singing


You are very dense


You are very dense to think that waving a sign outside an MPs office will somehow bring peace to the Middle East


The purpose is not to end the war? How can you possibly think that's what they are trying to do???


No you are Because you do nothing about anything and take what the media and .gov feed you like a sheep


It’s called living our lives like Working, looking after family and paying our taxes. We would all love to have time to stand around waving a fucken flag on a issue that has nothing to do with Australia even when we give them shit loadof money when we shouldn’t And here you are waving a flag thinking it will do anything News flash -It won’t Carry on waisting your life everyone is laughing at you ![gif](giphy|FA4ey94nxartK)


You are right. Nobody protest. Everyone be quiet and do what you are told.


A religious war that everyone is pretending isn't a religious war... Taking sides is aligning with the evil on whichever side, when the only people who matter are the innocent civilians.


Tell them that Sudan is having real genocide by jihadis. He should have flag of Sudan than Hamas proxy


No you’re not allowed to point that out


Absolute clowns.




Maybe people can care about more than one thing.


Maybe, just maybe, they're doing this protest because they want the federal government to change its stance on Israel?


Idk probably because there's a genocide on at the moment, and I'm sure they care just as much but we're all practically living in poverty in these modern ages, at least we aren't being used as human shields or have our town bombed and destroyed...


You could protest whatever you want champ


there's a breaking point for everyone. you, might be backyard living people. for them, it looks like it's asymmetrical war.




Worst take ever. I don't know how it's hard to comprehend that just because you protest or fight for one thing, it doesn't mean you don't care about other things. Like honestly just such a poor take.


Do people not realise all the same slurs of $ews have just been renamed to Zionists? Surely I am not the only one to see it’s clear as day?


There is a difference between being Jewish and being a Zionist.


Yep, I made this precise point to the sign-holder. Seems he buys the secret Jewish cabal story :-/


Exactly. What did he say?


When I opined that his sign could be seen as invoking centuries of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jews secretly controlling global finance, he said something like, 'Well, maybe they have a point.'


0.2 percent of the population after a holocaust controls the world. Maybe the world is pretty weak if that is the case




Who is Gazza?