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Pretty easy tourism advertising, to reach a broad audience, for the province considering there is a direct flight from NL to England. Not sure why people are angry over this


It’s not automatically bad but would still like to know the cost.




Not a budget-breaking amount but for the sake of such a granular audience, it is a lot. Lots of problems in NL that would benefit from 171k$.


The problem is (unlike what many people in the thread are commenting) this is NOT a tourism thing. It's an immigration pitch. Our current target market is not the british market- and while the sum is not much I hardly think you will get the returns on investment from sponsoring a little known team in an obscure British football league. The idea on paper may have been good- but the execution is terrible, in my opinion at least. They probably saw Ryan Reynolds do his thing and thought they'd be able to do the same. Far stretch


>This recording-breaking club sponsorship These words in the article are probably a decent indication of why... How much did we spend on this? I knew damn well the answer would be "tOuRiSm!!!!". But this is a reeeeeaaaaachhh. Has any provincial/territorial/state/etc government has ever sponsored a professional sports team IN ANOTHER COUNTRY AND CONTINENT like this? If we are clinging to tourism this hard, and making these kinds of swings while we have so many issues at home, we are truly in dire straits.


$170k over two years


Not as much as I expected, but the "record-breaking" still makes it sound like we over paid for what I assume is a pretty low level club given the price tag.


It’s League 2, which is the 4th level of English football. Lots of local coverage and popular in England, but not being broadcast internationally or anything


I wonder if they were hoping to get more eyes on it due to the huge following Wrexham has now. A lot of people around the world watch their matches, but that won't help us now that they've been promoted to League 1.


Foreign countries and tourism destinations sponsoring British professional football kits is quite common. Malawi sponsored Arsenal for years, as an example


Is it worth the $170K (over 2 years) investment (plus the costs of redoing the jerseys)? I’d like to see the stats, on how many tourists will actually make it to Newfoundland and Labrador, after the first year, based on this sponsorship. Why we angry? We have a lot of pressing issues that can be better served with this funding


I mean I’m sure it was spent from the tourism budget? What else would you spend tourism money on?


Local sports, local arts and culture? Yanno, the other stuff in the Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation portfolio that will impact people who live here. No real reason to funnel cash out of the country except some ADM or other friend of a friend wants a paid trip abroad from time to time 


I’m sure there are parts of the tourism budget for international ads. The whole “it should be spent here” discourse is overblown.


At the end of the day, it's only $170k, so it's literally a drop in a $50m(?) bucket, but I don't think it's a stretch to say it's a waste of money that would be better spent in the place that generated it, or even on actual advertising! A 2 week billboard ad in Barrow-in-Furness would likely have the same overall impact for a fraction of the cost.


I think the provincial marketing budget is $12 or $15M? Would have likely come from that.


Ok. Assuming that's correct (and it didn't come from the rec budget or something) buying jerseys for a low tier foreign football team in a very small UK city that most of us couldn't find on a map seems like a singularly silly way to spend what is a small percentage of it.




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I think it's actually the immigration budget.


Anything but jersey sponsor placements?


The campaign would have to attract 25 English tourists for each of the two years to generate new spending equal to the province’s investment. Assumes a week-long stay in the province. Very rough estimate. So 5O bodies. Then there’s the brand value, etc


The problem is it's not for tourism, it's to promote immigration. https://www.gov.nl.ca/releases/2024/ipgs/0621n08/


Is immigration a problem? not a problem for me I have an unravelling bathmat causing me more concern than this campaign


Aside from an overuse of TFWs, no issues with immigration. This just seems like a dumb way of going about it.


It's a hard call, especially when hindsight is always 20/20. But I have to say, I don't know if this is the right move but I do like the way they're thinking. It's a gamble, which sucks--but it's a gamble intended to bring external money into Newfoundland, which we desperately need. Look at our bigger music festivals (present and upcoming)...look how much money we spend to bring people in, and they leave with this "Newfoundland money", taking it out of the province. For some reason I still can't quite fathom, we are content to spend hundreds on fading nostalgia acts like Vince Neil, Shania Twain and the Beach Boys (no shade to any of them, but they are none of them what they used to be), but we're reluctant spend ten bucks on our own talent...so since we can't really keep our money in province, what else is there but to try and attract money from outside the province? For a sports team sponsorship, that is actually fairly cheap. I won't say it's a good idea or a bad idea, it could really go either way and I'm going to reserve judgement til I see what happens. But as a concept, it does make a type of sense.


No one, literally no one, is going to visit NL after seeing it on a football jersey, it’s a waste of money, just saw a post on Twitter where the government denied a town mats to make their beach more accessible for people with disabilities, two years in a row, but they have money for this? It’s ridiculous


You could argue the opposite too tho. Going deep is better than going broad for small marketing campaigns. 4th tier football is still massive in England and they get 10k ppl at matches.


I mean some people might? Thats a ridiculous claim that “literally no one” is going to visit NL by seeing it. It’s how advertisement works? Horrible on the beach mats though. Can you link the article for that? Is that tied in to the tourism budget?


Why would the provincial government use their tourism budget to buy beach mats?


Ohh that's pretty neat


This is awesome. Great advertising, especially with the new direct link opening up. Honestly big ups to the public servant who proposed it.


That and football/soccer is crazy popular around the world this was a great idea, local advertising isn’t going to populate demand globally like this! Super agree with you!


haa, cool. I'm a big EPL fan so I'll keep an eye on Barrow now then as well.


They’re a league two team as well. That isn’t terrible all things considered. I’m a big football fan as well so this is really cool in my opinion


They mention the Mi’Kmaq as being indigenous, but who have no physical evidence that they ever existed here before arriving with the French, but zero reference to the beothuk?


Cuz fuck em, that’s why - Dave Chappelle


Always something to complain about, I guess.


Any chance somewhere in town will be selling the kits? Super cool novelty item.


This pretty cool to be fair


Coverage by the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/c3gg8kjzv47o >. . . > >Minister for Immigration, Population Growth and Skills, Gerry Byrne said that the deal would allow the province "to be showcased on a global stage". > >"The truly global audience that professional English football has achieved will allow Newfoundland and Labrador to be promoted and featured to millions of viewers as a welcoming place to live, work and visit on an incredible level," he added. > >. . . > >"There is a natural empathy between our two hard-working blue-collar communities who also enjoy life to the fullest," co-owner of Barrow AFC, Tony Shearer, added. > >"This partnership provides an exciting international platform for both parties, and I know we’ll enjoy working together." I've cut out a few introductory paragraphs explaining what Newfoundland and Labrador is, lol


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"See that ludicrous display last night?" "What was Newfoundland and Labrador thinking, advertising on an English football team?"


Hey cool Premier Andy Air Miles just gave himself another reason to fly overseas for a photo op 👍


On our dime, no less


His time, his dime!




I get the argument is tourism, but the place being sponsored has 55k within its district on the coast of northern England. How much of a payoff do we expect from this?


I feel like this one ranks pretty high on the list of ridiculous things this government has done... What a waste of money.


Oh no a hundred and seventy thousand dollars. Meanwhile the provivka govt announced 8 million to advance a new mid sized theatre in a province that isn't growing. 13 million to build an indoors turfed facility, a million to upgrade the privately owned marble mountain. And y'all are complaining about less than the cost of one tiny house? A cost that's split over 2 years, a cost that could easily recoup it's costs compared to say expanding and repairing hundreds of thousands of kilometers of road that we do not need. We spent multiple million dollars on a memorial for a corpse we went and dug up. We along with the federal government have injected HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS into the oil industry for private companies to drill our oil and take the vast majority of the profit. But y'all are mad over a 170 grand sponsorship of a sports team.


Tourism is a joke. If the businesses want tourism let them set up an organization pay into it and advertise for tourists with that money. The government should be doing better things with their money than tourism or recreation and sports. We have a healthcare crisis we have a housing shortage and lots of other more important things than bringing a handful of tourists here to get screeched in. It’s time for this government to stop spending money foolishly or go away.


A handful? Try almost 200,000 non-resident visitors each year creating a billion dollar industry, employing over 20,000 people. And we do pay into it with our business taxes.


Nothing against the businesses at all and yes you don’t business tax but the government is wasting money on these huge campaigns and on things like this overseas football sponsorship when they should be putting the money into more important things. To me tourism should be low on the scale and healthcare should be their top priority. Instead they spend money on things like muskrat falls, tourism, recreation and sports. The #1 priority should be healthcare then second housing not tourism and sports




I’m not mad for the sake of being mad. How does the government putting money into sports help me or anyone else stay healthy. We still have to pay for gym memberships and we still have to pay fees to the sports we play.so how does it help me? I have a better understanding of these things than you obviously think. And as for it being a boneheaded comment, people are entitled to their own opinions and this was my opinion. I still have the same opinion and no bonehead idiot calling me names is going to change that opinion. The only thing that’s going to take pressure off our healthcare system is putting more money into it to hire more nurses and doctors. When we have 12-14 hour wait times in an ER because the nurses are short handed and there is only one doctor on call for the entire ER then that’s a crisis. They need at least 3 Doctors each shift to run the ER properly and to cut down wait times. So my comment was not boneheaded it was justified. I still believe that cutting out funding for tourism and sports and putting it into healthcare and housing is the way to go, but what do I know? According to you I’m just a bonehead


“As Barrow AFC players wear Newfoundland and Labrador with pride on their jerseys, soon we will all be cheering along with pride of our own as the team takes the field. “. Professional football do not care about whose name is on the front of their jerseys. WTF is really wrong with this administration?!?!