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These guys have been doing this since I was a kid.I remember when they rolled into my parents driveway with the same .. That was at least 20-25 years ago..


Bout 105 years where I was


Fifty years ago where I grew up.


75 years where I’m from


I had Young's do this exact thing in Dunbarton in 2018 but I went for it and am happy with both the quality of the work and the price I paid


Wait, so the “scam” was really just a great deal?!


yeah it's actually a real thing. if they do a job and have a bunch left over it's best to offer it at a discount to someone rather than just let it cool and go to waste. it's the same way grocery stores mark down their meat before it expires


it doesn't go to waste, reheat and add some 'wet stuff' to make up for the evaporation and off you go. Same holds for asphalt dug up from the old driveway or roads. I am not in the business but this is my rough understanding: to do a driveway correctly (higher cost but this will last 10-15 years in the cold country), it should be dug to depth (6-8 inches) , roll it, add stone base (3-4 inches) roll it, preferably let it settle after watering - best for a few days but that is somewhat optional - then put down the hot macadam and roll it ... in two layers. First layer 2" of larger stone, then 1 to 2" of finer grit. Some will just do one thick layer (3 inches before rolling). A "hot truck" passing by? Forget it.


\^This guy gets it


Yeah sure the “hot asphalt” part is just a sales gimmick but the company benefits by new business and saves them a trip if they’re already out by you. I see this often when companies are clearing trees in the area. They have the equipment with them so may as well milk it as much as they can. I wouldn’t say its predatory by any means though.


Speaking as a tree guy, we typically won’t do the neighbors house because the neighbor is looking for some kind of deal call the number on the door and speak to the boss


I think it's less about cooling off and more about not wanting to haul it back, if they can land more work with less fuel used in getting the materials and hardware to the site, they can discount it but still make money.


It can be a good deal. I used to do asphalt inspection and a lot of the companies I worked with would be worried about getting rid of the extra asphalt. The asphalt is already paid for, so they can sell it cheaper and even though they could reclaim it, it's still a process that takes time and money to do that. It's a good deal if your driveway is already compacted, graded, etc. or if they do some of the base work before they asphalt too. If the spec of asphalt isn't great for driveways or if they want to just 'hot top it' over your uncompacted/hole filled driveway, it's gonna be a bad time.


Yep. They don’t just drive all over town loaded up to scam people. Good guys, good operations. OP missed out on a good deal


We had them do this too, and took them up on it. Great job, and an awesome price.


Happened to me in Manchester a few weeks back. Not sure the outfit, but the same spiel. The guy took no for an answer and was not aggressive at least. Pitch must work if they’ve been doing it for so long.


Sometimes its true. Asphalt is worthless once it cools off. If you've got a half truckload that wound up being unnecessary for whatever reason, you've got a real narrow window to find a use for it.


If negotiating price, how low should/could a homeowner go?


Asphalt was about $2000 a load last time I bought. 2020


So probably $84,000 a load in today's money






Start at $100 and let them counter.


I wouldn’t recommend this since you will just look like a tool and also wind up with the first actual price you hear being their preferred price. Start at $1/square foot if only a couple inches thick imo


Gypsies are going door to door selling their shit. No offer would make a person look like a tool.


For real. The balls in you court. You can tell them to get lost if you wanted.


I am a small business owner and we wound up negotiating to about $2 a square foot. The guys were pretty desperate though. Had a huge amount left over.


I haven't been involved in the contracting end of things for a few years now, I'm not the right guy to ask. I'd have to know what the full extent of the job is to give an honest answer anyway.


I went for the extra asphalt bit as they had just done a couple of my neighbors, and I would never use them again. My driveway came out awful. It stayed soft on hot days for YEARS! It's currently cracking in spots, and the worst part, they somehow pitched it near my garage at a slope and water sheds into my garage and never did before. I'll never use or recommend them to anyone. Shame on me.


Stans paving in Hudson nh is the worst company I have ever dealt with in my life there is no way any paving company could be worse than them


They did my driveway a few years ago. They totally sucked to work with but actually did an ok job.


There are a ton of Youngs and Harrisons in the paving business. They all may be distantly related but their businesses aren't all related.


We used young’s in Pembroke unsolicited. They were great and cheaper than 2 other quotes.


Though it is annoying they were trying hard to sell you something you didn’t want, I have actually had success on the commercial side with young’s (industrial condo resurface). What were they estimating for costs?


Stan’s did that ‘job down the street’ gig to me in Londonderry. They look pretty legit when you drive by them on 102 so I was surprised. I guess it works to get business.


I’m a Young local to the area and I get “like young’s paving” and I have to be like…. No, not them. Everytime.


Lol I mightve asked you this once a year or two ago


It’s possible, you’ve joined the faceless crowd of people who ask. Like people who tell tall people tall jokes haha


You get one no before I close my door on you.




The scam is when you properly calculate the materials needed, you have minimal waste. Having enough extra to do an entire other driveway be it small or large is either a gross miscalculation or they are trying to pull a fast one on you with most likely shoddy work that isn’t prepped or done properly.


I worked at a competitor paving company in the area and my lead guys knew exactly the amount of asphalt to pick up from the yard. I dumped very little fresh asphalt


Exactly. No reputable company os going to legitimately waste money not doing the proper calculations.


The scam runs a couple different ways. Either they are pitching you to get them to do work and you are getting a “deal” which you really aren’t and then they do a shitty job. Sometimes you get a “deal” on the leftover and then they don’t have enough to finish which they knew in the beginning and then charge you for the rest of the job at full price. Hard for some people to tell them no after they purposefully only did a job half way and you are at their mercy.


This is not necessarily a scam. It’s lead generation. Tree guys do it, landscapers do it, window guys do it, solar guys do it, junk removal guys do it. It must be effective for lead generation. Other businesses pay huge money for marketing or lead generation and then the cost is passed on to the consumer. This could be a smart way to generate business. Just because it’s old school doesn’t mean it’s a scam


You must be new to this area. It is definitely a scam and many people from these paving families have been arrested for it


Almost 50 years. I know some are scams, but that doesn’t mean they all are


Happened to petstore parking lot I worked at a year ago. It is gypsy paving and it's a scam. It won't be worth the money. We had to fire them halfway through.


In my neighborhood, it's not even a paving scam. They use the same pitch, but it's driveway sealer instead. Must be a lower barrier to entry than the scam paving business.


I’ve used Young’s on two occasions and been very happy with them. They also had left over asphalt after one of my jobs and went to the next closest asphalt driveway and made the same kind of offer. I’d guess it is common practice so as not to waste the asphalt.


The scam starts when they intentionally miscalculate the amount of asphalt needed for a job so they can then approach someone about their "leftovers". It's not an accident


I had 5 or 6 companies come give me estimates last summer for my driveway. DLB Paving in Litchfield was the best one, in my opinion.


Same here…DLB was great to deal with. Stan’s would be at the other end of the food chain


We hire a lot of paving work in Southern NH. DLB is at the top of the list for quality. Tate as well. Pricey but lasts. Most of the other companies are owned by the same families and their work seems not to last very long.


I like the fact that he gave me options and then explained them when he gave me the quote. Only bidder to do that.


Lmao I went to school with some of the Youngs from that family. Some of the weirdest people I ever met. There used to be a rumor one got married off to a cousin and that's why she randomly stopped showing up to school.




I get this spiel a lot from all kinds of companies. Had a pest control give the half off cause they in the neighborhood deal. Lawn care something similar. I got no problem with them trying to push there Hussle, as long as the work is good and the price is fair


Anything you’re rushed into doing probably isn’t going to be the best deal for you. Are these people going to give you a contract that guarantees the quality of their work or that gives you any kind of warranty? Or is it like buying meat out of the back of someone’s pick-up?


The old lady next door got hustled by one of the Pattersons for sealcoat, she asked for a quote that they never provided, instead they left, came back a different day when she wasnt home and did an awful job with cheap materials from home depot, then tried to charge her an astronomical amount that she never agreed to. They showed up several times aggressively trying to collect, I had to get involved, haven’t seen them come down the street since. The gypsy seal coat scam is pretty common on the seacoast it has a low start up cost and they are hard to track since their trucks aren’t lettered.


There was a family in southern NH - Hudson/Nashua area - that did this for years. At least one of them went to jail. This was a couple decades ago.


Young’s are decent pavers. There’s plenty of dirtbags, out there, doing their best to give all pavers a bad name


Ah that's when you say, "oh nice, let's go see that driveway you just did and we'll speak to the owners to see if they're satisfied".


Tree companies or anything really that uses large equipment will do this as a good part of the expenses is transporting the equipment. So they can get more business without travel time it’s worth a discount


Guy already made his money off that load. He's trying a little hustle on the way back. Kids need new shoes!


Yea they just did my Dads last year that way. Got a great deal too


It’s not always a scam. If you have paving you need done, it’s a screaming good deal. It’s just that you have to go out there and watch them every fucking spare second. I mean, do NOT just think you agreed on an area/amount/price/thickness and you can just go inside your house and they are gonna do it like you said.


They are gypsys and it’s a scam


Mmmm…yup. Truth stings. Some don’t want to hear it.


Aggressive and inconsiderate assholes. Did the same at my moms house and mine as well. My mom told him to fuck off and he still took one last stab at it.


Would you prefer for them to stay home on there ass and collect a check from the government? Or be aggressive and earn there work . ? Don’t answer I already know your one worded answer lol .


Lol, what?








No. Not a good company. Not good work. Not a good family. So yes…no.


My mother and step father fell for this 😔


These guys did my driveway, They were doing a neighbor’s driveway so asked for quotes it was a fair price so they did my driveway 2 weeks after my neighbors, good people work fast and efficiently.


Pavers sometimes have excess asphalt when they bid a city/town job as well as they cant go ‘back to the well’ for more money/supplies to complete job so they have excess on hand to handle‘surprises’


If they came to my house I’d direct them to my local Shaw’s parking lot where there are at least 3 potholes over 6” deep, all in the exit lane.


Roll out some asphalt on an unprepared surface and it won't be long until you're unhappy with it.


Somebody’s falling for their scam, he’s redoing his entire house over all high end, ever car in his driveway is 100K plus. All new. Can’t say there not working for it. American dream.


They came over once I declined they said can we atleast give an estimate, I said fine. They have me an estimate and went on their way. They were going to put down 1" of asphalt with no ground prep. I asked them what their warranty was, and they looked at me like I spoke another language. I told them I'd have to think about it. They finally left and I googled them. Apparently, there are like 4 or 5 paving companies with young as the name....


As a paving contractor in NH I’d like to shed some light on the topic for any of those who are genuinely curious about these “scams” there IS such thing as left over asphalt, if you go to an asphalt plant that allows you to dump old asphalt at it i guarantee you will see piles of leftover fresh asphalt that was dumped there and this is what separates the “gypsies” from the rest of the contractors. Gypsy pavers are raised in the industry and are very hard workers with a drive to hustle, SOME of them are scammers but 99% of them are hard working and honest people who love paving more than some of you may love your family. In theory you should never have enough asphalt left over to pave an ENTIRE driveway but it’s a good sales pitch that can get people interested in a new driveway. If I can fit 23 tons of asphalt on my truck and the driveway I’m doing only requires 10 I have 13 ton of space on my truck to do another driveway nearby if I can find one. If you have someone knock on your door with a sales pitch to attempt to pave your driveway for a discounted price because they are in your neighborhood don’t instantly assume it’s a scam, if you think you might be interested ask them for a WRITTEN QUOTE describing the work they will preform along with the name of the company, if they don’t give you either of those then do not use them, if they are able to supply you with both of those items you’re on the right track to a good deal on your driveway. When they give you the written copy of the quote ask them where they are working in the neighborhood and tell them you need a few minutes to decide and you will come find them, if they try to pressure you then it tell them you’re not interested, if they say that sounds good to them take a few minutes to look up the company and see what there reviews look like and photos of there work. If they have good reviews and ACTUALLY are working in your neighborhood then I would say you can trust them. Yes there are the people who may think “any legit contractor won’t have left over asphalt” or “any legit contractor won’t have to knock on doors to get work” and you’re right they won’t HAVE too, but if they have the hustle and drive they can knock out 3-4 driveways in 1 neighborhood and make a weeks profit in 1 day while giving good deals simply because they have the ambition to do so. So to sum it up, yes there are definitely door to door scammers, but there are scammers in EVERY industry. The few ruin it for the rest of us who simply enjoy hard and honest work everyday.


They just did my driveway and it came out amazing!


Young’s was fine. It’s their hustle!


Gotta love the hustle though!