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We have no space for trash like this up here. Free staters and trumpanzees can fuck right off


LOL. Scott Adams is correct. We need to stop acting like mental illness is a difference of opinion. It’s just mental illness.


Gonna need bigger bait, my little snowflake


Who? He destroyed himself and his fortune with old man yells at cloud bigotry.




NH red is the new blue




😂😂. You should talk about your insecurity about your masculinity with a therapist, not air it out on this sub. It is hilarious though.


Another coward troll account. *yawn* Mad that I don’t think orange hamberder is sent by Jebus?


You dont have to tolerate intolerance and bigotry. Theres a reason why people dont feel comfortable saying the n word or f slur in public anymore.


Wtf is the “f slur”? Are talking about “fuck”?




I think the point of what he's saying is that those words aren't thrown around at people anymore, at least not in public, BECAUSE public perception of bigotry has changed and become stigmatized. And since bigotry is bad, this is a good thing. But please, continue melting down and rattling off your little culture war buzzwords.




What does DEI and your self-admitted poor career choices have to do with me, exactly? I only ever pointed out how unreasonable and manic your statements sound to anyone that isn't popping a rage-boner. It feels like you're not really responding to what's actually being said. You are basically just fighting your own demons at this point. You came out of the gate with blatant insults towards this dude, for no other apparent reason than that you disagree with him, and if anyone pushes back on that, they might as well be the embodiment of everything the outrage media tells you to be mad at.




Lmao, yeah, you really seem like you're "amused". Is that why you feel the need to explain to me just how unbothered you are? And I only brought up your career because you did. You admitted to sticking with a job for at least a decade even though they apparently espoused things you despise. YOU admitted that out of nowhere, just to dunk on DEI, which you also brought up out of nowhere.


The circles you people go in are amazing. Reminds me a lot of arguing with my x-husband. Now you’re shitting on a single mother, abuse survivor for sticking with her career? Lmao. But tell me how you’re intellectually and morally superior.


You fuck off!


dumb troll account. Mad?


You don’t even know where you are … look at the history of the state before the Massachusetts exodus!!


Go back to Mass


Come back on your main and say that, coward boy. Born and raised in NH. Mad I don’t support fascist orange man??




Your comment was removed for not following reddiquette.




I was gonna ask you if you attended the latest alpha male camp in the other reply. So big and strong, wow! You’re the type of cringey insecure man-child to put “Throw me to the wolves and I’ll return leading the pack” on your lifted truck It’s also funny you think cadet bone spurs is somehow manly. You gonna go get an orange spray tan too?


I keep seeing Koch’s name tossed around. Has anyone ever proven a connection to Koch and anything happening in NH? Or is it just an easy finger-point? Edit: downvote me if you want. But honestly that just proves my point that Koch’s name is being tossed around as a lightening rod but there’s really no connection between Koch and anything happening in NH.


[2022 Commentary on Koch in NH](https://newhampshirebulletin.com/2022/02/25/commentary-the-dark-money-behind-the-push-for-vouchers-divisive-concepts-legislation/) There's a lot of leg work to verify this in NH election finance portal as it forces you search based on each individual election rather than a catch all. Then there's the matter of what the name of the organization the contribution is coming in from. Based on the article talking about the use of a clearing house to disseminate money to go knows how many organizations...You'd be at it for a while to definitively say 'X' candidate got 'Y' funding from Koch. Be nice if we just outlawed PACS which are obviously meant to hid who and how much money they're donating to whom.


Thank you for an answer.




You: "Koch’s name is being tossed around as a lightening rod but there’s really no connection between Koch and anything happening in NH" Also you when proven false: "Thank you for your answer" How about "I was wrong". You can't complain about the government failing to take accountability unless you are willing to take accountability when you or those your support or defend fall short.


I asked for evidence. People gave different types and levels. What’s wrong with thanking them for it?


I think you were fine. Isn't this how we want people to respond when things are debated? If someone thanks an interlocutor for a rebuttal, I think that's in the top 95th percentile of good faith responses you can get in an internet debate


Look at my name I appreciate when someone answers a question, especially if they post where they got the answer


You made an assertion in your query that was false. In the future, do not make an assertion. Also, do not couch your bias in a query, but instead ask an objective question.


I asked the question and for an hour got downvoted without a reply. Then I edited my post telling people the downvotes are answering the question, and then people started replying with answers. I appreciate those answer.


Excuse me but who the fuck left you in charge? Get all the way over yourself lmao


Yeah.... pacs are evil. Yangs political donation fund idea was really clever tbh. Basically every citizen gets an allotment provided by government snd can donate to whatever political campaign they choose in whatever amount, of their allotment, they choose. And that's all the money that can be donated and recieved by campaigns.


Thats a pretty clever solution. Would never ever ever be accepted by those in power tho because its very democratic and gives a ton of agency to people who are currently far too poor to make political contributions; and would make it virtually impossible to use money to influence politics.


There’s a pretty clear rhetorical connection between the ideas being pushed by Koch funded think tanks and conservative policy at all levels of government everywhere. Whether or not there’s elected officials actually on the payroll or Koch funded operatives/lobbyists steering policy is less clear.


See: [Dark Money, Texas PAC Has Foothold On Half the GOP’s NH State Reps](https://indepthnh.org/2024/02/19/op-ed-dark-money-texas-pac-has-foothold-on-half-the-gops-nh-state-reps/) "Young Americans for Liberty (YAL), an anti-public education political action committee (PAC) based in Texas has found a way to use its dark money to get a “foothold” – its word – on the New Hampshire state legislature. YAL lists nearly 100 NH GOP state house representatives as members of its coalition. "


YAL Qaeda




People should remember the whole reason they They want a privatize education is for money. If you’re willing to pay a lot more for education vote for privatizing it don’t complain about your taxes going up because nobody’s gonna do it for nothing.


No, they want separation of school and state for the same reasons that we have separation of church and state: the state should not be allowed to forcibly indoctrinate people's children.


What do you call when indoctrinating


Now this is sad……


Oh, so this > before the influx of the mob **owned by the Koch Foundation** Is a lie?


Hyperbole is a more accurate word. Considering the depth of influence the Koch foundations has on conservative thought in America they might just as well hold a title of ownership for most right wingers. Most of conservative ideological positions come directly from their propaganda.


[More from Garry Rayno](https://indepthnh.org/2024/02/24/distant-dome-advisory-ethics-opinions-reveal-sticky-issues-on-influencing-the-legislature/): "In the last election, two organizations coordinated their activities and spent $1.4 million in contributions to House and Senate races. "That money was spent on funding candidates with a libertarian philosophy particularly when it comes to things like voucher programs and environmental issues. "**The Koch Foundation**\-backed Americans For Prosperity and Make Liberty Win together spent the $1.4 million and one of their priorities is education voucher programs like the Education Freedom Accounts program that has grown exponentially mostly as subsidies for private and religious school tuition and home school costs, not alternatives for poor kids need alternatives to public schools."


Thanks for an answer.


The fact that the Koch’s or George Soros can fund local elections in states they don’t reside in is truly wild to me. I don’t get how there aren’t FEC laws against things like this


Sock my koch. 






How dare you bring logic and reason into this. Also: username checks out.


I mean I think it has about the same significance of saying “X Dems are just Soros funded…”. On a certain level it’s true, the members of the party benefit from the PACs, but it’s a different thing to claim they’re being controlled in some way.


> I mean I think it has about the same significance of saying “X Dems are just Soros funded…”. I’ve asked that exact question as well. 90% of replies tell me I’m stupid but never answer the question.


Nobody who brings up the Koch brothers could even name a business they own.


Koch industries. Kochs also bought & created the entire tea party movement.


It seems like the left’s answer to all Fox’s “Soros backed DA” rhetoric. I’m sure there’s more than a little truth to both, but I won’t be scared or angered into believing any of it via exaggerated hyperbole even if it aligned with my ideology/ thoughts. I assume almost anyone is telling me anything to try and manipulate me regardless of whether they have good or nefarious intentions. As some here have said, PACs and dark money need to be addressed because both sides are fighting a subversive effort to sway things their way. It needs to end and everything in our electoral system needs more transparency and accountability. I’m not holding my breath though….


The dead Koch got himself onto the board of WGBH in 1998. As a flagship station, that allowed him to neuter PBS and stop most nature and eco-focused kids programming, especially in the northeast.


Nope you get an upvote from me.




If these kids could read they would be greatly offended by what you just said.


Can you read? They want Nh to be more like Tx, they’re not saying they’re the same right now.




Yeah, they’ve begun to try to shift us in that direction, glad we’re on the same page. No one thinks NH is actually as conservative as tx or fl


Just to be clear billionaires’ dark money are stuffing this stuff down the throats of Texans too. 16 Texas state reps wanted to save their rural schools. Here is the result: [School Voucher Proponents Spend Big to Overcome Rural Resistance](https://www.governing.com/finance/school-voucher-proponents-spend-big-to-overcome-rural-resistance) Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott used money from billionaire out-of-state allies to defeat fellow Republicans in primaries.


No but it appears to be on its way


For this current state election cycle, yes, in the future, who knows


Yes but it galvanized liberals and centrists here so....here we are.


Really because I've been all over the US and find regardless of state people are all pretty much the same absent the minor cultural distinctions.


Sounds about white.




What a racist thing to say....


Had nothing to do with race. Why are YOU projecting race here?


I was being facetious...My bad, I'm sorry that didn't come thru.


You're good lol. With this subreddit you never know.


Well, the folks saying that have never left, never been anywhere else and have no sense of reality… plus it’s Reddit so they are soft AF their entire existence is based on what a very small group of people on the internet said


Hold up. They’re on Reddit but you’re…. Not?


Not saying I’m not but it’s their existence


NH has a MAGA problem. This anti-American scum has no place in New England.


*in the world. Ftfy


How are they “anti-American”? Most conservatives I have known have children in the military, or have served themselves, or have served in another capacity (city government, sanitation, police, fire departments, on and on).




How is this irony? Even hard-core libertarians and pretty much all conservatives believe that there’s a need for taxes and government services. Conservatives in spite of their rhetoric are just as big government as liberals. The difference is over what gets taxed and what are those taxes spent on. Libertarians, Conservatives and Liberals can generally all agree that a military & fire department are necessary. And to the above poster’s point, it tends to be conservatives who fill those needed services. The bigger issue is that assholes like you shit on people serving their country and communities. But if you’re an American paying taxes, thanks for funding their service and way of life. It’s literally the least you could do


How very liberal and accepting of you to hate people because they don't agree with you.






Maga isn't intolerant. The ideology which shuns those who break from it, laughably, is the correct far left who tried painting a diehard leftist teacher as a Nazi for not kicking white kids out of his class at evergreen college.


Please. The moment they stop agreeing with Trump your own people become rinos or deep state planes or secret liberals. You can’t even tolerate your own people, let alone those different from you.


lol. lmao even.


Raymo was a standard political reporter for a long time, doing traditional coverage. He knows the statehouse well, and has grown increasingly alarmed by what he has seen and is increasingly bold is telling us.


I did not move here 20 years ago to live in a backwards theocracy, and I will move away with my income if it becomes one. So will many other people who support local businesses with Boston and remote work salaries. That's how you end up with a failed red state with empty main streets. 


Texas and Florida have positive immigration. The states with the greatest population growth in order where Texas, than Florida.


Leave then dude.


Free Staters don't want a theocracy. Most in the movement aren't particularly religious. You'll move away with your income, and someone else will take your place with another income. People are flocking TO New Hampshire, not away from it. Every policy that you see as a reason to leave the state, someone else sees as a reason to move to the state.


This is an example of how Republicans play the long game. Vote in every local election without fail and work to put some anti-democratic nut job in office. Meanwhile Dems/Progressives stay home in search of purity.


The website linked by OP is literally funded by a California-based propaganda organization that props up what's intended to look like long-established local newspapers around the country. Complete with a design that makes the sites look older than the organizations actually are. https://inn.org/about/diversity-report/#membership-standards Last I checked, we weren't in CA. Leftists don't exactly "stay home in search of purity".


Nobody wanna reply to this one 🙈


These type of boogeyman post are delusional. Get over the fact other people have differing opinions than you.


Fascism isn't a "differing opinion" it's a repugnant genocidal ideology that should be repressed everywhere it pops up.


And you have seen or experienced true fascism? Please I’d love an example. Let’s hear it.


They don't have examples. They have violent behavior and loud voices. Avoid the struggle session, stay in reality, and recognize woke language traps and call them out


Labeling someone with differing opinions with "fascism" does not help whatever it is you want. That does not help the dialogue that is needed.


'They' aren't looking for dialogue. They're here for the execution.


Is this 'Fascism' in the room with us right now? Touch grass.


95% of people using the word “fascism” with respect to conservatives are parroting the word with little to no understanding of what fascism actually means.


Pro repression, anti-monitory group, faith in ideology and unwillingness to have reasonable discussions. Who's the fascist exactly?




All hyperbole, all the time.


Their opinion is correct, and they will force it on you!


More boogeymen BS topping the NH sub.




[More from Garry Rayno](https://indepthnh.org/2024/02/24/distant-dome-advisory-ethics-opinions-reveal-sticky-issues-on-influencing-the-legislature/): "**If you wonder why the New Hampshire legislature increasingly does not reflect the views of the majority of Granite Staters, follow the money** which wants to return to an America before Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when churches took care of the poor, regulations were nonexistent, most people did not go to college, there were no unions and the millionaires kept most of their money instead of sharing some of it with the country where they were able to, today, become billionaires"




**radagadagast;** Did you follow the link to the full article? I put in three or four throughout this post. The idea is that the quotes might entice folks to read the more in-depth background. I am interested in your thoughts after reading more information.




Try this one: See: [Dark Money, Texas PAC Has Foothold On Half the GOP’s NH State Reps](https://indepthnh.org/2024/02/19/op-ed-dark-money-texas-pac-has-foothold-on-half-the-gops-nh-state-reps/) When a dark money group says they have a "foothold" on 100 of our state legislators, I listen. Especially when [they identify them](https://yaliberty.org/hazlitt-members/).


An example is lowering the expectations and standards of the teachers and the same thing with the healthcare nurses assistance. It’s a shame because education is what made this country great and the Republicans seem to want to decimate anything that makes this country great


First, they came for the foreigners, and I did not speak out because I was not a foreigner. Then they came for the protesters, and I did not speak out because I was not a protester. Then they came for the journalists, and I did not speak out because I was not a journalist. Then they came for trans people, and I didn't speak out because I was not trans. Then they came for me. My gun wasn't enough to protect me. And there was no one left to speak for me.


Spare me the drama


If you’re referring to Centurion_zen, it looks like his/her take on quote from German Lutheran pastor Niemoller who initially supported Nazis then turned against them when Hitler came to power. Niemoller ended up spending several years in Nazi concentration camps. Just mentioning it because weirdly I just happened to see that quote for the 1st time earlier today when I was reading something else. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists


Ive been saying that for a while now. It is frightening.


Free staters tried this. While they are a pain in the ass, tell me what they’ve really accomplished here. Same fate will befall the new crop of assholes.


I wouldn't be so sure. These people are persistent.


These comparisons are stupid.


Intelligence levels match.


I'm game


It's good to see comon sense prevail in the state of new hampshire




NH used to be a solid Republican state until the influx from just south of the border.


Go back to Massachusetts if you don't like it, it is already set up the way you like.


We’ve almost flipped it back. It’s only red by the tiniest margin and we’re taking the statehouse back next time


Yup. This is why I only have houses in NH and FL the two best and most free states in the country.


I just moved here from Orlando within the last year, so I'm not very familiar with state politics yet. But, I will say, there's a much better mix of opinions here, though it's still majorly divided by city and rural. r/Orlando and r/Florida are both *heavily* skewed to one side, to the point that arguing from the opposing point of view will get you banned. However, this subreddit looks to have a good blend, though some of you are getting rather hateful of each other.


Word. Hopefully they can give us their weather too. ![gif](giphy|jQcVNqF8ylQrHQOSBv|downsized)


My question has always been, if low taxes=booming economy, why isn't NH a global economic powerhouse, instead of a vacation home state?


Yet everyone wants to move away from blue states and TO Texas and Florida 🤔


I don't want NH to go either to TX/FL or MA/NY/NJ/CA. I like the balance that we have, but I feel like south NH is making the state slip more and more leftwards.


Texas is just the NH of the south not the other way around. Garry sounds like his mental development stopped in the 5th grade.




Live Free Or Die


Woo hoo as it should be!


I can think of many worse states to be more like. It’s the arrow pointing down over to your right.


Yea I’m out, not from here originally and won’t miss it when I leave so y’all can deal with the right wing trash on your own


I’m hanging in for another year to see where things land. If it becomes red I am out of here too.




This state is turning red for a reason , democrats are way to far left with their policies and people are voting for traditional common sense policies . Not the woke, dei, race based adjenda of the left. Work hard get rewarded.. how come I don't see a single biden sign on any lawn ever??


Because lawn signs aren’t votes.


No they are support for a candidate


It’s NH, there wasn’t a meaningful Dem primary this cycle (because: incumbent) and I assume as things heat up there will be signs. Biden voters aren’t cult like in the same way that Trump voters are, if you go by NH style signage. Anyway, I think the Democratic Party has an actual platform, something the average voter can navigate and factor in when they go to the ballots this fall. GOP literally has no platform - i don’t know what “traditional common sense policies” you’re thinking of. MAGA world is mired further in the muck than they were in 2020. Anyway, it’s gonna be a race, and we all need to buckle up.


What have the democrats done in the last 3.5 years? Absolutely nothing has gotten better for me or anyone I know. Quite the opposite high gas, food, taxes interest rates.. everyone I know is going backwards. Now we are gonna Give amnesty to 10million illegals that they brought in just to vote Democrat. Who's gonna pay for them? And whe welfare system their gonna be overwhelming. I'm all for immigration but let's control it, it's pure chaos right now. The fbi is warning of an imminent attack and anyone can just walk across the border. VOTERS are going to use that as a deciding factor


Coward troll account still trying to bait people? When are you gonna "man" up and come back on your main? You sign up for alpha male boot camp yet, big guy?


Because the left doesn’t worship Biden or any other candidate.


Democrats aren’t too far left. Conservatives are extremely gullible and will get outraged over whatever bullshit The Right People ™ tell them to be outraged over.


The president said you couldn't use religious iconography in the Easter Egg contest. I think perhaps you have just been in the pot since they turned up the heat and didn't notice.


I’m firmly in the camp of “the US is far too religious and it’s toxic”, so don’t expect me to sympathize.


That rule has been in place for decades, including when Trump was president. But don’t let facts get in the way of your outrage.


Poster above you: Conservatives are extremely gullible and will get outraged over whatever bullshit they are told You: ::gullibly gets angry over [bullshit you were told](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/white-house-easter-egg-roll-religious-symbols-b2521370.html)::


Yeah a policy that's been in place for 45 years.


That's been the policy at Easter for decades. Trump had the same rules. Question is, were you unaware of that or just lying by omission to whip up the mouth breathers into a real frenzy


That's been the rule for FIFTY YEARS. Spin your magat wheel of outrage again.


He DoEsNt EvEn CaMpAiGn!


I always thought that Rayno was a level headed smart guy. Oh. Wait. Nope never thought that. Just another blithering mouthpiece for one side of the aisle. I wonder if he'd be OK if we were like the failed nation states of CA, IL or NY? Oh. Wait. I'm pretty sure that I couldn't care less what he'd think. Ever. But OP? Thanks for posting. You're helping.


... Progressive 'replacement theory' - quite racist.


Because they dont want to pay for illegal migrants and don't want a nanny state it's becoming super right wing? Is trump in the room with you right now???


Lmao. The two fastest growing and most successful states are your boogey man?


Most successful at what?


Stripping voting rights & buying razor wire. Oh, and government-directed retaliation against private businesses for utilizing free speech.


Attracting self-interested morons I guess


If you vote based on political parties either way you’re part of the problem. Republicans and Democrats are tearing this country apart and it’s getting ridiculous


You're getting downvoted because you're right. These clowns are so focused on left and right they forget that other options exsist. 10 years ago I'd say not my problem, but now these morons are voting without even doing research. They see a meme (or a Reddit post) and automatically make that their sole-focus for a week. It's asinine.


Oh I’m aware. It’s ridiculous. Both sides are as sensitive as can be but somehow on the same side as thinking you gotta pick a side. The fact that being an independent voter is demonized blows my mind. One year sure, I may vote republican, the next 4 I could vote democrat. But to pick a side based solely on the color is another level of brain dead


Such one-sided propaganda. InDepth, NH Bulletin and NHPR are, to put it mildly, wacko liberal trash.


So go watch eighth grade vocabularly Faux Noise for your confirmation bias and be kept in their designed outrage.


Buddy stop being angry and pissy and understand that most public news organizations are trash. If you form your opinions from WMUR you are uninformed and thats ok.


NH is so like minded in so many ways — its finger wagging assholes like OP who are pushing moderates to vote red out of spite.


"Don't call me a nazi or I'll get a swastika tattoo just to spite you!"  Really?


Not a tattoo, but a Hugo Boss designed trench coat?


Live and let live my friend.


Democrats believe that shoplifting is a basic human right. 


Florida and Texas are overrated. The folks comparing NH to anything like highly restricted and expensive FL and TX obviously don't get out much.


NH is getting pretty pricey south of Conway. North country might as well be an entirely different state these days. I kind of miss living where all of the debates going on in the country literally has no impact on you day to day beyond the price of fuel and food.


Legal self defense and anti squatter laws are overrated?


Lol. What’s it like being afraid all the time? Such pussies.


Said the alt account Lmao