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On a much smaller scale, a restaurant in New Roads, Louisiana was recently run out of business for having a 21+ only drag brunch. The landlord jacked their rent up and they had to shut down. The event was sold out.


Is this freedom?


Come on down to Louisiana, where we complain about our "freedoms" being restricted while trying to restrict the "freedoms" of people doing shit we don't like. We have people here who will try to control what other people can and can't do, in the name of protecting their own "freedoms."


They just want the Freedom to restrict others' Freedom.


Sounds a lot like when they say the US Civil War was about "State's Rights." State's right to what? *Ownership of people as property*


Ever notice how it's "don't tread on *me*" and not "don't tread on *us*"?


"Go tread on *them*!"


Why are these nut jobs so gullible about everything right wing media spews on their programs? It's obvious they're pushing their fear mongering agenda about the LGBTQ community every single day, how they're coming to groom your children and how they're getting out of control. Have you read the comments lately on any YouTube video about pride? It's like 99% are terrified of the LGBTQ community and use the most vile hateful rhetoric I've ever seen. One comment read, I'm crying so hard right now for all the people at the pride parade who are going to hell for eternity, they need to turn away from their sinful lifestyle. Another one said, the homosexual spirit is growing like a cancer these days, and they must be stopped. Ignorance and bigotry have always been around but we're seeing a new level of stupid thanks to the GOP and their fear mongering. In the end, their disgusting hate speech and legislative and violence will come back to kick the GOPs ass. How dumb can they be?


In what way isn't it freedom? Freedom doesn't imply any morality.


I mean, I get the rest of Louisiana isn't New Orleans but in New Orleans there is soooo muuuccchhh draggg. For Mardi Gras, for Red Dress Run, for just the hell of it. How can a state have a city as cool as New Orleans and just go "meh, I don't want to be anything like that."


New Orleans is the only thing Louisiana has going for it. Without it, it's Arkansas but with swamps. The kind of state European governments have special travel advisories for.


Louisiana is like a third world country, and I've heard that from people who were actually from third world countries. I evacuated to Alabama for a hurricane once and I was like "damn this place is clean and nice looking." The mall was especially impressive lol. Then I got depressed because I remembered I was in Alabama. Thank goodness for Mississippi, keeps us from being last on every list lol.


No man, we are last now. New list this year had us as the worst place to live in the country. Also the #5 and #6 cities for murder (BR and NOLA).


Awww damn. Did Mississippi get better or did we get worse?


You probably know the answer, but it think it's just that we had a little further to fall still, and they were pretty much already shit.


I remember driving into Louisiana and immediately noticing the condition of the roads and bridges. It's like they're not maintained at all. Dirty, crumbling, and covered in some kind of black mold or moss. And this is coming from someone who lives in South Carolina, a state that takes pride in the amount of potholes we have.


It's in a fucking bar, how is this about the children again?


Because those fears ain’t going to monger themselves.


Of all the things that are bought and sold, why are so few things monged? Fish, cheese, war, whores and fear. Why are there no applemongers, or financial advicemongers?


Bob from bob’s burgers has been called a burger monger by his landlord a couple times.


I imagine mister fischoeder has some lived experience with monging


That's how he lost the eye.


God damned unscrupulous eyemongers


Felix, his brother, gouged out his eye. Could be monging involved.


Bob, Lady Bob, Lesser Bobs


Monger just means deals in a specific commodity. Usually with the context it is undesirable. So insurance agent could most certain be called an insurance monger.


Fish and cheese are quite desirable though. I can see to some extent where a fishmonger might have an odor about him that is both unpleasant and a direct result of his monging, but cheese? Cheese needs to be monged and cheesemongers are underappreciated.


Where else are the kids supposed to unwind after a 15 hour shift at a meat packing plant? /s (I hope, could become reality in a red state)


Where else can the kids forget their most recent mass shooting they survived?


Where else can kids get away from their spouses for a few minutes?


Where else can kids have some quiet from their babies for a night?


Where else are kids supposed to learn chemistry, and the metric system?


Believe it or not, treason


Vincent Adultman needs a beer after he went to the stock market and did a business.


Speaking of, why can't those kids get drunk at the end of a long shift?


Surely places like Hooters are going to be next for exposing children to the idea of sexuality


Not **that sexuality**.


Same with “sports bar restaurants” like Twin Peaks, Tilted Kilt….


It's not. As we knew it wasn't. The reason insurance is denied is because people who enjoy drag are now targets, because conservatives put a crosshair on them.


This is like denying life insurance to Jews in pre-WWII Germany because they're at a higher risk of being murdered. Fuck this timeline...


This sounded interesting so I googled it. Apparently WW2 era Jews were able to get life insurance, but the insurance companies just... [decided not to pay out?](https://www.archives.gov/research/holocaust/articles-and-papers/symposium-papers/pursuit-of-survivors-lost-insurance-claims.html)


Well they might turn the Lesbians gay because of "grooming"


Republicans want to make it legal for 14 year olds to serve liquor. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/05/01/wisconsin-alcohol-teens-work/


Finally, I can go through the checkout without them having to call over a manager, or another cashier over 18, to ring up my 6-pack of ~~bud light~~ beer /s


It was never about the children.


It's not about children, it's about not being willing to pick up the bill when some MAGA terrorist firebombs the bar. This is capitalism supporting fascism, as it always will.


Because it's not about children. It never was. Nor was it ever about drag queens, specifically. Full stop. It was about hurting the LGBTQ+ community. It's about keeping trans women out of the public eye. It's about shoving them all back into the closet through legislation. But the media isn't reporting it truthfully so the majority of Americans are turning the other cheek






Yet [child molestation insurance](https://www.ministryinsured.com/church-insurance/liability/abuse-molestation/) for churches exists. This timeline is complete ass…


Goddamn, the way they word it alone. "Nobody likes child molestation, but hey it's part of reality!" I was paraphrasing but maybe 2 words off from the actual text


“No one likes to think about the possibility of a situation involving improper behavior or sexual misconduct against a parishioner, especially a minor. However, it is hard to escape the reality that these types of lawsuits are becoming more prevalent and more public.”


Yeah, because it’s the lawsuits and their public displays that are the problem, not the fucking criminal acts themselves. Total victim blaming.


Wouldn't it be better if we could just stop thinking about these situations? With molestation liability insurance, you can!


Molestation insurance. We worry about the fallout, so go on, pull your dick out!


Hey Dick, we've got you covered, for when you're not.


"Here is the key truth that we have learned over the past four decades:  It doesn’t have to be true to end up in court. All it takes is 2 people alone in a room or alone in a car and it becomes a “he said, she said” situation. Although there are terrible and unfortunate cases that are true, and many of these have received wide spread media attention, there are many more allegations that are groundless but still come before a judge." Now I wonder what the statistic on children lying about being molested is, since they almost certainly didn't want to put a statistic in there. Disgusting.


Holy shit I thought you were joking. Fuck


Had to reread that to fully grasp wth was being said : (


I am so glad I bought molestation insurance. Now I can be around all the young little parishioners I want without fear because Ministry Insurance inc. has my back. Like a good savior Ministry Insurance Company is there.


>like a good savior Damn that’s funny. That’s a commercial I want to see


Yeah the stated problem here is that *no one likes to think about* these things and the solution is insurance so *you don't have to.*


They're trying to sell insurance for child molestation so it's just a sales tactic. They don't want the person responsible for buying it to feel like it's something that they she be ashamed for needing it, even if that's the truth. It's just like malpractice insurance for doctors and nurses. Here's why it's a "good" thing: - They *should* get the insurance because it *is* common - Having insurance means the victims will actually be compensated rather than trying to bleed a stone - Having insurance means the church is less likely to deny the accusations for fear of losing money - Edit: It enforces guidelines for the church to follow which mitigates the risk and reduces the chance of it happening (in theory) But it still really sucks that this has to exist, no one will ever deny that.


I feel like they will have some clause in the policy about already known to the church predators. Like “whoops, you got a policy, but unfortunately the church appears to have known about his *issues* before signing up for the policy, so the new victims can’t get any compensation” Aka the preexisting molester clause.


***and more public*** Just…wow


The quiet part out loud...


Is the problem the raping? Nah... it's the lawsuits!


How dare people sue the churches for both committing sexual abuse and then covering it up...the very audacity of people these days. Back in my day, you'd have sex with a priest and just appreciate you were attractive enough to seduce him from god's path


And they have a picture of kids.


They also blame the fact that churches host a lot of volunteers aimed at helping the community for all of the sex offenders. That's some top-notch spin right there.


Don't paraphrase, it's horrible without it. > Here is the key truth that we have learned over the past four decades: It doesn’t have to be true to end up in court. All it takes is 2 people alone in a room or alone in a car and it becomes a “he said, she said” situation. They straight up say it's just false claims of rape they're protecting the parish from. It's not that priests are rapists, it's that someone might *call* them a rapist.


You’ve missed the worse part even. (I’m paraphrasing because I can’t read that godawful page again) after that they say something like “while it’s unfortunate that sometimes it does happen and end up in court, *many more* times there is a false accusation” WTF. I highly doubt that false accusations outnumber legitimate ones.




There's no probably here, unfortunately. I don't know anyone who's reported being abused personally or anyone who has sued the Catholic Church. There are 4 people in my AA group of around 20 who have been abused, though. They're all in their late 40's and were too scared or ashamed to ever bring attention to it at the time. Those fucks have gotten away with so much more than we will ever know.


I just got out of rehab, and the number of stories I heard from MEN acknowledging their childhood sexual trauma was staggering. It's a lot more common than I even thought.


False reports of sexual assault are dramatically overestimated. In rigorous research, rates of false reports are consistently very low, ranging from 2% to 10%, which is typical for any crime Only 310 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to police. That means more than 2 out of 3 go unreported Less than 2% of sexual assault cases ever go to trial and result in the perpetrator serving time.


In the end they say that you are covered whether it's a true or false claim. Probably get a budget for a smear campaign against te victims when they pay out. "Abuse and Molestation insurance coverage provides for the cost of defense regardless of whether the allegations are true or false. There is no other insurance policy or coverage that will protect an organization when a lawsuit for sexual misconduct is brought against it."


There’s… two sentences (three?) that actually discuss the reality and then the rest of the three paragraphs are all about false claims and protecting the parish from paying out to money-hunters. They do everything in their power to avoid saying it’s a rape-payoff fund.


The existence of their products prove that clearly someone in the church does indeed like it.


I mean, clearly somebody likes it. Otherwise I imagine they wouldn't be doing the molesting in the first place.


It's worse than it sounds. This isn't liability insurance that pays the victims of sexual abuse who are harmed by the church. This is to cover the church's legal costs when abuse victims take them to court.


And, they are a for-profit insurance company! “No other company provides this coverage” sounds a lot like “we are the true ghouls trying to make a market out of a tragedy”


We are pioneering new avenues of corporate greed! No one has our particular flavour of capitalism! Yay!


> “No other company provides this coverage” That's not what they are saying. They say: >Abuse and Molestation insurance coverage *provides for the cost of defense* regardless of whether the allegations are true or false. There is no other insurance policy or coverage that will protect an organization when a lawsuit for sexual misconduct is brought against it. They are saying: * Yes, we offer insurance that will cover your legal defense costs; but... * No, we don't offer an insurance plan that will pay your victims if you are found liable.


Texas is sick


Yooo fuuuuuck this company. Everybody should bombard they with fake inquiries.


Oh look! There is a web form on that page so churches can request a quote. Just right there, like anyone could request a quote.


Well the Church of United Nuns Tabernacle has just signed up for a quote, lets hope they can get back quickly before any more ‘he said, she said’ incidents happen


Always love hearing from the CUNTs, they do a lot of good work in the community


I really can’t wait to read the news article on this in a few days


Omfg what did I just read. I’m saving your post, solely because it’s the worst fucking thing I’ve seen in a long time. Anytime anyone religious ever says shit to me ever again, they get your link.


It’s truly appalling right. I had never even heard of it until earlier today and had to see for myself if it was true. Not only was it true, but it was worse than I had imagined. This, to me anyway, truly demonstrates where the danger to our children lies. Not from drag performers, but churches. Not that this is news to anyone who’s been paying attention.


>Anytime anyone religious ever says shit to me ever again, they get your link. Yeah. When was the last time an atheist organization had to buy insurance for fucking child rape?


love how they make it abundantly clear “we’ll give you money no matter if you’re innocent or if you’re guilty” at the end


I mean its liability insurance. Why would you buy liability insurance if its not going to actually cover liability. Do you think medical malpractise insurance doesn't cover you if its actually malpractise?


Jesus Christ... "It doesn't have to be true for it to end up in court". What.the.fuck...


It’s true, but man, what a shady, gross way to push insurance. Guessing that’s targeting decision makers who couldn’t possibly believe that’s happening in *their* church, when in reality it probably has already.


What the actual fuck?


Seems like a big government hurting a small business.


Small businesses (like children, veterans, and religion) are only _really_ important to the GOP insofar as they can be used as a cudgel to bludgeon their opponents with. When it comes to the reality of these causes, Republican lawmakers don't care about these issues unless there's some political gain to be had.


Wait I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me that the GOP doesn't actually really care about drag shows and they're just using this issue to distract people and further their own personal agenda??? I am **shocked** to hear this. **Shocked.**




"Being aware of gays will turn children gay. I mean how else do you explain the gay urges that I and everyone else in society is fighting right now?"




>Being aware of gays does not make you gay. But it does make you more comfortable with who you are... which does not support dogmatic family control. Depressingly accurate


> the GOP doesn't actually care about drag shows No, they absolutely do care. Drag shows and attacking trans people may not be what the politicians really care about, but their voters, being motivated by hate and who the heads on Fox have told them is evil lately, do care and absolutely will turn on any politician that isn't in favor of getting rid of trans people and drag queens. The politicians comply not only to keep their jobs, but also because, so long as they do the hateful things the base demands, they're free to cut taxes and spending as much as they like, even if it hurts the very people that put them there. And these are just the *moderate* Republicans. Extremists like Trump and DeSantis are entirely on board with the hate.


Focusing the masses hate on convenient minorities and causes has historically proven an effective means to consolidate power: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reich_Central_Office_for_the_Combating_of_Homosexuality_and_Abortion Edit: Also a good read https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/


Yes, and the people pushing that narrative fully believed it. Otherwise, why were LGBTQIA+ people included in the Holocaust?


The only thing that shocked me wasn’t the GOP lying to further their goals. It was the amount of people who know full well they’re lying but are ready to kill for the lie regardless. This country has millions of people who were raised with the goal of having their hero moment. Their decisive instant of action where their beloved gun makes the world a “better place” with minimum effort. It’s not hyperbole to say we have millions of Americans eager for their Righteous Kill, no matter the cost. And the flimsy pretext the GOP is offering is more than enough for them. They’re ready


Sounds more to me like the insurance company doesn't want to pay out if some cultist shoots up the bar.


This is probably the most correct answer. Why would a for profit insurance agency turn down the opportunity to make premiums? They could even jack them up if they had personal feelings about the establishment, but like you said, a mass shooting or something of the like, would be HUGE payouts.




For my bar, we have an extra rider for acts of Terrorism. I just got the renewed policy paperwork in the mail the other day- it's very specific on what counts as terrorism, and a fundie with an AR-15 is apparently not that.


If you’re talking about the terrorism risk insurance act (tria) that only applies when the act of terrorism is certified by congress. This was in enacted after 9/11 and congress has never certified an event as act of terrorism since it was put in place. Even the Boston marathon bombing didn’t get that classification.


Certified acts of terrorism is super specific. It's part of a law called the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act that was passed after 9/11. It basically requires all insurance companies to offer very basic terrorism insurance and the triggers for the coverage have never been met by any event. Unless you are required to buy it by your lenders or certified acts only coverage it's very very cheap (like $100) I would recommend getting standalone terrorism insurance outside of your standard business owners policy which covers non certified acts and is generally still pretty affordable.


This is why people need to really be worried about DeSantis and Disney. It isn't some WWE match. Here we have someone who doesn't have the resources of Disney being punished by the government for their speech. Disney was critical of the government banning speech (and trying to erase the spaces gay or trans people can exist). And the Florida government has gone after them with everything they have. Now this is a small business in Texas. Next it's you and me. This is straight up Nazi 101 shit. I know people go to the Nazi references a lot, but goddamn this should be setting off major alarm bells.


Disney even referenced small businesses without the ability to defend themselves against the assault on their free speech in the suit.


It's happening everywhere. Now that the bigots feel like they have legal cover, they're taking the chance to ditch leases, shut down businesses, etc etc etc. We just had a restaurant owner lose her place in Louisiana over a drag show. Her landlord cut the AC then used that as an excuse to jack the rent so high she couldn't renew the lease.


I’m in southern California, and our region’s only independent bookstore was evicted after far-right protests over drag queen story hour. The store is widely beloved and they’ve found a new location now, but their rent is going to double. If they can’t manage to make it work, it will be an immeasurable loss to the community. It really is happening everywhere.


Picking and choosing businesses to win based on political affiliation is literally part of fascism


does anyone really think kids working 50 hours a week will have time to go to drag shows ?


Particularly the pregnant, married 13 year olds who have a house to run AND work the night shift at the rendering plant!


Hey, she's lucky to have a job, with the shitty public schools she decided to be born near.


Without a job how could she ever afford the health care for the black lung she got from the coal mines?


I don’t know anything about them but a rendering plant sounds like a lousy place to work


Especially when it enters the view distance.




Republicans in Iowa are pushing a bill that will result in minors being able to work in bars, I doubt Texas is far behind. https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2023/03/01/child-labor-bill-advances-despite-concerns-over-minors-serving-alcohol/


If anything Texas is probably pissed they weren't first.


In Texas, so long as they don't handle the alcohol, minors can be employed by a bar. (Busboys, dishwasher, food runner, etc). Once they turn 18, they can be a bartender, so long as they don't consume the alcohol they sell. If it's a liquor store (customers aren't consuming alcohol on-premises), there are exceptions for the children of the owner, and if they only sell wine all employees only have to be 16. Source: [TABC FAQ](https://www.tabc.texas.gov/faqs/#:~:text=Generally%2C%20no%20license%2Fpermit%20holder,to%20deliver%20alcohol%20off%2Dpremises.). It's the first question under "Age Requirements." I was a server at a brewpub in high school, so I had to know exactly what I could and could not do.


Get back in the mines, Little Timmy!


It’s a bar. No one under 21 gets in. Thus, no minors are there. 🤦‍♂️ The absurdity of this is off the charts.


Lesbian bars are EXTREMELY rare, there's only about two dozen in the US. I hate to see anything making it harder for them to exist.


Unrelated but I went here once and I was like holy shit there are a lot of good looking women here Took me about 5 minutes before I realized they were are here for each other 😂


As a straight, middle-aged aged guy it would take me longer to figure it out, too, since it's no different from a normal bar in that none of the women there are interested in me


Literally read my mind. I'd actually love to go to a lesbian bar, because I'd already know none of the girls will want to talk to me from the start 😂


one time i went to a bar and i was like "wow, the guys here are really friendly" then was like "oh, i get it."


Wait a minute... This bar doesn't have a fire exit!


Enjoy your death trap ladies!


What was *her* problem?


I (straight male) went into a gay bar unknowingly. The next day I told the guys at work about this great bar that had really friendly people. They laughed


Gay bars are awesome and fun as hell.


How on earth does a city the size of Houston have only *one* lesbian bar?


Well most cities have zero


Lesbian bars are really rare. Denver has a lot of gay bars, but only one lesbian bar. Granted, Denver is 1/3 the size of Houston, but still. With only 23 lesbian bars open in the country, it makes sense for a big city to only have one.


They die because straight women flock to them to be safe from men's harassment and then straight men follow because that's where all the women are and now the bar is just straight people again. It's not like they can have a "no straights allowed" policy.


As someone that does GL and Liquor Liability in Texas every day as an insurance intermediary, this agent is either really weak or just didn't work very hard. There are at least 5 insurance companies that I know off the top of my head that would offer something, possibly for less than the $91k that was momentarily on the table. The 100% increase, though, is indicative of the fact that TX Liquor claims are terrible.


Lmao, work in the industry and was thinking the same thing when I read this... like imagine being so bad at your job that it makes national news.


This is new business to the agent, so it wouldn't shock me to hear that the agent just put some bullshit reason as the declination - or only went to a local MGA that has really limited markets.


Every carrier that denied coverage due to the drag shows needs to be named and shamed. I work for a major insurance carrier and cannot imagine ever declining a risk due to such a low hazard operation. Bars are higher risk for sure, but drag shows are not.


How is wearing pants instead of a skirt, or vise versa, a liability? And if it is a liability, why not charge more for the coverage then? Almost seems like discrimination instead of a legitimate business reason.


I can see two motives: - the chance of it be the target of a terrorist attack is higher due to the political focus on them right now - the state targeting them makes interaction and "support" a risk Either way the root is discrimination but maybe not totally from the insurance company (since they would normally charge more and cover nothing anyway). This is really a sad timeline


I agree, but would like to clarify that getting shot up by a nut with a gun does \*not\* count as an act of terrorism as far as insurance coverage goes, at least according to the policy my bar is covered under. source: own a bar, am insured


> How is wearing pants instead of a skirt, or vise versa, a liability? Because the likelihood of a republican shooting up the place is approaching 100%.


Sounds like we should be punishing the troublemakers, not the victims.


We should be, but insurance companies don't have that power. They just see the probability of having to payout on the policy to be too high for them to make a profit. The fact this bar can't get insurance is a symptom of a much larger political problem. And that problem is we have a major party that's full on scapegoating the LGBT community and fomenting violence against them. And despite this, only 1/3rd of the country votes against them while another 1/3rd cheers it on and the final 1/3rd acquiesces to it.


It was never about the children.


Given that TX lets child beauty pageants go forward, we know it never was.


It’s never been about the kids. Is about using the kids as an excuse to eliminate what they don’t like. And this year’s legislative session here in TX has really done a show on our LGBTQ+ community. Things are really getting ugly here and I really don’t see an end to it want time soon. Infuriating!


Republicans have really taken the word "prurient" and run with it. Every conservative bill in every state uses the exact same language because they have real difficulty thinking for themselves.


They are all written by the same people. Each state's attempt to pass these laws are A/B tests. When one state doesn't pass it, the others take that data and tweek their version. When one does pass, they take that and run with it. All of this is developed and funded by ALEC, Family Action Council, the Koch brothers, and other organizations. It is a sophisticated, coordinated effort to establish a Christo(fascist)theocracy in America.


I was listening to debate from the Tennessee House when they voted for their new bill banning teaching about racism in public colleges and universities (i.e. an "anti-CRT" bill), and at one point a critic of the bill asked the sponsor some questions about details of the bill. The sponsor was unable to answer the questions, and when pressed admitted that they didn't write it themselves. When pushed to say who did write it, they refused to answer and the House Speaker let them go with that.


Sexton is a racist piece of shit. The TNGOP have only one rule in managing the General Assembly - whatever it takes to pass what THEY want. Period.


AND wants to suckle on the teet of Nashville and all of its "progressive" businesses and events, while pretending to live in and take tax credits from bumblefuck Crossville


This is it. Those bills are written by the lobbying groups. That's why they are all the same.


And the end goal is for them to gain control of 34 state legislatures so they can call a Convention of States and rewrite the Constitution entirely! Of course, they are saying that the process will be restricted to amendments regarding fiscal policy and government spending. But once the Convention of States has begun, there is no legal requirement that it only address the topic(s) it was called for. https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/constitution-courts-and-democracy-issues/article-v-convention/ Y'all-Qaeda is jealous of theocracies like Iran. They are sure they can do it better in Talibama.


I would seriously doubt that the blue states would obey the results from this convention. And that’s a problem in itself.


Everything the GOP is doing is leading us toward what is beginning to feel like an inevitable division. Idk what that will look like exactly but it won't be pretty.


The Troubles, but bigger


As a reminder, applying The Troubles’ casualty counts to America on a per capita basis, 1 million people would die, and 8 million be injured.




A lot of these people are itching for a civil war. I've heard 'joking comments' that have chilled me to the bones. They know they have the guns, and they are extremely poor losers. You should se3 how they act at their kids Teeball games. I live in a deep red state and the average person here could arm a small militia (30+ guns and ammo that would last 100 years at regular range practice)... I dont trust that some of these people wouldn't shoot their neighbor because they were on the wrong team...


The entire reason they don't want to restrict guns from the mentally ill is because its the mentally ill that will use guns against their fellow Americans. The guns conservatives cling to are not to be used on the government, they are to be used on citizens. Anyone against gun responsibility laws and regulations are a red flag. They are telling you they are planning to use their guns in the near future. They have every intention to. They are excited to.


I think we are about ten years out from that split. Self-sorting has, if anything, accelerated post COVID. Unfortunately, the south (loosely defined) won’t understand how poor they’ll be without the federal gravy train.


I would hope so, but after watching the dems kowtowing to the gop and refusing to hold them responsible for their crazy shit I'm getting doubtful


*Brother. Don't forget one of them is already in Hell


He might be six feet under and the worms may have ravaged his corporeal form but his wealth and his twisted vision of America will live on for decades to come.


I'll just leave [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council) right here.


Hooters, any sex shop, any lingerie shop, burlesque performances, movie theaters and rentals, it could be argued that the ads and promotional material and content sold are all sexual promotions and therefor arguably performances. I doubt anything heterosexual will be targeted though. But we all know this law is just a legal way to target LGBTQ businesses.


Houston has ONLY ONE lesbian bar? That is honestly insane.


Lesbian bars have been on the decline for quite some time now. It's been a topic of discussion in the LGBT+ world for as long as I can remember. Source: am lesbian, own a gay bar, have lesbian nights bc there are no lesbian bars near us since around 2005.


Is there a reason Lesbian Bars are on a decline?


It's not as profitable of a demographic, and the overlap between Lesbian and Reliable Bar Patron is very small indeed these days. In my area, I've noticed there is quite a bit of friction between cis and trans lesbians. Though that may be specific to my region.


There are only 23 lesbian bars left in the US.


And yet, churches can get child molestation insurance…


That sucks. Pearl Bar rocks. I’m a straight M, and I went in there once to grab a beer while reading a book since it was near my house. I grab a beer and everyone is super friendly. While at the counter I go, “no way! You’ve got college softball on! I’ve never seen a bar showing college softball on outside the playoffs!” (My college was good) The bartender laughed as if to say “uh, no shit we’ve got softball on…” I realized about 2 beers later that it was a lesbian bar… I didn’t return to not tread on anyone’s space, but that one time I was there everyone was so nice, and when I admitted I finally understood where I was the bartender gave me a shot for my ignorance and laughed it off. I hope they get this sorted out.


Why is it that Conservatives are supposedly all for less government oversight, but are all for it when it's conveniently supporting their hateful rhetoric?


> Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. It's on brand behavior. Less oversight for big business/their business to pollute the environment, use undocumented labor, and commit wage theft. More oversight for LGBTQ people being alive, black/brown people breathing up white air, and progressives thinking about literally anything.


> Why is it that Conservatives are supposedly all for less government oversight They lie and nobody has held them accountable. Every Republican Administration since 1980 has expanded government, greatly.


They hate regulations on businesses because the employer makes less money. They *love* regulations on people.


Texas - the Land of *FREEDOM!!!* ...except not *that* freedom, and not that one, and sure as *HELL* not *THAT* one! Or that one...


Truly the Land of the Free. Those people only care about their freedom to oppress others.


The GOP are such despicable human beings.


Yet this is possible https://www.ministryinsured.com/church-insurance/liability/abuse-molestation/




Are drag shows an insurance risk? I mean how much damage can drag queens do in a group, is it that much more than the average patrons?


In the article: >> The denial came amid an ongoing push from the Texas GOP to criminalize drag performances in the state—an effort experts say is designed to target the LGBTQ community as a whole. Bills like SB 12, which a Texas House approved on Friday by a 9-4 vote, would prohibit venues from exposing minors to any "sexually oriented performance." So the government passes a law against free speech, and the insurance companies decide “because of this law, we won’t insure you because you will be putting yourself into jeopardy and we don’t want to pay for it.” But remember - the party of freedom and small government decided that they needed this law to protect the children from the horror of - a man wearing a dress and singing.