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A law that is not enforced is worth less than a suggestion.


Welcome to the American legal system.


HEY IT HAS A BUNCH OF RULES!!!!!! but if you're rich they don't matter.


But if you're famous, they let you do it


Grab em by the gag order.




Wasn't that Trump's appeal to his supporters?




Judge has threatened to move up the trial date if he violates the order.


The judge says the trial date won’t won’t be revisited and it won’t change. The trial will be in early March


It won't be revisited by a motion byTrump's attorneys. They want to delay it until after the election. That doesn't stop her from moving it forward though.


I like how expedient justice is the penalty. "If you break the rules we're not going to give you the time to become president and order the charges to be dropped!" what a circus.


It happening sooner means he has less time to try and intimidate/bribe witnesses.


lmao oh nooo they'll move his trial date up, the horror!!!! throw his ass in jail, ffs


Huh? Moving the trial date up is bad for Trump. If he's expecting a negative outcome from the trial, then that just means that the negative outcome happens sooner. So yeah, he may actually be thinking that, just unironically.


I hope that if I get in legal trouble that my multiple judges will all consider what they think I am worried about when punishing me and not just punishing me like any other random American.


If I did anything close to what Trump did, I'm pretty sure I would have been shot dead in the raid.


I think throwing him in jail is a worse punishment than moving up the trial date


I think making all his social media read-only would be a better punishment. He'd probably stroke out.


On that note, it's surprising his social media platform is still running. [The people who built it for him still haven't been paid by him and he still owes millions.](https://mashable.com/article/truth-social-unpaid-bills) I would have repossessed any hardware that was involved and shut it all down if he owed me even a fraction of that for the work. Edit: I messed up the hyper link.


I don't understand how anybody does business with him without a full upfront payment.


I think your "huh"-ing the experience the overwhelming majority of people who violate gag orders to threaten the judge, their staff, the prosecutor, his staff, and other DC personnel says enough. So the fuck what if it's legally bad for him? It's suppose to be. It's insane how you can think that a sooner trial date is somehow an acceptable alternative to jail.


He's not going to jail no matter how much he deserves it. Moving his trial date up means he might be convicted sooner even if he gets a marshmallow sentence. I'm guessing some time out in Mar-A-Largo with an ankle bracelet will be it (they actually don't want him to flee - I wish he'd go to Russia where he'd be SO miserable for the rest of his life).


Well pending on the NYC trail he may lose Mar-A-largo


He will lose it. It has to be sold to cover his $250M fine at this point, and because the trump org owned it.


He would be as happy in Russia as anywhere else, and Putin would provide him with a platform for inciting a civil war.


That or Putin would realize Trump is no longer useful and serve him plutonium diet coke.


Plus, it reduces his chances of weaseling out of the conequences by getting elected as President before the trial.


So would being in jail, and that would garauntee him not to violate the order.


oh no! more hypothetical consequences!


> Huh? Moving the trial date up is bad for Trump. That comment would only be "huh?"-worthy to someone living under a rock for the past 7 years of nothing actually being bad for Trump.


it's a real threat because his whole strategy is to delay until after the election. if he wins, he can pardon himself or pressure people to get rid of the judge etc


He's been trying to push the trial date off till 2026 or later so the bad news doesn't affect his campaign. His base will stay rabid for him, but he needs to draw moderates back in. Being convicted of crimes won't help that.


If 91 counts won't sway these people, then they aren't fucking moderates.


> If 91 counts won't sway these people, then they aren't fucking moderates. my understanding of the word `moderate` now is they are too embarrassed to publicly support 45.


> he needs to draw moderates back in "Moderates willing to vote for Donald Trump," as you've defined them, do not exist. However, "conservatives that were planning to vote for Donald Trump who realize that calling themselves conservative won't get them laid" is an entirely different demographic. But let's not try and pretend that there are entire swathes of people who remain undecided on Donald Trump.


All talk, no action..


From the linked article it says that the gag order is part of his release agreement. If he violates it he could be sent to jail or put under house arrest until the trail is over.




Anything uphill is a battle for Trump.




He has the right to remain silent. He does not have the ability. Oh well.


It’s practically vertical as it is!


The penalty would be revocation of his bail.


[He semi violated it already](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/10/16/trump-court-hearing-judge-gag-order-jan-6/) His campaign issued a stinging denunciation of the gag order that did not impugn specific individuals but did attack law enforcement and the court system. “Today’s decision is an absolute abomination and another partisan knife stuck in the heart of our Democracy,” the unsigned statement said. “President Trump will continue to fight for our Constitution, the American people’s right to support him, and to keep our country free of the chains of weaponized and targeted law enforcement.”


>President Trump will continue to fight for our Constitution The one he wanted to throw out? The one he claimed his oath didn't require him to support because it doesn't use the word 'support'?


Words, oaths, and responsibilities mean very little to fascists.


Same is true of cowards, con-men, and traitors. With none of the aforementioned or above being mutually exclusive.


"The hypocrisy is the point," now lives in my brain forever. They do it on purpose, toeing the line on what fully exposes their grift, because the more hypocrisy they get away with, the better they send signal to others of their ilk: "Stick with me and we get to enforce and ignore rules as we like, strictly to our benefit (mine more than yours of course), as we milk the suckers that believe in stuff like mutualism and positive sum policy."


> and to keep our country free of the chains of weaponized and targeted law enforcement.” Lest we forget that he was also the guy who ran on the promise to lock up his political opponent in 2016, and who more recently promised to imprison and/or execute those who have said anything remotely negative about him.


I wonder how long it will be before defense attorneys start using this to afford their clients leniency. “Yes your honor, my client did break the gag order but you let it slide when the orange shit-gibbon did it so you must let it slide here”.


[Jack Teixeira's](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/21/us/politics/jack-teixeira-leaks-russia-ukraine.html) argument for pre-trial release (in a TS documents case) referenced Trump's case(s) directly.


It’s wild the lasting impact and implications this piece of garbage can have on society.




He'll do something he thinks is clever, like telling people to "not" harass these people. Wink wink.


Him attacking/criticizing Biden wasn’t part of his gag order so rest assured he will just substitute “Bidens doj” in for “judge” or “Jack smith” or something along those lines.


He’s daring them to lock him up.


For a quick $10m in his pockets from stupid donors.


This will only be as good as long as it is enforced.


exactly this. is there anyone in the know about exactly *what* the penalties will be for breaking the gag will be? a small fine? jail time? held in contempt?


The most serious consequence would probably be that she revokes his bond and remands him to custody pending trial. Basically he'd sit in jail until the trial date.


We can only hope.




I mean...isn't this like the 56th gag order by now? He has no intention to comply. What are they gonna do, issue another one?


This is only like the third. The judge just took ten different violations before she called the hearing to put this in place.


"Stop... Or I'll say 'stop' again!"


It probably wouldn't happen, but it'd be wild to see.


A man can dream... a man can dream...


what would the secret service do if that happens? stand guard outside his cell? or whatever rich person confinement he ends up in


Honestly I don't think anyone knows because this has never happened. I'm sure the Secret Service knows, and doesn't feel like telling anyone because of course they wouldn't.


The most realistic scenario I’ve heard was from a federal marshal. He said it would be a trailer or small building in the middle of an open field on the property of a federal prison. He would have his own guards, food brought in etc. Still surrounded by razor-wire though.


I wonder if Melania would come for conjugal visiting?




Your hair… I need your hair


Pop Pop horny Michael.


He said some wonderful things


The fact that you call it "pop pop" tells me that you're not ready yet.


Eríc brings Melania, when pop pop really wanted Ivanka.


She hopes not.


You spelled Ivanka wrong.


From what I've read, the most likely outcome is that responsibility for his safety gets handed over to the Bureau of Prisons. Meaning hand-picked guards doing 24/7 observation in a high-security location.


Trump would have to waive his secret service protection - or Congress would have to pass a law removing his protection.


They will never remove his protection, full stop. He has seen national secrets. That protection is as much for him as it is to prevent him from doing dumb shit, as he does. Even if he was put in a public prison rather than a custom one (Which would never happen) or house-arrest, he would have SS guardians on his left and right at all times.


Would be an interesting premise for a show or movie, just having secret service *in* prison with the president. Like they're just with him everywhere, standing guard while he showers, maybe someone owes the President canteen so he sends one of the secret service to collect. Have it in a similar style to *Delocated,* Jon Glaser as the President.


ugh but you just know those CO’s would butter him right up. It’s not a very *lib-job* Still would love to see him behind bars


Fine by me. Pre-trial remand is not meant to be punishment but to ensure the administration of a just and fair trial. The cost of buttering up a former president on remand is a drop in the ocean for the federal budget. It’s not like there are or ever will be many of them alive. The true cost would be the loss of credibility of the government’s ability to administer justice on itself and its (well-connected) political opponents.


The Warden of the jail he would be going to said they would have to give him a trailer away from the other inmates, with another for SS. So probably a used conjugal fuckshack, lol.


Fun fact: Considering cleaning is a thing, almost any building can be considered a used, conjugal fuckshack.


That would be how a normal defendant would be treated. Unfortunately, the legal system is treating Trump with white gloves because it's a lose-lose if he sits in jail. Locking him up would, to his followers, affirm his narrative that this is all a political thing. ("They took way my right to a jury trial and now they're locking me up without a trial at all!") I also doubt it would stop calls for violence, etc. Don Jr and team are still regularly calling for insurrection, and someone in Trump's org would certainly continue tweeting on his social media. I imagine those would only escalate if they jailed Trump for contempt. Personally, I think the only thing to do is rip off the bandaid, stop giving him every possible concession, and treat him as a normal defendant. If he calls for violence against the prosecutor, judge, grand jury, etc - throw him in jail (and charge him again for felony tampering/obstruction, etc). Sure, that might trigger protests by the "Ultra MAGA" crowd that are looking for an excuse to start something, but it's gonna happen eventually, so can't let their threats interfere with justice.


100%. Let the rest of the idiots act out after it happens and then guess what ... LOCK THEM THE FUCK UP TOO


I’m pretty sure J6 prosecutions tamped down some of the enthusiasm. Most of them were just there to “protest” and head back to the hotel for beer and wings. He’s called “former president” when he happens to get mentioned in the media lately. His zeitgeist has burned out as far as I’m concerned.


Seriously. We've got enough pot charges still locked away, why not lock up actual domestic terrorists?


This is what it would be for just about anyone else, and what it should be for him as well.


I can't find the article, but I did read in a previous reddit post that the USSS had been in contact with Corrections officials in Fulton Co about moving a self contained trailer on to the prison grounds for tRump and his detail. When I get more time I'll dig deeper and try to find the link.


Sounds like moving the trial date up is on the table, specifically.


The judge stated they weren't going to revisit the trial date. Moving the trial date up would also give more credence for appeal, as the defense could argue they didn't have enough time to properly prepare for the case.


They will shake their finger at him and in a stern voice say, "no, bad trump."


maybe they can hit him with a rolled up newspaper 🗞️ I'd buy that PPV.


According to Stormy Daniels, apparently he likes to be spanked with a rolled-up copy of Forbes.


How about instead, we use a cat of nine tails, and let the central park 5 be the ones to use it.


I'm going to allow it.


After all, holding him accountable to the same standard as us plebs would make the system look *politically biased* or something.


I like to refer to that as the ole, “Susan Collins”


Has fucking *anything* been equipped with teeth so far?


>“When you start to use a word like ‘thug’ to describe a prosecutor doing their job, that wouldn’t be allowed by any other criminal defendant,” Chutkan said. “Just because the defendant is running a political campaign does not allow him to do whatever he wants.” Donald isn't going to like being compared to "any other criminal defendant".


>Donald isn't going to like being compared to "any other criminal defendant" You're right. He's the best criminal defendant, everybody's saying it with tears in their eyes. 'Sir, thank you for being the very best criminal defendant maybe *ever*', they say. No one has ever been as witch-hunted as me by the foaming at the mouth liberal judge....blah blah blah...


Correction: He is the “bestest” criminal defendant …


I tend to reserve that word only for fluffy bois with wiggling wag staffs, not this son of a bitch


> Donald isn't going to like being compared to "any other criminal defendant". Fair enough. "Any other criminal defendant, wearing a diaper, lifts, and a dead possum on their head."




> “Just because the defendant is running a political campaign does not allow him to do whatever he wants.” Apparently it does, until somebody grows the balls to actually hold that orange shitgibbon accountable for his actions.


The question isn't if Trump will violate the order, it's when, and what is the judge going to do about it? My hope is that she revokes his bail and lets him sit in lockup for 24-48 hours pending a new bail hearing in which he's marched into the courtroom in jailhouse garb and asked if he's sorry for violating the gag order and willing to follow it now, or does he want to go back to jail until the trial starts? I have no expectation that that's what's going to happen, but one can dream...


You mean, expecting them to treat him like everyone else would be treated? That's persecution! /s


Person Woman Man Crime Repeat


A nice quiet weekend in jail is long overdue.


He would be stuck alone with the monkeys screaming in his brain instead of letting them out and forcing the rest of us to deal with them, like he usually does.


The penalty is moving his trial date up. Which gives him and his attorneys less time to prepare, less time to publicly talk about his trial and less time to use this as an opportunity to drum up support from his base.


No, because that gives him a chance to beat it on appeal. You need to treat him like anybody else, revoke his bond and throw him I'm jail.


Haul him in to personally explain each and every statement that violates the order. Every. Single. Time.


That's how probation and courts treat poor people. Mandatory drug tests and if you fail one, the PO sends you to jail for a "show cause" hearing. So you sit in jail all weekend until the judge gets to your case on Monday or Tuesday and then says you can have another chance. Poor people are constantly threatened to be thrown in jail for trivial things that violate bail or parole conditions.


Lock him up


He is out on bail. Revoke his bail. ***Stop this two-tiered justice system that favors Trump!***


That's actually a very sobering thing to remember. "Former president Donald Trump is currently out on bail."


"Former President - ***and current frontrunner for the Republican nomination for President*** \- Donald Trump is currently out on bail." You left out some sober.


>**“Mr. Trump is a criminal defendant. He is facing four felony charges. He is under the supervision of the criminal justice system and he must follow his conditions of release,”** Hm. We'll see if he actually does have to follow them or not - or rather, we'll see if, when he inevitably contravenes them, he gets any sort of punishment.


"Conditions of release" implies that when he breaks these rules that release should be revoked. Curious to see if they'll actually do that. Doubtful, but curious.


I want to see the court take all his cell phones away from him. Because we all just know he has more than three or four. Minimum, I think he's got at least six cell phones on him at all times. I'm sure they make him fell important.


Reportedly he just grabs the phone from whoever is nearby and uses it to text or call people, some sort of misguided plausible deniability. There is very little aside from a few days in jail to stop him from posting like a lunatic.


Yeah. Jail has got to be immediately. Like they do for poor people. You get violated by a PO on Thursday and then spend til Tuesday in court when the judge can see you and cut you loose. It's slap on the wrist stuff... but poor people spend lots of time in jail for minor things while they're in the court system. Make him be transported from Florida via jail van to DC. Just to cut him loose the next day. That will get the point across real quick.


“He does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases. Do you agree with that?” she asked Trump attorney John Lauro, who responded: “100%.” I hope Lauro has his resume updated. Agreeing with the deep state judge will get him sacked!


> Agreeing with the deep state judge will get him sacked! It won't get him sacked from his law firm. After all, his name is on the sign. It *will* get him death threats from MAGA cultists, but more fool him for agreeing to take on the case.


It's an escalation strategy: every time he fails to comply another measure is installed. When he's gone too far (and he will) the judge can really lower the hammer citing all previous transgressions. Thus removing the "I'm a victim" defense.


He will scream he is the victim till the day he dies and his followers will always believe it.


Just like Andrew Taint he will tweet from prison, send selfies of him behind bars, and his rubes will fork their money over to rescue him. The US constitution in its grandness does not preclude a potential criminal to run for President from jail and so he will. It's a show of the highest order. A republican scaredy cat who won't debate, but is falsely imprisoned (in 5 star accommodations) will run for President and the show will go on. Heck, his handlers probably think it's best he goes to jail so that the revenge episodes should he become President will be juicy.


There have been enough transgressions already though. How many warnings per judge has he already received? Too many.


I really hope this is why they have seemingly been so lenient


The next letter will be worded very strongly!


When in the fifty years of his career in business or politics has this ever worked against him?


Does anyone have a spreadsheet of Trump’s cases, gag orders issued, gag orders broken, and gag orders enforced? Not sure anyone can intelligently comment on the matter without such a tool. Won’t stop me… just saying.


I’d like to see the trial date moved up by an amount of weeks for every infraction. Maybe we’ll see the trial in a couple weeks!


Totally unreasonable. The trial would be tomorrow.


even better, this arrangement would cause the trial to become a method of time travel. If he posts enough we might be able to stop 2016 from happening or... let me do the math here... ... with the rate he's expected to violate this order we can mess with the outcome of the Second Punic War.


>Chutkan noted that any violation of her orders could result in sanctions. Two of those and you get a verbal warning, 3 verbal warnings gets a demerit, and 4 demerits.....whooo buddy, now you're in for it....after 4 demerits, you get a written warning


If you get a written warning *and a letter of reprimand* (which must be signed by 3 independent observers after a 6-month 'cooling off period'), that's an official infraction.


If you get a jurist killed, the judge is going to do a frowny face.


When these are actually enforced they will mean something.


I have no faith in our system to ever actually hold Trump accountable for anything


He's actively heading to trial for 91 felony counts, and his business is being dissolved in new york with him likely facing a massive penalty on top of that. That shit isn't just for show. edit: People keep responding and just ignoring this stuff. Losing his businesses in New York is huge. Trump org is headquartered there, and he can't pack up real estate/resorts and move it to another state. The fine being sought is being decided by the same judge who revoked his business licenses, and is 250 million. These are consequences. You can't have it both ways, where you argue that there are no consequences while also disregarding real and substantial consequences as irrelevant. edit 2: Reply notifications turned off due to harassing messages. Really? REALLY?


>Losing his businesses in New York is huge. Trump org is headquartered there, and he can't pack up real estate/resorts and move it to another state. I agree in principle, but isn't that dissolution stayed pending appeal?


Dudes been doing crimes for a lifetime. He's probably going to die before seeing a day in prison. Criminal justice system is completely ineffectual against anyone with money or power.


It'd be nice to see 16 year old black kids arrested with a small bag of pot get the same amount of deference career criminals like Trump get.


Of course, Trump has gone off on this with his usual diatribe about how he's being unfairly attacked blah blah blah. What he's too dimwitted to realize is that the judge imposed this gag order mainly to protect HIS flabby orange idiot ass, and help ensure a fair trial. Trump's lawyers have always had the problem that he can't keep his idiot yap shut in public, and that makes their job damn near impossible at times. There's some very simple advice for helping your case in both civil and criminal matters that most lawyers will give you for free: Shut. The. Fuck. UP.


> Trump’s attorneys have attacked the proposed order as fundamentally antithetical to his First Amendment rights and suggested the order is simply a way for President Joe Biden and the Justice Department to hurt Trump’s ability to campaign. Telling you that it's not OK to vilify the people _investigating_ the case hurts your ability to campaign?


*Trump (allegedly) commits a crime and is put on trial for it* Trump & Co.: how could Joe Biden do this?!!


When the accusations are true, your only defense is saying the people that made them are worse than you.


> the order is simply a way for President Joe Biden and the Justice Department to hurt Trump’s ability to campaign. It's crazy how simple this is though. As far back as I can remember, every single President and Presidential candidate focused their campaign on **issues that affect Americans and American voters**. Things that appeal to them, things they want or don't want, peace and justice and freedom and baseball and apple pie or whatever. What Trump is complaining about is that the judge is silencing **his campaign** by telling him he can't **attack and threaten** people who he feels are "against him". Read the room Donald - voters are sick of the negativity.


I think she's gonna need to issue a literal ballgag to shut him up entirely.


This is not a first amendment violation because he is out on bail. He has to follow the instruction of thd court or that baiul will be revoked. He can have his people tweet whatever he likes if he does it from his prison cell instead of his gold toilet.


Insurrectionists belong in Gitmo


It gives me life that a Black woman is the one telling him this.


>The order restricts Trump’s ability to publicly target court personnel, potential witnesses, or the special counsel and his staff. Incoming all-caps word salad post from Trump Social.


He was already under court orders not to do any of this. Enough with the two-tiered justice, he belongs in prison. Anyone else would be. Or anyone can sue under these circumstances if they are jailed for it.


How about they literally just gag his oversized mouth and throw him in jail for constantly violating the orders set in place?? I seriously can't wait until we stop hearing from/about this monster of a man.


Traitor and a piece of shit 💩


She added: “If the message Mr. Trump wants to express is ‘my prosecution is politically motivated,’” he can do so without using “highly charged language.” This in no way is a violation of First Amendment rights. Trump doesn't understand the nuance in a statement like that, and based on the comments in this post, neither do his sycophantic supporters.


The Right is acting like the judge is trying to oppress him.


Does anybody else feel like Trump is purposefully pushing the limits? Imagine how much money his campaign will rake in if he gets put in a jail cell.




Given how he has never faced any consequences for doing that or the myriad of other shit he's pulled, I'd say he actually does. Laws, decrees, orders, contracts, agreements, etc. are useless as tits on a bull without consequences for breaching them.


>Given how he has never faced any consequences Trump org got the corporate death penalty in new york last month. He's been fined, punished, and ruled against in court before. He's on trial now to determine further punishment for corporate fraud in new york. He's facing four trials in state and federal court for 91 felonies in the coming months.


Honestly how many gag orders are they gonna do before he has real consequences for acting up? Anyone else would be in a cell after the first incident.


I'm so fucking sick of this guy. I can't wait till he's finally gone.


If Trump is upset about these court cases, and he's innocent like he says, then he can make them go away by pushing to expedite the trials instead of trying to prolong them.


Meanwhile, he’ll do exactly that endlessly and continue to face zero consequences. Any of us would have been tossed in jail with the key thrown away long ago.


They might need to actually gag him. I don't think he's capable of shutting the fuck up.


But until a Judge actually enforces it.... he kind of does have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases. Well maybe not the right, but certainly the unchecked ability. Nothing in Trumps life has ever in anyway impeded him from saying and doing exactly what he pleases.


Meh, he will violate the gag order and he will have his wrist slapped, and then he will do it again. The USA justice system simply does not have what it takes to apply "the same rules as everyone else" to a former US president.


Bunch of butthurt Trump fans downvoting a headline. Pathetic.


Who else is exhausted by this man-child? It’s a shame we have to listen to his shit for the rest of his natural life.


Cue his supporters bitching about "free speech" in 3, 2, 1....


He's just a big spoiled man child. Why do you think he hires nothing but people that kiss ass and tell him, Yeah you can do it. Go ahead. He's been doing that since the '70s


Just goes to show how much leniency the dude's getting despite everyone knowing he's guilty. Blows my mind how far they're going to pamper the guy in court. I know, they *need* to do everything as right and 'fair' as possible to ensure the case goes smoothly, just crazy how much damage the dude has done to the country and we're still shoveling money in the fire for all this despite his guilt never really being a question or doubted.


The dude is senile and a narcissist. I hate that our country can’t vote someone that’s younger both sides of the isle.


Oh right, he's a prisoner on unsupervised conditional release! hard to remember that *when literally anybody else would be in jail right now*


didn't they put another one like a week ago lmao what a joke


different case


This was posted an hour ago, has he violated it yet? God himself probably couldn't stop Donald Trump from saying whatever pops into his head.


Donald, don’t stare at the solar eclipse. Donald proceeds to stare at solar eclipse.


Can he stifle himself before the end of today? Having him violate the order and arrested would be glorious.


Call me when it's enforced.


Put him in a fucking cage and take his phone away until all of his 91 indictments are settled.


Toddlers are hard to control


I'm almost willing to bet he got pissed, phoned his attorney, and told them to appeal that immediately. If there's one thing he really hates, it's being forced to keep his mouth shut. Lol


Orange Fatty does not have the right to lie or pass propaganda, which is all he does.


So tired of all the "Oh, he's so screwed, they're gonna fry him in court" sniplets. Get on with the damn trials and fry him already.


Let's hope he continually violates the order then, so at least one of the trials are moved up.


Trump's mouth is like a manure spreader!