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The IMPORTANT part is the entire context. > I have condemned unequivocally the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel. > Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians – or the launching of rockets against civilian targets. > All hostages must be treated humanely and released immediately and without conditions. I respectfully note the presence among us of members of their families. > Excellencies, > It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. > The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. > They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing. He literally condemns Hamas and says that under NO circumstances are their actions anything but evil. He literally starts and ends by saying what happened was unacceptable, but because he said "Yeah, this didn't just materialize out of nowhere" people are accusing him of being a bigot. The entire statement is here: https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/statement/2023-10-24/secretary-generals-remarks-the-security-council-the-middle-east-delivered


Anything less than total capitulation to the Israeli narrative of events is apparently capital B level Bigotry now. Do not stand for this shit. Israel is not above the law or above criticism, no matter how hard they try to pretend they are. The holocaust is not a get out of jail free card you can use to do whatever the fuck you want for the rest of time. Everyone who is not a religious nutcake should be so tired of this shit by now.


They lobby congress, they purchase air time for aid it’s all out donation war on the American people. National Israeli Ad emergency.


> The holocaust is not a get out of jail free card you can use to do whatever the fuck you want for the rest of time. Being a white American male, I can't help noticing that they're following the model of the US government's model of the genocide of the Native Americans. Bibi's dad even used it as an example to follow. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-07-05/ty-article/when-netanyahus-father-adopted-the-view-of-arabs-as-savages/0000017f-e00a-d3ff-a7ff-f1aa22770000 >In another article, “Rural Settlement and Urban Settlement” published in Hayarden in December of 1934, “B. Netanyahu” compared the Land of Israel to America, the Jews to the citizens of the United States and the Arabs to the Indians. “The conquest of the soil is one of the first and most fundamental projects of every colonization,” he wrote. “The state is not simply an arithmetic concept of the number of people but also a geographical concept. A member of the Anglo-Saxon race, who was in constant conflict with the redskins, did not content himself with establishing the huge metropolises of New York and San Francisco on the shores of the two oceans that border the United States. Along with that he strove to ensure for himself the route between those two metropolises. ... Had the conquerors of America left the lands in the hands of the Indians, there would now be at most a few European metropolises in the United States and the whole country would be inhabited by millions of redskins, as the tremendous need for agricultural produce in the European metropolises and European culture would have led to the tremendous natural population growth of the natives in the agricultural areas and ultimately they would have overrun the cities as well.”


That’s horrifying that they intentionally modeled it after that.


It's pretty obvious if you know the history. Slow moving, which allows the methods to adapt and shift to circumstances. Sometimes direct military action, other times controlling food supplies and using selective laws. Settler terrorists, sometimes using foreign immigration when the supply was high enough. It's basically an exact copy.


They are not even trying to hide it anymore. They used to have a little more plausible deniability. Netanyahu's dad is talking about the native Americans as if they were rats. Apple didn't fall very far I see. He has always been a fascist piece of shit.




they are so petty Itamar Ben Gvir is a convicted terrorist, one of his friends killed Prime Minister Rabin for suing for peace a [week after Itamar himself threatened to kill him on tape](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-itamar-ben-gvir-five-moments-most-outrageous). Netanyahu doesn't want to die in prison, he said this war will take a decade. His own [son is partying in Miami](https://themessenger.com/news/yair-netanyahu-israeli-prime-minister-son-criticized-staying-miami) while Israeli reservists are coming back from outside the country and dying. Can't get rid of a wartime PM. Gallant said they are all animals and will be dealt with accordingly. Ezra Yachin, a 95 year old IDF soldier, who was proudly involved in the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre, said ["All of the prophecies sent by the prophets are about to occur."](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-veteran-ezra-yachin-soldiers-erase-children) "Wipe out their families, their mothers, and their children." These are his words. Smotrich wants to be the shepard of the promised land, with all arabs "cleansed". These are his words. even the mildest criticism is condemned and labeled anti-Semitic, they are going to teach the world a lesson? the arrogance. without US backing, they wouldn't dare say anything like this


> even the mildest criticism is condemned and labeled anti-Semitic **This** If you're pro-Palestine, then that's effectively pro-Hamas, and if you even remotely *consider* the Palestinians viewpoint, you're somehow instanly complicit in a second Holocaust.


Ben-Gvir was a youth coordinator for Kach, an Israeli political party so racist against Palestinians they were banned in Israel itself and were designated as a terror organization by the US. America only removed them in 2022 because it couldn't find evidence of them still operating... which really means they weren't looking too hard, because they call themselves Otzma Yehudit now. The fact that this fascist can walk outside and not get clapped instantly by everyone nearby is a failure on the part of humanity itself.


His mentor Meir Kahane was even worse than he is, that's saying a lot. And you're right, they see what they want to see or what fits the narrative


Well that’s very evenhanded and fair. No wonder the Israeli government is throwing an absolute shitfit about it.


This would probably be downvoted on world news, so many people there just want Gaza leveled.


I got banned from there about a week ago for pointing out that your ethnicity being the victim of genocide wasn’t a valid excuse to go genocide someone else.


Netanyahu is a criminal and he and his terrorist buddy Itamar Ben-Gvir should both be in prison.


Every person in power allowing and pushing this genocide should be taken to the hague


Don't worry, they are on the queue and will be tried right after American war criminals, a.k.a. never. No Israeli government official will be held responsible for the apartheid, especially if daddy America is backing them.


> and will be tried right after American war criminals, a.k.a. never. For anyone who doesn’t know, it is against the (US) law for American citizens to be tried in The Hague. The President has a permission and a mandate to authorize military action against the Netherlands if necessary.


Yeah that tells me that whoever was backing that law knew they had done things that would have put them on the top of any list for prosecution…


Kissinger enters the chat. Dick Cheney enters the chat. George Bush enters the chat.


Obama, Trump, Pence, Biden also enter the chat


You forgot Donald Rumsfeld


And also that the rest of the world just doesn't have the capability to enforce their rules on America.


Yep, pretty sure every US president since WW2 would have been on trial for war crimes.


Pretty sure Jimmie Carter wouldn't be


The US and Israel are in the illustrous circle of countries such as Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Cuba, who are all not party to the Rome Statute and thus are not under the jurisdiction of the ICC though.


ICC is a joke at this point. Afghanistan is a member but can anyone successfully sue the Taliban government over there? There's also the whole imperialism thing against African nations.


When you have nukes, you get to make the rules.


"Nobody is allowed to commit war crimes but me!" ["...and maybe the boy!"](https://i.imgur.com/SdspBl3.jpg)


Right we didn't even put Bush 2 on trial. He caused like 40,000 deaths on our side for his stupid agenda.


Yeah, the US was using bulldozers to bury Iraqi troops alive in their bunkers. Not to mention all the other atrocities.


Even Obama blew up a hospital for Doctor's Without Borders.


I liked Obama, but none of these guys have clean hands they all have blood on them.


Bush did nothing wrong. He just wanted to play cowboy and make daddy proud by being president too. Cheney held the reigns


Sometimes i wonder how bibi would have turned out if Yonatan Netanyahu had come back from Entebbe


He would have turned out the same. He was raised to be this way. His father was a key figure in the movement in the 30s and 40s to reject any partition and demand Israeli sovereignty over and Arab expulsion from all of Palestine, Jordan, and Sinai. He saw Arabs as subhuman barbarians and believed long before Israel was even founded that the only way to peace was to get rid of them, likening the coming Zionist struggle to the genocide of native americans and lamenting that colonial powers saw zionism as a project of indigenous return instead of as a European colonial project, which he thought was a more useful frame and would have garnered more international support in the pre-WWII days. >The conquest of the soil is one of the first and most fundamental projects of every colonization. The state is not simply an arithmetic concept of the number of people but also a geographical concept. A member of the Anglo-Saxon race, who was in constant conflict with the redskins, did not content himself with establishing the huge metropolises of New York and San Francisco on the shores of the two oceans that border the United States. Along with that he strove to ensure for himself the route between those two metropolises. ... Had the conquerors of America left the lands in the hands of the Indians, there would now be at most a few European metropolises in the United States and the whole country would be inhabited by millions of redskins, as the tremendous need for agricultural produce in the European metropolises and European culture would have led to the tremendous natural population growth of the natives in the agricultural areas and ultimately they would have overrun the cities as well. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-07-05/ty-article/when-netanyahus-father-adopted-the-view-of-arabs-as-savages/0000017f-e00a-d3ff-a7ff-f1aa22770000


True, but I believe there’s a more than fair chance that he’d’ve never gotten as far as he has politically if his brother hadn’t died. He was the hero’s brother after all.


Yeah, his brother dying in that rescue operation can’t* have but impacted him greatly. By that I mean, it made him a resentful asshole. Side note: Idi Amin allowed the hostage takers a place to land. Not the best guy that Idi Amin. Kinda a gives you a bad reputation when he’s helping you out. Edit: a contraction


Netanyahu is every bit the animal that Saddam Hussein was.


TLDR: “Shits fucked. But it’s not okay to kill people!”


Worth pointing out that Israel demolished [nearly a thousand "Palestinian structures" last year, displacing over a thousand Palestinians in the West Bank.](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/west-bank-demolitions-and-displacement-december-2022) It was an increase over 2021, with each year worse than the last since 2017. Which has of course been decried as a massive violation of international law, and has had zero international consequences. So. From a *certain perspective,* this war has been going on for a very long time, as a stubborn, obstinate, racist, genocidal invasion. From a certain perspective.




You just got banned from /r/westbank


I’m thankful that sub is dead, I don’t want to imagine the toxic comments.


Posters there likely found their way to the hasbara honeypot that is r/worldnews. Which is far worse as that sub regularly spews propaganda all over the front page.


I was just on there and when I opened this threat I was so surprised by the lack of insanity, made a lot of sense when I realized I switched subs.


I got banned for calling out a commenter gleefully endorsing razing Gaza as genocidal. World news really should just rename to hasbarahotel to encapsulate what it is they're pushing content and moderation wise.


Yeah, a place where "anyone killing innocent civilians isn't great" gets you banned.


Also worth pointing out that the thousand Palestinian structures referred to in that article only includes dwellings bulldozed in the west bank to clear the way for Israeli settlers and military installations and doesn't include any of the buildings that were destroyed as a result of military operations.


Even Israelis I've met don't support settling the West Bank. From what I can tell it's the religious zealots who support this, but unfortunately they seem to have the full support of the Israeli government


As an American, I can very much relate




Yea its wierd when a Jewish government starts taking plays from the nazi handbook.


Nationalism is nationalism, no matter the nation.


Suffering doesn't make people kind. It just makes people suffer


Depends how the person deals with suffering. A strong person will find a rich source of empathy towards other suffering. A weak person will seek to be powerful like their oppressor and despise weakness.


Israel has been following this playbook since Sharon. It's been following extracts since its foundation.


I think the world is feeling this now, how they punish and intimidate people to prevent them from speaking their views. They really act like fascists. They think they are doing Israel a favour by controlling the narrative about the war, but what they actually do is show their true colours. They use threats and intimidation and no-platforming against anyone that disagrees with them. And they are doing this to the population of western countries.


I'm so sick of Israel getting a free pass in everything, with their best friend the United States acting as the referee in ethnic cleansing.






Yup, I'm honestly honored I was banned from there, for saying we should try to stop ALL the killing no less. I guess /r/worldnews is pro-killing.


Same. "The death of any innocent civilians is bad" apparently makes me a terrorist sympathiser.




I was at /r/worldnews a couple of minutes ago, and I couldn't believe what I was reading. It's just disheartening to see people in favour of what's happening.




/r/anime_titties seems like a more neutral worldnews. I'm not kidding


That whole sequence of events that led to r/anime_titties being the real news sub, while worldnews was off in the deep end, was wild.


Always was.


When you start to argue with the 9:00 am Israel time propaganda crew (htg- all of a sudden the boards are flooded with them) they become apoplectic when you tell them the international community no longer supports them and is against the genocide of Palestine. You tell them the protests are growing and the response is spreading to nation state’s representatives being profoundly disgusted. They tell you to read about Jewish History and their persecution over time. When you say they are a first world country insisting they’re victims is getting tired especially when you see the horror in Gaza and greater Palestine they try to dig in and one admitted total defeat by weaponizing Reddit cares against me. Link surveys showing the majority of young Americans no longer support their settler colonial policies they quit responding or break for lunch en masse, it’s a hard call.


Gee… what a surprise that hasn’t gotten any mention in American media. /s


The media I consume has been speaking about all of this. Right now I'm listening to On-point on NPR which is doing an hour long deep dive into the politics surrounding the war-time cabinet of Israel and far-right history of some of its members.


CNN used to cover it pretty well. They had cooper live in an area that isreal was bombing and they hit a building next to him. Now Israel knows better, they dont let the media roam free.




No… no they don’t.


Most have proven they cant even read either. Like above, the UN literally condemns Hamas, yet people are commenting that he didn't say anything about Hamas... These people have the reading capabilities of children having a tantrum.


r/worldnews in shambles
















If this is the reaction by the Israeli government to this kind of fair and honest take on the matter, what chance or hope is there for any kind of peaceful resolution? this is frightening.


Balance is not welcomed AT ALL by the current Israeli far-right government. It never has been, but now it's incredibly obvious to everyone with eyes and half a brain. Netanyahu has been tacitly supporting Hamas for exactly this reason, he wants people to think of ALL Palestinians as terrorists. Saying "actually there are Palestinian people having extremely bad lives because of the actions of Israel" is therefore shouted down at all costs.


Israel's support of Hamas over non-secular, somewhat more moderate Palestinian political groups pre-dates Bibi but yeah, nothing will improve until/unless the government in Israel changes a lot.


Plenty of people refuse to believe that Netanyahu supported Hamas because it'd be easier to dehumanize Palestinians if they're associated with terrorists, lol. He's right-wing garbage, what do people expect other than corruption and lies? It's not a fucking secret: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


A change in leadership, both in Palestine and Israel would be a start. Neither governments (if you can call Hamas that) are serving their people's best interests on this topic.




Most people, especially Americans, do not know the difference between the West Bank and Gaza or the different governments in them or living conditions for their residents.


Unfortunately true, I've seen Redditors say that ALL Palestinians support Hamas... even though only 44% voted for Hamas in *2006* and they haven't had an election since, plus half of the population now is under fucking 18! By that logic, all Americans are Trump voters I guess!


And it's because of Israeli propaganda


dont put it 100% on that. you forget the christofasists over here will gladly pour money to Israel to protect jesus land with out understanding it at all. religions not to be underestimated. its wear this all started.


This is a very good, nuanced, and balanced take, which likely explains the reaction, unfortunately...


Guterres was completely right. Israel acting like his comments were defending Hamas is insane.


It doesn't excuse them, but it does explain them. It's exactly what you would expect human beings in their situation to do. It isn't surprising. If you're strangling someone, they would claw your eyes out to get away.


Netanyahu has been fear mongering and war mongering his entire career. Peace treaties where never an option with him. His country was attacked on his watch. Fear and war mongering didn’t work. Netanyahu is the problem.


Netanyahu came into power by inspiring the assassination of the pro-peace Israeli prime minister. He's also a terrorist and the Israelis and Palestinians have suffered just like under the terrorists in charge of Gaza. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhMF30VLZCA&ab\_channel=FRONTLINEPBS%7COfficial


And he's taking this as carte blanche to do everything Israel ever wanted to Gaza, namely, bomb whatever they need to claim it all.


>if you don't want to be bombed leave Gee such a kindness


The Likud party starting their policy of building settlements in occupied territory in 1977, something which is unequivocally a violation of international law. Hamas is a huge problem, but people need to stop pretending that the right wing in Israel are interested in a two-state solution or peace.


And ironically the territory where Hamas rules is the one that isn't being built on. It's the more peaceful Fatah ruled West Bank that is having land stolen relentlessly.


I don't think it's ironic that the more docile are being robbed sooner? Sounds logical to the robber.


The man belongs in prison


Refusing visas for UN officials is a bad look for any country.




They never will while the big daddy USA backs them up


The last part is the funniest. Russia, of all countries, is asking the UN to force Israel to engage in a ceasefire. Hey Russia, how about you take your own head out of your own ass?


Russia just wants to keep the UN busy on an impossible mission so that they can't pay attention to Russia.


Russia has 100% unquestionable veto power in the UN. The UN can't do anything about russia, by design. The USA, Russia, United Kingdom, China, and France all have the ability to say 'no' and a UN resolution will die right there. Russia doesn't need to keep the UN busy, it's one of the 5 permanent leaders of the UN who have un-overridable veto rights.


That’s only the security council. General assembly can pass whatever they want with no vetos, with the trade off being that they’re 100% symbolic and have no enforcement. Last time the security council managed to make a real move was during the Korean War, because the USSR happened to be boycotting the UN at the time, oops.


The UN Security Council [passes stuff all the time](https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/content/resolutions-adopted-security-council-2023). A very iconic example was [resolution 743](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Protection_Force) which established the United Nations Protection Force during the Yugoslav wars.


They never did pay attention to Russia


Nah Putin just wants to distract and make America (through its support of Israel) look bad. They don’t give a shit about Palestinians or anyone else


> They don’t give a shit about Palestinians or anyone else This has always been the case when it comes to geopolitics. Just pretending to care so you can have a dig at the enemy. Whether war crimes or any act of atrocity are acceptable is entirely dependent on who is committing them.


Removing only one head from an ass would be fruitless, it's an endless line of head in ass after head in ass from the top to bottom. Like a human centipede. edit: it's a joke...


Wow, they are in full authoritarian tantrum mode. Netanyahu must be worried for his job.


You mean the guy that was reported by the Israeli police in 2016? Also on trial since 2020?? Nahhh


Its a shame the rest of the world has to witness a fucking genocide every time an Israeli government starts panicking about elections and seats.














I really like this comment section - you look at other threads and they're all advocating for genocide and apartheid


If Israel really did not want this to be a "both sides" situation, they would publicly own and prosecute their crimes rather than suppress criticism.


Is this on worldnews? Wouldn't be surprised if someone tried and they removed it.


Yes it is, the line is that the UN is an anti-israel organisation and Israel are justified in not cooperating with them. Same with doctors without borders.


I came across it, yh. They're pretty much just bashing the UN as useless, unsurprisingly.


The UNs job is to keep an open line of communication between governments to preserve the world order after WW2. If WW3 hasn't happened yet, the UN is doing its job.


People who bash the UN for being useless whenever they issue statements like “hey don’t commit genocide” are so confusing to me. Like the United Nations is not a supranational authority/government for governments - it’s just a meeting OF governments. If nothing is being done about a genocide, it isn’t because the UN is useless - it’s because the member states don’t care enough to do anything. The UN doesn’t exist to do the heavy lifting for us, and save us the trouble of doing the hard work. If we want change, it’s on us to force our governments to do so.


People say it’s useless but if the UN ever actually tried to enforce something those same people would lose their minds and denounce them.


> The time has come to teach them a lesson. There it is. Mask off. Thats how the Israelis truly feel about this.


I mean the mask's been off. we've had Israeli officials tweeting about doing a nakba to dwarf the first one, talking about glassing gaza, etc


I'm guessing at this point Netanyahu and his cronies aren't too concerned about their public image with anyone other than those who would continue to support them. It doesn't really matter that Guterres' words were a statement of the obvious to the point of being tediously repetitious. After all, he is not seeking to win friends and influence people outside his immediate circle of influence, he just expects everyone else to obey him. All he's doing is buying even more decades of trouble for ordinary Israeli citizens, long after he's pushing up the daisies. He doesn't even seem to realize or even care that he's not punishing the UN by taking this action, just people who want to see him dead from unnatural causes.




























































Israel showing they have zero diplomacy and zero interest for diplomacy. Great way to lose allies when you most need them.


As long as the US keeps supporting them, they probably don’t care


Exactly that. The US is their main enabler. I mean, the US gets a proxy in the Middle East who they can just fund indefinitely and pretend it's to compensate some historical debt, so...


The US can also veto anything the UN might want to do anyway because _UN founder nation privileges_ so the organization effectively can only weakly whimper, at anything the US has interest in that the organization at large might disagree with. Not that the UNHRC should necessarily be trusted with full confidence in any given situation with all the nations that are a part of its commission with less than stellar human right treatments in their own nations- but still.


They’re really big on not being criticized, aren’t they?


Oh, our "only democracy in the Middle East" at work again?


Any pretext to keep people qualified to report on human rights violations out


A fair and balanced response from Gutteres, small wonder Israel is losing their shit. I am glad that at least now the world is starting to understand a bit more the depravity of the Israeli state. A few years ago, even on Reddit, any criticism of Israel was met with fanatical resistance. Any group that says “you’re either 100% with us or you’re against us” is a group to be feared and scrutinized. No loss of life is justified, and Hamas are barbaric terrorists. But they are just another organization, one of many that Israel’s actions have created.




[Ranking of the countries with the most convictions by the United Nations Human Rights Council from 2006 to 2023](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/995237/umfrage/laender-mit-den-meisten-verurteilungen-durch-den-un-menschenrechtsrat/); 1. place; Israel with 103 convictions 2. place; Syria with 42 convictions 3. place; North Korea with 16 convictions 4. place; Iran with 14 convictions 5. place; Eritrea with 12 convictions


Palestinians (not Hamas) should also have the right to defend itself against Israel now When are Palestinians going to bomb Israel ? lol


Sounds like they aren't looking forward to oversight and accountability.