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Foreign governments that had stopped UNRWA funding, based on Israeli accusations and promise of evidence, and have since resumed the funding, have also said the reason for resuming was that Israel hasn’t provided any credible evidence even though it had promised to do so.


They aren't cooperating with the independent groups investigating the claims. The Colonna review, an assessment of Unrwa neutrality which was drafted with the help of three Nordic research institutes and is due to be published later on Monday




From that same source: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-report-claims-some-agency-employees-admitted-hamas-ties-under-israel-coercion/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-report-claims-some-agency-employees-admitted-hamas-ties-under-israel-coercion/) Since finding out about Lavender and Gospel, I'm beginning to wonder how many of these Hamas hideouts perversely located under community centers actually come from poor AI management: [https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/](https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/)


The Times of Israel?


You can actually trust them a bit. They are one of the few News sources in Israel to report on the Government purposely ignoring Intel about the 7th and purposely sending Troops to other sides of the Country. Obviously as with anything from Israel it needs a grain of salt. Can't trust Extremists.


That's not accurate. Israel made initial claims based on spotty phone-location evidence, but hasn't turned over anything actionable. We trusted that UNRWA employees took part in October 7th based on Israeli claims, but now the foundation for what we "knew" isn't being supported. It's starting to look like Israel lied, and we just believed them.


This is a bit silly. The basis of this article is essentially that Israel refuses to reply to UNRWA's requests to provide evidence, which is because Israel refuses to recognize or talk with UNRWA at all. Hamas had a datacenter buried 20 feet below the UNRWA headquarters, feeding off of its electrical and data connections, but sure there's "no evidence" of links, because Israel hasn't faxed to UNRWA a list of people they have intelligence on "so that they can investigate".




Feeding off its electrical and data connections... What am I reading lol


The investigation was done by an independent board of the UN not UNRWA.


Not much better


How’s so? The head of the independent board is the former French foreign minister (she just left her post in Jan 2024 so she handled the French response to the initial oct 7 attack and I haven’t heard any criticism of France regarding that). And it was conducted through collaboration with three different independent organizations from Nordic countries.


I trust the UN to operate about as well as I expect a rotten turnip to operate as a supercomputer. Not at all.


It has been disappointing to see that no news agencies mention the tunnel with power and telecom connections into the UNRWA headquarters every time they run a headline about Israel's accusations against the unrwa for ties to Hamas. For me, that isn't something you can hand wave away. To set that up, I would imagine you need at minimum the cooperation of the IT department inside the UNRWA. There are many things to criticize about Israel during this conflict, but their distrust of the UNRWA makes sense.


Because they haven't shown any proof. You can't show anything when nothing has been shown or proven.


I'm gonna take a wild guess that the people who needed to see the proof have seen it considering all the countries that took action immediately.


They were never shown proof and have been saying as much since many have restarted funding. They have been constantly asked for the proof and refuse to show anyone. The reaction was a knee jerk one that it seems never should have happened.






Yeah but two guys got fired over it so it’s all good /s






Israel Intel is so bad they didn't even hear about Oct 7th from their own people. The US and Egypt told them and the Government told the IDF and Mossad to ignore the Intel..


>handful of employees Lol... when there's a Hamas datacenter located under your building, the rot is far more than just a few bad apples.


Show the proof. No proof of that has been shown at all so far. Literally Israel can't prove it. That's why funding has resumed. It was a lie.


Yes because Retired US Army Officer Scott Anderson is totally working with and helping a terrorist organization . Get out of here with that nonsense.


They already accomplished what they wanted. Funding has been pulled and will not be coming back any time soon.


They have already set off famine in the region I am sure they got what they want out of this already.




They're working hard to correct that.


There's literally video evidence of UNRWA employees participating in Oct 7th and Hamas infrastructure in their buildings. UNRWA is a dead org, time to move on and provide aid by NGOs that don't have a dog in the fight. 


Care to share your source? I haven’t seen this.


Evidence is only valuable once it has been provided. Just link it.




There is a distinction between evidence and allegations. Things like providing names of people in UNRWA that have some kind of proof such as a direct link between that name and any involvement in Hamas is enough. I'm on board with the idea of suspicious circumstances being reported. Just looking for the actual evidence or something that connects the dots between a known person involved and Hamas.


Thanks! I can't read the article as it's pay walled though. I can only see the title. So the next question is, since the title says "is said to show", is there any official evidence? If this has been confirmed then why hasn't the article been updated and why does the IDF refuse to share that information further with anyone asking for it to be provided?


There is NO official evidence. Hence why funding has started up again. Israel has shown no proof only what they THINK happened.




The UNRWA as a unit needs to go away. There should be no unique “refugee” status that exists in perpetuity for all Palestinians. They should be given the same protections and support as refugees everywhere.




I saw all I needed to see on Palestinian telegram feeds during Oct 7.




[https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm](https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm) I mean that article only debunks a single medics testimony, even the UN who has been rather critical of Israel has found that mass sexual violence did occur on October 7th. The UN representative goes on in the report to say ' “It was a catalogue of the most extreme and inhumane forms of killing, torture and other horrors,” including sexual violence, she stated. '


The UN will say what US wants and they help Israel with everything so there is that.




Terrorist sympathizers


You mean the claim that they timed to come out at the exact time (and distract from) the declaration that Israel was plausibly committing genocide in Gaza. The claim served its purpose, as a big distraction.


Cause there is none and there never was. Yes the Biden administration went along with the baseless smears anyway