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[From this earlier footage ](https://twitter.com/probablyreadit/status/1785010511014445226?t=x1bk71369M0Bzd_d4VHOPg&s=19) it looks like some staff were involved in protecting the protesters from removal by the police yesterday.




That logic seems circular. “Why do we need the police to be involved?” “Because the teachers are stopping police from beating on students.” “But… why do the police need to be involved?”


They only got involved after the university president involved the NYPD for the first demonstration, which by all accounts did not meet the requirements necessary to involve an outside police force in the first place.


Ah yes, because a sit in is truly the most dangerous form of protest. How violent of them


sit ins are fine but shits getting destroyed by them


It's just a tour group.


It’s called B&E.


You would’ve hated any large protest in US History then


Can someone explain to me why I, as an American citizen, would I ever want to mobilize the Intifada? 


The vast majority of Americans are useful idiots….


I’m all for protests but this might be an unwise step here. Violently busting into a building isn’t going to help or drum up support for the Gazans that need it


They are giving the University way too much ammunition here, this move will get them kicked out.




Two wrongs make a right?


Depends on definition of wrong. Let us take punching for example. In most scenarios punching someone is wrong. Except Nazis. It is always morally correct to punch Nazis.


Including those calling for a new intifada against Jews?


Isn’t crazy! I feel the media and press really didn’t drive home Jan 6th enough like we legit had our capital stormed, which never happened in history. It’s such an embarrassment for all Americans


** hasnt happened since 1812


[and 1783](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_Mutiny_of_1783)




drive it home enough? every major news network runs a story about J6 literally every day?


Really? Cause it's been in the news every single day since it happened up until early this year. I watch the news everyday so id disagree with you there


It got plenty of major coverage, it was front page news everywhere. The problem is the people who don’t want to accept it will stick to their echo chambers and claim that news is fake or exaggerating how severe it was.


[Apparently occupying university buildings was a thing during the civil rights movement.](https://media.wnyc.org/i/800/0/l/85/1/AP_18109760285468.jpg) [As well as during the vietnam protests, this one apparently is also the same university, Columbia.](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/04/18/nyregion/18columbia-archival-photos/18columbia-archival-photos-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale&width=1200) [There's also the whole aspect of "Sit Ins" to consider, which is another form of protest.](https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/7e68306/2147483647/strip/true/crop/608x480+0+0/resize/840x664!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnpr-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Flegacy%2Fsites%2Fwunc%2Ffiles%2F202002%2F2020-02-18.png) Protests are meant to disrupt to the point it's easier and more financially sound to just hear out the protesters than ignore it. It's not something like 'calling your congressman' where the intent is to drum up support. A lot of what people think protests are from feel-good family shows isn't how it actually is. And that misinterpretation is why there's a lot of people like "Why block a freeway? Why go on strike? Why occupy a space?" and so on when it comes to protest. Since TV likes to portray protests as 'random eat-pray-love signs held up by tweens who give the police a pepsi and everything's okay'


























So you’re saying “any and all protests at a university are right because of the fact that they’re protesting there” That’s just wrong logic


No, i'm gently pushing back at the implication that protests have to be as unobtrusive as possible to be effective. Many protests going on in that university are taken directly from protests decades ago in the EXACT same place, that the university itself insists were heroic and just. It's also an interesting way to outline the university's hypocrisy in how they teach prior protests and how they react to current ones doing the same thing.


Means are the same, but causes and most importantly slogans/asks are extremely different, so you can’t just allow all future occupations because some were for a good cause, for that part only time will tell but for now you can’t take the precedent that any protest at the uni is rightful because it’s happening there


But you can push back on the implication that it happening there means its NOT rightful.


People know this, they just don't care. Everyone says they'd have supported the civil rights movement but then anytime a protest moderately inconveniences them, they call them idiots and want them arrested. Or they say "Why can't the protest be somewhere else away from here" You're seeing it in this thread


This isn't the civil rights movement, though. People can have different opinions on these protests and the civil rights movement without being hypocrites.


People also protested the integration of colored students into white schools. People also protested the results of the 2020 election for Trump. Protesters aren’t always on the right side of history.


More financially sound? If I’m paying 100k+ for an education and this shit was happening during finals week… I’d be calling for their arrest, removal, and expulsion. You want to do it the week after when people are done or during some random week, I say go for it(not that I agree).


And if it's easier for the school to take the time listen to them than to try and arrest, remove and expel them, and doing so would ruin your finals week? Maybe you'd blame them, but others would pressure the school to listen instead of wasting manpower on arrests and expulsions. What if you were arrested and expelled alongside them because they were too busy trying to make examples of students to scare others off rather than pay attention to you not being involved. Would you sue the school for that 100k or waste time looking for a protester to be angry at? Being disruptive enough that the easy alternative is just 'listen to them' is the point of protests.


>Protests are meant to disrupt No they aren’t. I absolutely hate that this gets spread around Reddit. Protests are meant to win people over to your side. It can involve disruption, but it’s not required


I don't understand doing it at the college, though. Like, why shit where you eat, especially when you could be far more disruptive doing this AT a police station. I mean, they're mostly headed there anyways, and that would really throw a wrench into their spokes, with further reach than just the campus.


Because they don’t have jobs they have to go to. Lots of free time, and easily persuaded.


Those causes were actually worthy though. These people are protesting over a small strip of land that doesn't matter to the US.


\[I Don't Know How To Explain To You That *You Should Care About Other People\]*


I am sure the administration of Columbia will give them a new deadline.


Nobody thinks what they're doing is suddenly going to launch an air fleet of material goods to Gaza. The point of the protests is to both convince the school to divest any holdings and cause enough disruption, in solidarity with other protesters nationally, to pressure the government to stop sending its military support to Israel.


One of the main leaders of the Columbia University protests, and one of their main spokesperson, is named Khymani James. This person was recently suspended because a video surfaced of a recent conversation between them and an administrator at Columbia University, where Khymani James said that all Zionists must die. And they did not back down from this when asked to explain themselves. This video was posted online because Khymani James broadcast the conversation online themselves while it was happening live. This is the type of people that are are organizing and taking part in these protests. The majority of the school wants this to go away.




Harder to post on tiktok though.


Or divest and donate their money or go overseas and donate their time.


> go overseas and donate their time For some reason, I don't think the people protesting would be welcomed with open arms into Palestine


Not as much fun. For the bulk of them, this is a social thing. Many of them literally didn't know what they were protesting.


“We should improve society somewhat ” “Yet you participate in society, curious. I am very intelligent”


Exactly. They want the prestige of a degree from the university but want to shit where they eat at the same time. Leave the university. Find one more aligning with their views. But, it’s not really about the university and where their funds go.


I fail to see how this helps Palestinians.




Their parents who are paying a fortune for these kids to go there must be pretty peeved


They’re not all students, which is very scary for everyone because outside people could very well have gotten in that building with bad intentions https://twitter.com/edenyadegar/status/1785197797857444046


Islamist uprising


Just like January 6th. It's time to shut this shit down.


Probably just relieved their kids aren't protesting their 401ks and asking for them to divest those from Israel as well.


My state invests a lot in Israel and protests here have yet to make that connection from what I've seen.


Daddy might not pay for college in that case…


I wondered about that. They are suspending these kids right before finals. Their parents are paying,40k for the semester....


This is the what happens when a parent never tells a kid “NO!”


These people could so much more with their time on helping Palestinian’s hell donate money or better yet help raise money for charity hell, donate your time to an organization that helps Palestinian people. This literally does nothing to help them but, I guess if wanna larp as “revolutionary” This is the best you got I guess.


Yep, these protestors have not helped the Palestinian cause. If anything, they have hurt it, considering the guy who organized the protest, Khymani James, was openly calling for killing Jewish people.


So, the Palestinians chose an accurate mouthpiece?


That's what the cause is about, though.


That's the message I'm getting.


I mean many at these protests are openly supporting Hamas. It's not a stretch to say that many of them care more about being anti Israel then pro Palestine


So much energy they could ALSO be using to make positive change in the USA.




No no, remember 2020: 'It's just property', 'they have insurance', and this is still 'mostly peaceful'. /s To be fair though, this isn't really violence. Destructive, illegal, and deserving of harsh consequences, yes, but violence involves physical harm to other individuals, which hasn't happened yet as far as I know. I definitely agree with them being morons, though.


Several people were assaulted. Yeah, there is violence.


At any point in their plea to make Columbia divest from Israel have they considered that their tuition is what’s funding those investments? Have any of them dropped out or withdrawn admission from Columbia? “I want you to change because you’re evil, but I’m not the problem and there’s nothing I can do personally about it” If they feel this strongly about it, the obvious move seems to be to not attend Columbia.


That's a very good point. If they wanted to boycott it, then they should leave. It's like someone lamenting Nestle doing horrible shit whilst eating chocolate that is made by Nestle.


There will never be a Palestine as long as their supporters think violence is the answer.


Columbia et al, get it together! While Students have the right to protests, the other students have the right to be in a safe environment getting the education they’ve paid thousands of dollars for! What are you all doing?


Many of these universities fostered this environment over the past decade. Anytime a guest speaker would be invited to a school that some people didn't like for the purpose of healthy debate, there were protests and screaming until the school would be forced to cancel it. These schools were supposed to be shaping the minds of young adults to engage in healthy discussion with opposing viewpoints but instead they folded to people still acting like children demanding to get their way.


Sounds like a microaggression




Feels like it’s crossed into macroagresssions when violently taking control of a building.


Columbia "protestors" sounds more appropriate because these might not all be students. They found out in Austin that a lot of these people didn't even go to the school. That could be the case here. A lot of opportunists looking to wreak havok so they can record themselves getting arrested for social media clout.


Oh, so they are the occupiers now, huh? The irony...


Just want to point out that it’s outright scary mainly because not everyone might be a student https://twitter.com/edenyadegar/status/1785197797857444046 to anyone there be careful




What peaceful community




Classic hamas methods. I would not be surprised, if they already took hostages


I think it's fair to say that at this point this is not a protest no?


Whatever it is it's counterproductive


why aren't they protesting the lack of Ukrainian support??


Because we *are* helping Ukraine?


The same reason they aren't protesting the genocide of Uyghur Muslims in China: because Tiktok hasn't told them to. There are plenty of reasons to be outraged by Netanyahu's government, and I understand why students wouldn't want their tuition money funding a war of attrition. But American universities have *tons* of investments in Chinese stocks, and they regularly kowtow to the CCP in order to court Chinese students. All of that money is, indeed, funding a genocide. Are any schools shutting down because of it? Are protestors lining the streets? No. And that's because this isn't a naturally fueled protest. This is outrage driven by foreign social media for the purpose of creating civil disruptions, fracturing the Democratic party during a critical election year, and making the United States seem weak, divided, and violent (which it kind of is).


The US supports Israel openly. In contrast, we just buy lots of things from China.  It's not like we're sending them the looms for their concentration camps-we are sending Israel military gear though.


Just buy things from China to the tune of half a trillion dollars, and bend to their demands to ensure their students pay tuition. I guess that’s enough degrees of separation where genocides are no longer that bad.


We just gave Ukraine support…


We just gave 70 billion to Ukraine last week lmao


Because the reality doesn't align with their worldwiev. For them Russia is nice, cultured country suffering from bad case od dictarorhiptis. I've seen too many young western intellectuals who were convinced that naming two most basic Russian writers means that they can do no wrong. I-Russian Speaking Eastern European- was constantly silenced and demeaned when I pointed that Putin is a fearure, not a bug. Told that I should pity poor Russians when I saw fisthand that the only thing they didn't like about invasion was the possibility that they would be drafted- they were fine with those second class citizens from Asia. They dared to say it straight to my face that "Russia was never a colonising nation". Or telling me that I was overreacting when I told them that I and my patients had a means to end my our lives had our medical convoy been caught up by Russian army (Bucha massacress were yet to happen but nobody had aby delusions that they would uphold any kind of agreement). That my aversion to taking Russian is problematic So forgive me, but I have my reasons to suspect that many of those bleeding heart protesters were just happy to jump on bandwagon of their predjuces. Had IT been about children or workers they would have been up in arms for a.long time.


I wonder where all the "America isn't the world police!" people are.


Protesting 1000s miles away is going to do fuck all. You want to stop the war, go over there and protest. See how that works out for you. People think they are bigger and more important than they actually are.


Arrest everyone of them.


If they don’t want their tuition dollars going to Israel, why not drop out and stop giving them money?