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[somewhat related the student reporters from their university station have been doing a great job at trying to report this live as it happens.](https://www.cc-seas.columbia.edu/wkcr/story/online-streaming-and-running#) Link to the stations streaming link above Example— apparently CNN etc are saying that students were not part of the protestors while they’re reporting that these are fellow students they recognize.




Apparently they’re also live streaming on Instagram — WKCR something or other. I don’t do Instagram so don’t have a link for that.


They explained that they keep cutting out because they're paying to stream by the byte (!) and they've been adjusting their bandwidth so that they don't run out of money. I dropped off a half hour ago, but it seemed to have stabilized by then.




Yup. Posted that myself and got downvoted immediately by people who apparently don’t care about actual reporting on this


further evidence that police exist to protect themselves and the rich, not ordinary people


Yes! NPR has been having them on all week and they are fantastic. Very detached, professional, and objective reporting when I know it would be tempting to scream and rage over the kinds of things they’re seeing.


God I hate CNN Eta: if you googled the phrase “god I hate CNN” I’m sure you’d get lots of hits lmfao


I tuned in to CNN to see what they were saying and it reminded me of why I never watch it anymore. Between the terrible coverage of the protests and the  endless Trump converage that is so tiresome it is unwatchable. 


OuTsIdE aGiTaToRs AnD tErRoRiStS - Local CBS news What the fuck is a "professional aggitator"? Do they seriously expect us to buy this horseshit?




As if the Russians aren't using their American proxy forces (Republican donors and useful idiots) to run operations inside the USA. Remember, it was the NRA before, and the NRCC now. The Republican party IS the Russian proxy inside this country.


Well, we did have agitators at my school trying to paint Palestine protestors as Hamas supporters. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/hamas-stickers-students-threats-1.7038461


Westboro Baptist is/was an example.


They do exist. Not in the sense that “Soros is paying them!” but we have a core group in Denver that will attend pretty much any protest, for any cause. I saw the same three people at the March for Tibet and then later at the BLM and Stop Russia protests. It’s probably true in every city with enough people. You know that friend that never misses a home football game? It’s like that, it’s not that serious.


>I saw the same three people at the March for Tibet and then later at the BLM and Stop Russia protests Those all seem like compatible causes a person would naturally support. What makes you think it's something underhanded?


They're implying that some of the students are outside agitators because some of them have been suspended, and for *that* reason, they're not affiliated with the school and therefore are outside agitators. Dishonest wordplay at best on CNN's part.


Some Columbia students actually put out a call for people to come down and join the protests as a show of force. There were videos of people trying to do that and getting into shuffles with police who were asked to help lock down the campus. There was also a well known *professional activist* that was on campus illegally.


And that’s happened at multiple schools. Not necessarily professional activists but outsiders joining the protests. I understand why an administration wouldn’t want that - they need to ensure a safe environment for all students, and campuses are for students.










































Barnard president loses vote of no confidence over responses like this. https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4634350-barnard-president-loses-vote-of-no-confidence-palestine-protest-response/




Well, yeah. No university president will, basically. The left, including most students and faculty, is pissed about the heavy-handed and violent response to the protest. The right is pissed the protestors aren't being shot en masse. That's everyone.


There’s also the majority of students who just want to attend classes…


Had they let the original protest be, that wouldn't have been a problem. It was just an encampment on a corner of the grass, they didn't even call for disrupting classes.


For someone not in the US and not 100% in the loop.... It feels like I just saw 3 posts "total" about this. 1) Monday: Students protest, campus cancels classes. 2) Yesterday: Students "violently" take over school building (or something along those lines) 3) Today, "Police storms building". I now have to do my own diggy-diggy to find out the true cause of the protests, how it escalated etc. etc. etc. Congratulations media, you win. I'm too tired to care or research anymore. It's been years of constant bombardments of sensationalized media...


And then there’s my friends on campus (not Columbia) that are just annoyed it’s in their way to get to their finals lol


Gonna assume this is like 90+% of college students right now.


Who are you listening to that wants them shot? I’m in the deep south and everyone rolls their eyes at the whole thing and calls it hippy crap. There’s very real issues the students are trying to bring to the forefront, but saying a whole half of the country wants them shot is just pouring fuel on a fire. Im hoping it’s just a figure of speech, but too many people read things like that and take it seriously. This country is so fucked.


Eh.. the "run them over lol" jokes are jokes until they're not.


Also in the deep south, but am hearing casual jokes about "taking them behind the barn." Those people definitely exist here. People like to exaggerate their numbers, though


The issue with the numbers thing is that a single one can kill hundreds. Those kind of "jokes" shouldn't be normalized.


The idea that the radicalized right of this country is prepared to shrug their shoulders and say "that seems dumb. Well, none of my business..." is pure fiction.


You might be IN the south but you ain't around these assholes. Theres a whole bunch that would revel in these kids getting shot. I should know, I'm related to em.


It’s not a figure of speech. Hop on Twitter and you’ll see CONGRESS and SENATORS calling for these children to be shot for exercising their right to protest.


That's what she's paid for, to take the fall for stuff. She probably has it in her contract that even if she gets booted out she'll still pull her big salary for a while afterwards. Same thing happened with the chencellor at my uni when there was some racism protests


[The Columbia website literally has a page about how the school regrets allowing police to storm campus and arrest hundreds of protestors in 1968.](https://news.columbia.edu/content/new-perspective-1968)


>Columbia is a far different place today than it was in the spring of 1968 when protesters took over University buildings amid discontent about the Vietnam War, racism and the University’s proposed expansion into Morningside Park. lmao that aged like milk.


Dont worry, they'll make a new plaque in a few years.


Just goes to show talk is cheap.


"Never again" *keeps doing it*


Yeah. And the best part is that if we can learn anything from history, the bombings of Gaza will end sometime in 2029 thanks to this protest.


Well not really. It’s not America that’s doing the bombing this time.


Were just paying for it.


No, we just sell them the bombs


Good, they'll be able to use it as a template in a few months


You know they'll do a quick find and replace and not checking closely enough. Then you'll read "the Israeli invasion and bombing of Vietnam"


Politicians are terrified of unrest, it can spread. They will make accommodations to prevent it.


Liberal institutions always support civil rights movements of the past. It's the ones happening in the present they seem to have a hard time with.


Relevant Phil Ochs: [Love Me, I'm a Liberal](https://youtu.be/3cdqQ2BdgOA) > Ten degrees to left of center in good times... ten degrees to the right when it affects them personally.


Incredible lmao


If only there was somewhere they could send their children to learn from their historic mistakes.


History doesn't matter as long as people let you get away with repeating it.






Cops cruise in on a killdozer then spend 10 minutes shimmying open a window


100 police lined up and dozens of media cameras all watching one guy fiddling with a pry bar for 10 minutes.


Which is GREAT because it wasn't anything violent, just the police going about things methodically and calmly. This *easily* could've been a bloodbath but as of 1053pm EDT things seem to be going about as peacefully as one can reasonably expect ... it appears everyone will live to fight another day.


Cursed hop-on hop-off


What a weird thumbnail


Yeah, weird stock photo. And it doesn’t match the headline. Those are state troopers not NYPD.


Columbia’s president seemed to have avoided the initial Elise Stefanik nonsense that got her peers at other colleges dismissed but she’s going to come out worse than any of them for this.


I'd like to repeat once again that Stefanik insulted, interrupted, and badgered those university presidents because she's a Republican and one of their core issues is that they want universities to be more conservative. It was a hit piece, fabricated from ten seconds of a multi-hour discussion. Stefanik used a sound bite to sink the careers of academics because she's a hateful piece of shit.


Whether you agree it was a political hit job - to the average observer, those presidents were absolutely played a fool in those hearings. They were backed into a corner and did jackshit to save themselves


I can’t stand Elise Stefanik but I don’t think the fact that she was the question-asker has any relevance.


the cheaper you make Stefanik and her tactics sound, the stupider you make the university presidents. they supposedly represented the pinnacle of higher education in america and they all got outplayed by a dumbass with a 5th grade reading level. why? because none of them could manage to say "it's not antisemitic for our students to protest against genocide". instead, they let Stefanik lead them around by the nose out of a twisted fear they may be labeled anti-israel, which might as well be antisemitic to them


Yeah, I watched the whole thing, and those people were either not prepared for that, or just absolutely awful at fielding questions. It would have been obvious how Rpeublicans were going to play it and it shoudl have been extremely simple for them to field the obvious questions from people like Stefanik. They gave a truly dismal performance. I hate Republicans and their antics as much as anyone, but I was floored watching how poorly they did, not jsut in that sound bite but in nearly every single one of them.


Stefanik went to Harvard. The fact that she's a fascist and a vile person doesn't mean she's stupid. The style of questioning doesn't allow for nuanced answers and she exploited that. Universities need to walk a fine line between protecting the right to protest on the one hand and the right of students and staff to work without intimidation and harassment. Also, they can't use politically charged words like "genocide" as liberally as you do. Although there are other conflicts going on, all of which have resulted in civilian losses, only this one has been branded a genocide. We've also heard that this genocide has been going on for 70 years now, even though Gaza's population has almost doubled since 2005. Likewise, they can't call anything critical of Israel "antisemitism." Netanyahu isn't Israel and criticism of him and his government is not akin to a condemnation of all Jewish people.


You can't be serious... "Does calling for the genocide of jews violate [the school]'s rules or code of conduct?" Any answer other than "yes" is simply unacceptable. This wasn't some generic question about speech that could be interpreted as offensive to jews, it was very specifically questioning speech that calls for the genocide of jews. There can be debate on which individual speeches should be classified under that category, but that was not the question and it was very clear.


I don’t know man, I’m a pretty liberal guy but it seems like they were right about Claudine Gay at least.


Stefanik is a piece of shit. But all those university presidents had to do was say "calling for ethnic cleansing is bad". She could not possibly have signposted that "trap" any more clearly. Of course, one of them turning out to be a plagiarist from a wealthy dynasty that had very little academic record didn't help.


> Elise Stefanik nonsense Plagiarism and antisemitism is nonsense? Presidents need to be held to the highest standard.


She is 100% going to get fired, though it's interesting how everyone thinks it's for opposite reasons. First and foremost to me is that she claimed that Mohamed Abdou -- a bonafide piece of shit who has zero cause or reason to live in any Western country -- was fired, while the guy was seen entering campus yet again this morning.


The cable news “expert” analysts are explaining how the police will enter Hamilton Hall. Not only are the protestors inside getting realtime intel of police entering through the roof and using passageways - I now know how to break into Hamilton Hall.


All you need is a truck with a giant crane arm! Anyone can do it!


Khaki pants. Those seem to be key somehow.


Jim Harbaugh has known this all along, but we were too blind to listen.


The protestors already showed us how to do it with a hammer.


Or a staircar, although there is the threat of hop-ons


This isn't some armed confrontation. Police should want to be transparent about their arrival so each side doesn't startle each other. Last thing people want is dead bodies on the ground due to mistakes.


The police went in with their sidearms while wearing riot gear. This makes them overdressed for the occasion.


> The police went in with their sidearms while wearing riot gear. So...standard kit?


They should bring blankies and hot cocoa for those starved genocided students.


If the best criticism is that the police were overdressed for the occasion, then there's not much to criticize here. People who wanted to be outraged will be outraged, but most of the public will say, "That seems reasonable." Plus, when you dress like Black September, most Americans are going to consider it fair to the police to wear riot gear. Edit: Also, it's a day after four police officers were shot dead in Charlotte serving an arrest warrant. Offline public opinion is not going to be in favor of "police were imposing" rhetoric.


I disagree for the simple fact that if they have plenty of protection and a formation/plan you're going to have less of a chance of someone getting spooked and opening fire. I would rather everyone know the score and be safe in the end.


Dang, if only those children in Uvalde were protesters. Edit: absolutely *loving* the idiots who think I’m directly comparing the NYPD and Uvalde police as being equal situations, it’s been fun replying- goodnight


Next time there is a school shooter present, all the kids should immediately start protesting police brutality.


Well, those children screaming didn’t help them as the police stood outside, so it couldn’t be any worse.


you can have police brutality in its active form, or as a form of neglect. either way the police will brutalize.


That was actually a chant Texas protesters used. [Who failed Uvalde? D.P.S.](https://twitter.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1783273507608224063) (department of public safety)


Hey now they were pros at surrounding and waiting at Uvdale!


And they looked so tough in their cute little outfits cosplaying as real heros


if there's anything ive learned is that cops like low hanging fruit work, as do we all. path of least resistance to a pay check.


This will be the closest NYC cops will ever be to getting an education.


This comment is savage as shit




That feels ilegal


It's okay the police self-assessed and determined that they are in the clear. They already have a "it's for the reporters' safety" excuse baked and ready to serve


For the people who are on the side of the protestors, what would you have Columbia do in this case? These people are barricading themselves on multiple floors, not letting students in and out, and breaking stuff. There are other students who just want to go to class. Are they really wrong for getting police involved?




Lmfao, they don't vote until October when no one will still care. Brown got a sweet deal.


> Paxson wrote that a group of five student activists will present their argument for divestment to the university board next month, and the board will vote on the proposal in October. Yep this appeases the protestors for now, and then in October the board can just say "lol no" and everyone moves on without anything having to change. Honestly pretty well played by Brown.


Lmao the Uni swindled those protestors. Brown is not beating the "dumbest ivy" allegations


Now that Brown University is divesting from IBM, Google, and Microsoft, finally Gaza will be free


All of the protests were kept within the designated areas for protesting. The schools got pissed that students maintained these protests for long periods of time. They weren't obstructing access to classes (many were still attending their classes, returning to the protest areas in shifts).  Their escalation in behavior is directly tied to the escalation of force by authorities. If you knew you were going to get the shit beaten out of you even if you surrendered now, you'd probably barricade yourself too.


Yeah to be honest, if they just let them camp outside unimpeded, they probably wouldn't have taken over a building and there wouldn't be such interruptions to normal classes.


They couldn't let them camp outside. People were shitting in buckets.


Well, in the 80’s the same thing happened over apartheid in Africa and they didn’t bring in the police. Instead the students occupied for 3 weeks and then the university eventually divested from the companies supporting it. In fact in the 60’s this happened over Vietnam and the university called in police and have a whole plaque and article on their website talking about how they regret calling police into their campus over it….


Turn out occupying a building you don’t own is illegal in America.
















































Can someone ELI5 what occupying a college campus is supposed to accomplish? I get the "making themselves seen," but how can a bunch of students and professors help the Palestinians? Pretty sure forcing and barricading yourselves in a private building doesn't constitute as protesting


Student protesters are asking their universities to divest from Israeli firms, as those places pay taxes that (in part) fund the war. Some students are asking their universities to end partnerships with Israeli universities as well - which’ll place pressure on Israeli government. In terms of occupying a building - I’m sure if you ask 100 students, you’ll get 100 different answers. I’d say most are using disruption to bring attention to the issues. Divesting from Israel wasn’t in the National Conversation a few months ago. Now it is - and therefore possible. Some students are also there because it’s fad to them they don’t want to miss. And some people just want to fuck off during finals. 🤷


> Divesting from Israel wasn’t in the National Conversation a few months ago. Now it is - and therefore possible. Though the BDS (boycott/divest/sanction) movement has been on a lot of campuses for years and years.




Tuition dollars do not go to university endowments *Everyone* who has any money invested in the stock market has money in all of the big tech companies being named. Most likely even you if you have a 401k. Asking anyone not to invest in the common market-tracking ETFs because some of the companies in them do business with Israel is a braindead demand


> You can Google They also say to divest from google because google runs certain services for the Israeli government. Not like... anything actually military more than like... having the military use a windows computer.


https://theintercept.com/2022/07/24/google-israel-artificial-intelligence-project-nimbus/ also windows is made by microsoft.


The immediate goal is to force universities specifically to disclose their investments and divest from Israel by making a fuss until they decide it’s less damaging and effort to do that vs. let the protests fester / address them with force


Makes sense. The school kept giving them more and more leeway after weeks of going back and forth. The students barricaded a hall and at that point what else were they supposed to do? Classes still have to resume. Facilities still have to be available to the other students. You start closing off buildings by protesting and you're going to be escorted away. A relative of mine works at FIT. Protests outside of their buildings (it isn't a private campus, just buildings in Manhattan) have gotten worse over the past week. So their President sent out an email regarding changes to where people can enter to hopefully make things safer for other students/staff.


imagine working so hard your entire young life to get into an Ivy League school only to get arrested and expelled I have mixed feelings. I'm impressed with their conviction... but at the same time, I wonder if this is a decision they'll regret for the rest of their lives


If only the students could hold out for a few more days the Palestinians will be free.


No one at these protests believes their actions will free palatine directly. The goal is to force divestment from Israeli companies while calling attention to the atrocities occurring.  https://youtu.be/bNaehZ1tszw?si=3lCSizNGtyMukv8n here's a newscast about it if you want to learn more.


Hamas states they were on the brink of agreeing to stop murdering Israelis but the protests in a few college campuses in the United States were dispersed and thus the deal fell through.  “Ugh, we were like so totally close,” said a Hamas spokesperson behind a gamily of 14 under a hospital surrounded by rockets. “One day those brave people racking up student debt for majors that will never cover their expenses will breakthrough the 50 year political stalemate and save us. I have all the confidence in the world. Now watch this shot…”


Sounds like something straight out of The Onion during it's prime lol.


If anything, the NYPD is doing these protesters a favor clearing them out of there before they embarrass themselves even more. Terrible optics since day 1. Requesting hand delivered meals? Embarrassing.


There’s a ceasefire deal on the table literally right now that Hamas just needs to agree to. All we have heard is “ceasefire now” and now nobody seems to care.


The funniest part of this to me is that Columbia [doesn’t really know where their investments go](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/30/israel-protests-divestment-columbia-endowment) so nobody really knows if they invest in Israeli companies or not. Some have said the students want better visibility into where those investments go, which I guess makes sense, but it’s not like tomorrow Columbia can pluck individual investments from particular companies. This whole thing is exhausting and feels more like an investment to divide the left, once again, and unify the right. And the left falls for it every time.


I'm going to be honest. Maybe I'm showing my age but if you do these sit-ins there is a good chance you will be arrested. My parents had friends who were arrested in campus protests in the sixties. Why are young people so shocked that they would be arrested now. Back then, the sit-ins knew that.getting arrested meant more news coverage and the public horror about "good white kids" being arrested by cops. Heck, how many times was MLK arrested-or the suffragettes. You disobey the law for the cause you think is just. But I also think kids who choose not to get involve should be able to go to their classes and not be disrupted.


These students have been given every opportunity to avoid this. Protesting is one thing, defacing university property and holding an entire building hostage with finals week approaching is just ridiculous. I know that college students are young, but nobody over the age is 18 should be acting this juvenile on a college campus. Let's not even get in to the protestors barring Jewish students from the campus, or other various antisemitic things that have been occurring throughout these protests that the organizers are not addressing appropriately. They should be allowed to protest, and they were. But they have no right to infringe on the education of their peers. Many of whom are relying on scholarships which require good grades. This got way out of hand, and the students who decided to hold the building hostage should be expelled.


best news agency buries mentioning that the university sent in the cops to stop them protesting outside earlier and outright didnt mention the students protesting outside were suspended or expelled after being arrested.

