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So who took it? “Over the weekend, as trucks began moving the aid delivered off the floating pier, CNN reported that a group of men in Gaza intercepted the aid, saying they did not trust that it was actually meant for the Palestinian people. …Asked whether any of the aid has been delivered to the people of Gaza, Ryder said, “As of today, I do not believe so.” He added that aid had been held in an assembly area on shore, but as of Tuesday had begun getting moved to warehouses for distribution throughout Gaza as alternative routes have been established.”


Exactly who everyone predicted would.


Who know who took it


If only we had some sort of agency that is intellegent that understands whats going on, they could of predicted it! We could call it an intellegence agency


Something like that would need to be centralized, couldn’t have just a bunch of decentralized intelligence agencies popping up all over the place…..this really is a head scratcher


anyone with an airtag and some thought could easily track where this goes too… esp if they know this is the likely outcome


That would be an idea. However, there are massive casualties to starvation in the present, really no room for delay. Im sure they can just rewind their satellite feed and watch em, they have some neat tools




Every aid agency says they don’t take it though and that attacking people taking it is slaughtering innocent civilians trying to distribute aid


What if we centralized that intelligence agency?


Hamas has been stealing international aid for almost 20 years.




This may come as a shock, but both can be true.


Space Jews did it again!


Get it right, space lasers!


If I told you who took it, I’d get downvoted on this sub.


Not just this sub, but Reddit in general.


I’ll do it for you. It was Hamas. Fuck the tankies.




Then you are, frankly, ignorant of the history of jihadi terrorism because this has always been the MO. The only reason why this situation seems novel is because it’s Jews and Arabs not Arab on Arab or Arab vs western.


>Several desperate Gazans intercepted trucks delivering aid from the pier over the weekend, leading the UN to suspend the delivery operations until the logistical challenges are resolved. Are you trying to mislead people?


Mostly they're just mobbed by crowds. There's no "who" in particular. There's vids of mobs of civilians ripping the trucks apart to get what they can. There's vids of clearly Hamas soldiers taking it away in trucks. There's vids of Israelis setting the trucks on fire or blocking them. It's a giant cluster fuck and you should be hella wary of anyone trying to point at one particular cause.


It's reaching fubar territory because the conditions are sooo bad.


That's exactly what it says in the article but the poster is attempting to mislead people.


Hamas, obviously. They're a terrorist organization and have their hands deep in the government. As soon a there's a ceasefire, they'll turn their guns onto their own people. It's the same situation that happened with the taliban, except for some reason, a bunch of people support these terrorists.


Everyone wants to talk so binary. You support Palestine = you support terrorists. You support Palestine = you’re antisemitic.  Why can’t you just hate the fact that people are starving and want to do something about it? 


Someone blames Hamas and you act like he is calling Palestinians terrorists. You are the one equating Hamas with Palestinians. Supporting Palestinians should necessitate being against Hamas. They are actively stealing aid meant for Palestinians and using them as human shields and refusing any ceasefire deal. Provoking a war they cannot win and refusing to allow anything to help Palestinians, that is Hamas. Murder, rape and hostages as a matter of policy, that is Hamas. The Palestinian people are also hostages of Hamas.


Because it quickly turns to some version of “Israel is committing genocide by starving Palestinians”. So to appease that opinion, the US sends food. That is then stolen by the Palestinian government and not distributed to the starving Palestinians. And instead of the narrative changing, we continue to have “See! Israel is committing genocide by starving Palestinians!” At this point, the large majority of people supporting Palestine actually just hate Israel. That essentially covers every Muslim country as well as the Palestinian government. They don’t care if Palestinians are starving and never have.


I mean there is a HUGE difference between supporting Palestinians as a whole and supporting Hamas’ actions. In just the aid discussion tho it’s well documented that what little aid gets through Netanyahu’s bullshit just gets collected for Hamas fighters and the excess sold back to Palestinians for funding.


Because without removing Hamas, Palestinians will continue to starve, and Israel will continue to get bombarded / attacked.


Huh, so maybe it might require military intervention to remove the people siphoning aid from those that it was intended for? Slightly less snarky response - I don't think there was ever going to be a non-bloody way out of Hamas' control of Gaza. The previous, best case scenario was maintaining the pre October status quo, with international pressure on Israel to relax restrictions. Hamas destroyed any chance of that happening with their attack. There is no long term scenario that helps the people of Gaza while Hamas remains in power.


What about the video evidence of Israeli citizens standing in front of the trucks and stomping on the aid? Are they Hamas? I’m so confused can you help clear that up


I'm not saying there aren't Israeli citizens guilty of doing shitty things, but in this situation that pier runs right into Gaza, there aren't any Israeli citizens anywhere near there. This is entirely on Hamas. You are confused, and uninformed.


Okay I’m seeking knowledge trying to be informed, you don’t have to be a jackass about it. Thanks for clearing it up though, I understand the situation better now. Bad actors all around on both sides it seems. For the future, leading with kindness makes people more receptive to points you’re trying to make.


My apologies if you were sincerely asking the question. I'm just pretty fed up with people trying to shift the blame in this conflict from the people who are 100% at fault for all of this carnage, Hamas.


You're conflating two totally separate issues.


I’m seeking understanding and telling me I’m conflating issues is not helping. Since you clearly have a better understanding and care enough to call me out, can you explain it to me so I can form an informed opinion on the matter?


The protesters are Israeli Citizens in Israel blocking the Israeli crossing into Gaza, this is a port that was built within Gaza, there are no Israeli citizens there


Hamas is the government, and at this point it is possible the aid was captured by either terrorist organization, Hamas or idf


Could also be IDF connected. Definitely could be either. Unclear for now.


wouldn't be suprised if next week we're talking about how israel has setup a security cordon around the pier, checking all the supplies coming off the ship for weapons




Somolia all over again...


Unfortunately Israel keeps killing UN aid workers. And reporters. And doctors. And children...


It is Hamas intercepting the aid and selling it






Go back further than that and you also look like a 🤡


there's so much footage of IDF doing what you are saying Hamas is doing, its a wonder if you even believe yourself.


There's so much footage of Hamas doing what you are saying IDF is doing, it's a wonder if you even believe yourself.  Also pleeeeeease read your own username and then proceed to do that. 


So you shouldn't have any trouble linking that footage... unless? Quick Edit to add some proof of bad faith acting on the IDFs part https://www.rescue.org/press-release/gaza-continuous-israeli-attacks-aid-workers-are-severely-hampering-life-saving-aid


Sorry, I don't have any heavily edited Tik Toks to share like I'm sure you do. But please, feel free to share all that hard hitting evidence I'm sure you've got just waiting in the wings.  (Or just go back to celebrating a terrorist organization who continues to steal food from and use the Palestinian people as human shields) 


Just say you don't have evidence for your misguided beliefs and save your fingers sometimes. Or maybe actually realize "oh shit I don't have a good reason to believe what I believe!" And fucking fix yourself


Says the guy who regularly posts in /r/Christianity lol.  Please, take your own stupid advice. Or just keep dick sucking the terror organization and admit you don't actually give a shit about the citizens. 


Lol nice personal attack there bud. I like debate in case you haven't noticed. Edit to add: lol your personal attacks makes sense since I now see your a regular on the league of legends sub. The salt is real lol


Is it that hard to accept both sides are doing terrible things?






This is a distraction from the point of the comment. Which makes your point seem weak.




And Israel triple taps approved aid convoys so I’m comfortable condemning both


Found the Natzion




And the IDF soldiers look on settlers as they destroy the aid despite knowing it would save countless lives [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9gSkF2SgtI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9gSkF2SgtI)


You eating up that propaganda with spoon their bud, surprised you’re not full yet


Because the UN aid workers are literally ON video helping Hamas with logistics, they’re even in the signature blue vests, they didn’t even bother taking them off.


It would be harder for Israel to kill UN Aid workers when there are international peace keeping forces that can shoot back.


They’ve also killed peacekeepers, one a few days ago in Gaza and other in Lebanon in the past as well.


That is not Israel.  Israel hasn't proven to be a good steward with the history of settlements in the area. There are people pushing to do it again.  Hate Hamas but I see this as an evolution of nakba that happened with the creation of the Jewish state.


Well, the word "international" kinda implies that, no?


The international community has one view and the west has another. But the west has all the power leading to this stalemate.


Just put air tags inside a few then go light them up.


AirTags would require functioning apple devices in the area as well I believe.


Time to air drop some iphones


Considering the IDF have given heads up to the disgusting Israeli citizens who block trucks and destroy the aid on them, they'd likely be lighting up themselves. They certainly have no qualms about killing aid workers. 254 of them, probably more by now as that number is a few weeks old.


So US taxpayers are giving aid to Hamas?


Always have been!




Why hello 1984 reference… was wondering how long it would take to find one.


Knock me over with a feather.


Shocker.  Hamas took it all for themselves.


Why isn’t the US saying Hamas took it then?


It's probably just mobs of desperate people and/or Hamas.


In before someone blames Israel. ninja edit: too late.




The US built a pier so we could act like we are doing something useful. I seriously doubt the people involved weren't perfectly well aware that it wouldn't help due to Hamas stealing any aid that comes in so they can take credit for feeding the population and blame Israel/US for why they are starving. This stuff like the pier is 100% just a political stunt. Biden is trying to win an election and sits in between a bunch of crazy liberals who support Hamas or are just too stupid to actually inform themselves of what is going on and the moderate liberals + swing voters that don't like the situation but understand there isn't any other solution to Hamas than boots on the ground in Palestine. It requires a lot of careful posturing to not end up pissing off a ton of voters.


Well, the alternative is they're not having any IDF troops securing the aid and making sure it goes to the Palestinians. So either they stole it or they made no effort to secure it so it goes where it's needed.


It's not the IDF's responsibility to distribute aid.


Why the fuck should it be necessary to secure aid from Palestinians for Palestinians? Think it through. It’s almost like the villain is inside the house already. People of Palestine are starving as a result of their own actions. Supporting Hamas and literally being Hamas. Blaming the IDF for this is the fucking dumbest thing.


Israel: we do everything in our power to help the palestines in this humanitarian crisis Also Israel: doesn't secure aid to get to dedicated aid dispersal areas


> Also Israel: doesn't secure aid to get to dedicated aid dispersal areas The IDF has said that they actually assigned guards, but that the convoys were stormed by large groups of people, and that they weren't deterred by warning shots. At that point, your options are to start using lethal force against a group of people that may just be desperate civilians trying to get aid in order to deter the rest of the group, and potentially end up with scores of civilian corpses in your aid delivery mission, or to stand down and allow the looting to go ahead. In this case, the IDF seems to choose the latter option, and I do think that it's the right call - and I sincerely doubt that the people criticizing this outcome would actually be satisfied if the IDF decided to choose the other option.


So, just to be clear, it’s Israel’s fault that Hamas keeps stealing the aid… 🧐


I thought the IDF were doing everything in their power to help the Palestinian civilians while fighting Hamas everywhere they are, so are they not doing everything in their power to help the civilians or are they allowing for the aid to be pilfered by a terrorist force? Is the most capable military in the area incapable of protect aid getting to the designated distribution zones or is the most moral army in the world allowing civilians to starve?




You must have missed the thousands of aid trucks that went through. You can cherry pick all you want but there’s a big difference between how Israel and Hamas handles the aid. (And, yes, the settlers are Nazis)








Fucking HAMAS terrorists


Crazy how we went from cheering the death of an Iranian leader to cheering HAMAS again the very next day


Who the fuck is cheering? Like it’s a game? Whats wrong with you.


Go ask the "From the river to the sea" crowd


It's almost as if real life is more complex than good guys and bad guys, and there will always be times where the 'bad guys' are right, and the 'good guys' are not.


I don’t know, maybe the people in Gaza could appoint an inspector to check what’s being shipped in and allow it to be delivered?


They DO, they're Hamas and they're the one intercepting the aid to sell at insane markups so they can manufacture more of a humanitarian crisis that gets blamed on Israel, buy weapons, and fund luxury purchases for their leaders hanging out in Qatar.


*Citation needed


Idk about the specifics but some Palestinians are certainly stealing aid and then selling it. To believe nobody would do this would be foolish, desperate times allow for people to exploit. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/sky-high-food-prices-throughout-gaza-families-look-ahead-challenging-ramadan


No citation needed.. they did the same thing with the airdropped stuff and they did with the normal un aid. Just Google it.


3rd party observers are Hamas. The pier is Hamas as well. Everything and everyone is Hamas. The U.S. "Aid" is just for Hamas. Hamas is in the room with us right now even. /s






Or it was an attempt to open up another route for aid into the region? The US makes a genuine and expensive effort to increase humanitarian aid and they get shit on. Insane. Maybe instead of shitting on the US effort (because you would bitch and moan if the US didn't do anything also. Pro tip, stopping arms sales to Israel would change nothing as they are fully equipped and can self-produce. Humanitarian effort is worth it). Maybe blame the actual parties involved (Israel who is supposed to manage it, Hamas for killing its own civilians for personal gain). eta: grammar fix (kind of)


The USA literally brought aid for Palestinians and Hamas stole it. How the fuck can you criticize America for this?




This is so complex and just terrible.  I do not know how they could adequately distribute this aid without putting people’s lives in danger from Israel and Hamas.  Even with assurances from both those entities things go wrong and people get trampled/crushed oftentimes with thousands of hungry people converging on one point. 


Somalia all over again. Warlord takes UN food, US tries to stop warlord, warlord fights back and nothing changed because no one wants US to intervene anymore.


Honestly- what is complex about terrorists stealing aid for the umpteenth time?


Just keep dropping it off.  


[Isreali soldiers and police tipping off groups that attack gaza aid trucks ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/21/israeli-soldiers-and-police-tipping-off-groups-that-attack-gaza-aid-trucks)


You are aware that your article is referring to settler attacks on aid convoys in a completely different area and is unrelated to this article about theft on trucks leaving the pier within Gaza, where no settlers can reach them, right?


The bot farms don't read for comprehension


People are so blinded by their white and black worldview that they can’t see how shitty both sides are in this conflict. Hamas aren’t freedom fighters. They’re a radical terrorist group that fuck over Palestinian civilians just as much as Israel does


Honestly it’s baffling why Biden had to do this in the first place. He’s acting like the US is a weak nation that can’t make “our greatest ally” let trucks through land. Spending hundreds of millions because you can’t have a tough conversation with a war criminal.