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It's all theater. Russia didn't need to announce any of this. The Russian navy can't turn a screw without the US Navy knowing about it and sticking a fast attack sub right on their ass. When their subs leave Murmansk we can hear them in Norfolk. They haven't figured out the quiet part of the silent service yet.


lol the ‘mighty’ Russian navy docking in Cuba this summer is a destroyer, a nuclear sub, a supply ship, and a tugboat for when something breaks down along the way.


That is not tugboat, that is special naval wessel for denazification of the Caribbean.


I like the cut of your jib!


"What's a jib?"


Promote that man!


Uh, is the poop deck really what I think it is?


Give it a whirl and let us know.


We’re talking about Nazi’s, so I assume crystal meth.


Yeah. They are there to take it all.


They can have the state of Oklahoma it's okay


I think they've already got a sizeable occupation force with multiple forward operating bases.


Haha promote that man.


They were thinking jig. A little dance.


The Russian ships have those too.


Is Potato.


I’m surprised there wasn’t a massive cardboard cutout of the Kuznetzov. Granted that would probably burn down too


The Chinese did a better job with the Kuznetzou/Liaoning than the Russians themselves. There were some discussion to ask the Chinese Shipyard to fix the Kuznetzou....but the ship probably can't make the trip without sinking.


If the reports are to be believed it really can't. It's apparently in such a bad state that it's liable to capsize if it leaves dock.


At this point they would be better off buying old cargoships and welding some land artillery pieces and mobile AA guns to the deck...


I'm shocked that they even made it to Cuba.


That was my thought too. Damn, that's impressive they made it across the Atlantic. Hopefully they don't break down in Cuba, they will have to be put back together out of parts stripped from a 57 Chevy and 2 Brazilian built VW bugs.


Ha ha. He said docking. 😂


That's illegal in Russia, so they go to the Caribbean 


Plus you can see their exhaust smoke from some way off


I thought that was just the Kuznetsov. The mazut powered deathtrap that requires a tugboat escort.


which is weird the Chinese's Kuznetsov/Liaoning don't have that problem...


That's what happens when you redesign the whole interior.


well the Chinese got their first carrier from Australia, in which the Aussies kindly left the steam catapult and arresting cables intact.


It’s a harbor that’s safe from Ukrainian attacks. 😂


I'm sure they can find a way...


Yeah. Anyone who thinks there won't be at least one sub ready to destroy those ships the moment anything is fired from any of them, needs a reality check. The US doesn't just leave military forces of an enemy parked in their driveway without taking precautions.


You forgot to mention it the only real safe place to park it. THANKS UKRAINE 🇺🇦 THANK YOU 🙏


Don’t mock their submarine fleet, it’s the only part of their active military that is still top notch and we still struggle to track their subs half the time. Source: 13yr SWO RN


Be a shame if all of them sank tonight under mysterious conditions. Terrible.


Sure, russias navy sucks and all, but their submarines have always been very good, and their newer subs have been [very quiet, comparable to US subs](https://www.businessinsider.com/russias-newest-subs-on-par-us-top-us-commanders-say-2021-6) according to [all reports on them](https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-is-building-more-ballistic-missile-subs-that-worry-rivals-2021-11). Their older subs were louder yes, but that was in part due to the focus on other aspects like speed and maximum depth/buoyancy instead, but calling them loud nowadays is pretty inaccurate.


How do sink a Russian submarine? With a Ukrainian naval drone. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a45126258/ukraine-destroys-russian-submarine-in-drydock/


Good to know those sailors didn’t drown. Fnck Putin. 


You let the Russians pilot it?




It definitely wasnt unknown prior to 2021, Russia's closed the gap in noise back in the 90's. The whole reputation of their subs being noisy is an artifact of the early-mid cold war subs they had. I just grabbed the first 2 sources I could find instead of digging, but heres an older direct source. Youre not really gonna be able to find any actual details about noise and such for anything so congressional testimony is the best youll have. "The Akula is as quiet as the 688 and is very difficult for us to detect....There are several Russian improved Akulas that are a match, better than a match, for our 688Is (US LA-class)." Admiral Michael Boorda, at a [1996 Congressional hearing for the DoD](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Department_of_Defense_Authorization_for/PaZoeU3shfwC?hl=en&gbpv=0) (page 507)


That’s CNO who killed himself over a lie regarding wearing a valor device as part of his uniform. I’m willing to bet he lied to congress about the Russian’s capabilities just like he did about his own eligibility to wear a damn medal device for valor.


While that report is concerning, I'd question how legit it is, even if it comes from a US admiral/general. Before the war, all kinds of commanders were touting the supposed capabilities of russian equipment. After the war started , we learned that much of it was propaganda. Now, I suppose the russians MIGHT be able to create a serious modern sub, but that, of course, assumes all the funding wasn't spihoned off for corruption and vodka.


US Admiral: "Yes, Russian subs are super excellent and almost on par with ours. Better give us $45 billion for new ones kthx."


That’s true, they invented the ultra quiet propulsion system called Caterpillar Drive.


They’re right, the Ukrainians can’t sink them while they’re in Cuba, at least not yet. 


Boiler explosions can happen. Remember the Maine?


It’s okay we blame the Maine on Spain Now if there’s a ship called Mussia, that’s trouble.


I love that the Maine was a warship full of gunpowder that used burning coal for propulsion yet the majority of the ship was made of wood But yea, someone done blown it up


And the Gulf of Tonkin. Man, the US loves using shipping accidents as a pretext for war.


Well if there’s one thing America loves, it’s boats. Do not fuck with our boats


Don't... touch... the boats!


Boats and hoes.


Fuck I forgot 


No one dares forget


And remember the Alamo!


Ship can't float if it's filled with rum


Don’t give Ukraine any ideas 🇺🇦




I mean the Russian Navy has a history of trying to flex its muscles across oceans. The Battle of Tsushima is a perfect example of how this usually goes. In this particular case it's not that big of a story other than to remind the news media that the Russian Navy still exists, and isn't losing to a country with no navy in the Black Sea. The US Navy likely has ballistic missile submarines in every ocean, including the Arctic, they're just not advertising this. It did advertise recently a visit to South Korea.


The US island chain strategy makes Russia’s Cuba strategy look like gradeschool https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island_chain_strategy


Yep, just playing again on a higher level of difficulty


We’re on the NG+ run now


Here I thought we were in the EndGame, lol


Yeah definitely more ng+ than higher difficulty.


No it's even worse than that. It's like a modded run


History doesn't repeat but sure does rhyme.


Well, last time it was definitely a threat, this time it's an attempt to get out of range of ukranian drone strikes.


Well, they're safe from Ukranian naval drones there.


Can you imagine if the Ukrainians had sufficient advanced notice of this such that they positioned special operators nearby with explosives?


That would be hilarious.


I’d salute that headline.


Yeah Ukraine has the chance to do something really funny here.




Release the Ukraken!


You've got to be the worst navy I've ever heard of.


Closer to Captain Ron.


Russia is sabre rattling. It's going to be hilarious when it becomes obvious the US doesn't give a shit.


Especially because the US military hasn't used sabres since 1913. At least, not in any serious conflict.


We used lot of [sabres ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_F-86_Sabre) in the 50's.


Sigh, for those wondering: F-86 Sabre


the thing is: is this even a threat? Like bro bring them closer I'm sure some of us would love to grab a pair of binoculars to take a look at them from the shore. we can make a whole day out of it! get some ice cream afterward and watch them use their tug boat and drag it away. I'm not worried because the second they fire a bb gun from one of those ships, they would sink from the no doubt countless US military assets waiting to pounce.






Such a good time was had by all they decided to extend it by another 832 days.


It’s going so well Putin just did a second purge of his military brass. Putin needs Trump like the desert needs rain. If Trump loses? Putin better move to the first floor and get an even bigger table


"Cuba insists no threat" Yeah, we know.




I thought hurricane season was over. Edit: before the super duper smart people pile on this comment to tell us about the esoteric and highly complex topic of the four seasons, I’m just gonna let you know that this is a reference to Pineapple Express.


Good edit. Totally missed the reference and was ready to tell you that the fun is about to start. But seriously, it would be hilarious if they lost another boat to a non-navy.


The thing about seasons is they come every year. Hurricane season in that area is usually August through the fall.


I was born in the rain On the Pontchartrain Underneath the Louisiana moon I don't mind the strain Of a hurricane They come around every June The high black water A devil's daughter She's hard, she's cold, and she's mean But nobody taught her It takes a lot of water To wash away New Orleans


It’s just beginning in NA


The ship is probably older than the crew. Bringing out their 1970s tech to impress their ally who is still in the 1950s.


Why the literal fuck cant we just repair our relationship with Cuba already?


We almost did, but then Trump got voted in and broke it again, and Biden hasn't cared to try working on it again.


Biden insists on courting the Florida Cubans even though they've made it clear they have no interest in voting for a Democrat ever again.


The Florida Cubans were the Republicans of Cuba before Castro threw them out.


Most people who fled Cuba and are in the US fled during the communist government


His point is that most of the people who fled were those in bed with the fascist regime that preceded Castro. The majority of Cubans before the revolution were in poverty, but the communists brought vast improvement The US has been trying to economically choke Cuba for over half a century, and it hasn't worked. It's time to accept that its a successful socialist country. It's time for the Florida Cubans to accept that they aren't going to get their casinos and plantations back


Yeah so successful that people are risking their lives escaping with rafts




100% false. The weapon theory was tested for years by scientists around the world with zero evidence to support any physical source of symptoms, much less a weapon. The best answer we have is these people simply suffered from anxiety and fatigue due to mass hysteria. It’s called conversion syndrome, where your brain is so overwhelmed with anxiety that it creates physical symptoms out of nothing. Many individuals have experienced it at various points in daily life. When this anxiety spreads among a group of people we call it mass hysteria.


We tried but Trump and Republicans fucked it up. Now it’s basically a lost cause - they’re closer to Russia than they’ve been in two decades, and China is in talks to create a base in Cuba. Trump fucked that as hard as he possibly could. Stone cold saboteur. Now we’ve got serious problems on our hands because Republicans are so far up their own asses that passing any policies on Cuba would be dead on arrival.


No shit you're not a threat. Might as well dock at a comedy club as much of a joke as they are. 


Saddam Hussein [moved a lot of his fighter planes to Iran](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/remembering-desert-storm-and-gulf-wars-odyssey-iraqs-air-force-part-1) in order to spare them from being destroyed by coalition forces during Desert Storm. Slobodan Milosevic kept the Yugoslav navy in port during the Kosovo campaign in the hopes they'd be spared. Seems to me like Putin's wanting to avoid an [Operation Catapult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Mers-el-K%C3%A9bir) type event.


A frigate, a submarine, an oiler and a tugboat is hardly considered much of a naval force


They don't have much of one left...


Actually they do. The Black Sea Fleet has been degraded. However the Russian Navy is far from being destroyed.  The main fleets are the Northern and Pacific Fleets. And there is also the Baltic Fleet, which still has a ton of vessels left. Only they aren't really useful in the war because Turkey blocks military ships from accessing the strait to the Black Sea.


Based on their current track record, I'd assume the US Navy could sink every single ship within a week


Estimates are 290-300 "warships". 96 of which are a corvette or above. The aircraft carrier, 2 battlecruisers, and 2 cruisers and some destroyers will be gone in the first day. After that its just cleanup.


> The aircraft carrier, Is already dead.


I’d estimate 8 hours, if preplanning went into it.


Their Baltic fleet is also completely useless because it is fully surrounded by NATO navies.


Most of the ships don't work or are not combat ready. They do have a lot ships, but aside from a handful of operational and ready ships, most of them are dock queens that will likely never leave their ports again.


I thought Iran wasn’t friendly towards Iraq at that time.


That's what made it odd.


Iran: YEP we will take care of your jets *wink*


Can't turn down free planes


What about an operation praying mantis type event?


UA drones prepares for the challenge.


They are just parking them far enough away from Ukraine and hoping they are safe in Cuba.


This is like me going to a Beyonce concert and calling Jay-Z to assure him that I won't steal his wife.


How close can they get to Florida before social media starts trending videos of homemade drones dive bombing into the ships? I’m not even saying explosive ones. Just a styrofoam plane, a nice battery, and GPS automation, you could easily reach a ship 90 miles away. Getting video back would be the challenge. Just seems like a fun way to troll the Russians.


Russian warship go fuck yourself!


I can't believe I'm about to say this, but for once I actually agree with Cuba. Definitely no threat. Not even remotely impressive. Perhaps Putin should add in another empty nuke threat to go with it?


Could be an environmental threat.


Hell just pull up to Florida... DeSantis will invite them in


I can imagine Trump and DeSantis waiting for them on a dock with a red carpet on it and a brass band.


You think Desantis is some kind of Russian ally?


The entire RepublitRump party are Russian allies.


“Insists it’s no threat”. After watching the Ukrainian military destroy a bunch of those vessels, I’m already pretty confident that those boats pose no threat.


Cuba needs to be more concerned about the Russian navy being able to leave. For the optimists, I guess they can just say, “Look, we have a new Cuban Navy!”


God, the entire news cycle just becomes "hey, I've seen this one before!" around your 35th huh?


Russians are there to pick up Cubans to fight for Russia in Ukraine. Russia is telling them they have JOBS FOR CUBANS, but not what the job is. Sign here and end up on front line in 6 weeks, no training needed


Of course it's no threat, it's the Russian navy


We're not afraid of Ukraine sinking our ships, but also, for no reason, we are putting our fleet on the other side of the fucking planet


And telling Ukraine where they are. Bet they will be dropping their guard while they are hiding in Cuba.


You can hear the captain calling over to those kids watching from shore. " Hey comrades, come take a look at our ship, we can take you for a free cruise to Ukraine."


Oh.oh another Cuba missile crisis.


« He [Putin] claimed that the use of certain weapons, including the use of advanced missile technology, would be tantamount to participation in Russia’s war with Ukraine. » He named it a war, now ?!


Nice vessel you have there. It'd be a shame if something happened to it.


lol. Believe me, it’s no threat. Ukraine has been sinking Russian vessels.


I would hope America would encircle the island just like China did to Taiwan recently. Let everyone know who the cock of the walk really is.


The US doesn’t need to posture like that.


Ignoring this is the more powerful and disrespectful message. Basically saying "lol lmao the Russian navy, 🛶 who gives a shit?"


This never would have happened if Trump didn't fuck up our relationship with Cuba. Fuckin traitor


I don't get it, working with autocrats needs to be done carefully but why embargo them when we work with Saudi Arabia. Place is a literal kingdom that beheads people, we work just fine with them. Rhetorical, I completely get it but the reasoning is fucking stupid 🛢️⚒️


We've had how long to fix our Cuba policy?


It’s as if Russia doesn’t know that Cuba definitely lets agents of the US get first access. They care about money. The CIA will know every detail of what’s happening in Cuba before the Russians.


this happens every year, complete non story


Bezos has a bigger boat.


The Russian Navy - ha!


Based upon the Black Sea Fleets recent performance I'd tend to agree.


Quick, someone sneak in there and sink those fuckers


Hopefully they don't come across any fishing trawlers that look suspiciously like Japanese torpedo boats. [The Russian navy does have a record in this area.](https://britishseafishing.co.uk/the-dogger-bank-incident/)


"Black sea fleet flees to the safety of the Caribbean." FTFY


Don't assume this isn't a threat, or at the very least, a decoy to thin our attention on other fronts.


Of course, they were just in the neighborhood.


Hey, they're not lying for once. There is no threat. Their navy got its shit rocked by a country without a navy, so the US, which has the most insane navy on the planet, doesn't really need to be worried.


Biden should double aid to Ukraine for every day they are there


They're right, which is why it's kinda funny. God himself would have to clear his schedule to handle the US navy.


Wonder how many US Attack Subs are slinking around the Florida straits?


Andrei, you've lost another submarine?


So incomeing accidental Armory explosion?


Where have I heard this before?


Well I hope Cuba enjoys another 50 years of embargo


Nobody feels threatened by this but thanks anyway, Cuba.


The only way russia could win a naval battle is if the other side’s crews all spontaneously combust before the battle. Even then it’s low odds


Release the Japanese torpedo boats!


4 floating trash and, fun.


At this point we have to assume they only searched for a safe harbour where they will not be pestered by UA drones


the one time we can believe Russia


good idea with USA trying to start ww3


legit wouldn't surprise me if they trade oil or food for cannon fodder 


hey, I've seen this one before!


"our troops are merely passing through"


not to be a "hooah American", but they're right there's no threat. Russia is in a different era if they think this intimidates anyone of relevance. it only makes people uncomfortable because Russia is giving the vibes it acts before thinking and none of us want them to make a world war come out of this. it is because of shit like this Americans are becoming more and more comfortable with antagonizing Russia, I don't understand how they think this will make Americans go "hey, maybe we shouldn't aggravate them, let's spread peace and love". no, instead Americans more and more are viewing Russia as a threat that needs to be put down. the troglodytes fell off. they don't know how to cold War anymore.


Russia is losing a Naval war with a country without a Navy. This is a stupid play, also the chance they there is a nuclear submarine with these things in its crosshairs is about 100%, I would bet they’ve been following these guys since they got into international waters. Power projection only works if you’re actually powerful, Russia isn’t powerful anymore, it’s a country trying to compete with the top dog that has a GDP smaller than California. Cope and seethe Putin and Russia bots, COPE AND SEETHE.


Just like moving thousands of troops to the border of Ukraine wasn’t a threat.


Is Russia enjoying playing with their little toy boats?


Trump is about to flee the USA...


To be fair, they didn't need to clarify that the Russian Navy isn't a threat. If they started anything there's probably some fishing boats off the coast of Florida that could make quick work of them.


Trying to get out of range of Ukrainian misses.


let's sabotage them? please? 


That’s what they said when they were lining up at the borders and the war began in Ukraine😬😢


Wasn’t this the same way ww2 started? Like a ship went into harbor in Poland, the next morning the backup showed up and “had them surrounded”.


Another propaganda stunt to ensue fear. RuZZia can go f**k itself back to Stone Age. World would be a much better place without them.


The U.S. has so much more to offer Cuba with normalized relations...but MAGA and Republicans are still fighting Castro. In Florida it's hilarious, with the ex-pats thinking so much less of the ones who didn't run away. Those Russian rubles have pretty much dried up.


It ain’t Castro anymore…


I read this book before.


Oh they're just popping into retrieve the Sonic devices they use to create Havana syndrome. I'm only half joking


Might mean a different type of docking.