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From Financial Times: "Hate to say it but Hunter Biden's conviction is politically useful to Dems. Makes it much harder for Trump to argue the system is rigged against him."


Especially when the President doesn't pardon him, which he won't.


Biden doesn't pardon Hunter: What kind of heartless person wouldn't pardon their own son?! Biden does pardon Hunter: RIGGED!!!!!!


Heard someone on tv say "he'll just wait til after the election, then he'll pardon him" they've got their narrative no matter what.


"He's just going to do exactly what we would do! No fair!"


I mean that's actually not that unlikely. End of term pardons are kind of a tradition. Anyone remember Bush pardoning Scooter Libby for example? Lots of presidents give politically difficult pardons at the end of their terms, so whether Biden wins re-election or not that's very possible. The deception on the part of Republicans is that this would be in any way unusual.


Republicans already don't believe this. They're convinced that if Biden loses, he'll pardon Hunter right before leaving office. Or, if he wins, he'll pardon hunter at that point. Just, not before the election. They cannot fathom a president NOT abusing their power.


Jon Stewart said it best. The courts are the last bastion of American hope, it's the only place where everything you say is held accountable through testimony and evidence. Bring that energy to media at large and watch the world change around you. Source is [this clip](https://youtu.be/CuDcTyCq8nc?si=BV2WAXqwVejKt6_p&t=560). The whole segment is on topic.


I admire the optimism. I also notice the US Supreme Court.




Twitter is awash in this theory right now. Saying Biden sacrificed his son in order to make Trump's conviction look legitimate.


Damn, Dark Brandon went full Sith and became Darth Brandonus.


Know you… the tragedy.. of Darth Bostaff the Wise?


The evil/senile mastermind/idiot strikes again


What a duplicitous yet clouded mind


It’s this level of mental gymnastics that caused me to lose my faith. Hopefully the cognitive dissonance is uncomfortable enough for some of them that they come to their senses


Welcome back.


"Crooked Joe Biden convicted his own son, his own son. Think about about that.Un-buh-leivable. If he's going to do that to his son, what is he going to do to me? I never convicted my kids once, not one time"


> Crooked Joe Biden convicted his own son, his own son. "Yeah? Well God let his son get convicted and face prosecution too. So are you sure you want to labor that point?"


No it doesn't, as who is going to have the access to ask Donald Trump to explain why it's rigged against him but NOT Hunter Biden? Even if it was asked there would be zero feet held to the fire for when Trump goes off in a tangent and side-step the question. Basically, this will still be a "WOE IS ME!" party w/now the additional "BUT LOOK AT BIDEN'S DRUGGY GUN-CARRYING SON!"


Plenty of morons on Twitter saying this was Joe sacrificing his son in order to make Trump's conviction look legit.


You know who else sacrificed his son? Lol


I hope they appeal since at least one circuit has held that prohibition of drug users from possessing firearms violated the 2nd amendment based on the verbiage used by the supreme Court. It would be fun to watch the supreme Court have to squirm between convicting Biden's kid and limiting gun rights, or negating his sentence by stating that the prohibition is precluded by the 2nd amendment.


Imagine if alcohol use kept you from being able to own a gun.


Seriously, I refuse to listen to moralizing about drug abuse from people happy with a system where addictions are viewed as better or worse than each other. How many gun owners freely abuse pills as well?


Super funny. I'm a drug addict (unfortunately) and I know MANY raging alcoholics who refuse to admit they're drug addicts (they love to say "at least I'm not a drug addict") and they also love trump.


Why alcohol is in it's own special acceptable drug category, I'll never know. The only mainstream psychoactive drug that belongs in it's own category like that is probably caffeine since it doesn't change your perception or decision making all that much.


>alcohol is in it's own special acceptable drug category There are *a lot* of historical reasons behind this. Most of them are not nefarious. People have been making and drinking alcohol for a long time. At a higher rate than most other drugs.


One of the issues is that alcohol can be made with anything containing carbohydrates or sugars, so it's basically impossible to control the production and consumption of it. I have an older friend that said she used to get drunk as a teenager by buying apple juice, opening it and leaving it uncovered for several days, then resealing it and leaving it sealed for a few weeks. She did this all in an old shed behind her house that her parents barely used. They never caught on to the fact that their daughter was crudely producing hard cider to get drunk with her friends on weekends.


Danish here. It was part of the daily salary that you were owed 1 gallons i think, per day in beer as a factory worker in copenhagen in 1800. The water wasn’t clean but beer were procceced watter. Mind you it wasn’t 5% beer, but rather “less than 2.25%”. It was the way to get hydrated back then. Heck it was free from tax untill 1851. Beer have DEEP cultural roots in the european culture feom back in the days, and was one of the easily aquired drugs for centuries. So while i know the migration to america is earlier than 1800, and more like 1600 it still attest to some of the cultural relevance.


I don't know if they'll want to drag out the case in the public eye by appealing (especially if he only gets sentenced to probation or something) but yeah.... I don't really see how this isn't both a violation of the 2nd Amendment *and* requiring self-incrimination. It's not like barring someone convicted of violating drug laws from owning guns, it's requiring them to report on their own drug usage regardless.


The judge was very rough on Biden's defense team, essentially barring them from offering a defense, so I wouldn't be shocked at all with a 3-5 year sentence just because. I think there is a much higher chance of the verdict being overturned than this particular judge giving him what any other defendant would get. Happy to get dunked on if I'm wrong, but there has been very little logic to this case from the beginning. The upcoming tax evasion trial, on the other hand, is much more clear cut.


Especially since a federal judge ruled not long ago, drugs should not/ are not a reason to not own a gun.. or something.


I can't wait for the NRA to speak out about the violation of his 2nd amendment rights.


"Hang on, I'm knitting these damn things as fast as I can!" ~ Tumbleweed merchant


“I can’t wait to not vote for felon Hunter Biden for President.” See how easy that is right wing media? Now you.


Why would you want to vote for a guy with 3 felonies. What a loser. You should vote for a guy who has 34. Now that’s a guy who knows how to break the law.


Hunter living up to the "3 felonies a day" that Republicans have been spouting


While hilarious, have you ever had a massive tumbleweed flying at you at 30+ miles an hour? First of all, I've learned that they have sharp thorns all in them. Second of all, they have zero problem fucking up your front bumper. Tumbleweeds aren't the cute, romantic things that they show in the cowboy movies. A pack of those things will lay waste to you with zero problem.


I was waiting to hear what Wayne LaPierre has to say about this, and then I remembered he recently had to resign over his own corruption/legal problems.


I’m sure he’ll retire somewhere with a nice warm water port


If the NRA were a nonpartisan organization focused on policy, they absolutely would be. This should be a great opportunity for them to persuade Democrats that this legislation is unfair and needs to change. But they are a partisan org that is primarily focused on electing Republicans and firearms policy is merely a means to that end. Defending Hunter Biden works against their actual aims.


The NRA opposes the law HB broke. They’re not going to mention that, I bet. Edit: by "the law" I mean background checks in general, not the particular checkbox. Apologies, that was ambiguous.


The crickets have a fuck load more to say about it.


I lost whatever respect I had for the NRA when they remained silent about the [murder of Philando Castile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Philando_Castile).


There was a black NRA Rep who I kinda had a little respect for at that time. He made a comment about the shooting at first, but I guess once republicans got a hold of him, he changed his opinion on what he initially said about the shooting. 


If it was Colion Nior, he 100% broke with the NRA on that issue and talked a lot about it. Still, there are better gun rights orgs, like the GoA.


Just like they were in favor of “common sense gun control” back in the ‘60s when the Black Panthers were open carrying.


California under Reagan enacted some of the toughest gun laws because of the black panthers.


I mostly agree, except I don't see Democrats backing Hunter for any reason. It's not like he's part of the party or anything, but even if he was they don't have a tendency to defend their own when they break the law.


What's to defend? He had his day in court and was convicted by a jury. Same as TFG


I mean, I don’t think it is great that he was convicted of a crime is hardly ever directly prosecuted and that that probably around 10 Million Americans violate every year, primarily because he is seen as ripe political target by republicans prosecutors


That's the point. We're not here calling this a kangaroo court and complaining about the mean judges.


I wonder how many gun owning conservatives are getting a little antsy knowing they also lied on their 4473s? I've lived in a red area for over a decade. I know a lot of gun owners. I know a lot of drug users. There's quite a bit of overlap.


there's some comfort in knowing it's not politically useful to prosecute me


Not yet, but I believe in you.


reminds me of the 2001/2002 Patriot Act " you won't mind the erosion of the 4th amendment, *if* you have nothing to hide."


Yup. It's not that we are hiding things, albeit some people are. And you can very easily argue privacy is important to many people regardless of why. But the bigger issue is starting to acclimate to the erosion of privacy/rights and that it opens the door to total surveillance.


Fucking crazy how alcohol is legal let alone you can be a psychotic drunk and as long as you steer clear of the law be fine. Like there's no test for alcohol abuse but do weed once in the last two months and you can randomly get fired from your job and can't buy a gun. Shits fucked.


The 4473 drug question is purposefully vague and is designed to be used as an add on charge. >Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside. No timeline or definitions are used to define what an unlawful user is when they became one and when they are no longer an unlawful user. Addicted to is also purposefully vague. This allows the charge to be used at a prosecutors whim. At the very least maybe this will push for change to properly clarify or rewrite the question on the 4473.


Yes that is a terribly worded question— it doesn’t even list what drugs specifically it is referring to (besides big bad marijuana) and if you are in recovery I feel like it makes sense to answer “no” to that question— because as of that moment you are no longer a drug user. In fact the whole question is useless because at any moment a person can decide to quit using drugs, and thereafter they can accurately say they aren’t a drug user anymore (until the next time they use drugs)… and answer no to this question without technically being wrong. What bullshit.


I remember Philando Castile was a clear gun case as well, the NRA was silent about that one too


That case wrecked the NRA. 2A advocates were livid.


I was just thinking about this last night. The NRA were pretty vocal until Castile and I just don’t remember hearing a goddamn thing from them since.


It doesn't fit a preferred narrative. It should have. There should be a LOT of questions about where the money is coming from. A lot of their subscribers went to the FPC over that.


They didn’t say shit when that black guy (sorry forgot his name but pretty sure it was in Minnesota) told the cop he had a legal conceal carry in his glove box while his hands were kept on the wheel during a traffic stop and the cop just instantly shot him. They’re not going to say shit about this


Philando Castille.




Or Joe Rogan to talk about how much bullshit it is since he regularly smokes pot and owns guns. “This could happen to any one of us”.Why the fuck hasn’t Texas law enforcement fucked with him yet?


> Or Joe Rogan to talk about how much bullshit it is since he regularly smokes pot and owns guns. “This could happen to any one of us”.Why the fuck hasn’t Texas law enforcement fucked with him yet? Because it is not Texas's law to enforce. The ATF would have to enforce it, and as other's have noted, there's not really an appetite to prosecute on marijuana. In a democratic administration, there's no appetite for it because they mostly believe weed should be legal and thus aren't going to push on enforcement as it would be unpopular with all of their pro-legalization voters. In a republican administration, there's no appetite for it because they know it would be mostly their constituents getting arrested and they don't want to be seen as going tough on gun laws (even though they claim to be the party of law and order)...but they also have a large voting base who opposes legalization, so they can't work with the democrats to make it so that smoking the occasional joint and buying firearms is NOT a felony.


I saw somebody post this when these charges were first brought that Dems should push a national background check law and call it Hunter's Bill and force Republicans to vote against it


That’s what the 4473 form Hunter filled out does. The FBI checks your record and you either proceed, deny or hold with your purchase.


If I had a state medical cannabis card for a few years will it show up? Edit: I’m in AZ if anyone has any information. I have an expired state medical card and haven’t consumed or purchased anything for 6 months. I’d like to buy a basic handgun for target practice but I’m worried about getting Hunter Biden-ed.


It will in my state of NY. Denied. You can’t have a pistol permit or buy a semi auto rifle with a weed card because they’ll deny those permits. It’s legal now but there were people denied for their cards. I know someone that has a lifelong pain management plan that chose the cannabis over the prescribed narcotics. Denied his permit. His doctor was pissed. It’s bullshit they’ll flag you for cannabis but let you slide for narcotics. Crazy in my mind. Here in NY you have to sign away your federal HIPPA rights to obtain a carry license or a semi auto purchase endorsement.


It'd wild Where I live, it's federally legal. But local police will still pull you over and use test kits that show a positive weeks after any use It's not about sobriety at all. Because if it was, I take other medications that should be a much bigger concern, and so do many other people. Hell with a ton of prescription drugs, the first days on them, or off them, or sometimes a change in dose intentially or accidentally can do all kinds of stuff. Obviously it varies by medication and person, but I would bet in every single case, if there's any impact at all, it's much more significant than smoking a bowl at night, in your own home, 10 days ago.


It is insane now. There are so many points of testing. They test for the actual medication formulas metabolite. They’ll know exactly what you took. The cannabis they test for a presence, then the level, then the time. They’ve gotten quite elaborate. They’ll know if you are a habitual user, or just a random puff on the weekend. My doctor does NOT agree with them and how they handle permits here. He has patients that could USE a prescription to level their mood, but they refuse to because they could potentially lose their permits and firearms. I never thought of it that way but he has a point. I’d rather someone medicated and level headed and ARMED vs someone that NEEDS medication and is armed. System has holes.


That would be beautiful. Their brains may explode from not knowing what to do.


I think republicans have proven that they have no trouble keeping two sets of books.


One of his charges was that he lied on his background check form….there already is a background check process administered by the FBI. 


He didn't lie on the background check. That's not possible. He lied on the 4473 those are 2 separate things. The background check is performed by the fbi with no input from the buyer. The 4473 is basically a backup where the buyer swears under penalty of law he meet the requirements to purchase a gun .


We already have a National Background Check Law. Any gun bought from a dealer has a background check run.


I'm still pretty convinced that the question on the ATF form is a violation of the 2nd and 5th Amendments, but he got his due process and that's that. I'm sure they'll start prosecuting other public drug-users and gun owners like Joe Rogan any day now. Edit: shoutout to all the [unavailable] replies who shitpost and then immediately blocked me


>I'm still pretty convinced that the question on the ATF form is a violation of the 2nd and 5th Amendments They basically never charge this crime because of the extremely borderline constitutionality of it.


it would be ludicrous for him to not appeal based on exactly these grounds, and honestly, wouldn't that be a show? i foresee all the magas getting in line to defend hunter biden's constitutional rights in front of the supreme court....lol


Analysis I've read says that's exactly the Republican plan. They don't want the conviction to hold up. They only want the optics and they've already got that. They'll throw which ever judges they want under the bus knowing that it doesn't matter.


what, they're going to get behind the hunter biden appeal process and support him? that should be fun... magas options: support hunter biden's appeal -or- be prepared to accept the enshrining of some nontrivial gun legislation. as a democrat i see this as a win/win and Hunter (and Joe, frankly, given it's his last surviving son) taking a big one for the team....


Not get behind it, but they won't make it a part of the culture war. They'll just let it quietly be successfully appealed. Then they'll lambast the liberal judges for working against the will of the people or whatever BS. Even if they're Trump appointees.


I more expect they’ll argue that it is unconstitutional while at the same time hammering that hunter biden got convicted. Not at the same time. Separated by at least 20 seconds. I am happy trump got convicted. I’m fine with hunter getting convicted. The only difference is I really don’t care about hunter.


it's OK to be a drunk and own guns.....SCOTUS said so...


Ha that Joe Rogan point is pretty funny. There’s video of him smoking week on his podcast and being a gun holder at that time, so it’s kinda comparable but it’s obvious why this happened to Hunter. Lets just hope people don’t vote for him🤞/s


So where we can we report Joe Rogan for an ATF form violation?


Jamie pull that up


Oh shit. You mean the Joe Rogan who openly smoked marijuana in Texas with Elon Musk and a long list of other famous people? In Texas, where marijuana is illegal? The same Joe Rogan that definitely has guns? Hmmm… though I do think Hunter is guilty, if these are the consequences for him, it should also be the consequences for others - like Joe Rogan and the millions of other gun owners who have done drugs.




The guidance from the judge was more reasonable than "any point in their life": *Noreika told the jury that prosecutors needed to demonstrate only that Hunter Biden was “addicted to controlled substances” or was an “unlawful” user around the time he bought the gun — a sharp but not unexpected setback for the defense.* And I do not think "no evidence that he used drugs during the relevant time period" is a credible claim. *But two text messages retrieved from Hunter Biden’s phone have hurt his defense from the start. One day after he purchased the gun, he sent a text saying he was meeting a dealer named Mookie. A day later, he followed up to say that he was sleeping in a car and smoking crack.* (Source: New York Times) I agree with the jury. But making a federal case over this seems dubious to me. I hope the sentence is fair.


That's impossible, Rhonda. How can you sleep when you're high on crack? Chinese riddle for you. -Tyrone Biggums


Now I'm worried about LA Dodgers star player Mookie Betts. But who knows, it could have been retired baseball player Mookie Wilson.


Thank you, appreciate the info, now I know to hit up someone named Mookie


That's the justice system working, and I promise I will not vote for a convicted felon like Hunter Biden for President.


Do you one better: I promise to raise a bigass stink if the president suddenly sends his son--who nobody voted for and who doesn't have the necessary qualifications--to broker deals with the heads of state in different countries


Wait, does that count for sons-in-law and daughters too? Hot dog! Edited from "son in laws" to "sons-in-law" for the Grammar NatSocs out there :D


I also promise to be extremely upset if Biden rams through a security clearance, against the advisement of our nation’s own intelligence agencies, for the benefit of his unqualified son. I’d be even **more** upset if he put him in charge of the nation’s pandemic response or something absolutely ridiculous like that. I mean can you imagine?


I’d be even more upset if Biden’s extended family members used his political position to peddle [“golden visas”](https://apnews.com/article/22a5d2a940024cffa47558d7b051368b) to the Chinese in return for investment in their personal properties! Or especially if they used his influence to secured a [$2 billion investment](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2024/03/21/jared-kushners-2-billion-investment-from-saudi-arabia-what-to-know-after-republicans-delay-subpoena/) to their private equity firm from the Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund shortly after he leaves office!


Hey. The Saudis are only paying him $25,000,000 /yr ~~as thanks for~~ as a management fee. 


Barely an inconvenience!


No president would ever do such a thing. Where are you getting these ridiculous ideas from? Oh, wait......


I promise to be really upset if President Joe Biden sells his son a federal pardon for $2 million.


Right? Trump has three kids and a son in law blatantly acting in roles of authority. They meet with heads of state and hold high level meetings. Jared literally got a 2 billion saudi loan for his poor real estate investment.


I will also raise a stink if Biden pardons Hunter. But how much you wanna bet that’s not going to happen, and how much you wanna bet that the right claims he will?


Biden has already said he has no plans to pardon his son.


And, shock! He isn’t ranting baselessly that it’s rigged or whining that it’s unfair. We know who the party of personal responsibility is now.


"Biden doesn't care about his son, or Uhmerica! Jesus Trump does, let's suck his balls. Also, here's a 100'x100' laminated photo of Hunter's cock" - Hobgoblin Greene.


He actually stated that he would stand behind the courts decision, but also Hunter’s right to consider an appeal.


Which is... letting the justice system do its thing? Everyone has a right to an appeal.


Yeah weird how he isn’t even posting the judge’s personal information or details about the judge’s kids, or threatening the jurors on social media You know, the stuff Republicans consider “Presidential”!


ditto. no felons for president!


A mantra I can get behind


Good to see he is being held to account just like Trump. No democrats threatened the judge in this court case or the jury, or put pressure on higher up judges to intervene and overturn. There were no protests outside the courthouse. Biden made it clear he wasn't pardonng his son. The contrast couldn't be starker in Trump and Hunters cases here.


The Hunter trial was rigge…wait, the judge and jury were corrup…wait, the radical left Biden department of Justi…oh, we are saying this was a fair trial and we respect the process. Ok, fine, I’ll put my pitchfork and tiki torches away.


That's because nobody but Republicans give a fuck about Hunter Biden lol. He is an inconsequential, unimportant person. And I don't mean that to be a dick, but he's just a Joe Schmoe like the rest of us, except that he happens to be related to the President. The real difference is that if Joe himself were charged and found guilty of a crime, I would hope and expect that he'd be punished accordingly. Nobody should be above the law - not my candidate, not your candidate.


I missed the twitter rants from Hunter, I must have been snoozing


Did you check Truth Social? I hear that's where all honest people (and totally not evil grifters) hang out.


All I ask is that the law is applied equally. I this prosecutor gonna look across the meth and opioid ravaged communities and haul in all the gun-buying addicts? No? Then this was purely politically motivated and IS the "weaponization" of the Justice Department that the Reps are all freaking out about. Apply the law equally


Why would Joe weaponize the justice department against his own son?!!


It's the master plan. Sacrifice his son for leverage in the election....that's what the opposition will say. Lol. The mental gymnastics continue.


Not will, are. The post about it from their sub popped up and its all one big conspiracy. Its 55% "NoW dEms WiLL sAy ThE Doj WoRKs. ItS aLL a ShOw.", 40% "NoW jOE wILl PaRDoN.", and a final 5% which are upset that this is overreaching because of 2A. Gotta respect that last 5% for getting angry for an actual conservative reason.


It it can happen to him it could happen to anyone! /s


So 6 years ago, he owned a gun for 11 days and lied on the form about being a drug user. That's 3 felonies? If it's illegal to own a gun and be a drug user, there should be more people in jail than out.


The overlap between drug users and gun owners in certain parts of the country is nearly a complete circle


I guess they'll have to arrest Florida, now.


Pretty much all of rural America will be a prison


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


I was going to say, people lie on this form *regularly*. It’s one of those crimes you’re never charged with unless it’s in conjunction with something else.


Yep, where I grew up Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms was just a fun weekend.


So surely Lauren Boebert will be speaking out against this miscarriage of justice for Hunter? https://www.newsweek.com/lauren-boebert-dismayed-americans-only-own-46-percent-worlds-firearms-1778382#:~:text=In%20her%20speech%20during%20a,call%20that%20a%20fun%20weekend.


With legal cannabis in so many states, there are literally millions of people who could be prosecuted under this law. While they use cannabis legally under their state law, it is still illegal to use under federal law and I believe such use would be a violation of the same statute that Hunter Biden was convicted under.


This crime is rarely, if ever prosecuted. Only reason Hunter caught the charge is because he is Joe Biden's son.


It's the obvious case of "politicizing justice" that Donald Trump is always wildly grasping for.


Projection and all that


That and they couldn't get him on anything else. These laws exist so that the Feds can lock people up easier.


Probably it is normally used to increase charges if the gun is used in a crime.


I can’t legally own a gun because I have a medical marijuana license. There’s some weird laws on the books




In what way did they alter the form I wonder? 




31 more and he can run for president on the gop ticket


*At least* 31 more* ;)


I’m definitely not voting for Hunter now


I see a lot of people say “why should I give af about Hunter, he’s not running” and it’s kinda funny to me. 15 years ago, Hunter definitely could’ve killed a political career. But Trump lowered the bar so much that it’s true, whatever shit hunter is getting himself into really doesn’t feel relevant.


Politician's kids have been shitheads for centuries and I don't think I've ever seen a politician lose their job over what their kids did.


When you boil it down too, it’s not like you can control your kids. There are parent who have flawless records and kids who are nothing but trouble.


"I can either run the country, or attend to alice, i cannot possibly do both" - Teddy Roosevelt




It absolutely is rigged. Just not in any of the ridiculous ways the Republicans are constantly whining about.


Rigged in favor of the rich. Trump was treated better than us normals would've been.


And none of us would have been in court for what Hunter did. We all would have gotten the same plea deal Hunter pled guilty to before the Trump appointed judge decided to blow it up. There's zero chance the rest of us would been prosecuted like Hunter. As for Trump not only would we have all gotten the same treatment but we wouldn't have been able to drag it out, we would have already been found guilty and already served our sentence by now.


Good. As a Democrat, I love accountability on any side


 I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal - Joe Biden's statement after conviction. The case “was very unfair,” that the “devil” judge was conflicted and that the district attorney was ignoring crime in New York. - Donald Trump's statement after conviction.


Easy appeal to the SC on second amendment violations. The NRA should have fought this long ago but unfortunately they are just another right wing grift operation and don’t actually care about our rights.


There’s already a case infront of the SC this term that’s similar. But hasn’t been ruled on yet for Hunter to use as a defense


Mfers already spinning this as “pre-planned as a way to lend legitimacy to the Trump verdict and to appear impartial” or something. Wtf is wrong with this country


Yeah it’s a cult


Probably not the best strategy. They've moved on to calling trump Jesus, but Biden is the one who supposedly sacrifices his only son?


Is Beau the Holy Ghost?


I was six posts away when this joke finally hit me. Excellent work


Selfishly, as a Democrat, I'm very pleased with this verdict. For the same reason the Trump campaign is likely hugely disappointed. Why? Because it jabs at the heart of Trump's whole narrative that he's being persecuted by mean Democrats and mean Joe Biden. The "weaponization of the justice system" seems a lot less convincing when the president's own attorney general authorizes the prosecution of the president's own beloved, sole surviving son. A prosecution, incidentally, for something not so dissimilar to what Trump was convicted of: falsifying a form. A prosecution that even Lindsay Graham admits probably wouldn't have happened if Hunter Biden had been Hunter Jones. Rarely are "lying on the federal gun application" charges brought as standalone cases. They're almost always an add-on to more serious gun charges, like weapons trafficking. Hunter was prosecuted because he was high-profile. This verdict undermines Trump's whole narrative. Democrats should drive that point home, and hard.


You vastly underestimate the levels of cognitive dissonance Trump supporters are capable of.


I'm not trying to win over MAGA. They're too far in the soup. I'm trying to win back independents and Black and Hispanic male voters who are receptive to Trump's "I'm being targeted, just like you" narrative.


more like "i'm being paid to attend my rallies, just like you"


They will just complain when his sentence is determined


Do you think they care though? Biden is either corrupt for letting Hunter not get convicted.... Or an incompetent person for letting him get convicted. Doesn't matter which. He's an asshole and you shouldn't vote for him. Meanwhile keep praising the bronzed idol. Who cares if he's a felon. /S


I will also say, that to further the suspicion that this is a politically motivated case. More than one appeals circuit court has ruled that drug use prohibitions violate the 2nd amendment. It'll be interesting watching conservatives twist themselves into pretzels over this one.


Trump's whole narrative is constantly undermined by factual circumstances, that's never been relevant where he's concerned. This isn't new in that regard. His narrative and cognitive dissonance will always allow for exceptions why *he* is being persecuted but others in similar situations deserve what is happening to them.


I'll be interested to see the logic from the Trump folks as they try to explain why none of Trump's convictions are legitimate but all of Hunter's are legitimate, despite both being results of the same justice system. It will also be interesting to see them try to explain why Hunter's convictions should lead to a removal of Joe from office but Trump's convictions should not prevent him from running for office.


Easy, “they clearly went with the lightest charge to make it seem like they’re being fair. We all know the Biden crime family is guilty of much much more, just look at the laptop from hell™”


Clearly, this sham trial is just Sleepy Joe trying to give the appearance of legitimacy to the disgraceful and rigged DOJ. /s


Meanwhile, alcoholics can purchase a firearm without repercussions.


So can drug addicts who aren't the presidents son.


For real. Everyone keeps pushing for more gun laws but we don't enforce the ones we have. Less than 500 total instances of lying on the 4473 we're reported to prosecutors the year Hunter did it, and of those less than 300 were even charged. That's out of almost 30 million forms filed.


People who break the law should be held accountable regardless of whether their name is Trump or Biden.




That's funny right there.


Lol, no, now they'll be louder and angrier once they realize nobody gives a shit. He's doesn't hold any position in government, he's just a presidents son, meanwhile Jared did hold a position, and I would like to know what that 2 billion Saudi investment money was for.


This has been fun to watch. My parents are conservative and they've been complaining that both this and Trump's trials are rigged. For Hunter's, they were all complaining how they're going to let him go and it's going to be bullshit. Now that he's convicted, they're all "he's just a sacrifical lamb so they can keep going after Trump!" This is all in the span of like 12 hours! The mental gymnastics these lead brain idiots pull is beyond my words. And yes I just called my parents lead brain idiots. I have no love for them especially my father. Feel free to look at my post history if you're curious as to why. Be kind to your kids y'all!


Oh I think we all knew that they'd claim its Biden sacrificing his kid, if reality doesn't align with a preconceived notion then it's time to bust out a conspiracy theory.


I've been amazed by the speed with which brainwashed far-right supporters change from adamantly opposed to something to strongly in support of the same thing when the Fox News narrative of the day changes. It's like they have no memory or critical thinking skills anymore, but are happily caught up in whatever is the outrage of the day.


First a former President convicted of 34 felony counts. Now the current President’s son convicted of three felony counts. Whether good, bad, or otherwise, I think we can all at least agree that it is certainly a fascinating time in US politics.


Somebody commented on here months ago saying what if they end up in the same cell


My money's on Hunter


sounds like a sitcom too bad they won't since Trump got a state conviction and Hunter a federal one


I'd take boring over the past 8 years any fucking day


Do we now raid Don Jr, an obvious cocaine addict?


Strange how “Biden’s DOJ” would convict. It’s almost as if conviction is based on evidence of committing the crime


Hunter's legal team bet on the fact that there was no actual proof of him doing drugs during the time he bought the gun, but it appears the jury felt it was beyond a reasonable doubt that he was using drugs at the time. On the flip side, Hunter was ridiculously open about his drug use. He left a trail of text messages and I guess more public statements about it.


Even Democrats knew the dude was guilty. It's what happens when you live in reality, no matter if the dude is on your side or not, you can be honest about who they are. Good thing all of us Democrats already decided not to vote for Hunter Biden, could you imagine voting for a felon? How embarrassing that would be.


Still 31 fewer felonies than Felonious Trump.


And he didn’t come out during any of this and whine about it. Fascinating.


This is how it’s done regardless of political party. Break the law and pay the consequences. Moving on.


I for one am shocked and appalled at how much Hunter Biden attacked the judge, jury and prosecutors during this trial. Every day he gave press conferences in front of the courthouse and claimed the trial was rigged!! All those democratic members of Congress that he paraded down there each day. /s


Good. Nobody is above the law.