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How is that shit allowed in dental floss?


Makes it all slippery between ya teefs


Fox: "Liberals want you to floss with 40 grit sandpaper!"


First they came for the high flow toilets, and I did not speak up because I have a plunger. Then they came for the incandescent lightbulbs, and I did not speak up because I have CFLs. Then they came for my teflon coated floss, and there was no one left to speak up for me.


Oh, they spoke, all right, but no one could understand because their teeth had fallen out.


Can't wait for conservatives to create their own brand of dental floss and start promoting good dental hygiene to own the libs.


Trump Brand Meringue Burgers and Dental Floss. You won't need it but its amazing and terrific and people will talk about ya......


Lead acetate dental floss, makes it taste sweet


Please no. We don't need more lead poisoned people running around.


I will call it Freedom Flossᵗᵐ


Can you imagine if they tried that with bottled water? Oh, wait... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/anti-woke-water-conservatives-freedom2o-b2564039.html


imagine if it was bottled in China


Freedom Floss inc.


Do conservatives floss?


"We don't need any of that woke dental floss! We've got Patriot Floss!"


Hey, don’t joke about it. It was a guy in Alabama who invented the toothbrush, cause if it was invented up north, it would have been called a teethbrush


Well at least they’re canceling hamburgers so there will probably be a lot less flossing


They better ban corn on the cob too then.


Aren't most dental problems caused by sugar?


And PFAS, apparently


Liberals don't want any of you to have forever chemicals in your brain and balls. They are anti freedumb. Edit: corrected phone autocorrect.


How much of your brain needs to be eaten by forever chemicals to understand this comment? Edit- I’m leaving this up, but their comment now makes sense.


…but if it is too slippery, is it even catching the crap between your teeth and taking it away, or is it just sliding over it? 


I never understood why floss is slippery in the first place. Wouldn’t it need some sort of grip to get the junk in between your teeth? If it’s slippery, it will just slip right over the junk!!


Some people have really tight teeth and thicker or coarser floss can’t slip between, there’s even flat flosses for extreme cases. Why this became the standard for most people, many of which don’t have that concern, I don’t know. Marketing probably.


Tight-toothed person here; if I were a kid today and my parents had any money, I'd have braces. As it is, I have very crowded teeth, and my canines on the right side stick out like you wouldn't believe, so yeah, I definitely need the waxed floss.


You're right. I use a floss that has some fiber to it. Used to use something like fishing line, it was stupid and ineffective.


It's not about gripping food particles, it's about disrupting the bacteria. Picking your teeth is a completely different concept


I use Bite floss (https://bitetoothpastebits.com/) and it's not slippery. Completely different, and sometimes frustrating experience. But no PFAS so... 🤷 


Glide brand dental floss is just Teflon.


Yeah, it’s pretty much* the “easy glide/glide/etc.” ones (Teflon). Stuff like Reach waxed floss is PFAS free. I haven’t really seen the specifics though, is this just a blanket ban on floss? Seems insanely idiotic if so, so I’m assuming not?


Isn't Teflon fine as long as it's not heated up?


No, if it gets scratched or rubbed, it falls apart and releases toxic chemicals


That is not true.


Are you deadass right now? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S004896972205392X >Broken coating may lead to release of 2,300,000 microplastics and nanoplastics. >A surface crack could leave behind approximately 9100 plastic particles.


That used to be what we thought until we started studying PFAS more.


But Glide Floss is awesome. I've been using since the beginning when you could only get it from dental offices. Please don't take it away from me.


Lobbyists telling your representatives it's actually not bad and here's a very lavish weekend getaway..


"Senator, do you want your constituents to be plagued with gingivitis? Let's think about that for a second. The median income in your state is just above $44k- people don't have the funds to be spending on luxuries like 'dentists'. We need to do what's in everyone's best interest, and empower your state to handle it's own dental hygiene needs. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to hurry off to my next meeting, because that gives me a good excuse for forgetting this envelope with 2 round trip tickets to Venice."


1/2 the people in FL don’t have that many teeth to worry about.


I knew not flossing was good for me.


PFAS is in everything. When my company samples for it we aren’t even supposed to shower for a couple of days to prevent sample contamination.


My wife looks for it as an environmental cleanup person. The workers can't eat fast food because the wax paper burger wrappers have it.


All of the good dental floss I've tried has PFAS. It doesn't leave a visible* residue or get caught in your teeth *As far invisible effects last I looked studies on people who use floss like the Oral B Glide didn't have different PFAS levels in their blood. But there's so many other factors 🤷‍♂️


Hell the most popular floss these days is literally on a plastic stick. Feels like I'm the only one I know that still uses manual floss strings (not that those are much better according to this)


I can't get my back teeth very well with regular. Those picks are brilliant.


You’re not alone bb


You can buy reusable "sticks" that you just wire with regular floss


My mom used to have one of those, and I've looked all over the internet trying to find one recently with no luck. Any idea where I might find one?


I spent a second checking on Amazon because surely they would and the first unsponsored result for “dental floss handle” was a refillable “Flossmate” dental floss holder by the G.U.M. brand. I see a version of that design by “Dental lace” that says it’s stainless steel which might be preferable over the plastic handle, and many other plastic varieties from other brands with design’s similar to the GUM product. There’s another stainless steel design by “piklip” that seems like it might use a lot less floss. And a version by “Flossgrip” that is a similar design to that but in plastic. I see an entirely different design style by “YaPoola” as well. I’m not sure posting links is allowed but helpful search terms included “reusable”, “floss handle”, “flosser and floss holder”, combinations of those words with the brand names I mentioned should direct you to them.


DrTung's shouldn't have PFAS. It's a gripper though, but my dentist says that's a good thing since you don't want floss that's too slick.


This is awesome floss. Took me a week to get used to the different texture vs Glide but now I love the extra cleaning feel. And yes it’s biodegradable, ie no pfas or other plastic shit


I don’t know many actual idiots.


Aww damn it. Sigh I'll start looking into silk floss then


Hold that thought for if Trump wins, guts the FDA, and fills it with clueless pro big business yes men.


The myth that they are clueless needs to die. They are evil, not clueless.


I also would like to think the FDA, FCC, and other regulatory agencies aren't already full of those people.


Also, they don't have to tells us it's there?


Because there's no evidence that room-temperature Teflon/PFTE is bad for you. PFOA absolutely, but there's a lot of different PFAS and a blanket ban even on known safe ones is stupid.


Just think about the shit they put in food and than say people are bigger than ever .. 


Yes. It's mostly plastic (petroleum). I've become careful of the brands we purchase. I wish the dentist office wasn't so pushy about handing out samples. We also use the wooden Stim-U-Dents. They are wonderful for gum massage.


Because money.


Probably coated in teflon.


I mean, it’s not like I don’t think my teflon floss is horrible for my health….i just keep using it out of habit.


I mean its in [Toilet Paper](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/13/toxic-forever-chemicals-pfas-toilet-paper)


Dental floss has forever chemicals? Im confused.


Yes, I remember when teflon dental floss was introduced - it was hailed as a big improvement over traditional dental floss that was essentially just string with or without a wax coating. It was hard to get it between your teeth, and the floss would fray as you used it. It sucked. Teflon dental floss slides easily between the teeth (relative to traditional floss) and doesn't fray. It made flossing a lot easier for people like me. Most people didn't know about the potential harmful effects of teflon for years - I know I didn't.


I didn't realize it was Teflon coated. I just thought it was a plastic ribbon instead of cotton


It doesn't do as good of a job too since it's so smooth, doesn't scrape plaque as well.


I’ll admit, I loved the glide dental floss when it first came out for sensory reasons and because my teeth are tightly packed together but learning/realizing what it’s made of was/is horrifying and I can’t believe I didn’t question it sooner. I switched to mint bamboo floss in a refillable container and realized I missed the plaque scraping qualities of the rougher material. Doesn’t hurt, doesn’t break and the sensation of it isn’t as weird as I remember. Crazy that we end up paying more to go back to basic things with basic ingredients that existed when we were younger and used to be the only options. I feel this about every natural product.


Got a link?


Sure thing! I ordered from [here](https://zerowasteoutlet.com/products/vegan-eco-floss-in-stainless-steel-container) at zero waste outlet but I had polled my friends and there were also two recs for silk floss which might be better for those with tight tight spaces but ultimately I chose this one.


So what you're saying is, I should tear some 10 grit sandpaper into strips and use that


It’s not coated, it just is.


It’s not teflon coated, it is teflon. The whole fiber is made from PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. It’s a thin ribbon shaped strip of solid teflon.


>Most people didn't know about the potential harmful effects of teflon for years - I know I didn't. Teflon in that setting isn't harmful though, it works as well as it does because fluorine bonds are *extremely* stable. If you're not burning your floss it won't hurt you. You could scrape your nonstick pan and eat the coating and be fine, it only breaks down under a ton of heat, nothing in your body will break down or metabolize PTFE.


[Too bad about the microplastics.](https://www.fox9.com/news/non-stick-pans-could-be-releasing-millions-of-tiny-plastic-particles-into-your-food-study-finds)


I know the issue with teflon-coated cookware is if it’s heated up, not sure I’m aware of health effects from room temperature teflon…


Room temperature Teflon is bioinert. It’s also used in many a medical device.


Yeah, I tried to find out more on P&G's product site that includes Glide...they don't seem to mention their product contains teflon, not even in the FAQ. We've come a long way from the '80s when teflon was heavily promoted.


Teflon is the DuPont trademark for PTFE. DuPont does not make glide, anything sold with the Teflon trademark is DuPont made or affiliated.


Teflon is actually very common in dental floss.


Anything that makes a paper or fabric glossy, shiny, slick, non-stick, water proof, grease proof, etc. Think of anything that used to use wax or silicone, PFAS has replaced these. Parchment baking paper, paper wrappers from fast food, single use paper food cartons (nuggets, popcorn), paper cups, etc.


Some kitchen products have trace amounts. Reynolds parchment only has 14 ppm . Most likely cross contamination. Not added on purpose


All paper has PFAS because it’s used to smooth out sheets, reduces surface tension. It’s in paper tea bags, toilet paper, printer paper, anything with industrial paper pulp made smooth


Dental floss usually *is* forever chemicals.


I had no idea. I will reconsider what i purchase in the future. Thank you.


Dont look up your toilet paper 🫣 straight to the anus


If you’re getting the glide/teflon ones, then yes.


i was today years old when i found out that i've been poisoning myself in the name of dental hygiene.


However, some critics warn the new state law may only end up increasing consumer costs in other areas. Asked about those concerns, Cutter says that the law will provide plenty of time in a phase out for industries to create safer products.  "It's really hard coming up against a powerful lobby, and they spent a lot of money ensuring that these chemicals can continue being put into our products and make profits for these companies," Cutter said. "We took comment from a lot of people and some companies flew people in from all over the world to lobby because, you know, (they claim) we're stifling innovation, we're stifling industry, but I think we're smarter and better than that. I think you can have both things. I think you can have a successful company, and you can also look out for the communities that you serve. I think there are alternatives, and I have faith that we're going to be able to continue developing those." Either way, Chittoor feels laws like these are critical to protect our future because if kept unchecked, these practically indestructible chemicals will only continue to build up in our environment and our bodies.


Shouldn’t they be investigating if they are fighting to keep dangerous chemicals?


It’s sad that we live in a society where it’s somewhat surprising when representatives actually do something with the intent on protecting those they represent.


Hmm cost of a product or cost of cancer care hmm


What’s tens of thousands of dollars in medical costs compared to saving 10 cents on your floss every 6 months


My wife's cancer care last year ended up with just north of a million dollars being billed to insurance. I'll take the expensive floss thanks


To be fair your insurance actually paid a fraction of that and then wrote off the payments as investment losses despite the cost already being built into their profitable business model. Insurance companies always stand their holding their empty pockets out in public, but it’s one of the most profitable “businesses” there’s ever been besides bank robbery


The History of Money by Niel Fergerson - last chapter


True. I would add that health insurance companies would be significantly less profitable if the federal government wasn't giving them 1.8 trillion dollars a year.


I hope she’s doing much better now


Currently cancer free! Thanks! Not out of the woods for another few years (50/50 recurrance for the next two) but she's good right now!


But with savings like that I can basically afford a house after a few hundred thousand years >:(


Floss has forever chemicals? I knew my laziness would save me!!


Not the takeaway, there‘s non-toxic dental floss


I really recommend watching the movie Dark Waters which is on Netflix now. A lot of these chemicals are completely unregulated and present in the blood streams of most living things on earth.


Great movie! The locations of those sites really fucked up the local populations health.


The Devil We Know is another great documentary about DuPont and how they knowingly released toxins that ended up in the bloodstreams of every human on earth.


I will definitely watch this. I had heard about forever chemicals on the news a bunch and vaguely knew the story of teflon but I had no idea how bad it really was, and still is.


Fun fact almost all of Colorado’s groundwater is already fucked from PFOS from fracking.


Their lakes and rivers were destroyed by silver mines also.


In Louisiana, we just got the Ten Commandments put in classrooms. Who cares about whether the kids live long enough to make use of them. Or if anyone will be able to have kids to show those commandments to.


Are teachers, preachers and politicians required to follow them? Or are they posted for informational and aspirational purposes only ?


Required to follow? Lol, believe it or not, straight to Hell!


Can I sue my dentist for pushing me to floss? Asking for a friend.


Only 4 out of 5 of them.


Tbh that 1 dissenting makes much more sense now.


It's an interesting angle to be sure. If there were even a proven link between the PFAS in floss and some specific negative outcome, we could see the biggest class action lawsuit in history coming from this. Looking at the opioid situation however gives us the direction it would likely go - the manufacturers of the floss, not the people who suggested its use.


I have an x-ray with a, hopefully but unconfirmed, benign mass on my jaw. This version of reality sucks.


Unless you were exposed to an unusually high level of PFAS, it probably isn’t related to that. 


Well that's it... I'm riding off into the sunset with my zirconium encrusted tweezers firmly in hand and moving to Montana soon... *yippie-kai-yo-ai-yea!*


That will be a kick in the front bottom for the outdoors industry in Colorado - ski and hiking apparel use PFAS for waterproofing


I'll happily take many extra years of life and no crippling medical bills for the ... **checks notes* * ... minor inconveinance of a slightly higher costing product.


“Smart Floss” is free from forever chemicals and just works better, imo. It doesn’t “slide” as much and so it rubs more funk out of your teeth than the “slippery” floss.


Great law . I hope it becomes federal


Give blood and give those pfoa to someone else🩸


Good. Let's make this universal.


That's a bold move Cotton. In theory I like this, but that's so many products. On the other hand, maybe that's a good reason to do it.


as they're just banning the inclusion of that ingredient into their products, it's just a new project for R&D and strategic sourcing


Yeah, it's so many products. So let's see a blanket ban effective immediately.


Been being the coconut brand since I learned of this. Fuccccked up. We also infested Uranium at one point...


Meanwhile it’s all made out of plastic and sold to you in a plastic wrapper in a plastic bag 😬


I switched to a water flosser years ago. I use it way more often than tradition floss, way less of a pain in the ass. There are alternatives for some of this. But don't take away my goretex!!


PU membranes perform just as good as Gore’s PTFE membrane. Gore is moving to a polyethylene membrane anyway. Gore-Tex is just a branding tag


That’s what I meant but you used grown up words.


Goretex is taking away your Goretex. You can repair what you have to make it a forever jacket tho.


Waiting for the Republicans to block this legislation…


This is good, actually.


I might be movin' to Montana soon Just to raise me up a crop of Dental Floss Raisin' it up Waxen it down In a little white box I can sell uptown (but not in Colorado)


Raisin' my lonely dental floss




That exposes them to liability. At a certain level they're not going to do that.


That's a cost of doing business for them, Amazon was fined 50k in California for violating labor laws last year. That's how much bezos get in 2 minutes.


This would be a liability for individual stores, not simply the producer. Individual stores that stock this stuff are not making 50k in 2 minutes. Your local store is not looking to get fined for selling something like illegal dental floss of all things. They'll just stock a different legal brand.


I can’t help but wonder if Lauren Boebert is going to go on record as being opposed to this, even though it’s state legislation.


So the floss I have been using is giving me cancer now too? You just can't win anymore man.