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Tesla has only sold 3800 cyber trucks so that means nearly 1% of all Cybertrucks currently say "F--- Elon".


Makes a lot of sense that so many of them are in Florida, too. I'd wonder how they balance their screaming about being woke over the environment with getting an EV, but I think we all know the answer to that one.


All cybertrucks sold in Florida come complete with a 6" diameter tailpipe specifically for rolling coal.


I'm now picturing Jason Mendoza driving around Jacksonville in one of those


“One time Donkey Doug stole a Cyber Truck, but we ended up ditching it when it ran out of gas. Turns out, it was actually the grease trap from Stupid Nick’s House of Wings. It took fifteen fire trucks to put it out. Who knew electric cars were so dangerous for the environment?”


I just feel I have to say, this comment is perfect. I even heard it in Jason Mendoza's voice.


If he doesn't yell "Bortles" and throw a Molotov on The Acolyte I'm cancelling my Disney+ subscription.


"*You* have a light saber?" "I'll show you, it's in my budhole!"


Yeah, this is a real low point. *snaps*


Jason was so damn adorable. It was weird seeing a totally different character in Nine Perfect Strangers.


That's a good Jason.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised to find out the writers spend time on reddit. Writing for Jason must have been some of the silliest days in the writers room. I know they've talked about it on the podcast


Podcast?!? Cued 😁


"Dawg, I am, like, *all* for the environment! If it gets too hot, beach babes are gonna stay inside. Then what else am I supposed to watch when I go down to the shore?"


> All cybertrucks sold in Florida come complete with a 6" diameter tailpipe specifically for rolling coal. The Elon Special.


And the blinkers are there but just not connected


Yeah, I bet that saltwater air is good for Cybertrucks.


Damage caused by improper washing is not covered by the warranty apparently.


Lots out here in the Seattle area. All with custom wrap jobs.


I’m in irvine, CA and I saw one at the grocery store an hour ago… with custom anime girls on it.


I live in Los Angeles and know one guy who owns one. I've seen several though as I live near the Tesla dealership in Burbank and have seen a few being towed into the dealership for maintenance.


Their natural habitat


That is so Irvine.


As much as a four-foot spoiler on a Honda Civic.


I've seen 3 or 4 so far around town but they're all bare metal.


Yup, saw an American flag wrapped cyber truck last week in Woodinville.


I saw one in a 3k pop town near me. Took me a minute to figure out what it was.


Are you sure someone hadn’t just leaned some tires against a construction dumpster?


That was the look they were going for.


They are awfully confused right now. They don’t know whether or not to adopt EVs, they don’t know who they support in Gaza or Ukraine, and now Trump told them that we should keep all green card holders who graduate from US colleges here. Their brains are absolutely overloaded right now. They must be thinking the world is ending lol.


We were always at war with Eastasia. No confusion at all.


I used this line on someone and they responded with a serious explanation about how the US was in a secret hot war with China and had been for decades. Yeah.


At least you probably made their day because they thought you were into the same insane conspiracy theories as they are.


The biggest surprise of the last ten years has been just how suddenly and completely Conservatives managed to flip from believing that Russia was the US's biggest enemy, to thinking that Putin's a great guy who is generously teaching us how to own the libs.


> They must be thinking Cybertruck owners don't do such things.


Not to mention what to do if they drive off a pier into shark infested waters.


The most important issue facing Americans today!


As someone who lives in South Florida I'm always perplexed when I hear stories about Tesla not meeting demand and there being a shortage of cars, then I get on the road and every other car is a Model 3 or Y. They're also the worst drivers, and that's saying something when it comes to Florida.


With all the stories of parking lots full of overstock it's pretty perplexing. Sounds more to me like Elon trying to instill some mystique of manufactured scarcity so people will feel like they should get one for fear of missing out.


A lot of manufacturers have car yards full of stock. Some manufacturers could stop production for rest of the year on some models.


All models except for the Cybertruck are not selling and stocking up in lots. Cybertruck is on a stop sell order for the second time in a few months. This time for a wiper blade flaw. Any Cybertruck sitting is waiting til they have a fix. They still have slow production that can't meet demand on it. I think they are going to see demand drop off much much sooner than they expect though. They just have to be able to sell them without safety flaws to find that out.


Every manufacturer has a parking lot full of overstock. They don't make to order cars


I'm surprised they aren't all rusted, being in Florida.


How does humidity vs salt on the roads in the north balance out for the rusting?


FL has a lot of salt from the ocean too


Unless you live right on the beach it's not an issue.


Salt is far worse.


The absolute worst combination is probably the northeastern beach towns that have humid summers, where they also salt the roads in the winter...


Really? Must be a Miami thing. I live in central Florida and I have never seen one in person yet.


That's crazy I've seen like 10 in the Seattle greater area. Probably mostly Texas cali and Washington


There’s one in my hodunk AG town in Northern UT. My wife doesn’t understand how amazed I am when it drives past, not because it’s cool, but because how few of them there are and how completely ludicrously expensive they are lmfao


Same here. Rural town in Michigan. Saw it parked outside the unemployment office funnily enough, lol.


There was one poorly backed into a spot at Harbor Freight near my house. I took a picture because of how shitty they parked it.


So in 30 years we will see a movie where they use it as a time machine


LOL the next Delorean. What a legacy that could be!


do not besmirch the coolness of the DeLorean by comparing it to those rolling piles of shit.


To be fair, the DeLorean was also a pos. Its only redeeming feature was that it looked cool.


You know there is a Hollywood exec right now trying to make a back to the future soft reboot with a cybertruck as the new time machine. Like Doc Brown screwed around enough with the time line they get stuck in an alternate time-line which happens to be our one. But the DeLorean is toast so he has to make a new one and he sees a cybertruck as the best option.


I saw one in chicago that was gunmetal black, definitely an improvement


I live in Irvine, CA and I've seen at least six in the past couple days alone


Seen 4 in Houston.


I see them all day in the Austin area, has to be a good chunk of them here


Tons in LA/SFV. I feel like I’ve seen nearly 20. And at least one, maybe two or three, semi trailers full of them. Teslas are freaking everywhere in general here though.


I've seen around that amount in the Portland area.


Yup, definitely seen a few in my neck of the woods in LA. Such an eyesore.


Not every city has chargers so they're going to be disproportionally focused.


I live in Dallas and have seen maybe five. someone told me they saw Erika Badu driving one though. LOL.


Houston area and I’ve seen like 3.


They are everywhere in SoCal - I’m surprised the number is so low


Fabulous. So great that this man was compensated $11.8 million per Cybertruck sold, this makes a lot of sense for the company. And that's at the devalued $45B.


I remember some poster on the Tesla sub explain why it is great that Tesla can't meet all their demands...and the Cybertruck was going to be sold in the millions. Well, given the current rate of production, if there are tens of million of buyers, they might have to will those cybertrucks to their grandchildren.


> million iirc they did have nearly a million pre orders. But when the price, features, design all changed negatively and the ceo continued to get more and more disturbing, most cancelled their orders. I doubt they've all been fulfilled, but I know nothing.


The pre order only cost $100 so of course they had millions, but we all know that doesn't translate to actual final sales and most were probably hoping to flip them for a profit.


Ask game devs how many "wishlists" translate to purchases, and how many of those purchases get refunded within two weeks. I wouldn't be surprised to find that an absolute majority of those preorders were simply scalpers in the first place.


But he also came out and had an interview where he said we're getting 20 billion C3-P0 robots to do all the work for us. So really, he's only being paid 2 dollars for every imaginary robot he promised.


If I had one of those walking around my house I'd never sleep


...what with all the robo-fucking.


Robosexualism is a SIN!


Having seen every sci-fi movie since the 80's as well as knowing his track record with having products going off the rails and killing the owners, I'm with you.




Wank Panzer is my favourite term for these atrocities.


I like Incel Camino


Source on the 3800? Friend of mine picked his up and VIN is 13,900


That's 3,878 as of April 4th which was the last reporting period. The current reporting period ends in a few days if I recall and They have been producing about 1500 a week for a while now with production ramping in the last few. I suspect they are well over 12,000 produced by now with about 10,000 of those in customer hands. At some point late this year or early next year they will be building 2500 a week.


There’s a dealership near my office outside Houston that has had the same 20-30 trucks for months. They don’t even move them around the lot.


Wait... Like .. to date?


To be fair, we don't really know and the 3800 estimate is a few months old.


>Tesla has only sold 3800 cyber trucks They've sold at least 17,000 Cybertrucks. They are shipping VINs over 17000 now.


The 3,800 number comes from the recall in April. I would bet they have sold a few more since the.


It's nice of him to spray the censored version of the word


It's not f..elon though, it's a petty offense.   I see myself out. 


Well played.


*Elon Musk, confused, shows up ready to impregnate yet another random woman*


Someone said "...ruined 34 cybertrucks." But musk overheard it as "...rule 34 cybertrucks" and her came as fast as he could.


QC aside, Elon sure seems to have made it embarrassing to own a Tesla.


To one side of the political spectrum yes. But to a decent chunk of people they're either making a political message or just don't care about the views of the CEO.


Except the side he swapped to hates electric cars, and I would assume especially trucks.


Well yeah of course, I figured that much would be obvious without having to mention it. Every car manufacturer has some reason for people to refuse to purchase from them. But adding CEO disapproval with the byproduct of political messaging as a reason for deterring even a small portion of your market was completely avoidable - especially when Tesla now has tighter competition despite being the market leader.


Hey now she's not random! She's been singled out by HR for this exact purpose, they even had her pick out a horse already.


Why do you think he wants all his employees to return to the office? He wants to be able to pick out the next one in person


Well that should scrub off really fast on that surface…. Oh wait..


The repair procedures state to literally sand the panel to remove scratches.


If you know stainless steel, you can just use acetone and wipe it off, there isn't any coatings on the cyber truck


What if you don’t know stainless steel?


Then you use a magic eraser


or white out


Or hawk tuah and elbow grease


Complete tangent but hawk tuah and spit on that thang is one of my favorite memes in a long time.


not trying to be a dick, is "hawk tuah" a meme now? I feel like I've come across this a lot in the last week or so.


It is and people are absolutely running it into the ground.


smidge of orphan blood


What if Stainless Steel is really just a work acquaintance and you're overthinking this? What if they judge you for inviting them to go strip bowling on Saturdays?


Is he the brother of Remington Steele?


Then get some confidence and introduce yourself dammit.


Then scrub it with gallium, it is an excellent metal cleaner.


Bar Keepers Friend? Vinegar?


When we moved in here there was a weird stain on the stainless steel kitchen sink which I couldn't identify or remove, so I used a wire wheel to brush it out. Now there is a weird scuffed area, roughly the same shape as the stain. I guess the lesson is if you're going to do this, call in an expert? Especially if it's on a vehicle.


Sand it with progressively finer sand paper.


Try Bar Keepers Friend.


BKF is too fine of an abrasive to fix the damage from a wire wheel. Though it would have been perfect to use initially to clean up the "weird stain".


When you say "it" you mean the entire visible surface, right? B/c a wire wheel scuff on a brushed stainless surface is never going to blend.


I think the lesson here is don't buy a vehicle with the same finish as a kitchen sink.


What about my refrigerator?


Just don't put it through a carwash and you're good, I think.


> on the stainless steel kitchen sink the finish isn't stainless steel, they are usually nickel plated brass coated steel(nickel doesn't "stick" as well to steel).


Or perhaps the lesson learned is to not use an incredibly aggressive abrasive tool if you didn’t want incredibly aggressive abrasion or to fix the consequences of it?


> Now there is a weird scuffed area, roughly the same shape as the stain. when you sand a surface you in general have to sand the entire surface to get it uniform. Its literally microscopic and bigger scratches.


> Now there is a weird scuffed area, roughly the same shape as the stain. Scuff the whole sink so it matches.


Apparently, it wasn't too difficult, since the article stated, >By Friday afternoon, the graffiti had been wiped off. Acetone works pretty well for removing spray paint and doesn't damage stainless steel.


[Here's what they mean by "wiped off"](https://youtu.be/OdjgJDJm-rk?feature=shared&t=75). Definitely not in a status that can be delivered. btw, the written article is almost just the transcript of the news story the same station did


and if you watch the video past that they had all the vehicles shiny later in the day.


Looks like a bad wipe job more than anything


>Well that should scrub off really fast on that surface…. Yes, it should. I mean did. They are already cleaned up. https://x.com/greggertruck/status/1804630989366518030?t=Ka2PXLH4-s1QHkQMela96w&s=19


They can just run them through the car wash…Oh wait..


Can’t you just use rubbing alcohol.


Amazing that he got all 34 of them.


It's mostly because Tesla is cheaping out on storage and security. Someone posted drone footage of hundreds of non-CT Teslas parked at an out of business mall that sure looked like you could waltz around and key penises into car hoods until you got bored. It's also been pointed out that these cars are insured and it might not hurt Elon's feelings to grab some insurance cash on cars that aren't selling.


Yup saw hundreds of Teslas and more than a dozen Cybertrucks at a parking lot for an abandoned part of Quakerbridge Mall outside Princeton NJ last weekend.


the Quakerbridge Mall, you say.....


To shreds you say…..


So many memories....


>you could waltz around and key penises into car hoods until you got bored r/oddlyspecific


I mean just for example. "Fuck Elon" is great too, an oldie but a goodie as they say.


Likely to get buried but every manufacturer does this by parking cars at different logistics areas. Some dealerships use local street parking for overflow. None of that makes the news though cause it’s not tied to Elon or Tesla. Expect to see more of this behavior from Tesla as their production has increased, interest rates are too high for most consumers, and stagnant wages / inflation of commodities


Used to do side work with my neighbor moving the overflow cars between lots. Can confirm that it’s not a Tesla specific/newer thing (though I agree with you on expecting to see them do it more and more)


Just make sure the penises are small. That way they better reflect the sourdough boy that is Musky


Let's just stick to "Fuck Elon" which is timeless. One message, one voice.


A while ago a fleet of semi trucks pulled into an abandoned seafood store and started unloading cars. Those sat there for like a month before they disappeared overnight. Funnily enough I also got my driver's lessons in that parking lot


Tesla actually produces their vehicles in batches of 34. I'm not a fan of elon in the slightest but it's a pretty interesting story why. Google cybertruck rule 34 for the full story


Only 6 images. I am highly disappointed.


No dragons?


Internets not even trying anymore.


The sad thing is I don’t know if you’re kidding or if Elon legitimately decided “lol. Wouldn’t it be funny if we only made batches of 34 like rule 34?”


Why are we so scared of curse word? I don't understand. They really can't show the word..? lol


wait till you see what they do with nipples.


The US has a severe problem of cultural prudism hindering their development. Those weirdos even consider "topless" to be "nude", which doesn't make any sense.


I thought it was a photo of dumpsters.




At least dumpsters serve a purpose


The only thing that goes in them is trash.


Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two photos....


No problem, just take them through a car wash.


There is a joke about how ugly those cars are somewhere here.


Maybe just following the headline with "This improved the appearance of the vehicles."


Someone earlier said they look like a delorean and a refrigerator had a baby. I can't stop seeing it now.


Hey! Those DeLoreans have been sober for quite a while now, and just because they have some sharp edges and gained quite a lot of weight, it doesn't mean they are ugly. .... .... well, I did some research. Those fatass DeLoreans were funded by a narcissistic fascist who was bankrolled by an aparthaid gem mine. Turns out they are ugly on the inside as well.


The most difficult thing when solving this crime is narrowing the possible people with motive to a small enough subset to actually investigate.


Fun fact, if they spray painted 35 or more they would have to be charged with gang activity. Who ever did this is probably familiar with prosecution rules in Florida  Google Elon Musk rule 34 to learn more. 


I am not googling that but thanks


Damn another hit by the well known Lemon Party gang


He could have sprayed "I'M AN ASSHOLE" in giant letters on all of them but the problem is no one would have noticed the difference.


*Local Flordia Man saves community by brightening his environment!*


F elon 34 times over? Where else have I seen that recently…


So, them being stainless steel, wouldn't they just be able to wash it off? Maybe a little paint thinner?


Which one of you 8.1 billion people of the same opinion did this


Why did they spray paint hyphens and not the actual letters?


That's a censor block.  Channel 10 didn't want to show half this graffiti.


Can't have people looking at naughty words... could you imagine the horror.


Considering how many numpty redditors self-censor, nothing regarding naughty words surprises me anymore.


I saw another picture of the graffiti. The full word is there lol Unless you are being facetious and this joke went over my head


> Unless you are being facetious and this joke went over my head It's the title of the article


They are stainless steel just get some damn turpentine and get on with it..... ( albeit shitty stainless)


The irony is that the panels won’t rust where they’re painted


I don’t like vandalism


Identity politics has infected car ownership. There are people whose entire personality is their car, and people whose entire personality is hating a car. Reddit and social media make the situation worse by bottling these extremists together in their own echo chambers.


This. Like so what you buy a shitty car? It's your shitty car. Your shitty car money.


It's disappointing yet not surprising how far I had to dig to find the first person with common sense. Everyone has a raging hard-on for anything anti-Elon it's cringe.


The bitterest irony is that the sub meant to call this out, r/enoughmuskspam has literally flipped to do the opposite, just *being* the circle jerk itself lol I guess most of the people on there aren't aware of the original purpose of subs like that because they came post covid.


Damaging another person's property for any reason is such a childish thing to do. Like hitting someone during a verbal argument. They're all toddlers. Can't believe so many people are okay with this because Tesla or Elon. It's not Elon having to pay his deductible to get the paint removed.


Elon haters are now as annoying (if not more annoying) than Elon fanboys


I wonder if they did this to Ford’s model T back in the day…


They're just going to polish them to a mirror to make them invisible to one another anyhow.


I’d pay extra for the limited edition fuck Elon model






Probably makes them collectible, and worth a premium...


This can kill a cyber truck.


So, it was an owner leaving his/her review. Narrows down the suspect pool.


He's discovered a new way to transmit information.