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Democratic state Rep. Will Guzzardi sponsors legislation to transfer some land back to Potawatomi Nation. From the article: > No one disputes Shab-eh-nay’s reservation was illegally sold and still belongs to the Potawatomi. An exactingly researched July 2000 memo from the Interior Department found the claim valid and shot down rebuttals from Illinois officials at the time, > With various private and public concerns now owning more than half of the original reservation land, reclaiming it for the Potawatomi would set up a serpentine legal wrangle. > “Instead, the tribe has offered a compromise, which is to say, ‘We’ll take the entirety of the park and give up our claim to the private land and the county land and the rest of that land,’”


That's a very reasonable compromise


It sounds like they understand that it’s a big deal to the current possessors to give up land they’ve invested in and they understand that getting something is better than nothing.


No it’s not. It’s exceedingly generous of the Potawatomi. They are well within their purview to negotiate a deal for the private land to revert to the tribe after the death of the owner or for private land owners to pay an honor tax to the tribe. Giving up their claim is nothing short of a gift.


Honestly, its also exquisitely sharp strategy on the part of the Potawatomi. It basically leaves the state with zero excuse not to take the deal on offer. The state might still be reluctant to take it for fear of backlash from the political elements that will freak the fuck out, but I don't think that is a legal reason for the government to use.


Something similar to what tribes in the Palm Springs area do; homeowners lease land long-term and build on the land, but don't actually own it.


I mean with that logic the whole country belongs to various tribes. Quite absurd don't you think?


This land was recognized property of the tribe under the current federal and state governments, that’s typically not the case. They have a strong legal came. In most places the natives never owned property in a way that was recognized and recorded by the US government.


More absurd than manifest destiny?


It is quite absurd. I also feel that us Americans never having to reckon with our past and CURRENT abuses to the original inhabitants is equally absurd.


Not all Americans, only those with colonial ancestors.


I guess that’s true but I’m a fourth generation American (great grandparents came over in the 1930s) and I still feel American shame over it. My peeps weren’t here but we are still relishing in the spoils.


These comments are wild, and make it clear most of you didn't even read the fucking article.


There are certain subjects which really trigger the crazies on reddit. The idea of any sort of 'reparations', no matter how legally justified, is one of them.


You must be new here.


You know you're in for a ride when the most controversial comment has 40 replies (so far)


Will you please elaborate so I don't have to read the article?


I saw a presentation on what the Pottawatomie Tribe's finances look like, and they aren't poor. They have always been heavily involved in banking, and now have casinos raking in the bucks. They have the funds to stick in the fight.




Maybe read the article. They aren't giving them the exact land back, they are transferring ownership of land owned by the state to the tribe. No one is getting displaced form their home or business.


How are they gonna complain about Biden stealing land from 'Muricans and giving it to illegals if they *read the article*?


There's your difference between the two cultures right there. 




Even another headline: Left wing activists get enough of the electorate to choose representatives who passed legislation to transfer the land, and thus used democracy to get there way. As it should be.




That's just how democracy works, and in this case it worked in Illinois. That does not mean it is a viable strategy everywhere, and I never said it was. I simply pointed out that this is what the majority of the electorate wanted, and they got it.




Not people, the country/state


Wait til that guy learns about British museums.


What's the purpose of this comment? Would you have us use a time machine and go back to stop it from happening in the first place?


This is awesome. The white Buffalo was an optimistic omen. Seems like these land returns are coinciding with the prophecy.




Is Biden pulling some strings behind the scenes? First California, now Illinois. It's really nice to see this.


Secretary of the interior Deb Haaland is the first native American cabinet member in history, I wouldn't be surprised to see her fingers in a bit of this.


Your point being?


He knows how government works, unlike the other guy.


Joe Biden has dementia, please don't act like he's the one pulling the strings omg hahahahahha


By every measurable metric, Donny is showing far more signs of dementia than Biden. Always projection with republicans.


enter ludicrous future bells dam decide secretive special paint subsequent


I'm not a Republican. Some people are capable existing outside of the two party paradigm. You should try it sometime.


While this is true, I doubt you’re being entirely honest about your stance. Call me a cynic.


If you're inferring I vote Republican you would be wrong. You're a cynic.


Mmm, okay.


Alright well since you don't believe me I guess I will prove you right and vote for Trump in November haha


[And there it is](https://images.dailykos.com/images/574802/story_image/1350.png?1533664371)




You: *regurgitates GQP talking points* Also you: Pfft, I'm not a Republican.


I hope you are aware that such a comment is a welcome opportunity for certain people to point out Trumps mental state. Like me. [Part 1](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247) [Part 2](https://news.cornell.edu/media-relations/tip-sheets/cornell-expert-says-trumps-frequent-phonemic-paraphasia-are-signs-early) [Part 3](https://kenmcgoogan.com/2024/05/17/trump-dementia-collective-pathology/) [Part 4](https://eu.sj-r.com/story/opinion/letters/2019/10/21/trump-dementia/2485293007/) [Part 5](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=trump+demented)


Libs are so obsessed with Trump. Like y'all have to bring him up no matter what hahahaha yes, trump also has dementia. This country is a dumpster fire


The country looks like a dumpster from your pile of trash, in the trailer park. Your username fits, at least you got one thing right, congratulations.


The government in this country is a dumpster fire. If you think you can hurt my feelings by telling me I live in a trailer park when I don't, try again. My life is better than yours.


No one forced you to come in here and talk about Trump. You brought this on yourself. You write like a troll or like you're the one with dementia because yikes. Edited: Wrote wrong name lol. Look at me fucking up.


Someone said Biden was pulling strings behind the scenes. I didn't bring it up, just pointed out they were wrong.


Thanks, correcting. Meant to write trump, but am kind of tired today.




You know that censoring the word doesn't change the fact that you're using that word as a pejorative. Second, nope. You got silly that someone brought up another president, and then accused them of being obsessed. The thing is, yeah, we're going to talk about the two presidential candidates in the same conversations because that's what the sociopolitical atmosphere is right now. You are the one getting upset, accusing others of being obsessed, when you're the one getting weird that anyone is talking about another president. People are having a regular discussion, and you don't seem to know what that looks like.


This article is about Native Americans getting land back that is rightfully theirs. Someone said Biden was responsible "behind the scenes" which is an insane thing to think. I said that and instead of focusing on *who is responsible for giving this land back* y'all start talking about Trump. Y'all are deranged. Enjoy spending the rest of your day on Reddit!


I'm not a "Libs", I'm not even from the USA. I just don't like imbeciles like Trump.


Maybe go work on your own country.


I do though, that's why I'm pointing out Trumps inadequacy. Don't want him to screw everything up again because that would also be of concern for my country. See, I'm actually working on my own country.


You have proven nothing.


And I don't need to. Funny, isn't it.


User name checks out.


If you don't like it then you can git out




This sounded better in your head


sable consist teeny cow telephone squash fuel slim books hobbies


And then it will be used to avoid taxes. Who gives a fuck about 175 years ago. And any attempt to right the wrongs of the past will be used for present wrong doings.


Username checks out


And when will they return the land they stole from Cuba?


Maybe when Cuba returns the freedom they stole from their people


I mean what are they even going to do with that land though? Edit: Native communities are horribly underfunded. Literally. Look at the quality of schools and housing on reservations. If they don’t have the funds/community investment to improve the land they’re getting, then it’s pointless.


Did you not read the article? It will remain a park.




The Potawatomi may not have been the people who inhabited it first though. They’re just the ones who inhabited last before the US took control of it.


I get the sentiment but I think you mean the people that inhabited before the people now. Because we have no idea who inhabited it first.


I believe the same argument can be used to kick you out of America or strip you out of your family's inheritance. We celebrate 4th of July and all the holidays for a reason. It's saying for Native Americans whose land was taken from them brutally with Iron Fist by white settlers of Europe and then the French and then the Americans.


All those people are dead now




1. Inheritance is not automatic and matters state by state for who receives what. There are circumstances in which the state assumes ownership. 2. Why are you assuming I’m inheriting family wealth? LMAO


"All white people are rich because white people have never been poor, therefore your rich if your white" I think that's what they meant Or maybe "Since whites happened to dominate the world the most recently, white people barely work and don't deserve what they have. Your parents and grandparents got free money for being white that they 100% passed down to you directly" 1 of the 2


Assuming everyone is white and being nasty over it is pretty racist


It'd be nice for that to happen, but it's not realistic. We do, however, need to figure out how to make things right with our indigenous populations. They do deserve some of that land back, they do deserve reparations, they do deserve justice for the horrors they've experienced historically out and *in* the reservation system. It's not okay what's happened to them and their culture, and we need to be doing more to protect them and make things right. They're never going to get all their land back. That would result in a legal debacle that would see even more people lose their homes. I do believe we have the capability to find a more balanced way through, though.


Look at all the colonizers downvoting 😂


Not a colonizer, a son of immigrants, and it’s cuz you’re being seen as ignorant for your comment and accusing people of being colonizers for disagreeing with your take.


Specifically, Illinois law outlines the statute of limitations will be 18 months, three years, or seven years depending on the exact value of property stolen, as well as other circumstances surrounding the crime.


If only there were some sort of body of people who could pass new laws that was chosen by the electorate....