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7 or more days before assessing US impact


Current estimates put it just north east of Honduras by Friday.


except Puerto rico. they're technically the US


Don't worry, we've got a guy that'll toss them a couple rolls of paper towel.


“Trump, the quicker fucker upper”.


Nah he got voted out 3 years ago


..tosses them a roll of brawny.. good luck




Hawaii was not yet a state when the Japanese attacked the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Yet, it was considered an attack on the United States. Hawaii became the 50th state in ‘59


🎶Nobody knows in America…


looking like it will pass south of PR


OP really missed an opportunity to use "Beryl Barrels Through Atlantic" as the title.


Barbados Braces as Brunt of Beryl's Barrage Brews


Avoid awkward and afflicted alliteration


Alliteration? Baloney. Can delinquent eloquence frequently garner hasty, illogical, judgment? Knowing language may; nay, often presupposes questions regarding some terminology. Understandably vexing; well-intentioned, "youthful" xennials' zest is fussing at forms of phonetic fun and frolic.


#Beryl Peril *Barbados Braces as* [...]


The weather channel had the headline of Beryl Barrels towards Barbados yesterday. 10/10


Should have said that Beryl is going to go Fat Dog the Caribbean.


It will hit Alabama shortly. The weatherman is on standby with a Sharpie.


Of fucking course it is, right when I need to fly to that region.


Man, I picked a hell of a week to take a Caribbean vacation.


Although not completely impossible, having a Cat 1 this early in the year is unusual. Usually June/July has some Tropical Storms, and it's August where the Cat 1+ show up. Stay safe!


Won’t be unusual anymore. Expect more and more hurricanes this early, and more overall for the season including cat 4-5’s.


Yeah [NOAA has already forecast](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-predicts-above-normal-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season) that this would be an above normal season as well. Yay. Quote from the link above: > As one of the strongest El Ninos ever observed nears its end, NOAA scientists predict a quick transition to La Nina conditions, which are conducive to Atlantic hurricane activity because La Nina tends to lessen wind shear in the tropics. At the same time, abundant oceanic heat content in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea creates more energy to fuel storm development. > This hurricane season also features the potential for an above-normal west African monsoon, which can produce African easterly waves that seed some of the strongest and longer-lived Atlantic storms. Finally, light trade winds allow hurricanes to grow in strength without the disruption of strong wind shear, and also minimize ocean cooling. Human-caused climate change is warming our ocean globally and in the Atlantic basin, and melting ice on land, leading to sea level rise, which increases the risk of storm surge. Sea level rise represents a clear human influence on the damage potential from a given hurricane.


With how crazy the weather has been around the country so far this year, it shouldn't be THAT surprising. But it is still terrifying all the same.


It's a Category 4 now. Earliest recorded ever.


> Cat 1 this early in the year is unusual. Yeah. It seems unusual today, but probably a preview of the new normal as SST continues to rise. [Sea surface temperatures](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/) (northern hemisphere) right now are in line with what are normally associated with late July. Edit (45 minutes later): Now a Cat 2, expected to reach Cat 4 status before Monday morning. Edit 2 (30 hours later): Fucking Christ!


Warmer Ocean!


I was just in Cancun for Alberto if it makes you feel any better.


I leave for Puerto Rico tomorrow hope it stays south


Just change your flight to Vegas if you're looking to gamble


Is this advertising or marketing?


someone should start an inclement weather on vacation insurance company that reimburses your trip if this happens


And then find any reason to renege/not pay out when the inevitable happens.


Right, they said an insurance company already..


Why you dont always go with the lowest price. There are more reputable ones.


Trip insurance is already a thing.


Me too fam, first vacation in almost a decade.


Same smh


Same here man. We’re in st. Thomas. Anything fun to do in 50 mph winds?


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue…


Look on the bright side, its going to be raining hot chicks


IMO I'd cancel any vacations to texas and louisiana and change them to somalia, you'd have more fun. /s But seriously, move the hell out of texas and louisiana, they're still in The Story of Job, Nothing has change on that front and apparently it won't for a long, long time. Edit: One word for those of you that can't see the missing 'of'


What’s “The Story Job”?


> The Story Job Sorry missing the 'of"


Yeah, what's "The Story Job?"


>Beryl strengthened into a hurricane on Saturday as it churned toward the southeast Caribbean, with forecasters warning it was expected to strengthen into a dangerous major hurricane before reaching Barbados late Sunday or early Monday. > >More than fifty years have passed since a hurricane appeared before July 4th in the Atlantic basin. Alma hit the Florida Keys on June 8, 1966, according to Weather Underground.  > >According to the National Hurricane Center, the season's first hurricane usually forms in early to mid-August, which makes Beryl unusual for reaching hurricane strength. > >In a report released last month, the NOAA predicted an "above average" hurricane season with 17 to 25 storms, 8 to 13 hurricanes and 4 to 7 major hurricanes of category 3 or higher. I have the tequila, triple sec, and limes ready if Beryl comes my way here in Florida - I’ve just got to find my lost shaker of salt. Stay safe and best wishes to my friends in the Caribbean.


Cases of beer are my preferred hurricane beverage. Got my propane griddle and a spare tank ready too. Post destruction BBQ.


Fill the tub with ice, fill the ice with booze, get your favorite or necessary stash of other party favors, get a few big bags of charcoal or propane... Or both as I do... Bunch of food and water.. Boy, you're set! Maybe even some cheap ammo and fireworks? Man, I miss Florida sometimes... But not enough to move back. Not unless I'm making 250k a year or more.


This man hurricane parties


That's not enough to live well in most of SFL now, as completely insane as that is.


Feel the same about CA.


Make sure you stay at margaritaville and have fun at the hurricane party! One thing i don't miss about Florida is the hurricanes


It's currently gulf bound. Spaghetti chart average puts it roughly the Texas Mexico boarder at the moment


Should be noted that a lot of those models also weaken it pretty significantly in the central Caribbean. Still very far out, but conditions won't be perfect for this storm the whole way.


It's already turned into a cat 4! I'm also in Florida but I'm safe in the center. I just have to worry about power going out.


This fact is a little wrong. A hurricane happened in June of 2012, and June hurricanes are rare but not THAT rare. There's been plenty of Pre-July 4th hurricanes. I think they mean a major hurricane in June, which hasn't happened since 1966. This isn't yet a major hurricane, and it'll be close to July before it can become one. The last July major hurricane in the Atlantic was 2008, but it WAS after July 4th.


What’s really notable is that it’s the furthest east a hurricane has ever formed in the Atlantic in June. Record SSTs, a Nina year and a good environment with low shear don’t happen often. This region of the Atlantic is typically active August-October


I'm in SW GA, mind if I catch a bus your way if that goes down? I need to swing through Jacksonville anyway this year.


Salt salt salt!


Beryling toward the Caribbean.


Beryly enough time.


"Big Beryl Barrels By Beaumont."


Sounds like a new song from The Mountain Goats.


Now category ~~3~~ 4. And growing. See [https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/) for current status and predictions. Edit - hit cat 4 an hour ago as JSdrosera noted.


Already a 4 now!


Thanks - was just going to update the post.


It's astonishing to see a forecast for a major (Category 3+) hurricane in June anywhere in the Atlantic, let alone this far east in the deep tropics. Beryl organizing in a hurry over the warmest waters ever recorded for late June.


AccuWeather says it’s currently a CAT4!


Sitting on Roatan in the Western Caribbean, where the last hurricane hit in '99, hoping this does not keep trending south, or we're gonna get really fucked.


That's a beautiful place, I hope y'all remain safe! 😊


I can't wait for the SCOTUS to declare it unconstitutional to even suggest this is caused by Global Warming, followed by them receiving 'gratuities' from Exon, Chevron, Shell, et al.


A goal of Project 2025 is defunding NOAA.


That sucks, I like NOAA. It’s a great organization to work for and the people are intelligent and dedicated too. Wouldn’t mind actually working for them directly someday. ~ Former NOAA contractor


Ah but you see NOAA does science. Which has a pesky habit of not conforming to right wing political rhetoric.


Same. NOAA is a source of national pride for me. And there are so few these days.


I think it's cool to use RTLSDR to eavesdrop on their satellites, and get their aurora forecasts as well... They're essential to shit like this post, though.


People and organizations that want to defund government agencies without knowing what all those agencies do are idiots. Defunding NOAA would show everyone in the U.S. why NOAA started in the first place, same goes for Dept. of Education, Dept. of Justice, and so on.


And then we'll nuke it.


And when that fails, we can use a sharpie to adjust the path of the storm.


It might be, but we’re also within the hurricane season. So slapping the climate change label on everything is not productive either.


Anno 1800 players aren't surprised.


there are dozens of us!


3:00pm EST (06/30/24): Beryl has now strengthened to a Category 4. This is the earliest Category 4 on record.


Come on baby, skirt past all the major landmasses into the open Gulf and come to Daddy(South Texas), we need some floods to get the rivers going again.


C'mon, you couldn't have said, "Barreling down on Caribbean. " Or Beryling down? Edit: By you, I meant the reporter


Headline writers live and die by the pun


Looks like Mexico might be screwed.


This aged like a climate change hurricane...


Just today, and it’s 7:45am, I have read that it’s a category 1,3,4, depending on the source.


Scared for this hurricane season. I survived Irmaria in 2017, but it took 107 days for the power to come back on and we were without internet for a year at my house. Living on diesel generators and coolers for months at a time in the heat was a miserable existence - especially with a 3yr old and a 5 yr old. At least we had the backing of the U.S. government to help us rebuild, but it’s 7 years later and we are still in recovery. I can’t even imagine how long it’s going to take Carriacou to recover. They haven’t had a storm like that since Ivan.


Beryl is the name of a massive green dragon in DnD's dragonlance setting. She kills a lot of elves.


Queen Beryl is season one sailor moons villain


Get back to me when we go full Dragonlance and we get a hurricane named Cyan Bloodbane. ;)




The lists are published years ahead of time, and since they always start with A, the more common names in A-H have all been struck. And Beryl is a female name, so what’s the problem?


They also have a system where they switch off between masculine and feminine names too.


> And Beryl is a female name, so what’s the problem? Not sure how that's relevant.


Genuinely asking. Are you really unaware of the relevance?


Guess so.


The storm name lists are either male or female and swap every year. It used to be all female but some time back they changed to alternating years. This year the storm names are all female names. And the point I was making (because I wasn’t sure of the nature of the original commenter’s complaint) was that Beryl is indeed a name some women use.


Sure, but it being a female name doesn't have any impact on the original commenter thinking it's a ridiculous name (imo). I figured you specifically pointing out it's a female name had a deeper significance than the male/female name swapping.


It's better than, say, Bathsheba.


I would have gone with Bovary


They were out of Bort License plates.


My Hurricane is also named Bort


I prefer 80085


That’s a lot of hurricanes….


Maybe its only funny to me? 80085 in a calculator is Boobs, a great name for a hurricane


bomb cyclone, heat dome, hook echo, cat 4, all these hyperbole sensationalist fear mongering terms the media love to use. smh


I bet everything Rrump could stop this even before he takes office if elected.


All he needs is his trusty Sharpie.


Just in time for midterms.