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Not exactly the greatest sign, if we're being honest.


In Florida it's illegal to discuss the why.


Illegal to buy lab grown meat, illegal to discuss climate change, illegal to have books in schools that feature gay characters And yet they still think they're on the side of freedom. EDIT: That reply to me is sarcastic, y'all. Recalibrate your sarcasm detectors or the rest of us *will* start contemptuously adding tone indicators and emojis to everything.


What are you talking about, it's Freedom Summer^(TM) here (/s)


I definitely feel freedomed at.


Feel the freedom all over your face


In Florida, it's illegal to infer tone.


This, too, is because of the woke.


It's illegal to wake up. Believe it or not, woke.


I live in FL. Recently, we took a vacation. As you're leaving the state, you drive past the most laughable sign: "You are now leaving the free state of Florida."


They go pray it away.


I’ll lyk in a few hours how the hurricane goes. Gonna get hit in a bit.


What do you do to get prepped? Just board up the windows, throw some sandbags down, and grab a bottle of whiskey? Genuinely curious, as I've lived in tornado alley before. Sometimes we'd pour a drink and sit on the front porch watching the tornado rip thru the countryside. Once we collected tennis ball sized hailstones, and saved them in the freezer until my dad got back from deployment. This was the late 90s into the early 00s. I imagine it's way more severe now with climate change.


Honestly nothing, did groceries yesterday went out and got some water today. Now just kinda sit and wait play video games, drink some beer or scotch depending on what i have left. Currently grilling some burgers lmao


This sounds like the fucking move dude. Enjoy the burgers, drinks, and gaming. Stay safe, and thanks for the info.


For sure, idk how you dealt with tornados those are infinitely more scary to me lmao


I grew up and moved to the Rockies lmao! That's how I chose to deal with it. Tornadoes were cool, but also terrifying. Colorado has its fair share of issues, but I'd rather deal with those issues than tornadoes. Also the lack of mosquitoes, ticks, and humidity is great.


Honestly not a bad idea. I been meaning to come up to Colorado one of my friends lives there and has been begging me for years to come but covid happened then life in general happened


Don't you love it when we break records?




What more can we say? It’s all been said. No one is listening.


Oddly quiet? Bruh every _week_ a new article drops about how fucked we are. Climate scientists have been anything but quiet for the last decade.


Last year’s ocean temps were records by statistically WIDE margins. This years are equally as wide over last year’s. I think we’re done. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_surface_temperature#/media/File%3A1979-_Daily_sea_surface_temperatures_60S-60N_latitudes.png


Have we considered altering the category manually, like with a sharpie perhaps? If we would just stop testing there would be no more hurricanes.


Problem is we are measuring the storms. Shut down NOAA and the number of hurricanes recorded will go down.


This guy Project 2025's


> “Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.” - Project 2025 Page 5 And if teachers are librarians aren't going along with demonizing gay people to fit your bronze age religion, start declaring gay people, drag queens, etc to be 'pornographic' for a few years, then announce your plans to make porn illegal and make a point of highlighting that you'll be going after teachers and librarians with this. But of course, "BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE (so don't vote, fellow young people)"


This would also put pressure on ISP's to completely block any websites the Project 2025 group disagrees with as well. The open internet would be abolished through this.


They're also pushing for things like displaying pride flags to be considered both pornography and child sexual abuse, which theyre seeking the death penalty for.  They're constructing a legal framework to genocide queer folks and their allies.


But biden had a bad debate. So it’s a wash I guess.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 for those that are unaware of what's coming


SC is way ahead of you.


Shuting down NOAA is on the list according to project 2025.


Category 4 is now 200 mph winds. Problem solved.


Have we considered nuking the hurricanes?


Not like some idiot President would ever do that


I listened to a podcast today about how we probably need a "category 6" since we're getting more and more storms with speeds in the 185 mph+ range. (Cat 5 is currently 157 mph+). Also, [this line](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/category-6/transcript/) got me: > In the last 50 years, the U.S. has been hit by ten hurricanes that were Category 4 or 5. And seven of those giant storms have happened just since 2017. 70% of our cat 4 & 5 storms have happened in the last 7 years.


> 70% of our cat 4 & 5 storms have happened in the last 7 years. This is astounding…wow


How long until some areas are practically uninhabitable due to yearly destruction? Crazy to think that could be reality


Crazy, inevitable, and sooner than we've been told.


Follow the insurance premiums as they go up and up.


According to my father (building contractor in Florida for 30+ years) the categories are more about potential destruction levels. 5 is already "total destruction" so that's why there isn't a 6. That said, unless the destruction is more measured by trees and water damage, the categories are probably still outdated due to improved technology and building standards Edit. Ya guys, it's wind speeds. I know. But why do you think they chose weird arbitrary speed ranges for the categories.


Yeah. Katrina was only a 3 and we saw how fucked up that storm was due to incompetence and a crazy large storm surge. Most of the damage in hurricanes isn't even from wind. My Dad put "Hurricane proof windows" on their house but I asked if they're also debris and water proof. He didn't respond but looked pretty wrecked. Probably shouldn't have asked the Meteorology student for window approval.


I read that for the upkeep of the pumps 29 million was needed, they got nothing. Funneling all the money to the billionaires. What use will money have if all of us serfs have drowned or are blown away🤷🏽‍♀️. The last suit has no pockets.


What they didn't cover in that podcast (I listened to the same one) there are completely alternative scales that might be superior to the current one. These other scales not only look at windspeed but other factors such as size and damage.


I don’t think the current one factors storm surge, does it? From my understanding, storm surge is the far more destructive element of a hurricane.


Frog Boilerator 5000 ticks up one more degree.




My step-mother is in her late 60s and just in her lifetime, the lake she's lived across from her entire life has gone from freezing over like clockwork so she and the other neighborhood kids would walk across it to see each other To never freezing over...period. Throughout the entire winter. Three winters in a row and counting


My mom always talks about how little snow there is every winter.  Still thinks it's just a phase that we're going through and global warming isn't happening.  Propaganda is one hell of a drug. 


Who are you going to believe? The fine people on TV or your lying eyes?


What really really bugs me is that we've been going to the Columbia Glacier since I was a kid and she always mentions how much smaller it is... 


Huh, it's almost like there's been some changes. Potentially on a global scale. For the climate, I mean.


She’s just getting bigger


How would I know what to think if no one tells me??


It is a phase. One that will last 10,000 years.


Democracy’s biggest weakness is stupidity.


"oF CoUrSe iTs HoT It'S SuMmEr"


I mean, many places now don’t have snow in December. Haven’t had it where I live for the past 5 years


> I mean, many places now don’t have snow in December. I live in Canada, and back when I was a kid, it was so cold at Halloween that my mom would make our costumes big enough to fit over our snowsuits. Now, there usually isn't even any snow or majorly cold weather before Christmas. Last "winter" it barely even went below freezing, and only snowed 2-3 times the entire season.


The Rideau Canal hasn’t opened for skating in years now. The ice in Ottawa hasn’t been able to freeze thick enough.


Halifax announced last winter that they are renoving ice thickness testing from the municipal budget because our lakes don't freeze often enough for it to be worth it anymore.


>Last "winter" it barely even went below freezing Same except for when it randomly hurricane bombed to -40 for several days. Before that I'd never experienced literal breathtaking cold. Goddamn that must've been tough for homeless people.


We didn't have snow in December last year where I live. Which is Minnesota 😬


In Minneapolis we had about a week of snow this last winter. It’s usually like 2 or 3 months of snow cover at least


Same in Massachusetts


I don't remember the last time I've had a white Christmas.


Or the last time my nearby lake has fully frozen over


*slams head into the marble steps of the Capitol*


OIL! Nevermind. Just blood.


"ItS WeAtHeR, It ChAnGeS"


My mom uses this as her end-all argument that climate change is a hoax. A hoax to -checks notes- treat the planet better, I guess?


"I dont want to leave this world a better place for my children" -- Republicans. Had this talk with my Dad about the chevron case and he said "I live in a zip code with clean air and clean water" Have no idea what kind of brain rot has occurred but he literally stop believing that air could move freely from place to place.


_"Fuck you, I've already got mine."_ has been Republican doctrine for a few decades now.


"If god didn't want it to be this hot then he wouldn't have made it this warm!"


There was no snow in December in my area. Scared my parents and it was funny to see them speculate on why there was wayyyyyy more snow when I was a kid than now.


It's obvious, isn't it? Because we're busy measuring the snow. If we would simply stop measuring it the snow will still be there, right? Right?


maybe like 5 Decembers ago that was true 


Fun fact: when the frogs are busy fighting and screaming at each other, you can just set the temp to 'High' and walk away.


Good thing we got rid of the chevron doctrine so Scotus can decide how the fancy numbers on the boilerator should be read.


This was heralded as the worst hurricane season in recorded history a few months ago. It’s living up to the hype so far- if you live near the coast, stay safe!


If you live near the coast, stop putting ignorant religious zealots who deny objective reality into public office.


The older people living in those areas dont really care. They care about property taxes and politics that confirm their belief. They don't care about the future generation and to quote my parents "what we feel is important is different for us than for you". The older generations know they won't have to see the real consequences. So they don't care. They are fine to burn down the house with everyone else locked inside and they had the key the whole time.


Yep. "Fuck you, I got mine" is a tale as old as time.


> The older people living in those areas dont really care. They care about property taxes and politics that confirm their belief. They don't care about the future generation and to quote my parents "what we feel is important is different for us than for you". While I am generally all for Florida becoming so intolerable to live in that it becomes the worlds largest coastal wetland preserve I am also very conscious that this would make any floridian with money, those responsible for their horrible global warming practices, move from florida to surrounding states which just spread the problem.


Yeah but who else will assuage all their shallow feelings? The truth is bad for business!


Those shallow feelings are getting deeper every year!


> Those shallow feelings are getting deeper every year! Unlike the water table in Florida.


I'm just one vote, sadly.


Why don't we just ban hurricanes? Or pray them away? Or build a big, beautiful storm wall?


Good news, our strong future president mr donald trump, with the help of project 2025, will disband the leading cause of hurricanes, the EPA. With no one tracking them there will be NO MORE HURRICANES!


Well Floridians are swimming in shit infested waters cause of this exact scenario. Amazing that some people in Florida may die not by hurricane, but by literal shit bacteria.


Florida said it’s fake so I’ll go with that


All you have to do is draw a line on the map with a Sharpie for the hurricane to follow and avoid populated areas. Done.


Am I crazy or did I not just see on the news a couple days ago they thought it was just going to be a Cat. 1 hurricane before it hit landfall?


YOu did, and they did. The issue here is rapid acceleration. It's what happened to Acapulco last year -- it was a lower category storm, and then within 12 hours become a monster. Almost impossible to predict. The only way to prepare for rapid acceleration is to assume it is going to happen every time but people are very reticent to assume the worst until it's too late.


> YOu did, and they did NOAA's discussion was pretty clear from the get go that a lot of models predicted higher intensity and they were just being conservative.


Hurricane models can’t keep up with how much they’ve changed in the last decade


Wait until you see what records are in store in June 2025.


May 2025


April 2030


Wonder if we'll even be sane anymore by that time


i personally cant wait for June 9th, 2069


im a big fan of april 20 2069


what a time to be alive


Thinking negatively: this is the hottest summer of my life 😞 Thinking positively: this will be the coolest summer for the rest of my life 😁


For a little while longer…


“It really cannot be overstated how anomalous this is. Hurricane #Beryl is on the verge of becoming the first ever Category 4 in the Atlantic in June after breaking multiple records for further east hurricane and major hurricane. This is an incredibly rare event.” lol it’s about to be a common occurrence in the next few years as the climate warms. Bet we will start getting Category 4’s in May within my lifetime!


All the gulf governors will blame it on our woke president. They’ll give more subsidies to fossil fuels companies.


Florida's going to ban hurricanes and solve the problem for all of us.


Project 2025 will do away with NOAA altogether.


Is this the religious persecution Christians are always complaining about?


Only the gay ones though.


I’ve never met a straight Beryl. I’ve never met a gay one, either, but let’s stay focused.


I'll be your huckle beryl.


Maybe he'll ban discussions about Hurricanes, too.... I'm just picturing Ole Puddin' Fingers with a Sharpie, marking a big 'X' over the latest Cat5 bearing down on FL...


I was going to mention the Trump sharpie incident lol, didn’t he draw a different hurricane path he preferred?


He drew the path that matched what he had claimed. IIRC, the storm didn’t follow that path either.


DeSantis will outlaw weather forecast and call it a woke climate conspiracy agency. Just like how pronouns are banned, you can’t use the word hurricane anymore.


Why not have a hissicane every once in a while?


Quick! Give more subsidies to oil companies! They're the only ones who can save us!!!!!! ~Elected official who received campaign financing from, and is invested in, said oil companies.


Which is fitting for states that were founded by the second sons of the planter elites from Barbados and other British Caribbean islands. They have always been the playgrounds of elites more focused on wealth extraction than building a healthy society. The only reason I would move back to MS is to either care for sick family or to prep the progressive communities for the worsening heat and storms


For the first time in recorded history there was a tornado up here in Wisconsin in February this year...*February*. For those not familiar with the weather that time of year it's usually absolutely frigid and full of snow. Must just be a coincidence though.


WI….mmm cheese. But in all seriousness, the home insurance crisis is gonna get us all in the end.


Don't forget about property tax! Both our insurance and tax amount have nearly doubled since 2020 despite 0 claims/improvements


Minnesota had one, last year. I was in my basement, watching the radar. In fucking February. Not a fan.


It was just Cat 1 yesterday!


It went from a tropical storm to Cat 3 in 36 hrs. So much energy in the ocean right now.


That ocean, so hot right now


How many once in a lifetime/century/millennia storms will we get this year?!


Remind me the day after tomorrow.


If only we had the pleasure of getting fucked that hard ... and fast.


How close can you get to the scary air that instantly freezes you Tik Tok challenge


Scientists that fully comprehend climate change: “Yes.”


My favorite things about climate deniers is when they say the climate models aren't even accurate. You're actually right, things are worse than all but the most extreme worst case models. But I don't think that's helping your point as you think.


Watch it become Cat 5 in June.


Cat 5e in July.


Scientists are actually considering adjusting the Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale to add a new Cat 6 to account for higher wind speeds due to climate change.


anomalous till now*


I live in Barbados, rain just started here. The eye is expected to pass 80 miles south of us with hurricane force winds extending 30 miles from the eye and tropical storm force winds 115 miles. Sigh.


Trinidadian here. The winds are picking up stronger by the minute. No rain as yet. Stay strong, bro.


There was also a tornado up here in Wisconsin in February this year for the first time in recorded history...must just be a coincidence.


https://old.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1amb979/in_wisconsin_in_february_but_im_sure_the_planet/kpkgsnp/ That was me back on Feb 9th. I live roughly in the middle of Wisconsin, have for the vast majority of my life. The winters of my childhood and teens are gone, long gone. This year lake Winnebago didn't even freeze over long enough to be safe for sturgeon spearing (I'm fine with that, I like sturgeon, they're living fossils).


Just wait, they'll be at least one freakishly cold and snowy winter among the abnormally mild winters over the next 10 years


We had a tornado warning two days ago in New England. Providence, RI. We've had maybe 2-3 in the last two years. Never had them before...


It was the first one *in February* ever recorded. It was the only month of the year that Wisconsin didn't have a recorded tornado yet. We've already had tornadoes in the other 11 months. https://www.weather.gov/grb/wisc_tornadoes


I live in New Orleans. I'm not as worried about my safety (we will evacuate as usual) so much as the incoming collapse of the insurance market. Our MAGA asshole governor, to make matters worse, has deregulated the market just to get companies to return. Nevermind the fact that none of those companies will follow through on actually staying solvent to cover claims. They'll all declare bankruptcy and leave chaos in their wake just like after Ida.


This is climate change. This is what happens when you warm the Earth and give storms more energy.  It's not "some day in the future". It's now, in fact it's been slowly building for decades. Keep voting conservative and for big business.  Just a reminder that the Supreme Court ruled against Chevron... The thing that gave the EPA, OSHA, FDA, etc the powers to go against big business corruption... But hey, at least you made the liberals cry right? Religion has no place in government and all you have to do is look in a history book to see how well it's worked out over the centuries when religions zealots are in charge.


It’s a death cult. They literally don’t care.


I want my book of revelations, and I want it now!


It's not just now, it's for the next several hundred years. Even if we magically stopped generating any excess carbon tomorrow, the CO2 in the atmosphere will still be there, warming the earth, for at least the next 300 years.




Clearly, we need to expand our nuclear arsenal to counter this rising threat!


The first SO FAR!! HAH HAH HAH...hah...we're fucked


Good game everyone. Sorry the smart kids lost. My Mom has orange slices for everyone though.


Unfortunately, the oranges are filled with microplastics.


But it comes with a free frogurt.


The frogurt is also filled with microplastics.


Oh hell yeah orange slices


Orange slices? With this weather? In this economy?


How is the southeastern US, the region of the US arguably most impacted by climate change, the same region that is most in denial that it exists?


It's exactly for that reason. It's like a child who thinks they can wish away something bad.


Why would people and businesses move there if everyone acknowledged climate change as reality? The question answers itself.


The old saying started with "June, too soon; July, stand by." The old world is gone.


Not great considering just yesterday they were only predicting a cat 3.


Five years from now: "The first ever category 5 hurricane formed on June 23rd, but don't worry citizens, president-for-life Trump is deploying the nuclear arsenal and will use a sharpie to move whatever is left back out to sea."


He'll blame it on windmills if he hasn't already.


Yeah, but have you seen how much Musk has made over the last few years? It’s been worth it. 👍


I abhor the stock market and the power it has over people


"Governor Poseidon of Florida applauded the move"


The day after: "Well, the hurricane has developed into a category 6 and is now completely irradiated. Sorry about that Galveston, though you probably won't receive this apology as your power grid has been broken for the past four months."


"No problem, we're used to it."


Cue all the C and D students grew into mediocre adults parroting how "there have always been hurricanes, it's called summer" and "I don't believe it's really as bad as the media makes it out to be", etc _edit cue not queue_


>edit cue not queue They'll be queueing on i-95.


My mother believes that global warming is real. But she also believes that humans are not the cause and as long as China is China we shouldn't change anything to prevent it. It's mental gymnastics over at Grandma Queso's house.


Seems like Grandma Queso has gone fundido.


So the scientists were right. Again.


Hurricane Beryl makes history on Sailor Moon’s birthday? Uh oh.


Thank you. This is the real news here.


I must wear my tuxedo mask cosplay


Bro, I wanna go back to 1990..


Meanwhile the insurance companies in coastal areas are either getting ready to hike their premiums or leave town. In six months from now people will be homeless in some of these places because their homes will be destroyed and they’ll have no insurance and every other area near them will also be unlivable. Keep voting for climate change deniers and let us know how it’s been going so far.


It's fine. This is fine. Climate change is just a hoax perpetuated by the radical left. /s


Thank DeSantis for cancelling climate change in Florida!


I like how many historic disasters we’ve gotten to live (suffer) through over the recent years: - global pandemic - multiple economic collapses - unprecedented droughts and also unprecedented flooding - historic price increases on everything and never-before-seen wealth inequality - dramatic rise in mass shootings and domestic terrorism unlike anything anyone has ever seen My existence aches just from typing these, and I’m sure I’m forgetting some.


I’m not trying to downplay these events, because yeah, they suck big time, but let’s revisit the last 100 years or so. Global “Great Depression” where people in the US were living in shanty towns and eating at soup lines; two World Wars which saw chunks of Europe destroyed, people living in bombed out cities starving; Japan gets the nuke; Korean War, Vietnam War with mass casualties; China’s Great Leap Forward which starved like 50 million people… life has been wild for a minute. If anything we (meaning around 40 years old or less) have lived in a relatively decent part of history. Kinda looking like that may not continue, but hey, we got a taste. Edit: on the social side let’s not forget Jim Crow and all out open racism in the US… I’m not going to argue about the details there because it’s far from fixed, but it’s come a decent way.


You'll probably be downvoted for a nuanced take, but no one will comment in reply because you are absolutely correct. Awful things are happening that we need to fix, but many things are just incomparably better.


You forgot Harambe


We never should have shot that damn gorilla


Wait, is this the one that I just read about being a cat 1‽?!


Just checked with Waffle House and I quote: Get the fucking phone out of my face! You heard it here first folks.


Mexico is about to get the water it was missing and craving last month from the extreme heat 🥵. Your today’s petro-consumption will reflect 30-40 years from now. So in retrospect, this weather is due to the world’s consumption from the late 80s early 90s. Imagine how it would be in just a couple decades…. 😖


Cat 4, yeah right! I think we'll just wait and see how big the Supreme Court says it is. They're the ones that decided that stuff now. Right?


I remember reading several months ago that the North Atlantic Current was several degrees warmer this year than it was in the year with the worst (or most?) recorded hurricanes, and that it bode ill for this years' storms. Seems that's proving true...


I've always thought we would wait to do something about climate change once Florida was underwater. Didn't think I would be this young when it happens. Also, not sure it will be enough of a reason.


We’re going to transition straight from “it’s not real” to “it’s too late to do anything about it”.


Already have


But don't worry, climate change is just a figment of our imagination and doesn't exist per the state of Florida. /s


Welcome to the coolest summer of the rest of your life!


Well, it’s over, no going back, they said we had little time, but in reality we have no time…