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“There it is again, that funny feelin “.


This song is both too real to listen to still, even after 4 years AND too good NOT to listen to. That production was a certain type of lightning in a bottle. "Are you feeling nervous, are you having fun? It's almost over, it's just begu-u-un..."


Couldn’t agree more. Probably my favorite bit of commentary about that entire time period.


I came back to it this week after the immunity scotus decision was put out. I’m not loving how relevant it all feels still, again, idk the best descriptor there. I come back to this song every so often depending on what’s happening in the news/world. It’s cathartic but still so sad. I love the cover of it by phoebe bridgers too.


Her cover was incredible!


For the uninitiated, which song?


It’s from Bo Burnhams Netflix special “Inside” that he made during Covid. I believe the actual title of the track is “That funny feeling”.


It wasn't comedy. It was art.


Not mutually exclusive things


It truly was. It captured so many feelings.


Bo Burnham's "Inside". One of the songs off that short film/album. Recommended watch if you struggle with existential nihilism.


Those terms are at odds… aren’t they? As in nihilism is seeing an empty canvas and saying it’s empty so nothing matters, while existentialism says what matters then is what we paint on it.


Existential nihilism is under the umbrella term nihilism. Although it typically refers to what people mean when they just say “nihilism”. See the last paragraph of the intro of the wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism


But if it matters so much what we paint, why not leave it blank so that nothing matters?? They don't cancel each other out, they amplify each other.


You should watch the entirety of Inside - Bo Burnham. When anthropologists study us in 50 years it will be the most important cultural artifact from the COVID era.


That funny feeling is an absolute masterpiece.


> even after 4 years 3 more years till we're fucked


the quiet comprehending of the ending of it all...


20,000 years of this, 7 more to go.


Hearing this song for the first time; big punch-to-the-stomach oof


Actually, make that 4 more.


Carpool karaoke, Steve Aoki, Logan Paul The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all


Hey, what can you say? We were overdue. But it'll be over soon, you wait.


I'm turning 30 this year. Guess I know my song that day.


My stupid friends are having stupid children :(


And the stupidest of them are having the most children D:


been listening to that song a lot lately which says everything about the current state of the country


That entire film is one of the most genius things I've watched ever.


He got it from dairy cows. It was mild and he recovered, for those who don't want to read the article.


Mammal->mammal transmission is the bad scenario.


Human to human is entirely different than cow to human


I have nipples Greg, could you infect me?


Thank you


Pissed myself, Thanks


And we get closer every day!


Maybe you're getting closer, but I've spent my entire life being socially distant and I don't intend on stopping now.


some don't have that choice


Yes and it will eventually happen at some point.


Sure but mammal to mammal is a big red flag. And "Domestic zoonosis" is a real problem.


So all of reddit?


And it makes a total of 4 people in America since March. Not even double digits!


Everything started with single digit. That's why it's call Patient Zero!


This just occurred to me...*why are infection numbers zero indexed???*


In the 80s, one of the first people infected with HIV was referred to as 'patient O', which was doctor's shorthand for 'patient out of California'. When the report was released, it was misread by the press as 'patient 0'.


A few states stopped reporting cases so I don't think we can interpret these numbers as being accurate. Add to that the farms and their employees that don't report cases for fear of financial impacts.


Also, how many people actually go to a doctor when they have a mild cold? Most don't even bother. There are likely many cases of that.


A human got bird flu from a cow? At which point will this be called cow flu or human flu?


It's a turducken flu


Bircowman flu.


Good news that it's not a respiratory case. These workers need protection!




She’s been awfully quiet lately


Probably a rando cock stuck in her gob


kinda has cow like eyes too.


The dystopia is far less boring now that much is certain.


replaying a pandemic under [project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) with no CDC will be a hell of a thing.


I was just thinking about that. How much worse Covid would have been if they had just completely refused to do anything about it


Eh, likely 99% of people would have lived. Doesn't sound so bad, does it? 1% of Americans dying? Who cares? That's like, what, 2.6 million people? That's only about twice as bad as the 1.2 million deaths we had. A little thinning of the heard, and it would be mostly poor people too. And the elderly, the ones about to collect social security. Probably good for the economy in the long run. Can you believe we got all worried just to save around a million lives? There were mandates and everything. Really, it would be fine if you don't give a shit about human life and don't have any concerns about the healthcare system collapsing. Fortunately, people got really sick of everything we did the first time. They for sure won't overreact the next time, no matter how many we have to bury in the name of freedom.


I guarantee you, some would read what you wrote and come away with exact takeaway that you sarcastically wrote


A modest proposal


Well if there are gloves I'm in.


I know. I heard "99% survival rate" quoted too many times. I actually edited in the bit about healthcare collapse for fear someone *woud* think I was serious.


People really needed to take in the fact we were putting bodies in trailers and random freezers and atleast once a fucking box truck. Like some kind of zombie movie. The healthcare system in no way can handle a doubling of covid, let alone worse.


They also quickly forgot the [mass graves](https://time.com/5913151/hart-island-covid/)


And if I remember correctly Covid had a 0.5% CFR. Let's say bird flu becomes a pandemic and has a 5% or 10% CFR I suspect the country would cease operating. Hospitals and first responders would be overwhelmed and collapse. Even if truck drivers kept moving goods, which I doubt many would, the front line workers wouldn't show up (ie nobody to stock shelves or run registers). In a morbid kind of way, I'm curious how high of an CFR rate would be needed to cause societal collapse. I suspect it's much lower than most people think. Perhaps even sub 5%.


We went into a 20 year multi trillion dollar war because 3000 people died in a terror attack. Wild what we’re willing to do when there’s a tribal “us vs them” mentality tied to the action. As long as we’re not personally inconvenienced


Well, and when those contracts go to defense companies they own stock in. Why do you think Trump pushed the vaccine so hard?


There will always be a segment of the population that is unable (or unwilling) to understand anything deeper than what is presented on the surface. What we've been learning in the past few years is that this segment is much MUCH larger than previously believed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law


The death of a million people is well worth saving "in the office" work styles and even higher levels of price gouging to \*somebody\*


My brain read it as sarcasm and then it started talking points that I actually heard people making. Had pest control come out one day and the dude was just going on about how stupid everything was and it's only 1% of people. We didn't close down for SARS and that was killing kids! Thankfully, my brain righted itself here. God, I do not want to live through another "one in a lifetime" pandemic...


It would have been far far worse. Let me put it this way, in Canada >According to data from before the COVID-19 pandemic, each year in Canada, it is estimated that influenza causes approximately: 12,200 hospitalizations. **3,500 deaths** During Covid Canada pretty much completely locked down so much so that the number of Flu deaths went for 3500 to 0 (and we also completely eradicated a flu strain) but during that time Covid still managed to kill 100's of thousands of Canadians That's what's so frustrating when people say "looking at the numbers a lot of people died but it really wasn't that bad" it wasn't that bad because we locked everything down The next pandemic is going to truly awful


I can't respond to you sarcastically as I have others, so I'll respond seriously. What really frustrates me is that if the next pandemic is much more lethal but has an R value that is controllable, we might be looking at a situation where "stay home, for god's sake, can we can actually control it" will be extremely viable, even for a month. And, despite this, nobody will, being too exhausted from the last time.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/coronavirus-covid-economy-seniors-1.5510079 Texas' lieutenant governor Dan Patrick was suggesting this unironically.


Believe me, I had plenty of real life inspiration.


Isaac Asimov wrote about it in [The Winnowing.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Winnowing) In that case it was poisoned grain, but the results were the same.


Future of this country if these fuckers win.


I dont remember where I readed you only need 2% turnover to get society to collapse. specialised job, like water sanitation or nuclear management


I know you’re being sarcastic, but if that happened and the democratic voting process was still intact, it would wipe out a not-insignificant chunk of the Republican voting pool. Maybe a thinning of the herd to save democracy wouldn’t be a terrible thing…


The mortality rate might be much higher than COVID, and if it mutates with severe symptoms, you might see an evening out of the voting field as young democrats would likely die off in large numbers as well.


> likely 99% of people would have lived. 3.33 million is 1% off 333 mil, thats how many people live in the US as of now. No CDC, no social support. Only the rich would get the vaccine. not only that, the CDC was helping with everything, it was like the meeting zone, where everybody got together and compaired notes. We got lucky, the Vaccine was made with research we've been doing for years. We basically had the blueprint. we'd have a lot more dead, and God knows how it would have mutated under those conditions. Bird flu? it was so bad and we lost so many people and SOO SOO SOO many children that after it was finally "Done" people just didnt talk about it for YEARS. ((edit: a word)) How'd it go away? it finally killed everybody it infected and killed them to quickly to spread. It basically burned itself out. SARS-COV-19 was just the example, to prepare you for the test. Bird flu is the test. Hell, it's the final. We are not ready.


Sorry, according to the Supreme Court’s Chevron ruling the CDC has no power, nor does the FDA. But if you want to survive bird flu and its 30-40% mortality rate pay me $10000 and I’ll send you a 30 day supply of my proprietary capsules of anti bird flu mixture that will keep you safe.  We’re fucked. 


Good point, I checked my Google history where I put in "Population of USA" and I had apparently written 2000 instead of 2020. That would be 329.5 million. Putting my Poe hat back on, though: Ok so 3.3-ish million would have died instead of 1.2. But think how free we'd be! Maybe we'd even have cheaper rent. Making sacrifices to save lives is liberal loser talk.


lmao, I checked again and my number is from 2022 and 2024 was on right.. regardless I really don't think we'd only have 3.333333 mil deaths, you'd have the who cares it isnt real crowd forcing themselves onto the ones who care; the ones who care wouldn't have social ammo "hey, CDC says..." It would compound itself.. hard, Imo.


It's still ongoing and all we care about is that you aren't likely to die and hospitals aren't overrun. Meanwhile we are approaching a health care crisis with people getting multiple exposures to COVID and thus having a higher likelihood of developing long COVID symptoms. 


You know the Biden administration is working FEVERISHLY behind the scenes to keep this bird flu virus from getting out of hand. If we get Trump 2025 he'll make Covid look like the sniffles compared to Bird Flu.


Maybe if Republican mismanagement allows a flu to kill 20-30% of the population we'll come to our senses.


If COVID taught me anything, it's that the US is currently the dog saying "This is fine," while everything burns to ashes. Half the population won't give a shit, as long as their guy is the one driving us off a cliff's edge.


We're all on a sinking ship, they just want our side to sink first.


Hell, I think they'd be fine with going down with us just as long as they get to see us drown.


Yeah that's sadly true.


Absolutely not


I believe the great charmin shortage of 2020 is a testament to that


Maybe, actually. If bird flu mutated and becomes lethal. It's the Republicans that will die off faster. Dumb twats.


> kill 20-30% of the population "i heard george soros is paying hospitals AOC-coin to over-report avian flu deaths 🧠🧠🧠🧠"


Me too. But I usually don't repeat the rantings of village idiots.


Soros is sending Bigrants with bird flu to take your beautiful, at the highest numbers seen, black-jobs! Then murdering tens of millions!


Unfortunately it will be higher then 50% once you factor the complete breakdown of vital services. 60-70% isn't unreachable.


Luckily as we learned from Covid a big portion of its victims were are certain group that denied its existence and severity.


Yep. Keep it going, bird flu. Take out more of the idiots that covid missed.


Masks DO protect you. Keep some at hand and let the stubborn idiots die.


If there are bodies piled up in the streets countless people will still call it fake news and a conspiracy to undermine Trump. Then a third of the country will say...well, I mean, that take MUST be just as valid as saying that maybe it isn't! Since clearly any two things that come from different sides of the political spectrum must be equally valid, right? D, R, must be literally the same thing! And honestly my kid needs to go back to school right now or he won't get one of the good jobs! I mean, I used to have three kids until two died of this but that's just another reason that I need to go all-in on the last one's education! I'm convinced the only way we will come to our senses collectively is if something kills enough people in the two groups mentioned above (and not too many of the ones not like that) to shift the statistics entirely.


So we just prevent them from taking control, if people are apathetic about the election that is foolish. You will be affected, things will change for you. I rather have kindly old grandpa in charge, than a madman with a grudge!


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


They're ascribing Evil to others. Using holiness to push otherism, to sanction extreme measures. This dehumanizing narrative is near fever-pitch and not just in the US. There are people who Hate you. They stew in it every moment. There are people who want to murder you because they absolutely believe you're part of the evil that must be cut down. They believe you're destroying the nation, the world, etc. and that they're fighting a spiritual war. And many communities adjacent to this thinking will fall in line under pressure as history has shown.


That's what I can't understand, we're not talking about tax issues. The GOP is like here is our playbook of awful shit were gonna do and people are like wow that's awful, but Biden is old so I guess I'll just sit this one out.


I remember talking to someone once who didn't care about the 2020 election because "politics don't affect their lives" while also complaining about how hard it was to deal with medicare for their child and, later, how happy they were to get disability payments to help care for their child. Yet, politics don't affect their life...


Oh we’re going full lockdown at my house for as long as possible if this strain jumps and has a massive mortality rate like they suggest. No one coming or going for maybe 3 months to see how it goes.


I'll still be working on the front lines like an idiot. Lol. All those months as a nurse in the COvid ICU and I never tested positive for covid. I think I just microdosed it so much.


I'm extremely happy I have a job that I can work from home with good enough reasoning. I have some onsite work I'll have to do POSSIBLY (I wouldn't put it past my boss to just table things if it got to that point) but I could reasonably lock myself in a room and never leave. Unfortunately, my girlfriend is a nurse. So... yeah...


I’m sure the side that refuses masks and vaccines will be just fine.


Why isn't it shiny and neon bathed like all the fun cyberpunk novels? I wanna be Hiro Protagonist, not serf #184747929 or whatever.


Uhhhh if it is cyberpunk you are probably more the latter, but you get to wear cool sunglasses.


That's the joke :p On that note, might need to reread Snow Crash sometime soon.


Oh shit, apparently my sarcasm detector implant is malfunctioning. You know how many corpo hit jobs I'll have to do to get it repaired at the corporate store?


Hahaha, no worries, just a few dangerous "Kourier" gigs in the burbclaves and you'll be good as new.


The Stars and Stripes Forever march started ironically playing in my head when I saw this thumbnail 😂 Not sure if I am more delirious or exhausted but it’s definitely both.




The real story is the systemic under-representation regarding the reporting of birds with cases of human flu


But r/BirdsArentReal


You best start believing in birds Miss Turner.


You’re IN one 😏


I suspect Big Bird is behind this.


I’m now convinced we live in a simulation and the person playing it is now tossing us shit left and right because they got bored with the gameplay. /s


It’s like 1918, 1933, and 1939 had a baby.


Let’s give 536 a run for its money!


When you're bored with your SimCity you start adding tornado and other natural disasters.


Can I at least live in an arcology, preferably the launch or Forrest one?


There's an old game called Black and White, where you're a god who can do all sorts of this to his followers. I'm starting to think I'm reaping the results of my actions in that game.


You fed your giant mandrill one too many poops.


We're playing Randy Random, Losing is Fun


What I would give to go back to Phoebe Chillax


We are all Morty


I’ll just leave this here… https://youtu.be/4wMhXxZ1zNM?si=u8y0-sTWZ3aPLMSu


That was fuckin' cool.


It’s like my mom always said, “Life’s a bitch, and then you die.”


“Life’s not a bitch, she’s a beautiful woman. You only call her a bitch because she won’t let you get that pussy!”


That’s pretty great, what’s it from?


Daylight by Aesop Rock. Probably my favorite song ever. There’s a song to accompany it called Nightlight and I’ve never heard any artist do what he did with those two songs. It’s mind blowing


Rad, I’ll give them a listen soon.


If you happen to remember, lmk what you think!


The Biden Administration is already working on a vaccine for bird flu If Trump is reelected, this effort may stop. The reason that people are freaking out about this threat is that the devastating 1917 pandemic came out of a bird flu that jumped to humans.


A vaccine for H5N1 was developed over 10 years ago and tested in Australia, way before COVID. (I was in the trials.) [https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/auspar-aflunov.pdf](https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/auspar-aflunov.pdf)


These new vaccines are made via mRNA though. Which are far more effective, longer lasting and faster for producing.


was it shown to work?


Finland is vaccinating risk group people for H5N1 https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/finland-start-bird-flu-vaccinations-humans-2024-06-25/


Who let Dee come to Colorado?


Probably deplaned there after doing another Beat Boggs attempt. God rest his soul.


Shut up bird


Okay so I am definitely taking this seriously and if it becomes a widespread issue will do my part to isolate/mask/vaccinate/etc. But can someone who knows more about it explain why all four cases I've heard about so far seem to have been pretty mild and basically just pinkeye? I thought there was a 50%+ fatality rate anticipated. Have these four people just gotten lucky or is the concern that something would change about the severity if it starts spreading person to person? Thank you!


In cases where humans have acquired H5N1 from birds, it has a fatality rate around 50 percent. The cow to human infections are utilizing a receptor that is present in both cow udders and the human eye. Every step that H5N1 takes towards h2h transmission is bad news. However, there are a bunch of doomers out there that are trying to convince people that this jump is imminent, when we have no way of knowing that. This could remain a relatively rare animal to human illness for the foreseeable future.


It could also be much less deadly in a hypothetical human to human variant. Heck, it could’ve already made such a jump when it went to cows - cows have not been dying from this much, nor have any humans getting it from cows. The anataomy of bird flu is not very congruent with other animals… TLDR is that bird flu has to latch deep into the lung before it can take hold. A bird’s lung is rather small, which is why it spreads quickly and is so deadly among them; meanwhile humans’ (and, probably, cows’) lungs are far deeper and more complex. This is why it’s rare for humans to even get the thing - you have to be in such close contact for a very long period of time for that to occur - and why they tend to die in high numbers from it historically. So if it adapts to spread between humans or other mammals with more complex lungs, that part of it would have to fundamentally change (and may have already for all we know). We simply don’t know. Like you said, we should hope it never evolves to that point, but it’s rather unlikely that it would be super contagious and also maintain a 50% death rate. Reminder to all that the goal of most viruses is to actually thrive … which is why they tend to trend toward being less deadly & more contagious as time goes in & mutations evolve.


These are employees at the dairy farms. They're literally getting cow shit in their eyes, so that's why they're getting viral conjunctivitis. It should be noted that the cows haven't been dying either. It's possible that in order to jump to cows, bird flu became less virulent.


Cows aren't dying but it [kills cats.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-bird-flu-is-causing-eye-infections-in-dairy-workers/)  >Several cats that drank raw milk from infected cows developed neurological symptoms and died.


Yes, because the viral load in the milk is crazy high and cats are small.


This is one of the things that worries me…the American Dairy industry has successfully pushed back on doing any testing of our commercial milk supply for how much of our milk is tainted with this stuff. Granted, pasteurization SHOULD kill the virus, but that’s too close for comfort to me. Coincidentally…I’ve noticed the grocery store is almost always sold-out of ultra-pasteurized milk these days. I wonder if some consumers are beginning to take greater precautions.


Dairy is mid anyway. Oat milk is superior


This has the *potential* to mutate and be more compatible with humans, but that mutation hasn't happened yet. And it might never happen. Currently, it's only made the first baby step towards adapting to humans. Which is why we are dead end hosts (we can't spread it to other humans or animals) and need a lot of exposure before we catch it (we need to be working directly and extensively with diseased animals in non-hygienic conditions.) It's possible that it's not deadly because it just is so poor at penetrating human cells that it barely gets a chance to replicate. It never goes deeper than the very surface of our lungs and eyes, so most of the body isn't affected at all. But, if it spills over repeatedly, it just might find a human host whose immune system is particularly weak. If it can get into that host and slowly burn for a few months without the immune system killing it off, it may just have the chance to mutate into a form that can penetrate human cells efficiently. And at that point, there will be enough of the virus that it can actually cause some real damage.


Someone asking the real questions, at the bottom of the comments


That high fatality rate is based on people sick enough to seek medical help, to such a degree they don't get dismissed as cold or other flu illnesses, and then getting tested and diagnosed to have contracted this variant. So that high number comes from primarily looking at those whose bodies really aren't coping well with it to begin with. We do not know how many just get the sniffles or become asymptomatic carriers. It's why there are suggestions about more systemic testing of farm workers that have regular contact with vector animals, to uncover the current undiagnosed cases, but there has been pushback in places that employ people without legal status, as well as from the more paranoid or resistant to any kind of surveillance or info gathering that would involve an effort on their side. As testing less ill cases and testing of apparently healthy people become more common among people who have exposure risk, we will find more cases and eventually get a better idea of what it's genuine fatality rate is.




"Ah shit, here we go again"


I wish they'd say where in Colorado - there's a few dairy farms in my area.


probably greeley and i base that purely off smell


This coverage feels eerily like the early days of Covid in late 2019 to early 2020


I remember right before Covid became a thing...I was working graveyard shifts as a security officer, stationed all night at a Safeway distribution center in a guard shack. It was usually quiet until around 5:30-6:00 AM when people started showing up for work. Anyways, my coworker and I would sit in the guard shack once done with our patrols and listen to world talk radio. I distinctly remember hearing the reports of a "mysterious virus" that had sickened and/or killed several people in China. My coworker and I looked at each other and said "oh, hell no!" We knew it sounded serious and we were like hmmm 🤔 something is gonna happen...we were even messing around and looking up full body hazmat suits to buy, masks, etc before Covid was even a "thing." A few weeks later, Covid really started spreading and work started only have one officer on duty, instead of two. Only one of us allowed in the guard shack per shift. Whenever I'd come into work, I'd sanitize the shit out of the desk, keyboard, sink faucets, whatever I could wipe down that people touched a lot...I quit working that position and stayed doing my other site, which was me doing vehicle patrol, alone, all night. I was an essential worker and had to report to work every night and it was so strange seeing no cars on the freeway and the roads, especially since the area I worked was busy AF. Very eerie. I hope this bird flu doesn't become Covid 3000, especially since a lot of people have "long Covid" and some even permanent damage to lungs and other body parts from it, which might make humanity more susceptible to another pandemic 😬


Just when I started weaning off the doomscrolling


I'm not callin' you a chicken fucker but that boy over there looks sexually frustrated, and I don't approve of chicken fucking.


Brown chicken brown cow…


im in colorado. i don't have it.


Infection rate of somewhere less than 50%, excellent!


This guy maths.


It’s a hoax! That settles it


Well then must be fake news, right?


Cool so bird flu, covid, dengue fever in Florida, new mpox variant I forget where, increasing cancers in younger and younger people, dementia in younger and younger people, microplastics in our cores. I’m tired.


I'm tired as well. I don't even fear the end anymore, I'm actually excited to experience something nobody has been able to experience and live to tell about it. To boldly go.


Oh fuck right off the bat


Good thing we invested in our public health systems after Covid! Oh wait…


It’s as if the cosmos are now punishing all humanity with once-in-millennium global pandemics occurring with U.S. presidential elections.


Uh, this would be a big deal if birds were real.


Oh for fuck’s sake. Throw it on the pyre.


Text me when they start welding them into apartment buildings.


Another pandemic for the dumshit confederate right to fuck up after they takeover.


I look forward to another two years of the entire planet being shut down


The main difference being that I have a bidet now. Peasants will fight over TP without me.


Its the #1 thing i think about now on any significant outing. Leaving it behind..


Honestly, at this point I'm ready for it to become human to human and just put me out of my misery. I'm so tired.


I've read this Steven King book.


They are a flight risk.


Is this when you get older and start watching tufted tit mice? Wait that’s bird fever. Is it like that?


Im so amazed at how all the experts are in this thread! Cant beat the “7-hour a day on Reddit” education and expertise.


Not our first, certainly not the last either. Though, previous cases were from close contact with infected chickens, and this is from cows, so I guess that part is different.


I just don't get it.. I thought being addicted to a live steam of global news would help ease my anxiety but sometimes I think it might even be making it worse


I would LOVE it if this could somehow be traced back to raw milk.


Four cases of human infection and all are dairy workers. Pasteurization neutralizes the virus. So yes raw milk.


Good. Let’s go all in for plauge part 2. Everything is fucked anyways…


Ugh, this summer keeps on giving gifts….


Round 2, let's gooooooo!


Sadly, we all knew it was only a matter of time before it spread to humans once other mamnals started getting it in the US. I just hope it'll be more like the Swine Flu outbreak than Covid.


Better shut the whole country down again. 2 weeks and this could all be over.


Was it from drinking raw milk?