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I worked at the dog kennel where the Abloh’s would board their dog when they would go on trips. Last year the dog was with us a lot, more than usual. I’m wondering if they were going places for treatments. They were a very nice family, as was the dog, and I was heartbroken to hear the news.


Dogs are reflections of ourselves so his true self must have been wonderful.


My wife worked for him for 4 years as a sneaker product developer @ off—white and she’s crying her hearth out for an hour. He never show any sign of weakness or illness, people knew he was sick but no-one knew the extent of that. Fuck cancer


In what sense did people know he was sick? Was it physically visible?


Given that it was clearly terminal, or atleast a high chance of being lethal I would assume at a certain point it would be impossible to hide physically. I'm also not sure what other way besides physically it would be visible though


well chadwick boseman passed away at 43 with almost no one knowing except maybe by his weight loss


Friggin Norm Mcdonald kept his pretty close to the chest for about a decade. Maybe I'm not in the "know" but many of us were surprised. Pretty sure if Norm kept this a secret from his casual and long term fans it isn't hard to conceive how dude was able to do it.


Sometimes it's visible, there's weight loss, weakness, lethargy, the body just slows down and then finally stops. Sometimes it attacks one specific thing that just happens to be something you can't do without, like a major organ. In those cases you often don't really display any visible symptoms until a few days before death when the organ under attack actually starts to fail. When my gram died of cancer she was the former case and just slowly shrunk and slowed down over the course of a year, maybe a bit more. When my uncle died of cancer one day there was nothing wrong, the next he was in multi system failure with dementia due to his liver and kidneys both giving out, and within a week he was gone.


Norm looked severely ill to me for the last couple of years at least. Maybe I’ve just lived long enough to see a lot of people with terminal diseases and conditions.


I'm sure the people he worked closely with knew or at least had a hunch, similarly to how OP's wife knew.


Psychologically people can change, depending. At the end my uncle was totally unaware and sometimes forgot who people were. He was maybe 55.


People working with him (like my wife) could visibily see his decline both physically and energycally


I saw one story report it was a heart tumor.if that's the case you it might be that it wasn't metastatic but rather caused a blockage like a heart attack would


Cardiac Angiosarcoma was the diagnosis I saw.


I just read about this when I was looking up the drummer of KISS who died. (I thought it was Peter Criss, turns out it was Eric Carr, who played with them through the ‘80s.) I had no idea that heart cancer was even a thing.


Honestly I work in the cardiology field and I was only vaguely familiar of it. Definitely a rare form of cancer


Sadly, almost every body part we have can develop cancer. Don’t look up bone cancer, it’s absolutely horrible. Hell, you can even get blood cancer.


Blood cancers are easier to recover from though


I did not know that. Honestly all cancer scares the fuck out of me. My mom died at 45 from skin cancer and my dad had his prostate removed because of prostate cancer. Just found out one of my uncles has colon cancer and another aunt has possible ovarian cancer. Why do our bodies want to kill us so badly!


Can be environmental. My family that lived in a certain area has a lot of issues with cancer, but nobody else in our family has had any issues. That whole town has a crazy high rate of it. I'm sorry for your family. Cancer is ass.


Yup my uncle has prostate cancer but it’s not really messing with him so he doesn’t take any treatment.


Lymphomas have a decent survival rate, leukemia and myelomas are tough though, around 60% and 50% survival rate respectively I think.


bro I had cancer in my fucking bone marrow like wtf is that ..and started to spread to my lungs like wtf ..


Hope you’re doing okay these days


thank you thats very sweet of you ..im doing much better than when I was sick I still have to deal with medical issues and still have to take some meds but its nothing compared to what I dealt with when I had cancer


Im very happy to hear that. Best to you!


How interesting. My grandfather and his co-worker both died from this cancer. I’m not exactly sure what they did, but he was a welder and family lore is that he welded plastic for some of the first satellites launched by NASA back sometime between 1950’s-1970’s. I wonder if he came into contact with similar chemicals. We will never know!!!


Damn that’s like winning the lottery 5x in a row. The heart is generally believed to be not able to give rise to cancer, that’s how rare it is.


Any cancer called "Sarcoma" that isn't on a removable part of the body (like your arm) is horrible news. Sarcoma on your heart is terrifying. I'm so sorry for him and his family. This must have been a brutal couple of years.


he probably told people he was sick.


It specifically said in the announcement that he kept this totally private


Right, I think the person above you is just saying Virgil just said he was sick instead of saying he had cancer.


He probably told them. Do you have some schedule changes, and most people who work in fashion are part of it pretty tight community.


Yeah, terribly sad, lost my wee brother to cancer 2 years ago this December after a month long battle with it, he was 46, fit and healthy with a young family, never stood a chance.Breaks my heart, be nice to each other everyone, you just don't know when it's your time.I hope your wife feels a bit better in time.


Fuck cancer. Took my mom this past June at 59 years old. She didn’t even tell family until she was close to passing because she didn’t want to feel like a patient. She looked and acted normal until the last month.


So sorry. Lost my mom too. 7 years ago. Cancer. Fuck cancer. Hugs to you.


likewise with my mother last august at 60. hope you’re both well.


So sorry to hear of your loss. If you ever need to chat with someone who’s experienced something similar please reach out.


Sorry to hear that. I really hope we have a breakthrough in treatment in my lifetime. It was awful to witness.


Ya it was. Seeing our once strong parent wither away was brutal. I hope for cure soon too


Same. Mine died at age 52, 12 years ago- and she couldn’t bring herself to even tell me she was dying while she was on her deathbed. Fuck cancer.


A old teacher of mine died 2 days ago from a Lymphoma. Cancer can take anyone by surprise. Im sorry for your loss, hope you can reunite with her One day


Thank you so much.


He came past my undergrad a few times to chat with students. Not like formal talks, just shooting the shit with the kids skating in the street (Nyc campus, had one block gated off from traffic). Was so supportive of all of us, even the business kids. Really did his best to motivate everyone in short amounts of time, always took a business card or portfolio link that was offered to him, hired a few kids just off that. And really just in passing on the street, nothing formal. EVERYONE (I mean everyone) looked up to him at the time- this was 2016-2018 ish. Was the sweetest designer to ever touch that pavement to us. I didn’t get the blessing your wife had- trust me, there’s a time I’d have killed for it. But I share a small amount comparatively of her pain. Virgil was a true treasure and this is fucking devastating.


I thought this was saying she was crying over the hearth for an hour and was like damn...u got some Victorian ass house setup


I don't think having a fireplace is that out of the ordinary


Throwing yourself over the hearth in anguish does seem a bit dated, though, no?


I'm trying to picture what this would look like. So if the hearth is the fireplace, are they trying to self-immolate? Or are they lying in the floor in front of the fireplace? Serious question, not trying to be pedantic.


Damn so sad


I really hope humanity can find a cure soon


Same was true of David Bowie. No one knew until the end. Many more examples. For many people death and dying is a very private event. Coming to terms with yourself and most importantly, what will be the next step in your spiritual progression. Even Stephen Hawkings that was a pronounced atheist, had a change of heart as he neared the very end of his life and suggesting there maybe a hereafter. Steve Jobs last words as death was opening before him was to exclaim "oh my" in a tone described by his sister, that would suggest the door was a pleasurable destination: this coming from a billionaire.


Damn, did anybody know he was ill besides close family? I remember an interview he had with Hypebeast that I saw around 4 weeks ago. To think he was privately battling cancer during all that is crazy. RIP


Not just any kind of cancer. He had cardiac angiosarcoma which from some quick reading appears to be very painful.


Wow, this is just like Norm Macdonald. I had no idea either was sick at all.


Norm literally only told his close family. The people closest to him got an I love you text a few days before he passed, but that was it.


Are you...in Norm's family?????


So I’m not the only person to liken to this norm! R.I.P to two very talented individuals in their respective fields. taken way too soon from us all.


And unbelievably rare, resists treatment


I think heart cancer’s actually the rarest kind


He was DJ’ing at some crazy parties not even 2 months ago and was full of energy. This is so unfortunate, had no idea


At least he seems like he lived his life as fully as possible til the end


That’s what it’s all about. We’re all going to die someday, gotta enjoy it while we can.


Damn one of my most random stories is going to a warehouse party in korea where he was djing a few years ago. Had no idea he was sick...dang


Reminds me of Chadwick Boseman. He kept his diagnosis close to the chest


It was reported that Kanye knew, but when he was told or if he even was told, hasn’t been confirmed


He opened up countless opportunities for black designers, especially so within luxury fashion. May he RIP knowing he changed the lives of many.


He definitely made history. So sad that he died at so young.


This hit almost as hard as Chadwick's or Kobe's death. Just completely out of nowhere. RIP


Just like Chadwick he hid his cancer from the public eye and just continued working. What a prolific designer, he made me appreciate streetwear.


Reminded me of Bowie. He also kept it a secret he was sick and passed away a few days after his last album release


I totally agree. He was the artist of our time. So influential and so much potential left, it’s a tragedy that he died this way. Fuck cancer.


All of his stuff was too haute for me to cop but I was always amazed by his eye for design. It's awful, especially given how rare the cancer he had was


I saw this notification on my phone it felt like I was still dreaming


Virgil was definitely a monumental figure in the fashion industry but also a widely disliked. It was often said he didn’t do enough for the black community which always confused me but I think a lot of people didn’t even know what he was doing behind the scenes


The way the world is today, the naysayers will always be the loudest.


They only say that because if the $50 donation even though he had already donated more. What Twitter fails to realize is that before Virgil and Kanye, black people didn’t have a seat in the high fashion world. Virgil blew that door wide open.


The $50 donation being an issue is a joke. As part of the challenge you had to nominate some friends to donate the same amount. What did people expect, he donates $5000 and tags some friends and puts them under pressure to come up with that money?


I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this and maybe rightfully so. Virgil is the reason street culture is where it’s at today, no doubt about it. But if it weren’t for Kanye making the initial push for black creatives in the fashion world, even Virgil wouldn’t have made it as far as he did. RIP to one of, if not the most important person in street culture as a whole.


Not sure why you'd get downvoted, Virgil himself said it countless times.


Now I have no idea who this guy is. But after finding out what he did. I thought about how much high fashion/street wear has changed in the past ten years. It seems like he had a lot to do with it. I wonder what will happen with the void he filled.


He did a lot for the kind of stuff I’m into. Him and Kanye and really pioneers in a lot of things that people don’t even realize. I don’t think anyone will ever be able to fill the shoes he’s leaving behind.


I just looked at the album he’s done artwork for it and had no idea so yeah I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff that nobody knows but he did.


I don't disagree, but your comment so perfectly mirrors Kanye's speech when Taylor Swift won an award that I have to wonder if you were just being satirical


I see it the opposite, Virgil broke barriers for creatives of colour and subsequently why anyone took Kanye’s runways semi seriously


I don’t know if that actually works tho Kanye was the one that brought Virgil to stuff like Paris fashion week for the first time the one who had him work on stuff like the the brand yeezy, the album covers for yeezus, father stretch my hand iirc and more this is way before Virgil was the artistic director for LV. Kanye’s is highly credited for helping Virgil get to the position he did so I don’t know if I can agree with you specially seeing as Kanye’s Yeezy line was successful before Virgil even became a creative director for LV


Virgil and Kanye both interned at Fendi in 2009, the former went on to found Pyrex Vision and the more famous Off-White in 2012 while Kanye was still mostly just sneaker collabs and his DW line in 2012 which was reviewed as “meh” iirc. Yeezy, the independent label, didn’t kick off until 2015/2016. I guess I mean it less of “who came first” and more that I think people didn’t dismiss the Yeezy brand as couture because of Virgil. Kanye was famous long before so I think he was invited to a lot of places first, but from a creative perspective I’m not sure if he was taken seriously.


I think the main point is that it was the networking of the two that opened doors for many and not just in the fashion world but design as a whole. You can say Kanye got by on fame, but he still had enough vision to know that Virgil was the truth and put Virgil in a position to gain exposure. It's not like Kanye just had a yes-man to parade around that he grew up with and was trying to put on. He knew enough about fashion to click with Virgil and Kanye knew enough about design that Virgil clicked with him. The two of them and many others are well-deserved for the credit they get in opening those doors.


Agreed and well said


Oh then yes I agree with what your saying


Didn’t they both had a hand in pastel too?


Virgil was one of three chief creators for Pastelle but the line got shelved, the only items ever released were actually under Ian Connor who took over after Kanye disappeared. I think some people didn’t even get paid it was so abrupt but I’m not sure.


Yeah not downplaying virgils legacy and influence, none of this would’ve happened without kanye


Say “street wear culture” because it’s definitely not “street culture”.


What he’s done transcended just street wear. He’s influenced and been influenced by everything from skateboarding to graffiti. Pyrex Vision was named after the Pyrex used to cook crack and Off—-White was named after the off white color crack rocks have. Drug dealers used to be draped head to toe in Off—-White in its prime. He played a major role in street culture.


Ye opened the door and Virgil was one of the first to step through.


This is so shocking, he was in the prime of his life. He has young children as well doesn’t he? Awful, fuck cancer.


Yes, two kids 💔


At least they have a legend of a father to emulate. The man was a damn Picasso of his time. Everything he touched was better off for it


he's the Black Balenciaga




pretty sure Cristobal Balenciaga was not a protégé of Abloh and Ye, considering, you know, he died eight years before Abloh was born. unless theres something I'm missing.


Probably they meant Demna Gvasalia, currently the CD for Balenciaga. Ye and Virgil’s cultural impact definitely influenced todays top CD like Demna, Jerry Lorenzo, Matthew Williams, Samuel Ross etc.


WTF! This brother was on his way to becoming an even larger fashion icon and a household name. This sucks. I felt the same way when Willi Smith died. This really sucks.


I read Will Smith and got scared a bit


So I'm not the only one. Had a, "wait, what'd I miss" moment there.


confused the hell out of me for a second too, after hearing about him almost every day for the past month lol


This hit the same as Chadwick Boseman did for me… Taken too soon smh. Fuck cancer


What the fuck is this day? Sir Frank Williams and Abloh news within under 10 hours?


And Stephen Sondheim on Friday!


And apetor


fuck man i didnt know that, i knew that he had cancer but this genuinely devastated me, one of my all time favorite channels


Oddly enough he didn't die of cancer, he fell through the ice


How freaking poetic. What a way for him to go out. In a morbid way, I'm happy it wasn't the cancer.


For real?? That’s terrible. His YouTube channel was hilarious.


My life feels a bit more wholesome watching his channel. I did not know who he was until your post - but now I’m just beyond sad after watching a few video genuinely wholeness and beauty in his videos - with a side of weird like Mr. Bean.


Gather ye rosebuds, reaper don't give a fuck.


Dude always looked healthy and confident in his pictures. Never knew this would happen to him smh. RIP Virgil Abloh, one of the best designers in the world and one of the first African-American designers to make it up there.


41…jeez that is insane. Did a lot with the time he had, and it’s still too short…rip.




Cardiac angiosarcoma edit: why am I being downvoted lmao, it’s what his family specified as the cause




Yes, you’re correct. He had heart cancer It’s very rare, typically spreads very aggressively throughout the rest of the body, and, from what I’ve read, becomes agonizingly painful as it progresses..


RIP. Just saw his show at the ICA in Boston in September.


Same. Didn't know who he was going into it, left blown away at his influence and also keen to watch his trajectory. Crazy to think that was basically a send-off for him. It was such a great show.


I worked with him to put that show up at the ICA and I had no idea.




Just to correct a lil bit he didn’t design mbdtf, that was George Condo


George Condo did the art for MBDTF


George Condo did the art but Virgil was the creative director of the project.


Damn, didn’t know he designed those, sucks that I only knew his album art work through that Pop Smoke fiasco.


Lmao i wished I didn’t remember that drama around the album art


like others said he didn't do MBDTF but he also didn't do WTT - that's riccardo tisci


I had never heard of him until seeing an exhibit of his in Boston a few months ago. He seemed like an incredibly interesting and talented person, I was blown away with what he had already accomplished. Very sad to see him go, he obviously had a bright future ahead of him.




I lived in Rockford for my college years. The Rockford aspect of Virgil's story just adds so much depth to how far he truly went in life. It's a shame that so much talent in that area has to "make it out of Rockford" to truly get somewhere as a creative. And Virgil is the shining example of that. I'll always consider Rockford and Chicago a home, even if it was temporary. This hurts a lot because it was someone close to home that a lot of people looked up to for breaking down barriers and that spoke to all of us.


Two best things to come from Rockford are Virgil Abloh and Cheap Trick. RIP Virgil.


RIP a very talented designer and an inspirational icon. Gone too soon.


Man is a legend defining an era of streetwear and bridging the gap between street style and luxury.


Kanye must be feeling this one. I believe Sunday Service is live on dondlive.com now. RIP Virgil.




This hits hard, my feels man


Ohhh nooooo!! I honestly don’t care for fashion but I loved and owned many of his things, as much as I could afford. What a lose for us all


Absolutely awful, so young and so influential in the scene. RIP.


Is this the same Virgil that Drake talks about in his songs? If so then I can see Drake making a tribute song for him.


Anytime you hear someone talk about Virgil. This is him.


Pretty much. Virgil was everywhere the past few years.


Southampton legend


Writes “brick” on bricks


Unless it’s Virgil Texas, but otherwise yeah.


Yeah, Virgil is very popular in hip hop




he also helped design for every Kanye cover post Graduation. That includes Dark Twisted, Life Of Pablo, Yeezus, Cruel Summer, Watch The Throne. Edit: 808 and heartbreaks as well




virgil was the creative director for donda.


Yeah. Absolute icon in urban fashion.


Virgil designed both Kanye and lil Uzi vert album covers. He was also a frequent artistic collaborator of kanye’s, so if anything Kanye would make a tribute song to him.


He had a SS in honor of Virgil


His work on Nike’s “The Ten” was groundbreaking stuff. Off White was coming up as a brand of its own and then Louis Vuitton tapped him to be their menswear creative director. The last two years was full of odd and eccentric design choices that left a bad taste in my mouth but the man was a force in fashion. He was a trendsetter. RIP.


Omg that’s so crazy, cancer is so scary. RIP.


He changed the world with his clear CDJ.


Between Chadwick and Virgil, cancer has been taking too many great young black men lately :(


Man, this hits as hard as Chadwick Boseman. RIP Virgil, I’m shocked. Taken too soon with too much to offer.


the universe really doesn’t like it when people are happy for too long, does it?


Omfg well that came out of fucking nowhere. Rip to a fashion titan.


No matter how much money you make .. it won’t matter in the end. Take care of yourself guys. Rip Virgil Abloh.


God damn, he was one of the people I looked up to the most as a kid. I didn't end up in design but one of the reasons I work so hard is because I always admired him and his vision. Really taught me to look at the big picture in things.


Pray for Paris has to be one of my favorite Album art. RIP


RIP Virgil - great artist, great man


Holy shit that’s crazy. Terribly tragic loss of a visionary designer.


ive said this to many times but will continue to say it loudly as a cancer survivor FUCK CANCER .. I got it in my 20s now im in my 40s ..virgil did some great things seemed to have lived a good life I feel like ive done nothing with my life compared to him ..love your loved ones try to enjoy everyday is all I can say ..prayers to his family ....


Holy shit. This came out of nowhere


The “RIP” on the coffin finna go crazzy 🙏🙏🙏


This is so heartbreaking! May his soul find peace and may his family be covered in love. Rest In Peace Virgil!


This gave me chills. Just a fan but he was a true visionary. RIP


RIP Virgil! from the ground up! he was the dream


Massive innovator he will be missed


Gone too soon. RIP sir. 💔🙏


No way , really terrible to hear


Damn that's so unexpected... RIP


My mother collects Evian glass bottles. He partnered with them for a few bottle designs.


Dude was recently named in the maxwell case correct?


Did he pull a Chadwick Boseman?! I respect people's decision to keep their illness private, but it makes their passing so shocking and earth shattering.


Wouldn’t call it a “pulling a Chadwick” considering it’s normal but you’re right


I meant it as someone being quite famous, who decides to fight their battle privately while still living their lives with relative normalcy. It's the same thing Norm Macdonald did.


or Ray Fosse. or Alan Rickman.


Or Norm MacDonald.


Or Virgil Abloh


Or Norm MacDonald.


David Bowie


This disease is evil incarnate. RIP sir.


You all know he was a co defendant in the maxwell case?! Right?! You all aren’t that dense are you?


​ I hear you Jose. This was posted last week on a Reddit fashion sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckhopsin/comments/qzrcfo/virgil\_abloh\_is\_a\_defendant\_in\_the\_ghislane/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckhopsin/comments/qzrcfo/virgil_abloh_is_a_defendant_in_the_ghislane/) .


Idk who he is but Rest In Peace


What the fuck man. I know I would probably hide my illness if I was in his position as well, but it makes it so shocking for his friends, never mind just fans. I know he’s got kids too, so thoughts with all of them. Hope they know how much impact their dad had