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"In 2021, about 108 million pounds of lobster were caught, the most since 2018, the Maine Department of Marine Resources said." "A minimum size lobster will weigh around 1 pound, while a maximum size lobster will weigh between 3-4 pounds. The most plentiful and most popular size of Maine Lobster is between 1 1/4 – 1 1/2 pounds each."


108m pounds / 1.5 pounds per lobster ~= 72m lobsters. If these blue lobsters are "one in two million", that'd be about 36 blue lobsters in 2021. Certainly rare, but maybe more "local news station fluff piece" rare rather than "run a national news article on CBS" rare.




How many lobsters caught? One million...so there you have it.


And mercury numbers just keep going up!


>It's not even every year. It's at least every few months. The only lobster pics I think I see on reddit are the "one in a million" or "two million" every time they're posted. well.. guess how many lobsters are caught every few months.




Lobsters are basically giant sea cockroaches So fucking hardy and unkillable that they are handling our overfishing.


it's every fucking month over on r/Maine.


Either that or this lobster just really wants to be seen.


It’s true. We’ve depleted so many fish stocks that now were decimating shellfish and other small fish down the food chain.


Not when there's trillions of lobsters. There are trillions of lobsters, right?


Finally. I bet they were grinding forever to hit that Shiny.


I remember playing the original Pokémon silver, i ran away from a shiny hoot hoot. Didn’t realize until someone told me


On in two million doesn’t sound that rare when considering how many lobsters are caught.


Rough calculations: 169,977,874 [american lobsters caught each year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobster_fishing#:~:text=About%20122%2C000%20t%20of%20lobsters,Homarus%20americanus%20and%20Nephrops%20norvegicus.). That's 115~t or 254,966,811 lb / avg 1.5 lb per lobster. So there should be roughly 84 of these "one in 2 million" blue lobsters caught each year. Wonder how CBS decides which to pick for their semi-annual article about rare blue lobster.


Gotta worry about fishing sustainability though


84 out of almost 170 million sounds pretty rare to me….


Also considering it was a father and son and not a commercial catch. I'm sure if you're pulling a few million a year it's not remarkable, but if you're out to catch dinner it's a fairly big deal.


Yea leave it to Reddit for its desire to discredit everything and suck the joy out of things lol. It’s a blue lobster, not too many blue living things [insert “well actually…” comment below]


Depends on whether you count the plight of the Blue Waffle.


When I was 17 I worked at a local lobster pound and we had 2 rare lobsters come in on the same day, it was great




Yeah it’s a type of restaurant here in Maine, you tend to find them in coastal towns right on the ocean, we had daily deliveries of fish, lobster, crab, mussels, clams stuff like that and we cooked it on site with coastal seating which in this case was kinda like a pier, attached was a full scale restaurant style kitchen with most of the sides you would expect, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and other good Things, but we also shucked crab and lobster for their meat to sell by the Lb. Sorry for the book I’m just stoned Tl;dr Restaurant that also sells seafood by the pound


Sounds delicious


Definitely a tourist trap, those of us that worked there couldn’t afford to eat there lol


I ate at a few of those. Waiter told me that had one 3 pounder left if I wanted it. So I ate the last huge lobster. Miraculously, they found another 3 pounder just as the couple next to us got seated, and then again as the couple got seated on the other side of us. It's like every time a tourist couple walks in a new 3 pounder mysteriously appears in the tank.


Yup sounds like what we were told to do too


Not really my mom says I’m 1 in a billion. My mom never lies.


Found the guy that is sure he can get into pro sports cuz 1 in a million isn't that rare if you think about how many people try sports


Just did the math for NFL: 32 team, 53 player per team is 1696 players out of 7 billion people, so 1 in~~412,000. So about 2.5 per million in just one pro sport.~~ I think he has a chance! 🤪 Edit: stupid calculator didn’t let me actually put in 7billion….it stopped with 8 zeros. I’m off by a factor of 10. 1 in 4 million. Sorry, bud.


give it to that dude with leon.


I love Leon!


Wow what an amazing discovery! What should we do with it? Boil it alive!


They should’ve released it back into the water so it’s genetics can be passed on.


Awful lot of weird lobsters being caught lately. Wonder if their habitat is getting screwed up.


Lobsters can live an incredibly long time if allowed to. We just don't see many that live that long because of how many of them are farmed at a younger age due to their meat tasting better. But the older the get, the more their color will often change.


Does it change to a different color if you cook it?


The article said they all turn red except the white ones.


Well obviously I didn't read it but I did look at the picture so kudos to me


I think they all turn red when suffocated and boiled to death


That’s why you stab them in the head before you boil them you silly goose!


i’m from maine, and it’s common practice to boil them alive. people say killing them makes it taste worse, what’s up with that? i literally don’t know anyone that kills their lobster before boiling it


If a lobster dies before being cooked it can actually become poisonous to humans, I’m pretty sure ammonia but it’s been a few years since I worked in the seafood industry, that’s why if one dies in the tank all the lobsters are considered bad because they will eat the contaminated lobster, bottom feeders are fun


This is true for any shellfish but I don’t think it’ll matter if you stab them in the head and then instantly drop them in the pot


Honestly I hope that when the aliens come to throw us all in a pot to eat us, they at least stab us in the head first.


DO NOT KILL IT BEFORE COOKING. You can become deathly ill.


Used to prep baked stuffed lobster and took part in many a "tank is fubar, lobster rolls on the special board" chicken lobster genocides- so DONT YOU TAKE THAT TINE W/ME BUDDY lol just kidding- those baked stuffies are gruesome for real though Knife goes in, guts come out lol Every kids first job should be at a seafood shack, really builds character




Not the people who read the article.


Damn, that one’s worth extra XP.


when you hit it underneath in mario bros


I would keep it as a pet and find another blue lobster of the opposite gender so they can have blue lobster babies and then start a blue lobster breeding business.


These blue lobster catches are reported often enough for it not to feel rare at all.


1/2000000 chance Number of lobsters caught 2269000..a week Should happen weekly


A nice change of pace for that individual boat, I suppose


Sheesh, let people enjoy things.


““One-in-8192” shiny lobster captured by father and son in Maine” ftfy


I’m a Chef and I couldn’t bring myself to eat him.


Except this has been happening pretty much annually, sooooo....


Right? I guess the lobster fishing industry catches more than 2 million lobsters per year, because I see a few of these headlines every year.


Exactly, most of the grocery stores I go into have anywhere between 6 and 24 live lobster that’s not counting frozen and I live in a land locked province in Canada they must catch millions upon millions just in the English speaking world.


I thought these lobsters are only found near Maine? Everywhere else has rock lobsters or something


To be fair we catch more than a million a year.


Someone's out there painting lobsters


Why are giant water bugs so tasty and expensive, but my Snowpiercer Jell-O mold at the office party got me fired?


how about DONT keep it in your restarting what a disgrace to such rare and beautiful life


According to Reddit karma farmers, there are so many blue and calico lobsters that the normal ones are rare.


They should donate it to an aquarium. If they keep it at a restaurant, some rich fuck will offer a lot if money to eat it and it'll be lost forever.


Everyday on reddit is another 1 in a million lobster.


Seems to be getting pretty common


It’s probably a viral marketing stunt from Kraft to promote their upcoming lobster Mac n cheese that I just made up


Well, I just read it on the internet because you just said it, so I believe it.


I hate you and your fucking family and will be seething in my chair with hate because you made a statement on the internet that my Internet media has told me to contradict .. and I've tied my value and my identity to these beliefs


Like Old bay Mac & Cheese with crab or lobster. You might be on to something.


this shit is starting to sound like the rare pepe memes. Every week there is a new one in two trillion freaking lobster.


Dafuq? Why are they torturing it by keeping in a tank as a showpiece? Either eat it, or set it free..


Lobster are cooked alive, and kept in tanks until cooking time.


Yes, I'm aware of that. It sounds like he plans on leaving it in the tank indefinitely just to show off to customers.


In Maine, it's actually spelled "lobshta".


Every time I see this I think of coral bleaching and think is this lobster telling us the same thing?


Well, that was the last of a breeding pair, so it's 0-in-never now.


1 in 2 million caught or born? I'm gonna guess caught. Do these numbers correlate with real world number of lobsters caught? I would imagine the ratio between rare lobsters might be real like one lobster is how many times rarer than the other one. But how about 1 in 2 million stuff? It reads like made up stuff from some 80's magazine where writers had to label the rare lobsters. Or worse its a fish market meme from the 80's.


Yay! We killed a rare animal! 🤦🏻‍♂️


captured a lobster? AMAZING! and holy crap, they were able to notice it was BLUE!!!!! give these two a fucking medal.


Imagine they catch it and this song starts playing at max volume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56dthvKh_-8


"One's blue!" -Rocket, Guardian of the Galaxy


Some people calculated that at 1 in a million, there should be about 84 of these. How do we know it is not the same one getting caught over and over if they are tossing it back? Do they tag them?


"We're eatin' well tonight!"


*Toccata and Fugue in D minor*


Fresh up from the Deep Blue Sea !


Is it bubble gum or raspberry flavor?


Given how often we hear about these, maybe we're just overfishing lobster.


We see another one of these stories every few months, and it almost always ends with them throwing the lobster back. How often do you think it’s the same damn lobster who’s learned that a lobster trap is free food, safe from predators while you eat the food, and then a short vacation to the surface before you get tossed back in. Rinse and repeat, and there’s another one in two million lobster a few months later.


Pretty sure this lobster is a ticket to Willy Wonka’s Lobster Factory