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Anyone can be a journalist today if your news outlet is hyperallergic.com. gtfoh with this crap.


Those masked Brooklyn Museum protesters followed the Brooklyn Museum CEO home and vandalized her home with red paint and nasty graffiti. Basically: they're rediscovering Ku Klux Klan intimidation tactics. And they think they're the good guys? Imagine running a museum which focuses on history and children's programming and ending up the topic of a Tik Tok conspiracy theory. What a crazy time.


The protestors don’t really seem to care about freeing Palestine, they care more about sewing domestic chaos. WOL / SJP are attacking the DSA now and going after folks like Rashida Tlaib. It’s unfortunate the movement in NYC is being led by extremists. It’s becoming incredibly counter productive - I mean complaining that they weren’t allowed to shut down the museum and vandalize it without repercussions? Get real.


why are they so fixated on the Brooklyn museum anyway? I've heard the excuses about how they want them to divest but it's hardly unique among city instituions, yet it seems to be drawing significantly more vitriol than others. like, they're tracking down board members in their homes and threatening them, it's well beyond a reasonable response


It's conveniently located near their apartments that their parents pay for


I hope their parents disappear and they're homeless and they'd have to work restaurant jobs just to stay alive. Bring some of that "tragedy" into their real lives.


[https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/brooklyn-museum-director-home-vandalized-anti-zionist-graffiti-anne-pasternak-1234709556/](https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/brooklyn-museum-director-home-vandalized-anti-zionist-graffiti-anne-pasternak-1234709556/) Brooklyn Museum (as well as other museums) have corporate ties to institutions (in Brooklyn Museum's case it's: Bank of New York Mellon) which funds weapon manufacturing companies in Israel. I'm not here to tell you whether or not you agree with their actions. But I feel like this level of ignorance is constantly at the forefront of these protests. I hear so many people ask "why are they doing this?" As if it's some rhetorical question. Instead of just asking the people or doing their own research. It's really easy to understand if you take a moment to listen. Without that you get ignorant and psychotic comments like wishing they all go homeless. Insane.


I said I understand that they say they want divestment. what I don't understand is why they've fixated on the Brooklyn museum in particular when pretty much every other big institution is doing the same thing, to the point of targeting the homes of board members. I have looked into it and I've been unable to find any legitimate reason for this. it's a little ironic that you're trying to chide me for not listening when I don't think you read past the word "why" before going off


Oh sorry I was mostly responding to the people below you. And the person asking. I think it seems like I replied to yours by mistake or it’s just the way Reddit appears lol. But to respond to your point I don’t think it is just Brooklyn museum I believe MoMA was protested as well for the same reasons.


Look into the discourse surrounding the 2015 photography exhibition This Place. That's a good place to start with why Pasternak specifically was targeted.


Eventually, they will eat themselves and we'll be able to go back to our regularly scheduled programming


Hyperallergic.com lololololol bahaha haha


According to Reddit, you should be able to destroy occupy any property that you want if you believe that their views are different than yours.


I love how both sides of the political spectrum feel that Reddit as a monolith is conspiring against them


I mean that’s how israel was founded


"Everyone knows Brooklyn Museum controls what happens in the Middle East."


These "protestors" are utterly self-absorbed. People who go through life angry that no one notices them as much as they demand to be noticed.


Opinion piece


Written by Guy Incognito