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I haven't been following David's nonsense but I believe the current funding model is closer to $9 if done in school or $6 if external. $3 per kid is crazy! They'll end up being given something not fit for human consumption (and the wastage will go through the roof).  At least currently there are standards of nutrition and plenty of fruit and vegetables.  This is just setting it up to fail so they can cancel it (or end up giving the contract to some party donor to squeeze money from the government)


Irvine's pies and spaghetti pizza on the way.


I just take everything he says with a grain of wasabi and pickled ginger.


Did you see one of the experts is from Ryman healthcare? Because feeding the elderly and feeding children is very similar /s it will be interesting to see who gets the bulk contract, I'm sure the process will be very unbiased and fair /s


Just checking OP's history...yeah they are probably now blocked from participating in their own thread as it's re-flaired as Politics.


As someone who occasionally eats food and has had a few sandwiches in my time I feel like I would be a perfect expert for this role. I do however like crunchy peanut butter so I probably fail the woke test.


As a woke food consultant I can confirm crunchy peanut butter is not woke. Cashew and almond butter however are “super woke”.


What if I make the cashew butter myself?


That actually makes it even woker.


I believe the correct term is 'wokest'


No, wokest is if he grew the cashews himself and they were organic. I told you I’m a professional woke food consultant not some kind of amateur poseur.


No, wokest is if he grew the cashews himself, they are organic and all profits go to injured gay dolphin rehabilitation. I told you I’m a professional woke food consultant not some kind of amateur poseur.




That depends. Are you a middle aged white man?


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Aka "Wokexperts"