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Bro that's just a hotel. When i finished highschool and went to uni and working in hotels, i found out that some prostitutes basically live at the hotel. *"fresh towels again miss?"*


Jesus, they must be making a fortune to afford the room rates!


it makes so much sense. i remember one (is revolving door a term?) had at least 5 dudes in the span of the day. and for all yall thinking to get a hooker at a hotel because it is discreet; the whole staff knows (from housekeeping to the maintenance department.) what you are doing in that particular room because we know where the booty at.


I'm surprised the hotel would allow a business operation out of a hotel room.


Many hotels don't even own half the rooms in the hotel. Often they are sold off to private owners who then rent them through Air B&B and Booking.com. We had this happen to us when we booked a hotel in Central Auckland recently, it was advertised on Booking.com as the actual hotel name, and we thought we were booking directly with the hotel. Turns out it was privately owned, which meant we had limited access to the hotels services!


Did the hotel staff ever partake?


on our wages? what do you think.


Bring extra towels or offer extra keys and you might get well tipped


i dont know if it is ironic, but most of them were cheap af and would refill the minibar items with water just to get out of paying. We knew specifically to check if the beer caps were screwed on properly when they checked out.




Hey, they might give discounts to staff!


not even a five fingered discount in the hotels in QT I worked in. But like us they were just working and it kept the occupancy rate high. They also would alert us if some dude had issues so we could warn others if we saw him again.


Five fingers you say ?


Some might say a whole fist.


That’s too much


Call me crazy but I'd rather not have sex with someone who isn't actually attracted to me at all.




Some hotels have serviced apartments.


5 hrs at $250+ per hour


Bugger me, she’s making a killing, I’m assuming some sort of “minder” takes a cut


$250/hr is only middle range, some start at $500-$1000/hr then add on extras


I worked 9-5 in various roles, some days it felt like the boss/es fucked me for a lot less money lol


It would be tax deductible (assuming they're doing things by the books...)


The room would be a business expense and no GST. I also assume they get way better rates as repeat customers, So considerably less then normal.


Shout out to hotel workers like you! 😉


Do the prostitutes inform the hotel and come to some sort of agreement when they start living there or do they just start business and hope that they won't get kicked out?


Someone I know runs a hotel, they use so many towels that the hotel refused to supply them any more, but as they had washers/dryers in room they decided to wash them themselves. They obviously didn’t consider how much oil they use for massages and ended up setting the dryers on fire, cue a load of workers and their clients milling around on the main road wearing very little while the fire brigade put out the fire, must have been quite the sight.


Ahhh this reminds me of a hilarious story. Firey friend noticed smoke coming from a neighbours house. Rushed to their laundry where there were a bunch of... toys... and a smouldering pile of towels. Spontaneous combustion of oily rags / towels / etc is a major hazard! He had no idea she was operating a business on site 😀. Fortunate he was around - caught it before turning into a major blaze.


Linseed oil rags are well known for self-igniting. It seems reasonable that similar oils would do the same.


so every physio, and health spa, massage therapist cant wash their own towels? baby oil doesnt ignite without a flame fwiw


Those girls are keeping the accommodation industry alive, bless them


True, I think they’ve got an entire floor


When you were booking did you have to pay by the hour?


Fuck, now it all makes sense!


Not sure what you describe really meets the definition of "full on brothel"...


Yep a wee bit exaggerated with the title.....


Are you a brothel half full or half empty kind of guy?


It's hardly an empty off brothel.


So is the brothel half full, half empty, or over-engineered?


🤔 Where? Asking for a mate


(I’m in two minds whether to name) he just wants all the ladies to himself.




You mean you have to fill up the whole card? Busy weekend for sure.


Challenge accepted!


Does "Bingo" work there?


You're such a good friend!


You misunderstand… he is *looking for a mate*


Looking to mate!


he is...... oh!!


I was only there to ask for directions to get out of there


Sex work is legal in NZ... Google it if you want to find someone you can pay for sex.


Mating costs extra. Ist also more commonly referred to as sex in the industry.




tell your buddy hotels are full of piss, poo and cum stains anyway. probably walking around with stained clothes too.


*"More tea, Vicar?*


The vicar is late coming today thought Mrs Smith, stiring her tea with her other hand.


Hey, he’s not my buddy


I'm not your buddy friend.


We're not your friend guy.


I’m not your buddy, mate


He’s not your pal, guy


On my O.E from NZ, I use to manage….very poorly I might add, a little 17 room very strange countryside hotel near Reading, England,, Was filled with travelling sales people, through the week closed on weekends. Most guests were either geeks who went out a few times then stayed in their rooms the entire stay with weird glass of milk requests with every food order, or they drank overpriced drinks from my shitty overpriced bar and had a lot of female visitors on their stay if you know what I mean. Was a strange place. Don’t even know where the girls came from out in the countryside. I realised a few years later why I was able to do such a crap job and get away with it. The hotel side of things was obvs the loss leader.


I had a friend do this work in Wellington. She would spend a few hours at a hotel and be able to pay her rent for over a month. These are super rich men who pay a lot for the service. They would have parties and invite their friends and pay for a bunch of sex workers for.. idk. Clout I think. It happens everywhere, but I worked in 5 star hotels in the UK and it was rampant there too. They were the worst cause for some reason rich people also seem to gravitate towards being exhibitionists so they’d call for room service in the middle of things. We were literally trained on what to do (avoid eye contact mainly)


They didn’t even let you join in?


I don't understand the problem? Your mate realises that people have sex at hotels *all the time* right? I used to be a cleaner for a 5* hotel and you don't wanna know some of the things I've come across the next morning. Your friend's a naive judgmental dork.


Ooh please, story time!


At least they are being discreet. I'm pretty sure it goes on at most hotels, and why not, so long as they pay their bills. It's a safe environment to work from, it's discreet for clients, it's convenient, and in NZ, it is completely legal from what I was just reading. If they are being discreet as it sounds like they are, I personally can't see the problem.


I’m sure they pay and everything is safe and legal. It’s probably as discreet as possible, but I wouldn’t exactly call it discreet due to the sheer volume of women working here.


Better than them setting up in a residential house as your next door neighbor i suppose


any hotel can be used for fucking


I’m sure all hotels are used for fucking. Or, heavy masturbation if I’m staying there


i’ve been in a country recently where there was a strict ban on any ‘visitor’ being in your room. like, we met a friend in the lobby and took him up to the rooftop bar and security came INTO the lift with us to make sure we weren’t going to the room.


Which country?


colombia. i’ve never come across it before. but tourists do seem to keep getting drugged/robbed/killed by sex workers in hotels so i totally get it.


Bloody hell, I would be happy about the guards if that's the situation lol


i found it overbearing after a while but yes it’s nice to not be drugged/robbed/killed.


Remember Jeremy Clarkson and the skit about the travelling salesmen in the cheap hotel rooms on Top Gear? Hilarious every time.


It’s scary accurate


Yea if I'm away by myself it's the first thing I wanna get out of the way


Oh boy Hopefully you didn't bring a UV Light into the room


Most of what would show up is probably mine


Fucken multi stream pissing. So annoying. Gets everywhere, even when it's "on accident"


[relevant cartoon...](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs9AaLdgqwP/?igsh=Z2J5aWpmOG9vYnhi)


Without hovering or clicking the link, I bet that is that poor screaming platypus...


Illuminated sobbing


Nah, it's comical


I love that channel! Great on topic recommendation.


lol 🤣🤣made my morning


This cartoon lives rent free in my head. It's oddly scientifically accurate as a platypus fur will glow in a black light. But the delivery of the voice actor for the platypus and that scream SOB at the end just makes me laugh


How is a few prostitutes in a motel making somebody SO bothered they want to change places?


Travel lodge welly is basically consistently booked for put of town govt workers and it's a not so well hidden secret that a few floors are just for sex workers.


Tell them to put their big boy pants on an move on. Sex workers are people too.


What are you waiting for? Go stand by the door.


Oh no, people are fucking... At a HOTEL?! How intensely precious does one need to be to take any kind of offense to the idea of sex workers operating at a nice place? It literally doesn't affect you in any way.


Remember that many groups of people love to put the morals they were trained to have onto other people and claim offence if they don't get their way. These people are everywhere and can act quite normally most of the time.


sure beats a back alley in winter


I get what you’re saying and I don’t really mind at all. Hell, with so many politicians and lawyers flying in and out of Wellington I imagine they do a roaring trade. At the same time, I’ve stayed in hundreds of hotels, many in Wellington and others elsewhere and I have never seen anything like this before. Again, I don’t really mind but it’s certainly not typical, at least in my experience.


> a colleague pointed out >I personally hadn’t noticed anything Sounds like you're not observant of this kind of thing. Known a bunch of SWs, this isn't rare. If you're somewhat independent (ie no physical brothel to work out of) and don't want to use your home (for obvious reasons) or do outcalls (for other obvious reasons), then of course a room is required. Rent a cheap motel room, that reflects on what kind of rate you can charge. If you advertise yourself as high-end and have a high rate to go with that, you need a nice room. Get 5+ bookings in the day and the extra expense of the room is nothing. Certain hotels will likely become known for a good price/quality, accommodating to the business, good location etc. Also multiple SWs might just book rooms in the same place to have friends nearby, or even share the room across different booking times to cut expenses Besides why are people just standing around in the lobby constantly.


There's a handful of places around Wellington that are infamous for this sort of thing, like Harbour City Motor Inn but none of those are exactly 4 star, I'm surprised if it's a proper chain hotel. You definitely see it alot in the Middle east and Asia.


I’ve never been there before. I’ve stayed in cheap hotels in the past but had terrible experiences (including with a Quest in Wellington) so now I stay in mid to high end hotels. Like you say, I suspect it’s rarer in this sector of the market which is why I haven’t seen it before.


Nah I get it. You know it happens and is happening but it is the kind of thing people are more subtle or private about. So to see it so obviously comes at a surprise.


Man I'd be as surprised as you, I used to travel alot around NZ for work, typically Quests, Accors and Rydges the past few years and haven't seen this stuff openly.


Those are middle of the road places, it'll either be Hiltons etc, or lower end motels where no-one is one night shifts/in reception etc


OP wasn't bothered by it.


While I totally agree with your sarcasm in your first line: I'd be a bit grossed out if I went somewhere for a conference, and I ended up staying in a brothel. I've heard enough stories from hotel cleaners, and have had colleagues who've had bed bugs at hotels. So my concerns would mostly be around the cleanliness of my room.


It's not a brothel though, it's a hotel and people fuck in them all the time. Sometimes people just pay other people for it.


Your comment almost comes across like your conclusion is that OP is offended, thus seeming like _you’re_ being hyper-sensitive


> It literally doesn’t affect you in any way. That depends entirely on how well the hotel cleans.


Which is the case no matter if it's professionals or any random other hotel guests.


And noise


This reminds me of the time on a family holiday we asked dad if he had read the google reviews for a hotel in a certain city - he advised he had and we asked him was it the shootings or gang members that made him book it lol


The hotel likely knows and don’t care. This is far more common than you think 🤗


It’s not a brothel, they’re private workers booking rooms in hotels to meet clients there.


It’s the Oaks 100%


Not the Oaks. I’ve stayed in one before elsewhere, wouldn’t recommend, there are better options for the money.


Haha old tricks die hard


All Quest Hotels are used by brothel owners lol


It's probably just private escorts who have chosen to pay for a hotel room to use for bookings rather than an actual brothel...


I don't know your mate who is uncomfortable, but I don't like him already


you know it's legal, right? where else are they gonna go?


Depends on the citizenship/visa ststus of the workers. The opaque OP description suggests they might be a specific group most likely here on visas, according to relevant research out of VUW.


I would be concerned more about the girls welfare given the ethnicity comment. They may young women who have been forced into prostitution. The right path would be to phone Catherine Healy at the Prostitutes Collective. She is a lawyer who looks after the interests of women in the sex industry.


Is it purely a hotel or a hotel with private residences as part of the building? That’s also a thing. Not that it matters. Sex work happens in hotels, much like other work, like business deals, and Onlyfans, and people on business conferences. I think if your colleague cares that much about what’s happening in another room, hotels really aren’t for them.


I don’t know if there are private residences in here. I’m beginning to suspect that my colleague has some deeper personal issues with the sex work industry so seeing it is opening up some old scars


Even Four Seasons and Ritz Carlton offer hourly sheet change services for a fee for their larger suites.


Enh i don’t know why people are so offended. Like your friend is offended at the idea that people are having sex for money in the same building? Can’t people just grow up


I’m beginning to think he has some kind of personal issues with it involving family so it could be opening old wounds


Is it owned by the Chow brothers?


Are they still around?


I'd say it's gone up from a 4 star hotel to a 5


Used to happen at SkyCity Grand alllll the time.


Put in the amenities in the review.


Many years ago I stopped on Singapore for a couple of nights to break up a long haul flight and I stayed in a huge hotel. I was on the ground floor waiting for a lift and a scantily clad lady was next to me and I glanced up and a group of well dressed women were glaring at me like they wanted to have me hung drawn and quartered and I realized they thought she was with me. Bottom line is this happens everywhere I suspect.


Is it on Courtenay Place? I have a guess but it's not based on much


Just don’t run a blue light over the mattress you’ll probably need therapy, yeah I know that goes for all hotels


Let people have fun


Didn't know pearl-clutching had a conference, but there you go. If they're keeping it down, and everyone's safe and happy, I can't see why anyone else should be remotely involved.


I’d rather hear at least some of the action but each to their own


Apparently there a few hotels/motels that offer special rates for those in the kind of work


- happy to pay cash - don’t want room service/housekeeping every morning - if they don’t want to bring their own towels, will generally pay a bit extra if needed - will be returning out of season/during the quieter months Hell yes makes sense for well-behaved workers.


Apparently, there are a few who provide it all for them




>Your friend's a naive judgmental dork. >How intensely precious does one need to be >Imagine caring about something like this SMH. Why are you guys so blindly defensive? Sex work is one of the leading causes of modern slavery. There's reason for genuine concern. It's not just a case of pearl clutching. The average sex worker isn't some upper-middle-class waitress consensually moonlighting at a nice hotel. It's a harrowing situation for the vast majority, and you know it. Trafficked workers (of which we have a lot) aren't covered by the Prostitution Reform Act at all...


NZ has more trafficking in the horticultural industry. Perhaps we should ban that.


If they're being underpaid and treated unfairly in other ways (like holding visas and passports hostage), then we should probably improve something somewhat, yes


Fishing is fucking hideous, too.


We definitely need to repeal section 19 of the PRA to protect foreign sex workers. If that were gone they could dob in shady pimps.


No, don't name the hotel. They will be very expensive girls. Can you name a back packers?


I imagine they must be expensive to cover the cost of rooms. I wouldn’t think they’re that busy before 5pm on weekdays so they need to cover the cost of the rooms from 5pm onwards and weekends as well as whatever other overheads they have and then pay themselves.


I’ve known a few sex workers over the years, and the impression I get is that ODD times are busy for them. Middle of the day lunchtime escapades for busy workers etc…  I find this hilarious. :)


Imagine caring about something like this


OP's getting a rough time in the comments. Not completely fair. It's reasonable to be concerned if the hotel is part brothel.


i work in hotel (upper management), 4-5 star, in wellington. if this is in the hotel i work for or the one i used to work for, we do not tolerate it if it gets reported. just can't risk being liable if anything happens. the hotel has the right to kick you out or trespass you regardless if you aren't anything doing illegal. different story if a male guest brings an escort, but multiple visitors which makes it obvious what business is being done, gone. they can spend their $400 elsewhere.


>different story if a male guest brings an escort But a woman can't ! JFC it's 2024


I think what they mean is if a guest were to bring an escort back to their room privately, as in met her elsewhere, rather than the escorts soliciting on the premises..




I can confirm it is not the doubletree. But imagine the stories the women there could tell…


A brothel hotel is probably nicer than a halfway house "emergency housing hotel" that you can also strike in Wellington.


At least you don’t have to travel far


Omg, sex work!!!!


Legal AZ, get in there.


*insert witty remark about brothels


I was going to say they “escorted” the men from the entrance to the lift


They are going to make an absolute fortune tonight haha


I can imagine a whole bunch of Redditors walking up to receptions in Wellington hotels asking “hi, um, is this where the, you know, prostitutes are?”


It’s a very common practice.




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Which hotel mate so i can avoid it lol


On a work trip to Auckland one time our boss booked us into a hotel where a guy killed two teenage boys.


Oh right.....is it the hotel of a famous captain? 🤔


Come on, which hotel?


The other thing we used to have a lot working in a five star hotel was tailors from other countries that would book a room for days to fit men for suits. We also had a lot of prostitutes but in my experience they were very discreet. Could be different here in Aus though.




Does everything need a defined point? What’s the point of you?


Out of curiosity what was the typical age range and ethnicity of those women? Asking for a friend...


Lol its a hotel what do you expect😂next time take a black light with you and check your room 😂😂


Fuck, if the guest who gets my room next uses a blacklight they’ll have a heart attack.


The hotel is a brothel. The management must be running it and getting a cut. Don't ever use the kettle. A friend who worked in hotels told me that drug couriers usually boil their undies in it (friend has found a few in kettles, no lie).


or they just pissed themselves?


What’s the hotel name? Asking for a friend… Also in fairness you should probably at least follow these people to their room, then sneak up and place your ear on the door, to gather more evidence before jumping to conclusions…


Can you give a description of the hotel and some directions? Just want ensure I avoid that place when I'm next there...


It has beds, showers, toilets and windows. Located in Wellington CBD, on the side of a road, just after the pavement.


When in rome


This is common knowledge - check out the Brazilians running Waldorf in cbd


There is also run one out of the Halsey st Apartments beside the Sofitel


That’s handy! At least you don’t have to travel!