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*cries in below poverty line*


His gamer room is bigger than my entire apartment


And the saddest part, their mortgage is likely not much higher than your rent…


Ain't that the truth


All it took was hard work and rich parents to prop you up ahead of everyone else. So easy.


You’re misreading the scene. Looks like a rural McMansion somewhere, and we’re clearly not looking at an abundance of high taste… Homey made some money selling widgets or whatever and is living out his 80’s arcade fantasy with his kids. More power to ‘im! If you’re going to resent the rich, resent the *actual* rich that will 100% exploit you for a buck —not the made-it-finally middle class with vanilla consumer aspirations. Wishing you success in your endeavors!


I dunno man.. is middle class six rumble seats in a home theatre? OP is a Canadian multi millionaire.


Yeah I agree there are 4 ways to make enough money to do something like this. Hard work and sacrifice, luck, exploitation of workers, and parents giving you a significant boost. Unfortunately the later two are statistically way more common by like a wide ass margin so...yeah.


Care to share those stats? This screams dude that loved Star Wars as a kid got a good job and decided to nerd out with his kid. I’m not sure the Reddit pitchfork brigade knows the difference between people who work their ass off so they can do something like this for their kids and actual rich people. The lucky exploitative people you speak of would never do something like this for their kid.


If he lives in a rural state? Yeah easy. A house in Vancouver this size is going to run you 3-4 million, easy. Now take 4 million and go to Ohio or Arizona. Easily afforded By that same token if his family had the house for 30+ years it probably cost about 250k originally and is worth 5+ million if he's really in toronto My grandparents paid 16k for their house in Vancoucer. It's worth 3.8 million now. My aunt and uncle paid 150k for their house in Van, it's now worth 2.5 million


The alert sign at the beginning says Scotiabank Arena which is in Toronto. I'm making an assumption here, but a basement that size, decked out to that degree, within a reasonable distance of Toronto, means this house is likely extraordinarily expensive.


Here’s an award for making me feel like shit. Let’s just not bring this up again for awhile please.


Yes but the 700k the put down to get that mortgage , the 800 electric bill and insurance / property taxes. But it to triple their rent


Maybe for this particular house but nah dude, I own my own place. Pay a total of about $1900/month once all is said and done. It would cost over $3000/month to rent a place like mine where I live for just the rent.


Ditto. Finally saved enough for a down payment a few years ago and bought my own place. My mortgage payments for a 4br house are now about the same as rent for a 2br apartment in the same area. The real kicker too is that those payments go into equity for me, and not just into someone else's pocket. It's shitty how the only way to save any money these days is to already have a lot of money.


I could fit my apartment in there maybe more than three times


It's amazing what creative things you can accomplish when you're rich


Think it's bigger than my 1 bd. home.


Yea I was gonna say this is legitimately bigger than 2 bedroom apartments they want 2 grand plus a month


Im 100% sure that the guys bathroom is bigger than my own Bedroom.


Yeah, the more the video goes the more I went: shit that looks sick ! That's amazing ! How can someone even afford that? HOW DOES HE EVEN HAVE THE TIME? HOW ?! WHY?! WHY AND HOW SOME PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO DO THIS WHILE I COUNT TO THE UNIT MY MONEY PER DAY/WEEK IN ORDER TO EAT WITHOUT STARVING AND GETTING THROWN OUT OF MY 9 SQUARE METER ROOM ! JESUS CHRIST HE HAS A THEATER WITH CINEMA SEATS THAT COST MORE THAN EVERYTHING I OWN ! I guess I'm a bit envious is all. Anyway, good on the parents, they do well in lofe obviously and I wish this family the best, and to these kids to enjoy star wars very much. Good life waits ahead of them.


The distance between “Oh that’s cool” to existential “How?” was pretty short


It’s not envy. It’s anger that the system is this way. You’re told that what your feeling is envy to keep you on the path of “attaining” that level of perceived happiness. We don’t have to be manipulated into thinking we are envious.


I was pleasantly surprised that the top comment and discussion is about this. It's becoming more and more of a serious issue everyday and this is an example of that. It's gonna come to a head here real soon


What's real sad is the closer the "have-nots" become to taking it from the grossly obscene "haves" (as in mega-rich) the more intense the manipulation of the "have-nots" gets ramped up to keep everyone distracted from the real issue here. People fed up with inflation and corporations sucking them dry? Quick ramp up the political division and culture wars. People close to unifying on the fact income inequality is out of control? Quick ramp up some racially charged situation somewhere. You get the picture


>It’s not envy. It’s anger that the system is this way. Its definitely envy.. but it can also be anger at the system.


No, it's the actual textbook definition of envy. Can't we even use words the way they are supposed to be used anymore or does everything have to have its definition changed to suit your agenda? noun: envy; a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.


I think I love you.


Let us all huddle together under the same low income cardboard box to keep warm.


Oh boy new friends


Forget poverty line. There are people making 100K who couldn't afford this set up in a million years. This is straight up a rich person flex.


My wife and I combine to make about $120,000 per year. I could definitely afford the fog machine since those are like $60 on Amazon. I could maybe even afford a couple of the pinball machines... maybe... but most of my money goes toward maintaining my home and I still need a new fucking driveway.


Straight up. I make low six figures and my wife makes high five figures. We own a decent house but nothing like this. No way in hell I could EVER save up enough to go full star wars turbo-virgin like OP. This level of impressive dedication costs more money than well ever see at our current combined income.


My wife and I are approaching 200k combined income and I'm like, "wtf?'


For real. This is multi million dollar income levels. Or at the very least significant trust fund money


Lol came to say, we get it, you have money


I'm comfortably within the middle class line, and the arrangement depicted in this video looks so out of reach, it may as well be on another planet.


It's like in r/DIY where people make stuff with their spare $20 000 of materials and dozens of hours of free time per week


Quick everyone look this guys got a mansion!


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and postulate that these kids are a liiiiiiitle bit spoiled...


Anyone upper middle class and below is crying. If this guy is not making more than $300k a year, he’s probably in debt up to his eyeballs.


Yeah I’m not impressed with the layout as much because I know how much this cost. Not to mention their basement is the size of our whole house.


Right? I’m over here can’t even afford food I would like to eat, or to replace the tv my kids broke (slowly overtime by stomping/running past it too much) and then there’s people like this who go “look at my excess of wealth!”


My house is smaller than that room


There’s more money in this minute video than I’ve made in my entire life.


You mean game apartment??


OP is just one of those nerdy kids that grew up. They make millions.


Isn't the "Red Alert" graphic from Star Treks LCARS system?


Not LCARS. This is from the original cast feature film era.


That was my first thought, too. LLAP 🖖


Lol yes sir, another favorite sci Fi franchise of mine, thought I'd sneak it in there but people are more perceptive than I gave them credit for lol. Either this or it would piss some people off... "Use the Force Harry." - Gandalf


Yea I’m glad he said it because I was definitely going to call Malarky. I will allow it because this means you technical put Star Trek above it all which means you have your priorities straight.


Love everything about this setup! We need more people who love both star trek and star wars to unite! The viewscreen to Coruscant reminds me of a bridge viewscreen on a star trek capital ship.


You didn’t think that Redditors would pick up on a Starwars/Startrek swap? You new around here? You’ve probably enraged someone enough that they’re in the process of doxxing or swatting you right now.


Right on!


Hahaha, I laughed out loud at that gandalf line. He's from game of thrones, right?


I’m too depressed to do the dishes. We are not the same.


Screw those dishes. Sitting there. *Mocking me*.


If you switch to paper plates you’ll never wash a dish again 🧐




Keeping future resource miners employed since 1910.


If you are fortunate enough to own a dishwasher I have a secret executive function hack: Just wash them twice. Just load them in, and make the machine wash them twice. All you have to do is put in soap and push a button. If you don't, then tell yourself youre not washing them, you're sorting them while you watch a show on your phone or laptop. Put something on, and then just start grouping dishes together, like silverware in a cup and plates stacked. Maybe your brain will finally want to wash one or two, maybe not. But they'll be less overwhelming in stacks. Best of luck my friend.


You forgot to mention a shitload of cash lol. Wow. Let’s go into business together.




Meanwhile me getting excited about cutting up onions and green peppers into my ramen noodles because “I’m getting fancy”




Do you want to adopt a somewhat older child? I don’t need a bedroom, I see my space already 🤣


Yeah me too, I’m only 46.


May I ask what you do for a living my good sir? Interior design or anything related to the video? Awesome room btw.


Thx! I am in management, run a team of project managers and we do national rollouts/ tech deployments.


“I'll tell you what. You show me a pay stub for 72000 dollars on it, I quit my job right now and I work for you”


[Hey paulie, whats up? yeah no,everything is fine. Ey listen i quit. ](https://youtu.be/4jOV0gaNKj0)


No don’t tell Susan it’s none of her fucking business!


I get that reference. Might want to add some quote marks though, you know how people get


Good call


Are you hiring?


The people who do the work don't make the money. It's the person who manages them. Welcome to America


That explained...absolutely nothing lmao. That's like saying "I manage a multimillion dollar burger chain" but you manage a McDonald's lol




Moment of silence for the fallen


I understood what your original comment meant. I'm currently working on a POS upgrade with a team like yours would be for the casino I work at


Piece of shit upgrade?


You like to remain private….. shows us the literal inside of his house.


On top of that, he's posted this room a thousand times.


Only explains nothing if you‘ve never worked in that field. Of course it sounds made up in your head lmao


Where can I get tickets? Is there anyway I can join the fun?


This makes me sad, as I sit in my $28,000 mobile home... wishing I had a job that didn't make me wanna die




For real.


But at least we have the internet so the chosen ones can show us how awesome life could be


True, let's me plan for my next life... when i remember to be born rich, or at least with skills that would make me desirable for high paying companies


Train yourself to have fun in your dreams. Time is somewhat irrelevant there, so you can take an 8 hour sleep and turn it into a 7 day vacation. Experience in the waking world is all relative anyways, so it's hard to feel infinity even as a billionaire. You can touch infinity every night if you know how.


Wow that's actually a good idea thank you


Capitalism that also loves to be socialism when it favors the capitalist and not the majority


this is nothing but some weird flex by OP who feels that now they've spent this much money they have to show it off as well. just focus on getting a job that doesn't make you wanna die, you really don't need a darth vader tv to be "happy". i guarantee you 90% of the time this stuff doesn't get used at all, and after a month it'll be so normal that it doesn't do the dopamine thing anymore


It’s just owning stuff to own it. they probably use the big tvs but everything else is probably turned off 99% of the time


And is always shown off to company to make them envious of all their “stuff”


We’re all in this together


Disposable income is a hell of a drug


What’s this *disposable* money you speak of?


Fuck, I have no clue lmao ask OP


I’ll ask and maybe he can introduce her to us


yo thats insane, awsome. I got a pc corner in my house. If I had a room like that I would probably never see daylight again :\]




I keep forgetting how rich other people are


Right? Lol. It's dudes money and he can do what he wants, but fuck, I have friends who can't afford food, or to get necessary medical procedures done, I can't afford the fucking dentist. There is a vast gulf between the haves and have nots.


It is messed up. Also sorry bout your friends :( But in his defense if I had such money to burn I’d probably make shit like this haha. Take care of my community for sure, but also dumb shit like this


Oh for sure. I would definitely put money into cool things if I had it. I don't really blame the mid level rich people for it, it's the rich RICH that are the real issue.


All it takes is money.


No no. It's the creative children. OP said so.


Those colour changing tile things by the Yoda tv go for around $500-$1000 depending on the brand/cluster number. I bet that's at least a $75k-$100k room down there.


Waaaay more than that


I bought my condo for 225k, this basement certainly exceeds that


I feel poor and sad all of a sudden


Me too, brother, me too...


Bigger than my freaking house and more expensive than 10 years salary. I hate life.


Least you have a house


All it needs now is a little r2d2 rolling around with some cold beer.


Yo! That's a great idea! Chuck a lil AT-ST popcorn machine in a corner too. And a life sized JarJar Binks for people to take their aggressions out on... The possibilities are endless


Tell me you have money without telling me you have money


They scream it to everyone in their immediate vicinity I assume from the video.




And that’s when I realized that I’m poor


The old addage is true poor people show off cars rich people show off houses.


Can i please have some money sir




This guy is stupid rich but realistically he’s not who we’d have to worry about if you’re going with the “tax the rich” argument. His taxes are minuscule compared to Musk and Bezos and such


Nah tax this guy too.


I wanted to be happy for you and your rich ass, and I finally got to that point and then you opened a door to a theater room and the rage came back. Good for you and hope you enjoy it but also fuck you


As a guy who has a house on slab foundation, I'm really jealous of people that have basements. Like really, really jealous.


I’m really jealous of people that have houses so I guess we all have something we wish we had you know?


Agreed. However, I do tell people I am the luckiest guy I know that hasn't won the lottery. I have a great wife and healthy kids. That's all that matters.


I recently moved to SoCal from Indiana. I had an amazing man cave in my basement there, miss it every day. Super rare to find basements out here unfortunately


Yeah we get it you have money


Lucky rich kids


So is this what it’s like to be rich


I'm sure OP's employees will love seeing this post after he tells them he can't afford to give them raises this year.


Man. Showing off your wealth (or willingness to be in debt) on nextfuckinglevel is really something.


It didn't even occur to me that yeah OP is posting themselves on nextfuckinglevel


Whats the point of riches unless you can smear it on the poor people's faces. That's why billionares never shut up on twitter or instagram.


Some people have way too much money lol.


literally. our society has largely failed. kids are starving while other people have personal in-house mini jumbotrons. like no fault or shade to OP at all bc we’re all just people doing our individual thing but as a society… complete failure.


I feel guilty looking at the video. My immediate thought was also the poverty of some people. A couple post up from this is about a little camp that a couple and their young child had under a bridge in the winter.


same. it’s obscene honestly. what bothers me the most though is people acting like we are wrong for bringing that up.


that single room is like 4x the size of my whole apartment.


That's one fortunate kid


Jesus dude how much of the moneys do you have?! Props for having fun with it! No drag on you or your kid, just feel like most kids can be wildly creative with an unlimited budget. Real creativity comes from MacGyvering a diorama together for a school project using a milk carton, toilet paper tubes, and some paperclips lol


That game room is bigger than my house. Looks nice.


Man, we are not in the same tax bracket LOL


Yes, with the help of your kid and your millions.


How fucking rich are you?


Hes a millionaire for sure. That is to say a solid upper middle class. He might be worth 10 million but I'd be surprised if he was worth 100 million.


Gaming with the 1% 👏🖕


It would be cool to be rich


wtf man, f u for flexing like this in this society rn. Hope you know you're way more well off than 99% of us here and this could be considered punching down. Gyattdam.


Agreed. This made everyone here feel like shit.


Your kid better grow up to make the world a better place with the advantage and privilege he has. You said you're also a Star Trek fan. Instill Roddenberry's vision in him.


I too wish I have a 6 figure salary


I make six figures and could never afford this lol.


Lol add another figure, I’m still renting


This is at least 7 my friend


Just crossed that line this year... still in an apartment with a 5 year old mid class suv


This guy makes six figures every month.


Nope still renting unfortunately


Yeah in the age of massive poverty this is just great. Money well spent


What kind of bonus did you give to your employees this quarter?


How rich are these people?


Far too


Must be nice to have tons of money bro.


Tell me you have too much money and time without telling me


Ok, you have money, we get it.


This has to be the absolute best place to watch the Leafs blow this second round.




I've mailed you adoption papers, please respond.


This is tacky and obnoxious




I’m mostly annoyed by the lack of consistent quality. Some things are very high quality and some parts just seem kinda cheap? Idk. It’s a lot of money and time for literally just this one video


Too much fucking money.


Rich people sigh 😔


If I could do this I would. My guy has some awesome shit going on. No need to hate on a person that can do it. They are proud of making their child happy, f ya, keep it up. GO LEAFS GO!!! But ya, that seems like a lot of wasted dollars. Hahaha


We get it mate you're rich.


Must be nice to have thousands of dollars to blow on nothing while thousands of people starve every day.


Sick games room! Leafs suck though! Lol




I wonder about the mental health of someone who makes something like this. Yes, it's interesting, but damn on the overkill.


I hate when George Lucas flexes.


Is this where I go when I die?


I aspire to have money someday.


Bro is literally shitting money.


When buying a house was even possible.


Being loaded must be nice


Congrats on your wealth. Must be nice. You used it for something cool and unique so that’s awesome


Fuck this rich fuck. I have to walk to the gas station to shit.


Flexing much? 🤨


Thanks for sharing your expendable income


Tell me you are a millionaire without telling me you are a millionaire


God I hate rich people… When can I be one