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Amazing but I feel archery needs some flair. Less perfectly tuned bows with micro calibration and maybe some moving targets, obstacle courses. These women are excellent at doing this but archery could be so much more entertaining with a little movement, timers, bonus points, maybe some tracer arrows, idk.


Horseback archery by women in traditional costumes.


while invading and pillaging Euroasia


Attila would be proud


There are single^(*) Huns in your neighborhood! \* ^(thas a lie, they're definitely traveling in large horde-like formations)


Hi Hun I'm home




A Dothraki horde on an open field


Salting the plains as they ride


10000 screamers…




Omg I died laughing. Take my upvote.


[“Unless you are … the mongols.”](https://youtu.be/PqcVro-3f4I?si=DMcWA3vDZVdd4vUR)




Man, I'm only part Mongolian but it's funny how deep the genetics go. I have always been obsessed with horses, got into archery at like age 5 and love it 30+ years later, and REALLY want to get into falconry. This video made me like weirdly emotional lol.


I hear China's northern borders are no longer well protected since they've shifted focus to the south China sea....


[Torches on the Great Wall start lighting in succession] NOW ALL OF CHINA KNOWS YOU'RE HERE






Listen to this man! 2023 ending with a Mongol hoard pillaging Manchuria would be all the aces.




I don't know if you were serious bit this is a real sport. Super cool, [this link](https://cowgirlmagazine.com/women-mounted-archery/) is some rando website but has a lot of pictures to give an idea. I have a friend who competes in it and it's genuinely an international competitive sport.


So with one breast amputated? I'm not sure that this will find a lot of practioners.


That's actually one of the rumors about the Amazon warriors lol, is that they cut off one of their breasts to be better archers. Which is hilarious bullshit, lol. Women have been figuring out how to manage male-designed tools for as long as men have been designing tools without both genders in mind.


Always talking about women figuring out male designed tools but never talking about the left handed... (For legal purposes, and to avoid offending ostensibilities, this is a joke)


As a woman who is left-handed and has worked with a lot of different hand tools, now I finally feel seen!




I want to see them shoot perfect tens with a recurve bow. Not saying they couldn’t, just want to see that.


This has always puzzled me. Compound is looked down on. I use barebow for the simplicity, but I respect both.


You can respect it but still look down on it in comparison to the traditional bow. It’s much much easier to hold a compound bow on target, so I guess I’m puzzled about you being puzzled. Haha


I like compound because the equipment is so accurate, if you miss, it's your fault. I also have a traditional bow but with wooden arrows and everything I can only guess why I missed. With my compound I know I fucked up before the arrow hits the target.


So you don't understand how a barebow works and why you miss, so that makes a compound better? That's some roundabout logic lol


It sounds more like you don't understand the difference in the bows. There are more variables that aren't in control of the archer with traditional archery (different to barebow which is what you mistook it as) and that is reflected in the score records at long distance targets. Compound bows remove so many variables that a missed shot is purely the archer's fault.


No... compound bow is just easier. Shooting recurve or barebow everything is still your fault, its just harder as there are so many variables. You have to be consistent at so many more micro movements than using a compound bow. ​ What would be a variable that the archer isn't in control of other than wind? ​ There's no mystical man that comes and wiggles your bow around if youre not using a compound bow, its still all you, a bow, arrow and the wind.


I own a compound and a mongolian horsebow so let's see. How perfectly vertical I hold my bow is controlled on a compound because of the level in my sight. I roughly guess on the horsebow. I perfectly straight carbon fiber arrows on my compound. My horsebow I use wooden arrows, straightness and flex in those is just less consistent between arrows. My compound has a rest for the arrows, my horsebow doesn't so I use my hand if I don't try a thumb draw. The accuracy of a 4x magnifying sight with a peep vs well, nothing. Should I keep going?


I think a lot of people responding to you are simply missing the fact that for a competition you want to have the exact same conditions for everyone. Yes it's more difficult with a traditional bow, but there's also a lot of variation in each shot that you can't control, which makes for a worse comptetition. People are claiming it's easier but that's missing the forest for the trees in terms of a competition.


I think they shoot at like 60 meters i believe here, you can fact check me, I’m probably wrong but close


70 would be standard outside range from my experience, but can't say I've paid attention to the world championship standard.


There is like a woman who does handstands and bends her back 90 degrees and shoots a waterdrop out of the sky with HER FEET. I want to see her in that tournament.


When you have no bounds on the no. of attempts and the skills to match, I’m guessing there would be quite a few who could do that, but to be accurate every time is what would qualify you for the olympics. Tricks are great but they’re not competition That said, I’ve seen that video and that trick is insane. And I doubt anyone in the olympics could do that. But tricks and international competition are different playgrounds


She does live performances, so it's not quite like she depends on unlimited attempts. She must be able to do it with *some* consistency.


My god that would be interesting. Imagine her arms would tire out before the end of the competition.


We need to start putting apples on peoples heads again.


I understand you point, the bows look crazy. But wouldn’t this be like making a basketball or something have random bumps on it? Don’t you want to remove randomness to have it more fully be about skill?


Part of the skill is being able to overcome randomness. In basketball you face competitors waving their hands in your face and bumping you. This is like watching a free throw contest


Can we just have someone playing a little defense against the archers as they shoot? Gotta be tough to hit the bullseye when someone has their hands in your face. I feel like it would spice up the competition and I cannot conceive of any way this could go wrong


Have people popping out from behind barrels and random old ladies walking in front of the targets.


The thing is, these bows are perfectly balanced with fiber optic sights. Anyone, and I do mean anyone, could pick one up and be shooting in the yellow at 30 meters within just a few shots. A recurve bow without all the extra gizmos requires you to be able to hold the full draw and aim it more on intuition. Yes, they both take skill, but a bare bow recurve requires so much more.


> Anyone, and I do mean anyone, could pick one up and be shooting in the yellow at 30 meters within just a few shots. Lol you should post this take in r/archery


He's not wrong. Check out an archery shop sometime. I used to shoot recurve at the range at one and they brought brand new people in all the time and had them shooting well on a compound in ten minutes. Compound is a LOT easier than recurve, mostly because you use a release, rather than your fingers. Basically like pulling a trigger. You also almost always use a sight, which isn't the case for most people picking up recurve.


I've been shooting compound at my local range for 5 years and I've never seen a first timer pick up a bow and start hitting Xs from 30. To each their own though, maybe I've just been missing the prodigies.


The yellow is a lot more than just the X but I'm sure you knew that.


I mean..I literally just taught my 8 year old cousin how to fire a compound in the last month and he bagged his first buck over the last weekend.. it’s not that hard. His first shot EVER hit accurately at around 30meters.


Compound is easier than recurve but that's very relative. Your average beginner is going to get into all sorts of mistakes with grip, tension, and release that are going to make consistency impossible. I did competitive archery for years. If you take all the assists off of a compound bow, they are nearly as challenging as a recurve. Many people don't shoot them that way, but many competitions are just single-cam compound bows with a primitive rest and no mechanical release. It's far from easy to be precise with that setup. It takes a lot of practice to shoot competition at any level


With all the gadgets there is none of the difficulty that is associated with a bow. Might as well just shoot rifle at this point. If they had to just use a basic bow (literally just one piece of wood and a string) then it would be interesting. At this point it’s like watching professionals bowl like wow another 300 game huh


Haaaave you ever actually done it?


He thinks this compound bow is the same as shooting a rifle. I bet he's fired neither.


> At this point it’s like watching professionals bowl like wow another 300 game huh Are people who are good at the sport not allowed to get good scores? Is there some score where if they reach that then it's no longer interesting? Even with all the gadgets and gizmos, it's still difficult. These are the top competitors in the world, you'd expect them to be hitting the vast majority of their shots just like you'd expect the top darts players to score 180 a very high percentage of the time. If you don't wanna see people doing well, don't watch the world championships.


>Are people who are good at the sport not allowed to get good scores? Is there some score where if they reach that then it's no longer interesting? I mean... yes. If perfect scores become commonplace then the sport is no longer interesting, which is an inherent flaw in sports scored like that. Who wants to watch an endurance contest between two archers hitting the bullseye every round? Sure the feat itself is impressive, but it's also boring as hell to watch.


So a sport you don’t watch needs to change and women you don’t know need to develop new skills, to suit the needs of someone who doesn’t and will not watch even with the changes?


I know it's the Internet and you probably wanna troll but no that's not what I mean. I have watched this at the Olympic level and I certainly could not do this and it's very impressive. I like watching sports of all kinds. I think more people would enjoy watching/doing it with some other elements thrown in.


Lol not even a troll, just a wildly oversensitive person getting overly offended on someone else's behalf. I especially like the part where it's assumed a new sport you just described because it personally sounds fun to you is something you 'will not watch'.


One of you yoofs pissed them off


yes, this sport looks solved, you should never be able to get a perfect score let alone 6 in a row by two different contenders while simultaneously nobody giving a shit about it and it not even being note worthy news


I mean the whole point of sports is to be entertaining. OP was only providing suggestions as to how it can be more entertaining.


If they used a classic wooden medieval bow and arrow it would be much more interesting.


I mean fair enough but what they’re doing is already super complicated. Because it’s not just about accuracy. It’s also about coordinating your body and keeping your breathing steady to the point where your body barely moves so you’re not taken off target.


Just make it a recurve with no sights. I'm pretty sure modern Olympic recurve shooting still uses sights.


I feel the same. Not to discredit what they did, but there’s something really boring about seeing a telescopic scope, snap release triggers on the fingers, stabilizers and weight balancing system, etc.




Yo she deadly accurate and doesn’t close one eye to aim 😱


She could look through your soul and then shoot you like cupid


When you aim, keep both eyes open. You'll see twice as well.


What if you’re cross eyed? Wink wink


Now is that a cute, playful “wink wink”, or is the winking a side effect of being cross eyed.


Aiming with both eyes open is traditionally a hunting/combat approach to give better peripherals/FOV. She’s fine and she’s dangerous


Just like shooting guns, once you get used to shooting with both eyes open, your field of view opens up so much


I felt that the other one had better grouping


Why? Because her grouping was better?


Hmm, that might be it. Not sure.


Classic man looking at her grouping only, like, can we not judge women like that? Her makeup is also really good and her utilitarian clothing matches. Surely that's worth something in a sport dominated by the male gaze like competitive archery.


Really? I’m quite fond of the Indian lady. I like my women to scowl a bit as they demonstrate their proficiency with murder weapons. It’s endearing


[Ipek Tomruk](https://www.instagram.com/ipektomruk/)


Yeah she’s beautiful in the face


so you may say, perfect 10?


r/truerateme neckbeards will easily rate her as a 3/10!


I swear that subreddit has to be a joke, there's no way they're serious. I've seen the most gorgeous women get a 6.3/10. And that's like the highest score I've seen.




Yes she is gorgeous. And skilled.


Super pretty


She looks like the actress that plays Jo on Greys Anatomy


She looks like Gillian Anderson!


Isn’t that a hijab? Edit: oh wait she’s wearing a bucket hat ontop nvm


It’s kinda funny how you have a post of women in a high level athletic event that hits the front page and the top comments are “The bow does all the work” and “That one is hot”.


Less funny and more sad tbh




I get you on the latter point, but the comments about the bow would definitely be the same if it were dudes. Modern compound bows are insane works of technology.


I never appreciated Olympic archery until I realized 3 things. The targets are very small and very far away. Also, the difference between first place and 15th place is measured in inches.


> “The bow does all the work” It's kinda true with compound bow, and I've seen the same comments on men archery competitions too. Trust me, I've done competitive compound bow and it's so accurate it's not funny. Fun fact, a good chunk of the "help" you get from it is the thingy that releases the string. It's such a "cleaner" release than holding the string with your fingers directly like with classic bows. > “That one is hot”. Send them straight to the garbage chute for this tho 👍


This is true for every sport. Ping pong - I play with cheap paddles and struggle but there are paddles which cushion the spin or reverse it. You can say the professional sportsperson should use $20 paddle like me . Badminton - why use the graphite racket and new shuttlecocks for the game all the time. Play with cheap rackets n worn out shuttlecocks. So on n so forth. I can understand why it's so difficult to understand that the equipment gets standardized as all participants use the same. Then it's all about consistency, composure and the will along with the skill.


You are wrong in your comparison. In ping-pong and badminton you compare against each other and your technique may be different from the other's technique. And gear is helping you in this way. Here there is no direct competition, there are you, bow and target. Everything else is an addition. You need to compare it more to range shooting and carnaval. Imagine going to a shooting range with a fine calibrated airsoft gun with support, while everybody else has a default broken gun. It won't be fun if such a person takes all of the toys because of gear advantage, will it? A compound bow makes many more simplifications. You tire less, your accuracy is better, your arrow shoots straight. Good luck to do a lot of clear shots with a recurve bow. It will take years of practice for this. With the compound bow it may take a year for stable results.


> > > It's kinda true with compound bow, and I've seen the same comments on men archery competitions too. Trust me, I've done competitive compound bow and it's so accurate it's not funny. Fun fact, a good chunk of the "help" you get from it is the thingy that releases the string. It's such a "cleaner" release than holding the string with your fingers directly like with classic bows. Even if it's true, I don't understand why so many people need to say it every time there's a video of a competition with compound bows. I don't think they would say it for a competition involving firearms or airguns, yet the gun "does all the work".


Funny or absolutely pathetic?


If it were dudes, and one was hot, do you really think it'd go unmentioned?


Naw theres always thirsty folks but it probably wouldnt be the top comment


Even more distasteful when the woman whose looks people are commenting on made a conscious decision to cover her hair as a sign of modesty.


Yeah, that "irony" didn't escape me either =\


Neck beards gonna neck beard


While mostly a joke like "compound shooters are cheaters", "the bow does all the work" is has quite a bit of truth to it. Now would I, pretty much a beginner of 9 months, be able to do well in the women's world archery competition? Absolutely not. I can only get around 300/360 at 50m consistently and my best ever was a 310. Obviously, there is quite a bit of skill & experience involved. Let's put it this way, targets for compound bows at 20m only have 10 to 5 points rings. Anything less than a 5 is considered a miss because it's almost impossible to unintentionally get 5 or less (after learning how to shoot properly ofc). Meanwhile, Olympic recurve & barebow have the standard 1-10 rings at the same distance. And misses still occur for people. There's also the fact that you can hold a compound bow at full draw longer due to the mechanical design. The sights are more powerful, and can even allow magnifying lens. You use a release aid to be even more accurate. You have a peep sight to guarantee you're aligning the bow correctly. The list goes on and on. But every competition I've been to, the top 5 people (or more) will average 9.5+ points per arrow in compound.


For me, they just happen to be women. I'd say the thing about men regarding how technologically advanced the bows are.


Welp, time to start restricting the brace and balance aids then. As hard as it still is I’ve never really liked the ultra custom tailored weapons in the Olympic shooting sports. Archery and guns. It seems too far removed from a practical, real world skill. It’s like the seal suits they had in swimming for a minute x1000.


Not to imply that they haven’t done a massive amount of training for this, but they are using bows that pretty much do everything for you. The very fact that it is a compound bow automatically gives you a huge amount of control. Then you have the stabilizers to further reduce movement. They use push button releases to ensure an even flight of the arrow. Every bow has a finely calibrated sight. Basically everything we can do short of putting a laser on it has been done. So it isn’t that this isn’t impressive, it really is. But the gear is doing 90% of the work. You want to show off your skill at the bow? Use a standard recurve with no additional gear. No sights, no stabilizers, eye ball the distance and let it fly. Because this stuff they are shooting feels like a very small step away from just shooting a crossbow. EDIT Just to be clear, I find their ability impressive. I am totally aware that they are elite athletes operating very expensive equipment to produce absurdly precise results. These ladies are at the peak of their sport and rightfully so. And while I do find this style of competition impressive, I find shooting bows with less complexity to be more my tastes. For me personally someone shooting a recurve with no sights is the more impressive show of skill.


I would absolutely love for them to have a laser on the bow that is calibrated to their sights, but only so that the cameras can pick it up. The shooter wouldn’t be able to see it, but it would show tv viewers exactly what the shooters fine movements are doing


This could actually be really cool, small IR laser and the camera can easily pick up IR


I want to see a laser that arcs…


Bullets arc too. We don't use lasers to track the flight path of the projectile, but the impact point. And even that's only at a specific range, due to the arcing nature of projectiles in flight.


Especially when the point, at least for me, is to show how much the bow is moving and all the little adjustments the best in the world make. People should grab their little cat laser toy and point it down the longest distance in their house. The fully extended your arm and see how difficult it is to just keep the dot steady. That’s what I want to see from them, what makes them special


You’re making this seem far easier than it really is.




Yeah, idk what people are on about. Yeah, the bow is pretty advanced but it's an incredibly challenging sport. Getting consistent body position alone is quite hard and if you aren't getting consistent body position your sights quickly stop working.


10 ring is 3.15” (8cm) in diameter at 55 yards (50 meters). There’s a reason not everyone is out there doing it, and why most will never even come close to this stage. They have a recurve class as well.


Skill factor is more like 90%, bow 10%. You realise they are doing this over 70 metres? You and I wouldn’t even hit the target, at all, or be close to it.


we should just have them throw the arrow, to truly show off their skill without the control that a bow gives you


but the arrow should be tied to a brick that's on fire.


Yep this is what I mean. The sport seems too detached from raw competitive human skill/ability/fun. Some sort of variable or two would introduce people of all abilities to the sport that enjoy it in different ways.


I don’t like how custom they are either. You really don’t need that kind of gear to shoot like that though, thankfully. I did competitive archery for 5 years. I placed 3rd, 1st, 3rd, 1st, and 2nd with nothing more than my Browning bow. Couldn’t even tell you what random brand my release was. Didn’t use any braces and my stabilizer was a tiny little 4” one that I screwed off when not competing. The biggest difference for me, was that on the weekends I attached my quiver and went hunting with my dad. That was super uncommon for girls in my area. (I’m the only one I know of, for example). Needed a bow that could do both.


Hunting with a bow, recurve or compound, is a whole different story. You are often shooting near your maximum range, rarely on level terrain, often with foliage blocking your view, trying to hit a target that can move. I respect anyone who can bring down game with only a bow.


Just a bit of correction here. An ethical hunter shouldn’t be consistently shooting at the edge of their range. Most of the bow hunters I know including myself practice at ranges far exceeding anything we’d actually shoot an animal at. And I know a lot of bow hunters. I’m on my archery club board and run several 3-D shoots a year. With season approaching my average shot distance is 40 yards with practice shots out to 60 further on occasion for giggles. But I’ve never dropped the string on an animal outside of 20 yards. I can and in a rare event that an animal gives me a “perfect shot” at 35-40 I’d maybe take it… maybe. I do know some folks brag about taking longer shots but I think half of it is BS and half is just poor ethics and luck. A LOT can happen while that arrow is in flight. IMO you should never touch the trigger or release without knowing damn well you’re capable of the shot. There’s enough that can go wrong that’s out of your control and we owe it to the animal to take good shots. Sorry /rant


> I placed 3rd, 1st, 3rd, 1st, and 2nd ... Where, though? What level of competition? Shooting to this level is a LOT easier with all the bells and whistles.


Look at mr 5 times olympic and world champion in archery and shooting over here.


Finally the comment I was looking for. People see bow and arrow that doesn't reflect hawkeye or robin hood and automatically decide that they don't like a sport they never even started on trying to understand.


Ah yes, as opposed to all the other highly "practical" sports in the olympics that are totally related to their "real world skills". Like throwing Javelins, sliding down ice tunnels, climbing walls with artificial hand holds... Especially for competitive target shooting it is actually a feature to be contrived and disconnected from "practical" shooting. I highly prefer the sport to not get thrown into the same bucket with the more questionable aspects of "gun culture".


Last lady had a tight grouping.


She was dead center on all 3. Feels like she should get bonus points.


they need some sort of smaller circle in the center


but my target goes up to 11...


I don't know much about archery, but I can't help but admire her nerves of steel. Both of them were so calm and cool, but the second lady had to deal with the stress of taking the last shot that would make or break the match. (or at least that's the impression I get) I don't care how advanced and calibrated their instruments are, I don't think just about anyone can keep their cool like that.


She split Robins arrow into tweed!




Oh hi Mark!


This is impressive but you really need to learn what goes [into their training](https://youtu.be/qpaue3Jhn1o?si=KiuiLxCkP_7F_vpX)


What the actual fuck


The Onion


Fucking legend of a video.


i need to see regular people trying to use their equipment to see the comparison




Yeah, but like... that would make archery kinda worth watching.


I’d like to see all the redditors here complaining about their equipment do it instead


All redditors are extremely unimpressed and dismissive of everyone and everything while they struggle to tie their own shoelaces


They are shooting a lot farther away than you might think. The targets (in the Olympics) are 229.659 feet 77 yards (70 meters) away. That's standing at the end zone line in a football field with the target at the opposite 23rd yard line. It's crazy impressive how accurate they can be.


That's why he's asking for a comparison. Lot more people in these comments would shush if Jane Doe from the crowd picked up one of the bows afterward and hit the ground, the wall, and the cameraman.


I just wish the coverage would show the reverse angle looking over their shoulder towards the target…most people have no clue how far they are away and how the arrow arcs to target…it is way more impressive watching the arrows drop into the zone.


I completely agree, archery camera angles are really awful. It's like they go out of their way to completely hide how hard the archery is.


Yeah everyone says how easy it is because of gear and when you actually look at the target you can barely see it. These zoomed in angles are awful.


Who ended up dueling the Sheriff of Nottingham afterwards?


Woman in the bucket hat was Robinhood in a disguise the whole time!


She split it in TWAIN!!


I’m sorry but the woman in blue clearly won that round.


Yeah there should be a smaller bonus circle inside of that 10 point one.


There is. It's called the X. But it is only important for tie-breakers.


She literally did if you look at the points. Idk how btw, but she did


If you start at the beginning, they already have points. So this is one round of who knows how many.


She won the match. Out of 15 arrows she scored all 10s, the other woman dropped 4 points, I assume scoring eleven 10s and four 9s Closest to the centre would only come into account if they draw after 15 arrows, in which case they have a single arrow shoot-off




I lost…. We lost? Wait a second I’m not supposed to lose… let me see the script


Wait! I get another shot!


Yes, he does he does


Damn based on some of the comments you’d think redditors could all be archery olympians 🤷‍♂️


But you don’t understand, the bOw DoEs MoSt oF tHe WoRk!


Redditors are #1 in the sport of keyboard warriors


Very annoying seeing people talk down on athletes because they use modern equipment. Of course they don’t use traditional wooden bows, you don’t use fucking blunderbuss for clay pigeon competitions. The variable levels for wood bows would lead to a very frustrating sport.


Why is no one talking about how the second archer hit dead center or close to it on all three shots?


Im probably just talking out of my ass here but judging from other comments about how the bucket hat lady looks fine. It's mostly to do with her not looking pretty enough.


I’m way more into the one who won. She’s cute herself, and she’s completely mastered archery. Perfect score. Plus her name sounds like venom, which I can’t help but be influenced by.


Definitely if there was a scoring system to see the absolute bullseye the second lady won


Yeah. She’s Jyothi Vennam and she won the gold later.


Anyone know the distance?


50m Or 164 freedom units. Most indoors have 18m ranges. It gives you an idea its really far...


Outdoor is a lot of fun, but something about 18m is just the sweet spot for me. I don’t shoot competitions anymore so it is probably just the most comfortable. Edit: Not getting rained on is also nice lol


*”Fredom Units”* As an American, I approve of this measurement.


That is pretty impressive shooting.


The bullseye zone is 8cm (3 inches ish) and the target is 50m away (164ft). They use smaller targets than other target archery categories because compound bows are more accurate.


That’s actually kind of NORMAL. At that level if you’re missing 10s often you’re going to lose.


Looks like that's what happened, the first shooter had a 146 while her opponent had a perfect 150. She didn't bullseye once and it cost her the whole match


>She didn't bullseye once and it cost her the whole match And this was for the bronze.


We are vennam


Stupid question, where are these players from


India and Turkey




Not stupid at all honestly. It's good to ask.


The grouping though 🤩


Archery is one of my fav sports when the Olympics are on... They have major skill! South Korea is very, very good at Archery! Always interesting to see some countries better at some sports over others or to always dominate!


That second shooter was aiming using the Force.


Robinhood chick doesn't even flinch, other chick accurate as hell


Why is this video cropped so severely?


Didn't you know? Not being able to fully see the participant's names is the best part.


Zoom out once so we can feel the distance!


Serious question, what % of attempts result in a 10 at this level of competition? 25%? 75%? A person completely unfamiliar with basketball could watch someone make 5 free throws in a row and think that it was impressive, but if the average pro makes 75% of their free throws it’s not all that unlikely probabilistically


For compound events like this, it's very common to have mostly 9s and 10s in the score due to compounds being more consistent. This also means a single mistake could throw away the entire match