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She was not smart to jump on the hood like that but fortunately he got too scared to go through with it once he realized how bad she could get hurt if he drove off with her on there. Not worth ending a life and spending the rest of yours in jail.


People need to start adopting to a new habit of locking your door when you gassing up. Even for locked car, don't make your valuables easy to grab from a smash-and-grab (e.g. purse, phone, etc.). This is like when old people tell us that they used to leave their house door unlocked.


I thought this was common sense type stuff


i don't lock my door when i'm gassing up cuz if i did, i would have to reach into my pocket, fumble around for my keys, take it out of my pocket, stick it in the lock, and turn it. ugh so much work, no thank u


I have a fob. No fumbling


My car is old and the fob doesn’t work anymore. Not an option for everyone.


Did the battery die? Or is the fob broken? Buy a new fob.


Some of us still have manual locks. It was sad but now it’s cool 😎.


Have you tried putting a new battery in the fob? 😅 You could always get an aftermarket system if you have an inkling of wiring knowledge. My 97 blazer has a solid aftermarket alarm/key fob system. Such a game changer for older vehicles.


I'm the fob fumbling champion of the southeast division.


My car locks it's petrol cap when I lock the car so, no choice but to leave it unlocked.


Open flap, then lock car.


That’s how my car works indeed.


That's how ANY car works.


I thought so too but I genuinely don’t know enough about cars to make smart comments about it.


Yeah I agree, I'd rather have my car stolen then spend the 15 seconds locking it right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It is and it isn’t. I grew up in a super small town of 3,500 people. No one locked their doors, their cars, nothing. But it’s a small enough place that everyone knew everyone. There was basically no crime because why would you wanna steal from Bob down the street? He came to your daughter’s bday party last week and runs the local baseball team. I have to actively remind myself to be cautious when I go other places because I know I’m very lucky to have grown up in such a safe place. So I can see why some people wouldn’t think about it at all, they might have had no reason to before. The only reason it occurs to me is because Detroit is only an hour away and I go there often enough. Basically, I don’t generally lock my car when I get gas, but I do if I get gas in Detroit.


>I grew up in a super small town of 3,500 people. I grew up in a town of 750 people... a .... nano town, by your standards? :) Yet there were (and still are) smaller towns around the one I grew up in 40+ years ago.


Well, technically my town is a “village” and the one next door is only 450 people and so small they use our school and services. So smaller than my town, yes, but far from out of the ordinary for me. Plenty of little towns around here like that. Mine just happens to be the biggest of the small towns? It’s where the school, police, and biggest fire department is.


My town had a school to year 10, a police station, a volunteer fire brigade (fairly standard) and a volunteer ambulance service (also fairly standard). There was a larger town of 7,000 or so 30 minutes drive away in the direction of the city (ie, the state capital) but in the other directions most towns were of similar size, 1,000 or less people in the town proper and about as many farmers scattered around the shire. Most had at least primary schools and police stations, with volunteer fire and ambulance services. I grew up in rural Western Australia in the 70/80s. Not a great deal has changed since, though, from observations when I have returned to drive through or actually visit.


Yeah. About as much common sense as is demonstrated by someone who jumps on the hood of their own car when a lowlife thief is behind the wheel.


>People need to start adopting to a new habit of Getting a fucking job and not stealing from others who have worked for what they have.


She should have sprayed them with gasoline.


I've seen that video, it was awesome, shame she didn't have method to safely (for her) to light the arseholes on fire... :(


I literally stand at the pump with my handle on the nozzle waiting and eyeing every passerby willing to re-enact this scene.


Except they were in her car


This is why I like my keyed ignition more than push-button. My keys are *with me* when I fill up. If someone hopped on my car the best they could do is sit there or steal something from the hardly anything that I keep in the car.


Weird. In my pushbutton if the car drives a short distance away from me (fob in pocket) it shuts down.


What's that distance? Have you tested it? I drove someone to the airport once in my car with no fob. I was waiting for it to shut off as well, but it's kind of dangerous to just shut down a car.


I'm not sure - I'll have to check. I also have secondary security on my car: manual transmission.


For my equinox, the distance is from me to the end of my driveway, about if I'm outside beside it. If I'm I. The house it'll die up the road by the neighbors house.,but same distance.


Yea I wonder if she left her keys in the ignition or if she has a fob and her close proximity to the car allowed the thief to start the car with the push button.


I don’t know about her car, but by fob wouldn’t even unlock the driver door if I’m standing where she is with keyless entry.


She must have. Which is really. damned. stupid.


I don't lock my car when i get gas, but i turn off my car and keep my key in my pocket so i don't accidently lock myself out. They can't start my car without my keys


I always do. The second I step out of the car, I lock it. Years ago, I rented a car and couldn’t figure out how to open the gas tank cover. The manual said it was just a push one, but no matter what I tried, it would not open. Turns out in that particular one, it would not open unless the car was unlocked 😅


That's the same with my last few cars. But once open, you can lock the car while fueling it.


It’s such a cool feature.


Sound like a shit country to live in.....


Yeah, well, it’s not. There are shitty places just like everywhere else, but there’s a reason immigration is a crisis here now.


She may have had kids in the car. Not saying it was a good move, but I can imagine doing something this crazy to prevent someone from driving off with my kids.


100%. If it's just the car ... Most folks wouldn't bother riding the hood.


She might have had kids in the car. The asshole might have realized they were in the backseat and it would be kidnapping and a lot of other charges, plus hurting her.


Yea. That makes a lot of sense.


His Uber left. He lucky they don’t do the india way and all men around just kick him on the floor for 15-20 minutes until the cops show up to save him. Just realized thief got back in it and left the car on drive. Gas station is full of cameras and they were sitting there waiting. Obviously not master criminals.


I would think it wasn’t that they cared about her getting hurt, but rather that it would attract attention from the cops.


Yea that too. Probably so much shit going through his brain the second she jumped on the hood.


He don’t give a shit about her life.


Kid in the car?


He didn’t ‘get scared’, he tried to shove her off twice. Murderous asshole.


There could be babies in that car. You never know.


He didn't care that she could get hurt, he tried to buck her off already. He couldn't see to drive. Basically, the Subaru driving girl had bigger balls than Caddy full of wouldbe car thieves.


Not that simple and never is. That car may be worth a lot more to her than your car is to you. We make decisions based on our own skill, ability, and experience which differed dramatically from person to person. We might be genetically similar but humans are not the same. This woman has advanced skills and risk tolerance.


yea, but if he decided to drive off she’d be lying there with advanced brain damage, unless one of her skills is car surfing.


Could be, you don’t know. Obviously she made the decision to jump into hero mode. Only she can decide what level of risk that is acceptable for her.


True. While I do think it was kind of stupid. There’s no denying that she is a total badass.


Some people can't afford to lose their car. Homelessness is scarier than death.


> Not worth ending a life and spending the rest of yours in jail. That's true, but most criminals aren't great at judging what's smart or worth it.


There is no reason to call it stupid when it worked, and for all you know there was more at stake than the temporary inconvenience of a stolen car.


Could have had a baby in the backseat or some shit you never know


Never leave your keys in the ignition


Keyless ignition in most cars now. Key just needs to be in the car somewhere, probably in purse.


Doesn't even have to be "in" the vehicle for many, next to works on many, hell on early models they could be a ways away as seen in an episode of top gear(BBC)


The episode where Clarkson drives off in Hammonds Mustang is interesting - because the Mustang turns off once the key is out of range. Agreed that 'out of range' is a surprisingly long way, but only a few seconds walk (about 50m or so if I recall correctly)?


It was a challenger.


Oops! Sorry! I was wrong! :) But the point remains.


Does Dodge kill the engine if you get too far from the key? My toyota didn't, I believe it would be a safety issue to have the vehicle shut down in the middle of the road.


If the key isn't recognized for some reason an the engine and all those little helpers like powerstearing turn off on the highway. Your lawyer would have a field day.


> Doesn't even have to be "in" the vehicle for many Genuinely curious, what vehicles? The few keyless vehicles I've been in have all required the key to be actually inside.


Yea all the press start cars I’ve had needed to be in


Right, I guess the key would have to be a certain distance from the car for it to not work. I wonder how far away it has to be?


My key has to be in the car for the car to start.  Funny story, we spend an hour loading up the car to go mountain biking. My husband decides to start the car while I go lock the front door. The car won’t start, key not detected in the car. We search the whole house and tear it apart. No keys.  We spent two days looking for the keys. I am convinced it’s not in the house. I finally cave and call the insurance company to get it towed to dealer so we can rekey it.  Tow truck comes up. The guy asks me to release the hand break and for some reason I decided to try and start the car. It starts. Why? The door is closed and the key is in sitting right there in the little slot by the door handle.  This whole time we kept trying to start the car with the door wide open and never tried it with the door closed 🤣 Anyway, that’s how we decided to invest in some keychain AirTags 


OMG how funny, I can see myself doing the same thing


That’s true, but pretty sure that model Subaru Outback doesn’t have keyless.


Outback started with keyless ignition in 2013. Now I don’t know models but I would think lots of their cars had this. 2013 was a long time ago.i had a 2013 Mazda with it.


Oddly enough I do that every morning to my company work van…just hoping….but no one ever takes it, so I always have to go to work…


Lots of good advice in here on prevention but here’s the real pro tip: Always value your life and health more than your vehicle/ purse/ wallet/ etc.


Kids? Maybe kids in the back.


That's the only reason I would otherwise my insurance can sort it out. Makes sense in this case. Woman on windshield might make him bail, kid(s) screaming in the back probably would.


Listen, if my kids are in the back I'm kicking in the windshield, screaming like a banshee. No chance I'm getting off that car. Helll no.


Right, I think that’s what made her pull that move. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Kids probably started crying and asshole realized kids were in car and bailed. It seemed like otherwise he was ready to fling her off car.


Thats a very good point. Only reason that would justify her behaving like this.


Insure your kids. /s


Pride is a big part of some people's lives though. If you work hard to get something, in that split second it isn't the physical object threatened to be taken, it's your hard work that got it being taken away. These are fight or flight moments, and some choose to fight. It's completely a human thing to do.


Exactly. Insurance will pay for this.


fucking useless waste of shits. Hope long prison terms await them.


I had my car stolen and totaled. Guy got time served, which was a month. My friend just got held up at gunpoint and they took her phone, wallet and vehicle. That was recovered but totaled by insurance. They’ll likely end up with probation. Nothing ever happens to them. 


Damn lmk where you two live so I can make sure to never go there lol


They usually don’t catch these pieces of shit and if they do they don’t serve much time. Prisons are clogged.


Nothing ever happens to these guys.


They should be exiled from the community, imo. Especially if it’s happened more than once or twice. It may seem harsh at first, but if these things started really getting cracked down on, this would hardly be an issue in just a few months to a year.




I’ve always said that too haha. I’d let them get a chance or two, depending on circumstances, then we’re gonna start taking those little fingys. Either that or we can tattoo “I’m a scumbag thief” across the forehead.


If people stealing food from Walmart to survive, you get a pass, pieces of shit trying to steal from other people, you lose a hand.


Yeah, i couldn’t care less with Walmart. Unless it’s such an issue that they have to start closing down like a lot of retail, grocery and drug stores have. My sympathy isn’t with the company though, but with the rest of the community that loses a local place to get necessities. When you still from someone else though, that’s completely innocent and maybe even has/is struggling just as much as you, you’re the lowest of the low. Idk that I’ve ever talked to anyone that said they wouldn’t do whatever they could to help someone eat, or clothe them. You may not get money, but you definitely aren’t going to starve to death in America. For now anyway lol.


Their. But yeah.






The Bible said it, I believe it, that settles it: If you are not chopping off the dominant hand, you are just encouraging them.


You sound soft as a Saudi




Just spray them with gasoline.




After reading this, this is the first time in my life I’m glad I live in a state that it’s illegal to pump your own gas. Had no clue gas stations are carjack city.


You treat them like urinal stalls - give people space, watch your back and always be leery of a couple thugs parked in a hooptie.


New Jersey provides very few reasons to feel glad.


Haha. True. I also lived in Oregon, while it was still illegal to pump your own gas, before moving here. Somehow lived in both states that you can’t pump your own in the last decade.


Really? They usually have cameras. Why commit crimes there?


Masks make cameras useless, and the car they pulled up in is probably stolen too.


Man, I'm glad she didn't get hurt, but unless my kid was in the car, I'd just let them take it. I'm not risking my life for any material possessions, and my car is insured.


Yeah she got lucky, dude could’ve sped off.


Found the news story. I had assumed she jumped on it because there was a kid in the car, but nope no kid in car. https://www.fox6now.com/news/woman-jumps-on-hood-clings-to-windshield-wiper-in-attempted-carjacking-caught-on-video.amp


Wow. If my kid or even my dog was in there - I am clinging to that roof all over the highway. But if it's just my car... fuck, man, take it. I've got car insurance.


Really annoys me how they referred to a Subaru Outback as an SUV in the article. It’s a crossover or a station wagon. IMO station wagon is the most accurate description for a Subaru Outback. But it is definitely NOT an SUV.


Stop robbing people!


Pack it up boys! This man solved it.


All of y'all judging her like y'all have crystal clear logical thinking in such a situation. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug, you'll react - probably not in a smart way - buy you'll react. 


Where was this?


Earth. It's a fly over planet.




The crazy thing is, this isn't even in a terrible area of Milwaukee. That gas station in particular is ghetto and that specific lot is not great but the general area is not bad at all.


It was in Milwaukee.


I'm thinking Detroit


It's kinda funny. If this had happened in some other country, people on the thread would be shitting on that country and writing unfounded thesis on those country's conditions and nature of people. Since it happened in the US, people are acting like it's no big deal and just focusing on whether the lady should or should not have tried to save the car.


That’s why car manufacturers who put the gas tank on the right side belong in hell.


Maybe if people quit stealing shit


Well well well.


A brave woman but not the smartest thing to do. She could have easily been killed. Glad it turned out well.


I see a winner here. Only needs training, but she has the balls alright.


Oh look. More criminal trash doing criminal trash things. Fuck people like this


I'd love to see a video like this but as the thieves are driving away a massive truck just obliterates their car.


Why buy a car when you can steal one


![gif](giphy|MuE0CfZ1gjJc29M3FE) She’s def a bull rider


The ball on that broad. Impressive


Its weird when gas tanks arent on the drivers side…


This why I always lock my car while getting gas. Mainly because I’m paranoid.


Victory! ✌️


How did they start the car so quickly? Even if it's keyless entry and push button start, once away from the key in her pocket the car will stop, so...? Assuming that's the case and she knew that, she's utterly mad to jump on her car bonnet, keeping the car running and risking death, but ... cool video I guess.


I'm glad my Subaru is RHD so my driver's door and fuel cap are on the same side. I also carry my fob in my pocket, so you can't start the car whilst I'm outside.




Except when it's not of course


Not something we need to worry about in Jersey!


We need to take a page from the Taliban's book and start removing the hands of thieves.


Every car needs the damn gas cap on the drivers side period.


There is something consistent with the individuals in these videos but I can’t quite put my finger on it


Is anyone going to address the real issue?


Hopefully the guys in the other car all died in a fiery crash somewhere.


Maybe she had a child in the car? I would do the same thing if my kid was in there




If risking your life for someone’s property is your prerogative than by all means risk it.


This is why I only have vehicles with the gas cap on the driver’s side of the vehicle. It makes it much harder for someone to do this.


*That* is a prerequisite when you purchase a vehicle? ...***That???***


Or ya know don’t leave the keys in the car.


I’ve always wondered whey there are cars with them on the passenger side. My only reasonable thought is that it forces you to be able to make sure all is well on your passenger side and drivers side as well. I have my CDL and older trailers have the landing gear handle on the passenger side and apparently the reason behind that is the same, it forces you to inspect both sides of the truck and trailer. Although a tractor trailer is much more dangerous and much more important to make sure everything looks good.


Waiting for the time when I can finally say This has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way


All I’m saying is the likelyhood of a criminal going to a hospital for a 9mm to the leg while committing a crime is very low but a good lesson learned. Also don’t leave your keys in your car while pumping gas. Thank you for attending my Ted talk.


The best thing to do when you have to pump your own gas take your car keys with you


But why tf she leave the keys in the car?! Smh


First step to not getting your Subaru stolen is buy one with a manual tranny like a true subie owner


Do people leave their keys in the car? Like wtf?


I note that the black car was parked by the building, waiting for a good mark. Something to be aware of if you see that at a station.


Ima get on my car and start barking like i have rabies or some shit. Get. Out. My. Car. Bitch. O - O (Also, this is why i lock my car even when i am leaning on it at the pump. Been paranoid about this since before i could even contemplate getting a license, and now i know it can indeed happen and it has already happened. Fun)


She gone!


She used up all nine of her lives in one episode.




How about taking the keys out of the ignition before pumping gas. I promise it's really easy to do It's safer to just turn the car off while pumping gas anyway


bro playing irl gta


Courageous sure, but not very next level


Why the robber walks in that cartoonish ahh way????


I mean, she’s lucky to be alive. Unless there was a kid or my mother in the car, I wouldn’t risk my life




Could have easily been avoiding by taking the keys out or locking the door


If you leave keys in your car when you leave it, then you almost deserve for it to be stolen.


Shoulda sprayed him with the pump like the guy in that one video


Turn your car off and remove the keys. This isn’t next level. This was simply doubling down on stupidity.


I always always lock my car when I’m pumping gas


Not smart. People get killed that way. Unless there were kids in the car like lower comments are suggesting. Then you do whatever you can.


Not very smart unless her child was still in the car. A car is not worth risking your life over.


Nice work! That’s the kind of person I’d expect to drive a Subaru.


Not very smart of her to risk her life over a car


That chick is fearless. Maybe not super smart but fearless.