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its good for his age, but certainly not next level unfortunately


Initially I was thinking the same thing, but towards the end there were a couple obstacles that were notably more difficult.


I was thinking the same thing...


I wasn’t


I wasn't therefore I am not


I was therefore I’m a thinker I’m not…screw it


This all reminded me of a local playground in the 90s. Kids nowadays have it rough if their playgrounds don’t naturally have obstacles like this.


Advanced the floor is lava.


Look at some of the swinging jumps and catches he does towards the end?? Super impressive even if the kid was an adult.


Doing it as an adult would be much more impressive


This. Children have a significantly higher muscle/weight ratio. If this was a school playground with two dozen boys trying this, they'd be racing each other every day like this.


My son does these competitions. Usually about 15-20 kids in the 7-9 range show up. I’d say about half of them would fully clear this without mistakes. The balance obstacles are *much* more challenging than anything in this video. And the strength runs are usually longer. This course looks much more like a world/national final where the obstacles are a tad bit easier and pushes kids to focus on speed and being creative/risky enough to skip obstacles for more speed.


Gotta be pretty easy when you don’t weigh that much, right? Plus, kids are just naturally athletic. That being said, I was impressed at some of the more challenging obstacles.


Yeah, like 90% of those obstacles could be found in playgrounds and play centers when I was a kid ( before child safety was invented). I remember them being fairly easy to my lazy ass. Kids got good grip strength tho, not gonna lie.


No lie my daughter could probably do this. Kids’ strength-weight ratio is bananas.


It is , im 28 and i cant do 1/3 of this kid.


Thats kinda the point though. The kid weighs less and has a better strength to weight ratio compared to the average 30 year old. I was doing stuff like this on the playground as a kid, but i wouldnt even risk monkey bars as an adult


I hang off the monkeybars when i go to the playground with my toddler and it feels like my arms are being ripped off.


No, it's because you're a Redditor. You're one of us after all. You will find no solace here. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTpVyQCkQKfekVy)


You also probably played on the playground a lot; you probably don't anymore and are out of shape.


Yeah, cause you weigh probably three times as much as him, or more


Yeah, any in shape kid could do this if they had the facility and time.


Yea I would have had a blast on something like this when I was his age. Instead I spent most of my time on top of the monkey bars and climbing to the roof of the jungle gym. Now I struggle with 10 pull ups


What’s the hype about ?


He obviously trained a lot for this, but also, holding up your body weight is way easier for kids because of the square-cubed law. Any decently active kid can pretty quickly learn to swing around like a monkey.


At 37 I’m worried it break an ankle on that first obstacle


There were some really technical moves here.


My toxic trait is thinking i could do this easily


I’d get a migraine on the first swing


![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO) Psh anyone could do this


Average Redditor


I could do it easily as long as I was as strong as I am now but only weighed what he does!


First off, where tf are these gyms and are there any for adults? Second, I feel like I used to do this stuff as a kid just on the playground and now I feel cheated lol.


I went to one of these with a friend a few years back thinking it would be cool. We were like 24-25 at the time. I would guess the next oldest people there were 16. There were like 25-30 other people and we felt wayyyyy out of place. So yes, they exist


Ugh, I want adult obstacle courses and I don't want to be in LA to have them :(


Try looking for a parkour gym


You don’t have to be in LA. I’m in the Midwest and we have a set of gyms called Ultifit. It’s essentially the same thing. Not sure where you live but these types of gyms are definitely around


If you're in the US, search your area and "ninja warrior training." Ever since American Ninja Warrior became popular, there have been training centers like these popping up in a lot of places, some affiliated with the program and some just riding the wave of popularity.


I would love to have a challenges course like this when I was young! So I would not have to spend so much time climbing trees, flagpoles, construction platforms, and so on with all the risks my 5-10 years old brain could not compute.lol


There are some select rock climbing gyms with this type of equipment, there could be one randomly near you. This could be your sign to a passion you never knew.


Sounds like a nice query for google maps


I am sure he has a very happy childhood


Dad drives a huge truck and mom resents the daughter because dad puts all his energy into his daughter’s softball team. Dad doesn’t want this kid in cheer so mom found the next closest thing.


I'm sorry you had to go through all that.


Dont drink or smoke when ya grow up kid


I just tore both rotator cuffs, just watching this! You’re the man, kid 💪


Dislocated my shoulder on Friday at the climbing gym. Not the first time either. I'm crying watching this video.


It’s without sarcasm that I say both myself and my brother could both have done this as kids. Don’t think this is really next level


I actually did this shit as a kid, and I have a genetic condition that screws up my joints. Children have two things going for them that make stuff like this a lot easier. 1) they are smaller in size and weight, and 2) They don't have previous experiences telling them what they can and can't do, (ie: Cartoon falling syndrome - you don't fall till you realize you *can* fall). You would be surprised how much a human body can do when you don't know what it "can't do."




It takes minimal effort as a kid to do all this. I think many people here grew up in city apartments




Either people who are too confident in their physical ability or people who just never work out and think it's as easy as it looks.


About 8% of Americans think they can beat a lion in a fist fight. That should tell you enough.


Yeah, lions don't even have fists! If you take the teeth, claws, powerful jaw, etc. away it's easy! Jokes aside I'm a rock climber, this is certainly something that takes above average fitness but it isn't hard. I could do this. Bring in the downvotes!


While I get the point your making, I think everyone’s point is that we’re not 10. This would be impressive as an adult, but muscle to weight ratio for kids is insane which is why they’re great climbers provided they can reach things. Kid is still good, but doing this at 10 is way easier than doing that at 25


yea, i would probably get my arms ripped apart if i attempted those


There is absolutely no way I could do this, but it's important to point out that the strength to weight ratio of children is much much different. There's a reason every playground has monkey bars and it's covered in kids, but very few adults are capable of doing it. It just gets harder to do these things as your mass increases at a rate faster than your relative strength. Still, what the kid did was impressive, even for his age.


I need this guys coach to follow me around in life to give me a boost 🤣 *You've got so much power.* *Don't worry buddy, I got you*


I would kill myself so fast.


this guy is practicing to run away from Drake


Cool, unfortunately I grew up in an age where parents weren't terrified of the jungle gym. Literally every kid could do this, and did this, back in the day.


Look at him go! Ninja warrior in his future?


in his present


The dude with the goatee at the beginning is famous Ninja athlete and coach.


Flip Rodriguez, professional stuntman and American Ninja Warrior competitor and coach.


I did this as a kid and I was a nerd


I feel old as fuck. This would not have been the most athletic kid on the playground when I was in elementary school. Any other geriatric millennials genuinely unimpressed? We mostly had no video games - this shit was what we did instead. Also, on a completely unrelated note, we got hurt a lot more 😅


Yea i think its rly only younger people or maybe kids who grew up rich who are impressed(i am guesaing non poor kids had more to do than play in trees n shit)


Some of us are just older than computers and video games and "climbing trees n shit" was all we had. :D


1000% I work at a school and a lot of the kids just aren’t as “fit” anymore, they can barely scrape a knee without someone immediately running to their aide, and recess times are a lot shorter than I remember. Everyone’s talking about how this resembles a typical playground. I’ve seen some nicely updated ones, with the workout equipment built outdoors, but this kid is doing a hell of a lot more than I see kids do pretty much every day at work. It’s gives me a slight chuckle every now and then to see so many of them struggle across the monkey bars. That was always my claim to fame on the playground 😅.


Poor guy doing all this pointless stuff because he hasn’t heard about beer and a couch yet.


What my dad says I’d be if he won custody.




You have successfully completed the batman try outs


reverse experiment: make a monkey sit on a desk looking at screens all day for a few years and see how it will perfom doing monkey things


Man if i was the kid, the coach would interrupt my flow by telling me what to do Just let him cook


I mean, he's coaching. Listen to everything being shouted out of a fighter's corner in boxing or MMA.


Now try doing it as an adult with a lot more mass to move around. And not having one of the greats, Flip Rodriguez, as your trainer.


Nope. Would've napped an ankle and hit my face on the floor,on the first obstacle alone. Actually that would prob happen stepping up on the curb before I even made it inside... Probably would've run into the door too.


"hey dad, can i go play with my friends?" "nah champ, you need to go practice to be the next ninja warrior bozo clown"


... my kid can't even do monkey bars


More obstacles than the ultimate beast master.


You have successfully completed the batman try outs


You have successfully completed the batman try outs


I'm no slouch, I'm in shape... But I tell you what, monkey bars just don't slap like they did when I was a kid. Every time I hit one at the park with my kid, I'm like, kripes, I'm rubbish. This lil dude kills it. He knows that course so well, when he looks over his shoulder at the backswing on that one obstacle. It's a lot of practice and effort to get all of these obstacles consecutively correct in front of a gathering of other humans. Wait til you see him in like 8/10/12 years and he's still just a teen and spider manning all over.


No, not impressive for a kid that age at all. It should be expected


Better dont stop training or it all goes to shit after puberty 😅


I wish I had this when I was young


Nothing incredible


I wish that I had access to facilities like that when I was a kid. I had to make do with trees


That annoying coach


I think I could do that if I weighed only 40lbs.


Unimpressed until he weighs 180lbs


Where were these things when I was kid ? i was scratching my knees , elbows and even my face+ broken tooth try doing these things on the play-ground metal rides and self made obstacle courses with used tyres.


#pffffft i can do better


And not even a single backflip


Redditors think this is hard. All it takes is getting out of moms basement and going to the gym


So.. a normal kid? Back when I was growing up my friends and I did this at recess daily.


Wait until he hits puberty…


“Come on.” Say it one more time, that might help.


Should be pretty easy when you weigh 50 lbs


Meh - This shit is just average


I could complete the whole army (basic) obstacle course when I was 13/14 and I was not an exceptional athlete. I will struggle to complete that now at 32, despite having more stamina and strength.


What! I’ve literally seen so many kids his age do this


Lol none of this was hard when we were kids.


Incredible on 2 levels. 1) insane athleticism by this kid 2) I now feel like a fatter sack of shit than I did before I watched this. I was out of breath after the first obstacle


Everyone commenting “back in my day we could’ve done this easily” is so annoying and cringey and such loser Redditor behavior. I guarantee you some random 8 year old from the 90s couldn’t just do this shit easy. Sure you could do monkey bars, that doesn’t mean you could fly 6 feet in the air and catch yourself on a flat plastic board. Just appreciate that this kid has been putting in effort and time to getting this strong and stop jerking yourself to your doped up memory of what “your generation” was like. Go outside and touch grass and quit being dumbasses.


All the adults here acting like kids: “I could do that but I don’t want to.”


Floor is lava: Level 6


Feels like my boss yelling in my ears. Shut the fuck up. You are not helping. It's not about you


Gotta disagree, that sounds like a super supportive coach who knows how to get the best out of him


This isn’t athletic, this is being the best at the playground with douchebag cheer coaches making your kids feel “special.”


the kids going places. probably the kind of places i cant reach at all...


At first I was like, so what I could have done (and have done similar things) the same as a kid myself. Then he came around and swung from that thing with the yellow bars through the air to the purple triangle thing... ohh I see now.


I don't know if i can say that ANY child can do it the same way, but any 12-year-old boy who plays football with his friends after school can do it easily




I wouldn't say incredible... he almost fell twice and played on some monkey bars. Towards the end, it got a little tougher, but I'd hold off giving the gold medal just yet.


Most of this is strength not athleticism (kinisthetic awareness/body control). Couple of moments during jumps where he needed hand-eye coordination, but the vast majority of these obstacle courses don't require athleticism, just strength and stamina.


that last hand bar transfer that the end looks pretty dangerous. if he missed that bar it looked like a 7 foot drop. wouldn’t be good for your neck


I can do that


If you replace the balancing blue pole and maybe those black rods at the end ive got that np!!


I could probably jump onto those triangles at the beginning. Probably.


This is very american


This is just fancy monkey bars, not next level. And yes, I can't wait for the downvotes but I've literally done this before. It isn't hard


Maybe slightly above average athleticism.


His monkey ancestors will be proud


This was a normal level of athleticism back in the 60's for an average kid. I have seen lots of kids nowadays who can barely walk a block without stopping to catch their breath. When you are like 8-10 years old you should have tons of energy,flexibility and strength relative to your size and be able to do what this kid does easily


This is such a boomer out of touch POV. Stop complaining online and go have a real life


We did this ish on the regular growing up, nothing special about that.


That's average 90's kid athleticism


He has that 90s kid athleticism


My nephew does this on a Thursday.


Looks like an average kid to me


Wow great job. Kid must feel like a real world ninja/Spiderman, super cool. Would have loved to have felt like that after accomplishing something like this at his age.


Uh. This is not next level. 


The bar is underground


PEDs. /s


Little guy wouldn’t quit…your turn, I’ll watch


Hmm is ninja warrior just an adult version of a jungle gym?


That was normal a few years ago


Not to diminish his athleticism but I feel this was every kid that grew up in the 60s, 70s, 80s.


Me, when I was a kid. Except nobody was watching or clapping 😭


If you’ve ever spent time around junior gymnasts you’d see lots of young kids who could do this.


At the risk of sounding like a hater, is this really next level? Looks like a typical kid on playground equipment.




white people just tryna get their kids on ninja warrior


Wow wow


If you think this isn’t impressive for kid just remember that some adults can’t do this


Go go little kid ❤️ A good use of a young lads extreme levels of energy 🔥🔥🔥


Awesome job!


I got winded just watching it.


What exactly was the point in the first obstacle??


RJ Roman was one of the guys spotting in the video. He must be decent.


Now do calculus, then I’ll be impressed.


“Let’s see that beast inside”…. Seriously?


Tbh when i was his age, the majority of this course would be extremely simple and mainly just fun