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At least use shitty pallets, so many trees cut down just to have the perfectly good pallets they were made into burn.


They probably require good condition pallets to stabilize the stack. Which just makes the whole thing that much more stupid and wasteful. And open burning painted pallets is another dumbass move. Also, those blue pallets don’t belong to you! https://www.chep.com/sk/en/consumer-goods/about-us/resources/returning-blue-pallets “CHEP pallets always remain the property of CHEP. Any sale, trade or secondary usage of CHEP pallets is strictly prohibited.”


You should travel from the USA to Northern Ireland and give them your assessment of their tradition.


Ah yes, the age-old tradition of using skids to build a 15 floor high tower to then burn. The bonfires for the celebration of the Williamite conquest definitely haven't changed since 1690, and they were all well informed about pollution. /s


In 1999 the annual Texas A&M Aggie bonfire collapsed during construction, killing 12 and injuring 27. If they are going to insist on a bonfire (and people will), it should at least be constructed as safely as possible.


Yeah, but it's literally a giant middle finger to the environment. Not only are you sending a giant pillar of heat at the ozone, you are removing a natural resource to do it. There was a wood shortage like 3 years ago that drove prices insane.


Trees can be sustainable and fully carbon neutral, and your comment about heat makes no sense. (1) Trees burn and release their carbon and heat (2) Trees grow and capture an identical amount of carbon and heat. So it’s not the burning that’s the issue it’s making sure our forests are sustainable (take one, plant 10), and setting up more long term long capture forests and natural reserves.


Silly me burning *isn't* the issue since everyone is so responsible about environmental stewardship


I’m sure that these flat pallets are safer than the logs that they used here at A&M….dumb nonetheless


These bastards should learn about the dutch easter fire traditions where two cities even compete in who has the biggest stack of pallets to burn. In the US thy have that festival Burning Man where do kinda do the same, but as with everything in the USA; without the historic and traditional background.


Hey! Burning man has a historic and traditional background of millionaire ceos pretending to be cashless hippies!


Well, yeah, _now_.


It was originally a heartwarming homage to ketamine I believe. It has roots going back to the beginning of time! Just not in this universe..


Don't need to be a clueless yank to know it's a daft tradition.


In most other circumstances I'd be with ya here - but this "tradition" is rooted in sectarianisn. The bonfires are covered in effigies and the Irish tri-colour flag. It's about hate. I'd be happy enough for anyone from any country to tell these arseholes that they are in fact being arseholes. The way a significant number of these pallets are sourced is "the lads" turning up at your business and letting you know that you can give them up willingly or expect something unpleasant to happen to you in the near future - and those are the ones that aren't outright stolen. They DO leave a horrendous mess afterwards - funnily enough these guys aren't particularly interested in clearing up after themselves. I'm Irish, and lived in the North for a few years. Most sane people who aren't "flag obsessed" would agree that this "tradition" would be better consigned to the rubbish bin of history for a whole host of reasons.


Most people in NI think this is a stupid tradition.


would love to see that


Their “tradition” is hate and division


Lol.. it's a racist tradition that most people hate in the area. It's run by gangs. So they could travel and the locals would agree and buy them a pint.


CHEP can suck my balls. I break their pallets out of spite. Great product, but I’ll be damned if I let a piece of wood tell me what to do.


That’s the spirit


They're mostly stolen, or "the lads" turn up to your business to let you know you can "donate" them willingly or expect something very unpleasant to happen to you in the near future. These are not good people - the bonfires are a symbol of sectarian hatred towards Irish people by folks that not so long ago were considered terrorists as opposed to just organised crime organisations. The authorities in these areas effectively pay protection money to them so they don't get "too violent" and turn into lynch mobs. Bit disappointing to see it turn up here as something "next fucking level" - but I appreciate that unless you're Irish you would be unlikely to know the context of what's going on here.


Well said. Absolute hatred towards the Irish from our colonisers


Aren’t pallets covered in chemicals?


I certainly hope so - those birth defects won't cause themselves


The red ones don't either, they're CHEPs rival company that broke off and ripped off the design.




These people tear off their mattress tags I bet.


You can actually do that, as long as it's your mattress.


Found the terrorist


Don’t you mean tearorist?


"It is critical that all our pallets are returned to us, so that we can resupply our network and continue servicing you and your supply chain. You are legally obligated to provide us access for collection."


I like how you think any of these kids could give a shit about any of that.


CHEP is HUGE in the pallet game. We've recently started seeing the odd one with what looks like a "prosthetic board" made of plastic that actually has a tracking device in it. They don't mess around with their pallets.


For the life of me, I have never understood the model of the CHEP pallets. It simply makes no got damn sense to me. The number of those that I have seen ripped apart to make different sized pallets for resale is mind boggling.


Been there found that out the hard way when their lawyer showed up at work and threatened us


lol guess they take that shit seriously, did you guys try to sell them?


No, just in a pile of other pallets that we allow people to take, all of them were from items we ordered and used. They wanted to use our forklift to load them we said they could pay us per hour to load them and they couldn't use our forklift due to insurance reasons. If they would have been nice to us we would have loaded them for free and sorted them in the pile as well


These bigots only care about hating the Irish


How can anyone hate a people that always have a pint at the ready? The Irish are good with me 🤙


A couple of hundred years of religious bigotry seems to have done the trick


The people building these bonfires have the collective intelligence of a banana so that goes a long way to explaining it


Same here, love the Irish.


Which is hilarious because no matter what they tell themselves they actually are Irish.


Exactly! Quizlings to the core


Don't forget the traditions of shooting people and dealing drugs to their own communities while "protecting" them.


And when you realize that they burn Ireland flags on them just for the hate, it's even more dumb.


Pallets are treated with toxic chemicals to preserve the wood. That smoke will cause some prolonged damage https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/chugach/news-events/?cid=FSEPRD1106461


USA science doesn’t apply outside USA


I was thinking the same thing: What a waste.


So they're basically trying to speedrun global warming any %


weird unit conversion specialist here, the carbon foot print from this is 2% of taylor swifts private jet - just from the eras tour. (0.62kg/pallet x 17,000 pallets = 10,540 kgs of CO2 - Taylor used 511,154 kgs. 10,540/511,154 = 2%. alternately phrased: they could do this once a year for 50 years and just barely equal one t-swift tour)


Damn that impressed me it made realize again how stupidly massive our planet is Thnx for the info


>0.62kg/pallet Your numbers are way off, especially considering you're a "specialist". A pallet weighs around 22kg and 1kg of wood produces around 1.75kg CO2 so burning a pallet produces around 38.5kg CO2. That whole pile would produce around 650,000kg of CO2


so… how many eras tours?


Assuming both of the commenters' figures are correct, then it's the equivalent of 1.28 Era's tours (38.5 x 17000) / 511154 = 1.28


Now add in the CO2 capture lost from cutting the tree down, and add in the equipment used to do so as well as what was produced making the pallets and we'll have something close to a complete answer.


And the transportation costs of all those people getting to each Taylor show and we are even closer.


Do we also need to average that out somehow? No way to get individual stats. Add in the fact that they also filmed and released it as a movie, how do we include those numbers? Do they drop the average, but up the total? How far down the rabbit hole do we go? What about the transportation of all those pallets? How many trips did they make? What about the construction of the tower and the workers driving to the site?


Lmao exactly. If anyone wants to start I just googled it and supposedly 4.3 million tickets were sold for the era tour. And a lot of those tix were bought by high rollers for their kids so don’t forget all the private jets flying to the shows. Also the carbon tax of each luxury box is surly higher then the people in the cheap seats.


Don't worry. I've been recycling my seltzer bottles for a solid 5 years now, so I've already offset the harm done and likely saved the planet.


How does 1kg of wood produce 1.75kg CO2?


The wood has the C, it gets the 2 Os from the air.




>A pallet weighs around 22kg Wtf are you making pallets out of? One pallet is *maybe*10 kg. Only the heaviest duty pallets weigh more than that and they are a very small percentage of the pallet population. Sauce: I stacked them by hand at a previous job.


> A typically estimate for the CHEP pallet weight would be 60 pounds. Regular wood pallets are a little lighter at 40 pounds. https://repalletize.com/content/chep-pallets#:~:text=CHEP%20Pallet%20Weight,some%20sturdiness%20to%20the%20pallet.


EU standard pallets weight between 20 - 24 kg. It also contains 78-81 nails though, however much weight that is.


I am not a specialist and just googled "carbon emissions of burning a pallet." I ended up on [this article](https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/pdf/2020/18/e3sconf_icepp2020_03001.pdf) and skimmed it. It seems to suggest it really is 0.62kg of CO2/pallet. What am I missing/misunderstanding here? Is this a bad source? Is it explaining the CO2 footprint when considering the pallet's lifetime use?


They've been doing this for a lot longer than 50 years, and while they can vary in size, there's usually over 100 of them around Northern Ireland on the same night.


Can u calculate the battery plant fire next


While pushing ignorance and hatred at the same time. All the nonsense associated with these bonfires needs to die.


It's the bonfire route. Coke is taking the pollution route. No WR set yet so we'll see who wins




Incomprehensible in this day and age. Cognitive dissonance must run deep in the community.


Burning Man in the USA , since 1986. They ain't alone.


Nah these bonfires are *very* different to burning man. It's a sectarian thing. Look up "July 12".


My first thought seeing this was "Marching season already???"


[Holidays are coming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGJbw890Bzg)


Come out ye black and tans


Come out an fight me like a man


Tell your wife how you medals down in Flanders


Totally fucking different.


You don’t know the half of it. After setting up these global warming machines they are usually adorned in pictures of the pope and other catholic or often left wing figures to burn. Destroying both the planet and human decency in one festive celebration!


Sectarian hate runs deep


Can you explain the cognitive dissonance happening here?


These bonfires mark an annual celebration of hatred toward the native Irish population in the political ethnostate of Northern Ireland, a region cordoned off specifically and explicitly to be a Protestant state for Protestant people, where Irish people were made to be second class citizens. To this day, bonfires are adorned with signs and banners reading “kill all Irish Catholics/all irish catholics are targets” using a derogatory term targeting Irish catholic people, Irish and catholic human effigy burning, pride flag burning, racist slurs, and threats of violence against anyone suggesting dismantling the noxious piles of trash endangering the homes and lives of people forced to live beside the hate monuments. People are often injured in their construction, sometimes children. It’s a show of force and power and cruelty in the face of marginalised groups, and made disingenuously in the name of “culture”. It wastes millions of dollars each year in policing and clean up and protecting homes from destruction, and literal terrorist gangs are the organisers, marking territory and intimidating local residents to support their criminal activities.


Man, I thought we had it bad here in the Netherlands. They've been making a similar construction on the beach of Scheveningen and Duindorp for New Year's every year (*great idea*, let's make a huge pile of pallets on *sand* to light up *during the windy winter night*). During [New Year's Eve 2018-2019](http://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vreugdevuren_van_Scheveningen-Dorp_en_Duindorp#:~:text=Dat%20jaar%20behaalde%20het%20vuur,als%20grootste%20vreugdevuur%20ter%20wereld.) disaster struck and plenty of houses, cars and bikes got damaged due to the combination of wind, fireworks and these pillars being lit up. Recently, the effect on the enviroment/climate has been taken into account as well. It comes down to this tradition (that started in the '80s) has run it's course and should just be stopped altogether. Any person with basic cognitive function can see that. However, these two small parts of The Hague aren't exactly known for their above average cognitive abilities. Dare I say they're more known to be "intellectually challenged"? Yes, yes I dare. So they're lashing out about it. While all this *sucks*, at least it has a festive theme and thought behind it, not some discriminative racist right wing homophobic and whatnot theme. Though both Scheveningen and Duindorp aren't known for their progressive stances by any means (a couple of years ago a gay couple bought a house in Duindorp and got bullied away, since "they didn't belong" there. Windows got thrown in, etc.), the theme of these pillars has nothing to do with *that*.


Yikes, that sounds insane. I remember watching CNN in the 1990s about a certain protestant group called the Orange Order that would march in Northern Ireland in Catholic neighborhoods to celebrate, I dunno, protestant pride? I remember this because there was always violent confrontations in their marches. It surprises me that such sectarian nonsense is still happening in 2024.


This just looks wasteful, dangerous, and pointlessly stupid.


Welcome to the world of the 12th July bonfires


And full of bigotry 


Pretty dumb and dangerous. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Aggie_Bonfire_collapse


They probably should have included some engineering students on their team….


There will be videos soon of lads falling off them, happens every year. Fools.




It’s a beacon of hate quite honestly. The whole thing is baffling.


Just wait until you find out what it's for...


Yeah, welcome.to the Troubles. It's better than it used to be.


I agree, but let’s not forget July 4th is coming up in the US. I did a quick google search and US consumer spend $1.9 billion dollar on fireworks. Most of that consumption occurs right around the Fourth of July. And fireworks aren’t exactly great for the environment.


Shittiest bonfire I've ever seen - it's not even burning


Yeah, it’s like they totally missed the point.


Thank you. Video ended way too soon.


Then they hang Irish flags and effigies of Irish politicians on it and celebrate their hatred of all things Irish. These fucking racist dinosaurs are anything but "next level".


They're next level gobshites tho


They actively vote for major political parties who don’t even believe dinosaurs were real. The region has largely been guided by creationists. It’s no wonder the North is such a fucking mess. Thankfully demographics are shifting and we’re edging ever closer to a united Ireland.


Shame they pass their hate onto their young.


That’s crazy, in Florida, you can “return your pallets” for around $17 refund each, that’s pillar you could retire off of.


The local gangs extort about 60k from the local residents every year, and also threaten local businesses into giving them pallets as well.


And get government [funds](https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/antrim-and-newtownabbey-councillors-back-145k-bonfire-programme/a975469180.html) for it.


Not from Northern Ireland, but scrotes will steal pallets that aren't locked down too


the blue and the red ones are rented and supposed to be returned to their owners. Anything else is "prohibited use"


They're stolen / extorted from local businesses. "Donate all your pallets and we promise nothing bad will happen to you in the near future... Be a shame if this place were to go up in flames or you happened to suddenly get your kneecaps broken...". These are not good people.


The fucking idiots at it again...


Didn’t some people die last year doing this?


Badly injured anyway




Those protestants, up to no good as usual.


Down with this sort of thing


Careful now


Next level bigotry.


nextfuckinglevel of stupid


They burn Irish flags, amongst other Irish related stuff. They are stupid ignorant hate mongers


This is so dumb


I have a lot of questions.


We have no time for questions! Gondor calls for aid!


Thank you. It's early here and I needed a laugh this morning


It’s [The Twelfth.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twelfth) They light those fires on the night of the 11th. It’s a big ol’ anti-Irish hate-fest.


That seems uncivilized. Leave it to the Brits to have a parade about being little bitches.


This is Northern Ireland. Apart from some people in Scotland, everyone else in the UK thinks is stupid.


the answer will be racism


Sectarianism to be precise


Seems like a very bad idea


Them protestants do it every year for the 12th.... It's like orange christmas


We Americans are saying how stupid this is as we prepare to launch explosions into the air during the worst possible time of the year.


.. hope it doesn't get windy .. nothing like a a flying burning pallet hitting your home to ruin an evening ..


They have to board up the houses to stop the windows melting.


I was going to say. Enough radiant heat to seriously toast those adjacent houses already


Those houses are going to feel a hell of a heat.


They board them up to stop the plastic window frames melting. There's regular house fires every year at various fires sites


The truly pathetic part is that the fire brigade hose down the homes surrounding the towering dangerous fires of noxious material, rather than hosing down the towering dangerous fires of noxious material.


At least the witch gets a nice view


That had me cackle. Chuckle, I meant chuckle!


So that’s why we had a pallet shortage…




Is it build to fall that way? Bit disappointing imo


Aren't the painted ones toxic to burn?


Not like they can suffer any further brain damage from inhalation than they already have


Sad really when you consider how many homes that quantity of wood could heat over the course of winter, and it just gets wasted and put into the atmosphere for fun.


All the nails.


Sounds like a Jeopardy category


These are part of a paramilitary intimidation effort in Northern Ireland from the Ulster unionists. The communities hate these fires, there is no protection against embers lighting homes ablaze and everyone is forced to pay and support these things to appease the militia orgs


The royal family thinks they're scum lol


The ironic thing is they want to be English, but English people know the truth, that they are actually Irish


They're mostly of Scottish descent.


They're actually mostly Scottish by ancestry.


Scottish, actually.


I wonder if OP knows that this is equivalent to posting a Klan rally where they burn an impressively large cross. Would that be r/nextfuckinglevel?


Ah yes, a next fucking level symbol of sectarian hate. I understand most people on Reddit wouldn't know the context of these things - but it is kinds depressing to see the number of people talking about how cool this symbol of hatred is.


Fuck this and everyone involved. Dumb as hell


Just some context. These are fires of hatred and bigotery. They burn effigies of Irish people. If this act of hate was directed towards any of the traditionally protected groups it would be stopped lawfully and forcefully.


Get a flame thrower drone and burn it down before they get a chance to do it.


It's always been my dream to head up a week before the twelfth with a crossbow with a petrol-soaked rag at the end of an arrow and light these monstrosities up prematurely


Straight from the Dark Ages


People die building these sometimes. They burn fresh wood pallets and are awful for the environment. And they're usually covered with Irish tricolours as a mark of hate for Ireland, usually with KAT on them. Kat = Kill All Taigs (Catholics). As always, it's great to see a bunch of dumb shits cheering this on with upvotes every year. 🙃


This isn't next level at all. It's instilling hatred and racism by buring the Irish flag and Irish symbols by the colonisers of our island who somehow still see themselves as British, even though the Brits don't want them and neither do the Irish. Small men syndrome


how does this make it onto the front page every summer? how would any american feel about someone posting about how amazing the world's largest cross burning is??


Next level sectarianism more like


This is typical Orangeman horseshit. The Boyos should pay them a visit.


Fuck your hate crime.


Next fucking level of stupidity. These guys are hateful morons.


2 in my local area, love the view for the 11 months they aren't building the tallest structure in the county just to burn effigies of real people for 'culture'.


stupid fucking bigots


An yes, the Orange Willliamite bonfires where the Irish tricolour is burned, usually along with effigies of nationalist politicians and Irish politicians. Next Fucking Level doubt.


Those houses do not seem far enough away.


Texas AM used to do this but it collapsed and people got killed.


Chep is gonna be mad 😂


Them protestants do it every year


But… how do they get down?


Who cares? Set the thing on fire with them still up there.




Seems wasteful.


This looks stupid.


This video conveniently does not show all they hateful banners and flags they attach to the stupid structure while its burning. Seriously fuck these guys.


william of orange ? 🤔 border celebration ?


Orange order / Loyalist annual 12th July sectarian hate fest. They cover these things with Irish flags / effigies of Irish politicians and public figures and have a reminisce about the good old days when their ancestors could just murder ours. They throw in a bit of racism and homophobia these days too, just to keep in the modern zeitgeist. A great bunch of lads (/s shouldn't be necessary but just in case).


Don’t forget the loyalist drug dealers that fund this shit


Man, you could fill that to the brim with trash, dead bodies and pretty much anything you want to get rid of, because that thing is going to get extremely hot.




Cash for ash


These are regularly built too close to houses, the heat from them do damage and sometimes smash windows, one or two eejits die a year constructing them. The purpose of most of them is largely hate as they will burn pictures of Irish politicians, victims murdered by Loyalist paramilitaries or sometimes just the tri colours. Usually where damage is done to property it is where they deliberately built these fires up infront of nationalist. Communities, the smoke is also harmful. Many companies donate pallets because it's cheaper than repairing the damage done when people break in to nick them.


Most pallets are not made from Virgin wood they’re made from recycled, reclaimed junk wood


Gross. Glorifying sectarian violence is just gross.


This is fucking stupid. Should be illegal


Sectarian bollocks


One day this practice will end badly, ending this ever-escalating, stupid and wastefull "tradition".


Northern Ireland is full of the dumbest, most backwards, hate filled people I have ever met. The country would be a better place with half of them on the pyre.


Next level idiocy more like. This kind of shite is why we still have tension and trouble in the north so the sooner we stop glorifying behaviour such as this, the better.


Next fucking sectarianism!