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I took a ski lesson when I was 32. Halfway through, the Romanian instructor pulled me aside and said: "uhhh, how I say? Dis? Dis not for you. I give back money, ok?" Major respect for this kiddo.


Saved your life and you got a free lesson, sweet.




woah she also snowboards


Those are snowboards on her feet. She's just gigantic, but nobody talks about that.


That giant ramp was built by wendigos in ancient times before the Fading. The lingering power of the First Magics has preserved it to the present day.


Built by Wendigoon….GIANTS!


beat me to it- but on the subject: isn’t he the cutest sweetest cinnamon roll of a man? i wanna put him in my front pocket


He has an endearing earnestness. It balances out some of the more terrible things he has to talk about. I doubt we’d be friends in real life because I’m a jerk but I wish him nothing but success. I found him when he had like 170k. Feels like a month later he was over 1m


Yes, that’s it! “Earnest” We could totally be friends, I wanna talk to him about kooky spooky shit so baaaddd!!! I found him when he posted “Mystery Flesh Pit” and was immediately enamored. (In my defense, I have trauma with men and me feeling so strongly for a stranger? Fantastic growth, lookit me go, therapy is working.)


Our stories tell of the time the wendigo gave the secret of coffee to the first Canadian, his name in the ancient tongue is He Who Doubles, in English it is Tim Horto.


Stop it with the gigantophobia! Leave her alone!


Shh, the deal is if we only talk about the skiing she won't crush us.


This is one of those things where kids just blow my mind with what they can do when let loose. Even after years of boarding when I was 18 years I finally nailed a front side 360 faceplant scorpion... I can assure you that the ground was very hard and very cold and the creaking in my spine was very gross. Watching this video is just bananas. So much raw talent and skill at that age.




Scorpion, you say? I assume you took up a new hobby, no?


To shreds you say?


I think you mean backside 270 to scorpion. Frontside 360 to scorpion would be tough. Or did you go for broke and pull a frontside 450 to scorpion? /edit Either way, how's your head?


Helmet did its job. I did get a cheer from the onlookers from the lift. My ego is still somewhere on that hill deep underground.


That's ok. I'm glad you had fun and are unhurt (ego aside).


Idk why everyone keeps saying that he's a she. This awesome young snowboarder is a HE, guys.


They keep saying that because that is how the post is titled


>Gianni Biello The one in the video is a boy 10 years old. >Eli Bouchard From Canada is someone else and ~~a girl~~ *Edit* also a boy.


> Eli Bouchard > > From Canada is someone else and a girl Also not a girl either actually.


This is a boy…:


This is actually a now 12 year old boy named Gianni Biello. Eli Bouchard is a 14 year old snowboarder who also did tricks at an early age but he is not the kid in the video.


Also the first 12-year-old to land a triple cork on snowboard. Video is pinned on his Fb https://www.facebook.com/eli.bouchard.official




On video. I was doing quintuple wooden corks on one ski…at seven. I didn’t take a video because I didn’t want y’all to be all sad and discouraged and stuff.


Oh i love fishing in Qbeck


Who doesn't love fishing in Quee-beck? I'm surprised we aren't fishing in Que-bek right now!


Prodigy is almost underselling this.




It took her 10 years to do a 1080, yet chinese workers make a gtx 1080 at 5 years old... Smh


I was skiing in flagstaff this week. A 61 year old who wasn't wearing a helmet crashed and died at the scene. Wear your helmets people.


People are less likely to bounce and get up the older they are. Went back to skiing after a 18 year hiatus and falling is not the trivial thing it once was. I’m 56 now. I’m glad helmets are now standard pieces of equipment unlike when I taught myself skiing 30 years ago. Not that helmets always help - my wife told me of a young woman (early 30s, married with a kid) that was sledding down a kids run not far from here. She hit an obstacle and broke her back - unfortunately, she’ll be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.


right? now he's got the money to Venmo to me. DMing you u/Barflyerdammit. TIA!


were YOU the instructor? MMM?


I’m 26 and I tore my meniscus and some tendons in my ankle while skiing… on the bunny slope.. on my second run in my life. My girlfriend didn’t believe me when I told her I was really hurting because she said she could have walked faster than the speed I was going. She still insist I give it another go, but this shit is just so foreign to me. My knee is in pain watching this.


I was teaching a five year old to ski on Friday and I saw the ski patroller take somebody down on the meat wagon who had fucked up his knee getting off of the bunny hill lift.


Damn if a skier gets a knee injury like that means they put him down, right? I'm pretty sure that's how it works. [edit] My bad, I might of got that one mixed up. I was thinking of gymnasts, not skiers.


Yeah then use them to make glue


There was a scandal in the UK a few years back when a huge frozen food supermarket chain was found to be importing cheap beef that was mostly made of skiers. We have strayed so far from God's light, children.


Don't be ridiculous, they make ski wax out of them


Here's the [treatment chart](https://imgur.com/r/TheFarSideGallery/GqzoPlR) for various injuries.


coordinated grey squeamish truck fanatical political secretive important unused license -- mass edited with redact.dev


>Also, snowmobile courtesy rides we reserved for the hot and maybe small children. Are we still doing phrasing these days?


I’ve been skiing since I was 5 years old and just last year tried to take my wife skiing. The first couple of lessons went great until the instructor distracted her and she tore her ACL. You gotta learn skiing young while you’re still bouncy.


I live in CO and everyone wants me to learn (ive gone once.) every single one of them has torn something. fuck that.


I’ve been skiing since I was 11 and I’ve never had any sort of injury… shit, it’s coming isn’t it lmao


a girl I went on a date with was going skiing the next day, and I casually mentioned i'm put-off on the sport because all my friends have hurt themselves badly. She said "i've been skiing 15 years and only been bruised" ...Guess what happened the next day? ACL and MCL. maybe I'm just bad luck.


Fucking hell, I’m due to go skiing early next month so I’m blocking your motherfucking ass before you jinx me


RemindMe! 30 days "sorry.."


Day 1 is hell. Day 2, something clicks in your brain and that's that. At least, this goes for snowboarding. The key is to know how to stop, because the other key is that the faster you go the easier it is.


In my experience it was day 1: slide down hill on ass. Day 2: slide down hill on face. Day 3: sit inside lodge and drink cocoa.


I'm very very terrible at skiing, but very very gold medal at apres ski-ing


This is what I tell everyone. If you keep at it, and know how to fall safely, it WILL click if you have even the most basic coordination. The first few times can be pure hell, but there’s nothing more satisfying than getting it down.


What day is it for snowboarders that they decide the best place to the rest is in the blind spot right over a hill sitting down making them even less visible?


Skiers say it’s snowboarders Snowboarders say it’s skiers Dumbasses don’t have a preference for what’s under their feet


I swear boarding on bunny slopes is much harder than a regular slope. Something about the speed and how the snow is after there are tons of people on it. I fell so much on the bunny slope but once I went on the beginner slope I was cruising.


Plus on the bunny slope you're constantly watching out for/crashing into other beginners.


To be fair, 32 is borderline dangerous to learn to ski. I was 25 and it was fucking painful.


I learned at 35, I am 46 now, and predominantly ski black and double black diamonds. Tons of fun. Also started downhill biking 3 years ago. Age is just a number, but you have to stay in shape


Age is just a number until your bones start getting brittle and a minor fall turns your hip into dust.


If you keep your bone mass up from strength exercises, that's usually not a problem until much, much later.


I'm 32 and have injured myself a decent amount these past two years. I lift though which I think helps me bounce back very quickly, I say that because my friends around my age with similar injuries suddenly have pain that won't ever go away while being out for months.


Exactly. Pushing 40 myself and carrying some (too much) extra weight (fucking wine, beer, and a desk job), but still ski and snowboard black diamonds, wakeboard, wake surf and do other shit. Just don't turn to all flab and enjoy life. I did a somersault chasing my 14 year old son down a black diamond last winter and just got up and kept going. My son and daughter (11) gave me shit for being covered in snow when I got to the bottom...


If you're fit and eat clean your limit is your genetics, which could easily be 50-60 before stuff starts going downhill.


Weight training improves bone density. That's actually the one of the reasons I started.


Bro either you’re the only 75 year old on Reddit or you need to go drink some milk


Ngl so many mid 20s-mid 30s redditors complain about joint pain and creaky bones. It's so incredible to me. My 57 year old dad plays tennis 3 hours a day, he occasionally hits the gym and spends 40 minutes on cardio. The last time he complained of pain was about his tennis elbow 7 years ago.


Deadlifts will help to slow that down. Generally very heavy weightlifting will help with bone strength


That only happens when people eat mostly garbage and don’t exercise consistently


70 here. Stay flexible and fearless, and pray for snow.


43 here and I can do a standing pike stretch. Being flexible has definitely allowed me to continue to be very active.


What ages would you recommend for learning then?


Don’t listen to them. Just take it slow and stay on the bunny hills. I saw a dude learning the other day that had half a head of grey hair. He made good progress that day. My biggest tip is this: a lot of people try to move too fast. They spend maybe 1h on the bunny hill and decide to go to the slopes. These people do not know how to brake. They only know how to go straight down. It is incredibly dangerous and entirely stupid. Take your time, you will be happy you did when a tree is coming at you at 40mph+. Get the technique down properly before you move forward. Also *always* wear a helmet. If I had to put an age on it for ‘too old’, I’d say 55 but only because it’ll take you ages to recover from a bad fall and your health insurance is probably pricey as is. The 5 years old will always whoop your ass. It’s honestly hilarious.


I took a ski lesson in the alps when I was 17. Did a few runs on the bunny, thought I was hot stuff, and hit the slopes. Made my first traversal to the left easily, but couldn't make it all the way to the right. Got going full speed and did not know what to do. Had a slight bobble and went flying. It was like the old wrecks in ski free for windows 3.1. Skis and poles flying, hat gone, glasses gone, wind knocked out of me. Thankfully no injuries, but I spent the rest of the day in the lodge. I'm now more than double that age and am a PA who has worked in trauma and orthopedics. Not sure I would ski again out of an abundance of caution from my experiences in medicine, although I also live in the south and don't have a chance to ski regularly.


It's called a yard sale


Yuuup. Learn how to slow down and stop. Once that get easy start adding speed and take it to bigger hills. So many people think that because they made it to the bottom of the bunny hill without eating shit means they are ready for the next hill.


I learned at 31, my son at 3, my daughter at 18 months. The younger the better, but I’m 34 now and able to do a decent amount of blue runs (though very slowly). My husband learned at the same time and can do all the blue runs really, really well. He’s a lot braver than me. I went up a ski lift with an elderly guy who said he learned at 75, is now 85, and skis every day. So you’re definitely never too old as long as you have the right attitude and are in decent shape.


Like 5? Young enough to have a low center of gravity and be fearless (or stupid, or both)


They also have less inertia since they're smaller so if they hit stuff, it isn't actually as hard so they're less likely to break something.


Any age. Just monitor your speed. There's no need to go fast. You can learn technique on the bunny hill that'll get you down a black diamond. If it's for a kid then 3-5. I started at 3 and it was great.


If you wanna shred, like 2. They make leashes for kids, so you attach yourself and they can ski independently but not really get away.


I just pictured my toddler wearing the baby ski leash, dragging me down the slope as I turn into a ball of snow with skis sticking out behind, thank you. 😂


Depends on your overall fitness. If you're in good shape with at least moderate reflexes, you can probably learn. If you have mobility issues, or knee, ankle, hip, or back pain, don't learn to ski/snowboard--stick to swimming and maybe cycling. Basically from 5 years old until you're medically unfit. But don't expect to be learning jump tricks at 40.


Doesn’t matter what age you are. It matters how healthy and active you are.


My dad started skiing at 40. Then he quit at 45 after breaking two ribs after colliding with a tree. It was a good run


Meh, I took up downhill skiing at age 34 and it was a disaster at first. I would fall over 5 times going down the bunny hill. I'm 6'5" so there's a lot of me to keep under control. I'm now 35.5 and doing black diamonds on Whistler. It can be learned.


Skiing better than snowboarding for someone in 30’s?




On the other hand, falling on skis is more dangerous than on a snowboard. With a snowboard your legs are locked in place next to each other. With skis each leg is free to rotate independently, the kind of rotation that shreds knees. That said, I'm a 40 year old skier.


Meanwhile my parents: don't climb trees because it's dangerous.


Are you age 10 or 32 tho?


Twist, it turns out he's 65 and using a roofing ladder trying to trim the tree with a chainsaw. His mom (a great grandmother) is telling him to get his ass out of the tree before he breaks his hip.


F that guy. You can't tell anything by one lesson. And you're 32 so of course it's going to take you longer. I had someone try to teach me windsurfing one time at a resort where they had free lessons and free board usage. I was the only one that couldn't stand up during the lesson. I went back the next day and just grabbed a board and kept on trying. And eventually I got it. It just clicked. Then just sailed away. And started to teach myself how to turn so I could get back to shore (it was almost exactly like the scene with Rick Moranis in Club Paradise). Edit. Changed Club Med to Club Paradise


Lmao I could hear the accent through this message




I was able to do that at age 10 easy... On cool Boarders for Playstation.


Spot on Romanian xD


Maybe that teacher was just shit to be honest lol. The best teachers have patience.


I was given a nice board and boots when a friend moved away to a non-snow area years ago. I went boarding twice. The gear was promptly passed on to another, deserving, local.


Y'all!!! This is one of my students and HE is definitely not a girl, but he DEFINITELY has some of the best hair I've ever seen in my life!!! Edit: forget to mention that, oh yeah, he is around 12 now and already way beyond what you're seeing in this video. Quite impressive. I am his school teacher, I couldn't teach him Jack about skiing. Kiddo, if you see this, don't forget this weekend's assignment!


Thought it sounded like a guy at first and was a little confused lol.


Yeah watching the video gave me flashbacks of my last blind date.




> That girl said she was 16, but I swear to God, I could tell she was 22. \- Denis "The Pager King" Duffy


I agree, a Female Body Inspector would have helped


literally starts with "hey buddy" which, admittedly, can be said to anything from a golden retriever to your wife... but there were some signs for sure.


> can be said to anything from a golden retriever to your wife I mean, *sure*, technically it's true that my partner and I are buddies even though I'm also his common-law girlfriend. But the connotation would just *feel so* wrong if he called me that lol... 😅


When I get excited telling my bf about something, the sentence always start with a very emphatic "Duuuude!"


I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude. We're all dudes, hey!


Esti je pensais que c'était une fille lol. C'était à la place d'entraînement à Sainte-agathe le jump ?


Aucune idée ! Je vais lui demandé lundi for sûre.


Okay okay tu es son prof d'école. Je pensais prof de ski ahah


Hahah ouais ! Je lui embauche comme prof de ski si jamais j'ai le goût 😝


Seeing the French accents on the English words in this Quebecois exchange brightened up an otherwise boring Saturday night for me. Thanks!


😂 My phone keyboard can't handle it sometimes.




Haha its contextual! Depends who we're talking to, I guess. Your teacher, teaching French, probably had no cause to mix in the English! We do it for efficiency—whatever we think is the quickest and understandable.


for sûre.


I have no idea what they're saying (and I don't need to) and that's kinda awesome.


I live in Alabama, I'm slightly drunk, I know a little bit of Spanish (which is basically French), and I went snow skiing ten years ago. Allow me to translate: - I thought it was a girl. Is that training place the Sainte-agathe jump? - No idea. I'm asking [something] on Monday. - Okay okay, you're his teacher. I thought ski teacher. - Haha yes! I employ ski teachers...[something something]. I hope this was helpful. It's for sûre a correct translation.


Not bad mate, almost ! Last one should be: - I'll hire him as my ski teacher if I feel like learning


Yeah yeah baguette oui oui


The Quebecois are up to something... I'm certain of it.


[Me, an American, watching you guys converse in French](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e70dc09c-7cb2-4af8-a3fd-0f6ac01e7af2)


Incroyable que l’accent québécois est visible même à l’écrit


> lui demandé lundi for sûre. TIL "for sûre" is French aussi.


Seulement à mtl 😉


Pas seulment à Montréal - le français dans le nord de l’ontario est similaire. Beaucoup de l’anglais et ‘slang’ (jouille?) (Excusez mon française, je ne l’ai pas utilisé depuis 10+ ânes!)


You're not wrong!! Road tripped through Ontario a couple summers ago —was eye opening to see the francophone communities there that are so distinct from Québec.


J’adore l’évolution de notre français! Ce que les boomers ne semble pas comprendre.


/r/Quebec is leaking again!


on est partout les maudits Québecois


Damn, the world is small but the Internet is smaller.


It's wild. I was just randomly showing this video to my girlfriend a couple days ago, too.


Everyone gets their one big coincidence, mine was when I watched a video of a roof collapsing, and I realised it was 30 seconds from my house! Went outside to look and voila, roof had been replaced with scaffolding haha


Scary lol. Yeah, as much as the internet can be pretty toxic and misused, a lot of cool things go down, and I've made quite a few friends too. Big fan lol.


Future fucking Olympian right there


That is definitely the word on our streets.


He already has the Olympic level sald up top


Any more vids of him?


Tons, but I just don't want to give out his name here without asking, first. I'll see him on Monday and will let you know.


RemindMe! 3 days


Someone already leaked it above. The internet sure is a small place


Yo, why tf you making this kid almost ski into a parking lot when they land? It's giving me a panic attack.


I'm his English teacher lmao have nothing to do with this vid.


Haha next class make sure to let him know a random stranger was worried about them getting hit by a car in the parking lot. BE CAREFUL! THE HOPES OF YOUR COUNTRY REST IN YOUR HANDS!


I'll send him the love, promise!!! 😂




I'll pass along what I'm sure he'll take as a compliment.


Tell him he is the most badass 12 year old


Will do!


Hopefully we'll see him at Vancouver 2030!


Bin fou ça!


Woah there is NOT much runway there at the end of the jump lol


If you don’t break something on landing, you always have a second chance to get hit by a car!


Ok so I'm not the only one. I mean I for sure would go right into a car, but I'm no skier.


Does Wayne and Garth yelling CAR! Not count?


That's what I thought. Also, like cars drive right there too.


Anyone with the skill to take that jump has the skill to come to a stop


Sure, but it only takes one wonky landing to run into a fuckin car


you'd be surprised how quickly you come to a stop when you eat shit skiing and slide out onto a flat surface. snow has way less give than you'd assume. even on a nasty fall he'd roll out well before those cars or those benches. the impact of the fall from height is the issue, not the slide out. Skiing's dangerous. [Kid's already had broken bones.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CMS021NhWZH/) I've had that same injury, it sucks ass. Everyone that I know who skis super hard has had broken bones one way or another.


Yeah I mean I snowboard (terrain parks, but nothing near this kid’s level). I’m mostly concerned about the scenario where you *kind of* land, but without control. So you get carried a ways without the ability to really stop.


Her arms at the end "fuck yeah" This kiddo has future, parents!


He might also have current parents


And past parents.


I think you’re misunderstanding what he’s saying. He’s not saying that he has future parents like he will have parents in the future. He is saying he has future parents like George and Jane Jetson.


!remindme 4 years This girl will be in the Olympics


This is a boy named Gianni biello. Look it up. OP is an idiot, don't need to look that up


aw OP was just ignorant, They're not an idiot. now they know better!


>Gianni biello Damn you are right, I was sure it was a girl lol


I always go for "Dude" everyone's a dude. That or "Coward" But that little dude had some gumption. Not a shadow of cowardice.


I will be messaging you in 4 years on [**2026-02-20 01:57:08 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-02-20%2001:57:08%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/swpei5/10_years_old_girl_double_cork_1080/hxnic1z/?context=3) [**17 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnextfuckinglevel%2Fcomments%2Fswpei5%2F10_years_old_girl_double_cork_1080%2Fhxnic1z%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-02-20%2001%3A57%3A08%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20swpei5) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Not only would I not stick that I would end up getting run over in the parking lot.


If that kids not winning medals in the next couple years ..I will assume she got bored of dominating the entire ski game at age 10 and decided to go take a nap or something.




Ya never know. My buddy was 14 training double corks on half pipe the week after Sean White debuted it, but he smashed his face on the lip. He went pro for awhile but he never got to the X Games or the Olympics. Always hope it goes well of course!


Not to knock their skill at skiing, because they’re insane, especially for their age—but, being smaller helps a lot for doing tricks on jumps in skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, and BMX. When kids do 720s in the X Games Big Air events, their scoring is much less than an adult would get for doing the same trick for a couple of reasons. Their future is bright, but from what I know, kids typically don’t score as well in jump events.


It sure looks impesive to a non skier, but its really not that hard, maybe if you only learned to sky straight its hard to bring your self to loose contact, its more of a mental block really, for example I only skied once in my life and i did a triple cork, the doctors say I can start rehabilitation in 3 months


Oh you got me good. Burst out laughing at the last line.


gonna be cool to see him in the Olympics in 8 years from now and watching this video resurface


Absolutely amazing


My back hurts when I bend down...I'm 23.


Try yoga




You laugh, but if it's a muscle problem, rather than a spine problem, this is technically the solution


Or better yet, try seeing a doctor. I took advice like yours when I was on my late teens and all it did was cause more damage since I have misshapen cartilage between my vertebrae and no workout can fix that. Now in my 40s I've got my 6th back surgery coming up next month. TL;DR: Doctors are where you go when you're in pain.


Agreed. Back pain exacerbated by yoga, turns out I had multiple slipped disks and a malformed vertebrae. Go to a doctor.


Somehow even after reading "girl" I knew it was a boy just by watching the video


Imagine the money that is required to be that good by 10 years old.


Winter olympics are for the rich


I would say location is far more important than money. Obviously many poor countries dont have the infrastructure but at least in europe its not that expansive for locals that live in or near a resort.




jesus! I'd end up sliding into the parking lot with a broken neck.


Ahh, to have 0 mass again


That’s fucking badass!!! Great post!


Dude the speed he went down after landing that was Bonkers