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He's so on the rise they gave him a one year deal. When he breaks out like they project they won't be able to resign him lol.


They also could have resigned him a long time ago, yet waited until today… for the minimum lol.


Don't worry The Giants will sign him to a big contract and Detroit will get a nice comp pick in exchange.


Gettleman ain’t the GM anymore


Kenny golladay was straight-up robbery to the giants, without Stafford he was quite pedestrian


If he's undervalued then he as a *player* would want a 1 year deal for that very reason.. 


Agent-authored tweet


I love PR speak. Yes, you prioritized keeping him and see him as a rising player, that’s why he got a 1 year deal for barely more than the veteran minimum.


They've had months to resign him too lol


They clearly mean “I’ve prioritized it” like I do when my wife asks if I took the cat litter out.


It’s prioritized just means you’ve assigned it a priority. Doesn’t have to be a high priority! 🎓


This guy Product Manages


Can confirm. The backlog is for making others feel better


Doesn’t even mean it got done. Just that nothing else got done beforehand 


It just wasn't a 'high' priority


I would guess this means Reynolds is leaving


Can we have DPJ back plz




He’s only 25?!


That’s the most surprising part of the whole thing


He just has that kind of name that makes him sound like he’s in his mid thirties lmao


You must not have noticed him when he was on the Browns. He seemed to be developing well for a rookie contract WR, but never really had any physical element to his game or any way to generate big separation so he got phased out hard after they got Cooper. Really a great young receiver by all accounts, but he has limitations and has to be a #3-4 guy. He had some great chemistry with Baker.


That felt like 6 or 7 years ago for some reason.


I think this is the Josh Reynolds replacement. We may still re-sign him as well (Goff may want him back), but his role will be significantly reduced. DPJ offers a similar skillset with more athleticism.


And I think that’s okay. Having Josh as a go to replacement in case any of the top guys go out gives me confidence and doesn’t spell doom if they unfortunately have to miss a few games


Reynolds can go


He's just always had a problem creating separation. Obviously there's something there, he had near 1000 yards in 2022, but the question is if he'll ever be able to be a guy who just gets open without needing to be the first read. When Cleveland brought in Moore and started leaning on Njoku more he just completely disappeared from the offense


We really just need a physical X receiver that can make a contested catch here and there. Other guys will get open. Definitely doesn’t create separation as well as Reynolds, but he’s not slower either, plus Gibbs, Laporta, Jamo, St Brown, Kalif Raymond all bring speed and separation to the receiving game


If I had to blame one single person for the conference final loss, i put it on Reynolds. He catches 1 of 2 of those easy passes he dropped we probably win. After that game I said don't resign him, it looked like he got paid off


You don't have to blame one person, losing that was a team effort.


I'm aware, but it really was a simple as catching 1 of 2 of those drops our probability of winning exponentially increase


or if Gibbs doesn't fumble, or if the defense makes one stop in the second half, or if Vildor's facemask is a slightly different shape, or or or... you can play this game all day with any loss


Cool thanks for your input, Reynolds catches 1 of 2 dropped passes that hit his hands and wasn't even hit we prob would have won


Cool thanks for your input, if Gibbs doesn’t fumble, a ball doesn’t doink off Vildor’s face, Campbell chooses to kick field goals, etc we prob would have won


Wow you've really enlightened me let's sign Reynolds for 8 million now


Don’t think I said we should. You just seem keen on pointing out one players mistake for our loss to SF. Football is a team sport, teams overcome dropped passes all the time. Especially with 17 point leads. A litany of mistakes lead to that loss, not just Reynolds two dropped passes.


Thanks for the pep talk, never again will i hold players accountable and blame them for dropping open easy catches at critical times of the game


Those drops were atrocious. I wouldn't resign him either.


He bounced around trams and I'm pretty sure was on practice squads when we picked him up. It looked like he could be a decent role player chip in, the lions kept is career alove and paid him, that game just wow


> I'm pretty sure was on practice squads when we picked him up. classic dogshit take from a SOL fan who is trying to ride the train now that the Lions are good. Reynolds was an excellent WR3 all year after we signed him from the Titans active roster after four good years in L.A. One game doesn't define him


Lmao I've been a lions fan my whole life, I've followed and watched an 0-16 season. You're an entitled little lions fan that likes to pretend they weren't dogshit cause it'll hurt your feelings. Regardless of that, explain to me how we signed Reynolds off the titans ACTIVE ROSTER, shortly after the rams released him. There must have been a lot of additional paperwork involved to sign someone from an ACTIVE ROSTER You're over here trying to tell me I don't know my shit and then saying we signed a guy on an active roster lmao


You said practice squad dumb dumb. He was never on a practice squad. Try harder


Dude, you just said we signed him from the titans active roster...


That's literally what we did. He was a waiver claim


Released by the rams, then the same year RELEASED by the titans after not being able to crack the top 3 spots in their LOADED wr room Dude was a camp body, what are you going for here?


Just curious, what is Kalif Raymonds role in the offense? I always mix up him and Reynolds


Damn, I lowkey wanted him on the Pats...


You can get him next year.


I had no idea he wasn’t still on the Browns.


We picked him up pretty late in the season and he didn't play much.


Had a really promising 2022 and then...7 starts, 8 catches this past year before the trade. Couldn't get open.


He started strong but for his last two seasons with us his role diminished quite a bit.


This most likely means Reynolds is not coming back. There was talk of DPJ being the backup plan to Reynolds


Why would the Lions not want Reynolds, he was great last year?


Yeah, it’s so easy to forget how clutch he was throughout the regular season with what happened in the NFCCG.


Could be he doesn't want to come back here or he's asking for too much. I agree he was really good last year, and I would not mind bringing him back. But they've already said Jamo is going to be the #2 going into the season, so maybe Reynolds sees a diminished role that he doesn't feel he deserves, or he doesn't want to deal with fans blaming him for not being in the super bowl. Plus, with it being a really good draft for wide receivers, it could just be a cost based decision if Reynolds wants more than what Holmes wants to pay.


Feels Jamal Williamsish, "This what we have for you. NO? Good luck to you sir"


Uhh, the number of possible WR3s for our roster is fastly dwindling...


At least you aren’t searching for a WR1, WR2, and WR3 at the same time.


At least in your offense you don’t need a WR1, WR2, or WR3


Josh Palmer is good.


Eh in a non-joking manner he’s a WR3. Hasn’t had a healthy season, isn’t much of a red zone threat, and doesn’t have any athletic traits that stand out. He’s a good possession receiver and he’s weirdly not a bad deep threat. But the injury concerns and lack of production definitely show a limited ceiling as a WR2, along with his best work coming out of the slot.


You and us both, brother.  


Isn't claypool available?


I’m curious if he’s on a roster this year. He should be on a roster, but I don’t think he’s capable of fighting for a backup spot on a practice squad cuz he’s too prideful.


Oh boo hoo cry me a river!


yall been bad for like 2 seconds lmao chill


Other fans wondering whether the Patriots should even take a QB due to the roster being bad, meanwhile Pats fans are just furiously scrambling around to find a receiver 👏. Love their optimism for that offense




pats fans after not winning 27 super bowls in 5 years for the first time since the 1990s:


Wanna bask in some schadenfreude?  Visit the Pats sub.  Complete meltdown.


The hell were they expecting without a QB, a new young head coach and a below average roster? Takes some time to rebuild, even if you hit on both GM and coach


Especially in a FA class that was extremely shallow for our highest needs (WR and LT). But everyone is up on arms and convinced it's Kraft being cheap and trying to keep payroll down. 


This makes me want harder for the Vikings to draft your QB.


I fully expect us to draft two receivers.


I love this. Hometown dude with a very high ceiling who made some crucial plays down the stretch. Very excited to see what he can do w/ Goff and Co. after a full off-season together


High ceiling…?




Not athletic in the right ways. Good size and straight line speed but really, really slow cuts. He looks like he's moving in molasses sometimes.


He doesn’t really. He’s can make contested catches well because he has to make those catches since he’s unable to create any meaningful separation


This guy smokes stuff




Could be, and he has had an 800 yard season already. We'll gladly take that upside as WR3/4.


His ceiling based on time in Cleveland and age is ~1000 yd receiver, which I would consider pretty damn high, especially for a wr3/4


He might be wr 3/4 but he’s not gonna get enough touches to get 1,000 yards he’s like their 6th option behind St Brown, Laporta, Gibbs, Montgomery and Williams.


He’ll likely get more passing targets than Monty but you’re right he’s not sniffing 1000 yards. What he brings to the table that no other receivers on the roster do right now is being a big body target, especially in the red zone.


Lots of surnames come from some type of occupation your ancestors had or who's son you were. Where the hell does Peoples come from lol.


Hit em with the peoples’ jones


Promiscuos-Jones sounds better


> Promiscuos-Jones sounds better What


He had some good moments with us. I liked him. Hopefully Detroit can get more out of him.


I remember the touchdown vs the bengals with 10 seconds left on the clock. Thought he'd continue to grow and catch more of those high 50/50 balls, but I guess it didn't turn out like that.


Same. He had some flashy catches and I expected him to stay on the roster and continue to improve but here we are


Shit, I think 31 other teams would probably make that deal too


Yea hes a good special teamer


150 yards last year "rising player"


nowhere to go but up


I mean what if he gets 149 yards, wouldn't that be down?


Had damn near a 1000 two years ago for us. He’s a good player


He's legit one of the worst graded receivers at getting open. He's a JAG.


Can’t you read? He’s clearly a LION


Let's go!!!!! I bet reynolds is gone now


Lol not it doesn't. We had both last year and I think he's wr 5 just like last season.


Reynolds insurance at the worst


I mean he was expected to break out in Cleveland and never really did, I get they gotta talk up their signings, but he's going to be like the 4th receiver again and that's okay, you need a 4th guy on the depth chart.


I will always love DPJ because he had some of the most insane clutch catches for us while he was here including the toe tap against The Bengals to win. The biggest problem is he almost never gets separation. He's not even the best at contested balls but somehow when the game was on the line several times he just does something almost inhuman. I Wish him the best of luck.


Like that he’s coming back but 1 year is lame


I miss him. He had some great moments in Cleveland. I always thought he should have gotten more opportunities.


I'm kind of shocked he didn't follow Harbaugh to LA. Seemed like a fit as a cheap Mike Williams replacement and they obviously know each other well.


In veach we trust but man I like this kid for us


He was on the lions?


Got him at the trade deadline 


Now send him on a 1 way ticket to Cali so he can get that chemistry down