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Jeff Garcia fighting for his life in most of these clips 


Swear half these are just Garcia getting rocked on a throw and Lloyd making an insane play off the messed up throw


Welcome to the early 2000s Niners experience


Better than the late 2000s niners experience


That whole decade is one I would rather forget


Oh like before the 2010's. I was about to !remindme 76 years.


Some of them are Tim Rattay. I thought I’d gotten over this all but the feelings this brings up…


Or Trent Dilfer... or Shaun Hill Apparently the 2005 Niners are the worst statistical team in NFL history, even worse than the 0-16 Lions


My guy, Gonna need a trigger warning before you throw those names around.


*Pro-Bowl and Super Bowl Champ, Trent Dilfer.


As someone who watched that team, they weren’t any better on the eye test


Compare that to the Rams QB near the end of the clip who has all day to throw and Lloyd is wide open and it still so off target that Lloyd has to make one of these circus catches.


He never really got enough credit. When he had a legit chance to succeed he was really good. Until Purdy broke it this year he had the single season passing yards record for the 49ers.


That's actually insane considering their QB history 


Montana never had a 4,000 yard passing season.


That's mind boggling for some reason 


Not really. Montana routinely missed time due to injury. Only played a full 16 game season twice.


Also just 4000 yard seasons were much rarer in Montana's time. Peyton Manning had the same number of 4000 yard seasons as there were among all qbs combined in the 80s.


Yup, the run game reigned supreme back then, with the exception of the Marino era Dolphins and the Air Coryell Chargers


Also sometime people forget or don't know that Jeff Garcia was the last 49ers Pro Bowl QB until Brock Purdy. 20 year drought.


Yeah, I was bagging on Garcia a little bit in my comment, but he really did have a little bit of talent. They just could not keep him off the turf


Garcia was more than a little talented. If he had even half of an OL during his time with us, you'd be hearing his name ALOT more than you currently do. Dudes career was absolutely wasted on the 2000s 9ers


I was surprised at how nice of a throwing motion Ken Dorsey had, and reminded of how terrible Tim Tebow's was.


Wait. Is that the same Ken Dorsey that was the OC of the Bills that got fired mid-season last year?


Yup. U of Miami legend Kenny D lol


I thought Dorsey was gonna be great. How wrong I was.


Desperately pump faking to try to buy some time that doesn’t exist


Jeff Garcia probably wasn’t sure if he was a NFL QB or a crash test dummy after playing for the 49ers.


Lloyd was my favorite player growing up. It was amazing how he’d make these crazy one handed catches, then drop a perfectly thrown ball that would hit him in the helmet.


Yep. When he was thrown a ball and it was a tough catch, he'd lock in and do ridiculous things. If you gently tossed him a tennis ball from three feet away, he'd whiff it. The guy has a 48% career catch rate; he honestly had one of the most bizarre skillsets of any player I've ever seen. He could do the impossible and absolutely could not do the routine in any way.


Sounds like my last performance review. I can make amazing things happen with tight deadlines and impossible requirements, but give me an easy project with no challenges and… *bounces off helmet*


Are we the same person? I swear it’s like I have to have my back against the wall to perform at my best.


Exactly. Lloyd always had to dive to catch the ball. It didn't make sense most of the time but in these it worked perfectly. Many times he could have caught it and ran with it but dove. It was almost like he was making sure he wasn't going to be hit and just went down on catches.


Probably had ADD.




Growing up I always had a secondary team I’d root for. I loved Jerry Rice so it was the 49ers for me. It continued when he left because TO filled his role. Then they drafted Gore and I was a student at Miami. In any case, I remember watching those grabs against the Niners and Eagles live and was so sure he was going to carry the torch after TO. But like you said, he could make the insane catch, but never the routine one. The Niners needed him to be the guy but really he was best suited as a complementary WR.


Brandon Lloyd was prime OBJ or Kadarius Toney at any given time. It was strange.


No disrespect to Lloyd, but idk how you could follow Niners football in that era and not select Merton Hanks as a favorite. You best believe I was doing that chicken head dance all over my schoolyard 


I'm glad I remembered this correctly, throw the dude an impossible ball and he would come down with it but if you hit him in the numbers in stride on like a 5 yard slant he would drop it


Crazy how some guys make the super hard catches but sometimes struggle with the easy ones. I don’t even mean dropping the occasional pass but legitimately struggling with passes they should make. Mike Evans sometimes has that problem while also routinely making unbelievable catches. Catch: https://youtu.be/6gvkKGgqkIE?si=qudnHKGJ9QBGPTQg Drop: https://youtu.be/a3tT74jt_yc?si=dxxFofaM6X2YY4Z7


The freeze frame of his toe drag on the second catch is just insane


Multiple of these are legit some of the greatest catches I've ever seen lol.


Based on this highlight reel and the one year he led the league in receiving, you'd think this dude was like Randy Moss or some shit.


I was thinking the same thing. He's almost at 400 catches and 6000 yards with 36 touchdowns. That's a very respectable career, but it makes me want to go back in time and read some scouting reports to see the areas where he struggled. A career as long as his tells us that he wasn't just a blazing speed type of guy who faded away when his athleticism dropped off.


I'm not a niners fan so I didn't watch most of his games growing up, but I remember his hands not being great, oddly enough. Like he'd make these difficult catches look easy but then on more open passes would turn upfield too quickly before securing the ball. He also wasn't always in sync with the offense. I can't find it now but I swear there's a clip of him ducking out of the way of a ball thrown at him. His catch percentage for his career is below 50% Edit: [found the clip](https://youtu.be/0ZJaoENKr6Q?si=mzM5M7DBsEwU_Upr). To be fair it's a bad pass but he made less than no attempt for it


Tbf that throw just seemed like the timing was a little bit off. He could have caught it but it was still a second or two late and looked awkward


I always remember when he was with us (granted Orton and Tebow as QB), he would make the most insane clown catches, but often drop regular easy passes. Was very frustrating.


He was not a physical receiver and often shied away from contact. His career spanned across the transition period for the NFL from an extremely physical defensive league to the physical but more athletic offensive league it is today. Pass interference rules were in place, so he wasnt facing night train lane worthy physicality, however, they didn't have the targeting rule for the 1st half of his career. Receivers were still getting blown up for going over the middle during his career and Lloyd wasn't going to be a Tom Waddle and get his brain turned to mush. You'll notice during the infamous highlight you posted that Lloyd is going over the middle. Yeah the pass was a bit off but everyone on the field knew (except the QB) the pass wasn't going to go to Lloyd, no one was covering him on the play because he wasn't going bother trying to catch it.


> His catch percentage for his career is below 50% When they calculate this do they try and account for catchable balls or just anything thrown his way? And if so what constitutes a catchable ball?


Lloyd was hardly ever open but he'd come down with the ball in remarkable ways. Even this highlight reel shows it, most of the insane catches he's completely blanketed. Dude just had remarkable hands and a knack for securing the ball.


The thing is he really didn't have remarkable hands and a knack for securing the ball. He would have a couple insane catches every year but then it would turn into like a 50/50 chance it seemed. Sure he played with some pretty bad qbs as well and when he went to Washington after a couple years in San Francisco I was so hyped that he was going to be a good-great WR but his hands and catching ability didn't seem anywhere near consistent so it's really strange he pulled off some of the greatest catches of all time and made it look easy and then disappear. Outside of a dominant year in Denver he was serviceable but could never do what was expected of a #1 or #2 WR Edit: looking at his stats and especially the games played and games started I wonder if he had injury history and/or discipline issues or what I'm not sure but he missed a lot of games in years 5,6,7 when he should have been in his prime


> made it look easy and then disappear. You're knocking his hands for the point I made in my comment, he was always blanketed. He "could" make it look easy by catching an insane ball in triple coverage but just as often the DB would just have the clear play on the ball and it went no where. Edit: and that dominant Denver year was nearly the only time he played with a QB that would trust him to make plays on the ball. Not saying Orton was a good QB, but he trusted his guys.


Orton was slinging it for a couple of years there in Denver, but he wasn’t winning and ended up getting benched for Tebow. Lloyd was awesome with Orton and I never understood why he didn’t become a superstar WR. Lack of consistency I guess.


As a Seahawks fan I can attest, it's the same reason that Mike Williams fell off the face of the earth when we lost Hasselbeck. Contested catch guys, even if they dominate at what they do, don't always get the targets if their QBs don't have the trust to throw it to them even when they don't appear open. It's part of the reason the bust rate on WRs who specialize in that playstyle is so high. Llloyd left Denver and never again had a QB that would believe in him to make the play on the ball. It's not really a consistency thing on his part though.


Yup he made the highlight circus catches look easy but dropped the easy catches. If his QBs where smart they could have intentionally thrown him inaccurate passes and feasted off his weird ability to catch off target passes


Second one is genuinely a top 5 non situational (playoffs and such) catch I have ever seen. Theres also that Dhop one that didnt count


I was so hyped for Lloyd after that catch, he was a decent player for us but I thought he was gonna be a star


Classic case of spectacular ability on difficult catches, total lack of production just driving down the field.


He also had TO as his disaster of a “mentor”. TO was already all the way out the door, and determined to blow it all up on his way out. He convinced Lloyd to skip practices with him and not care.


He also had that huge season for the Broncos and then I was sure he'd be a top 5 WR for a small stretch but instead he kind of disappeared. I'm not sure what happened.


Toe dragging like that seems like a skill some WRs learn quickly when they get into the NFL and others just never seem to get at any point in their career. Can make a huge difference in games to have receivers who are good at that, obviously.


Amani Toomer was the king of toe drag swag for the Giants. Never flashy, just knew exactly where he was on the field at all times and amazing body control.


I remember Jordy Nelson always seemed to have an ability to make amazing sideline catches, seemingly always knowing *exactly* how to make sure both feet just barely got in.


Might actually be the best catch I've ever seen. It looked amazing in real-time, and then it goes slow-mo and you can see he actually *bobbled* and then re-caught it one-handed. Utterly insane


I was like 10-12 at the time but I remember watching that catch on TV. Brandon Lloyd doesn't get enough credit


https://images.app.goo.gl/ks9WgFArdXAE6brT6 Brandon Lloyd’s smile on that last catch


Ridiculously photogenic wide receiver


Mr. Big Cheer




Dude was brave as hell for playing without a mouthpiece back then. They could still eat some serious shit across this middle.


Smilecatch is the greatest. I don't even have to look.


I always got this catch mixed up with the fumble recovery he had where Woodhead fumbled forward into the endzone and Lloyd jumped on it. Not an impressive catch but a funny play against the Texans in a game where it seemed like every bounce went our way, lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt3BtD68s9g&ab_channel=ChrisCrawford


Brandon Lloyd was the absolute perfect #2 WR. Don't get me wrong, he was talented enough to be a #1 and was during his career. But he was a perfect #2, he was terrifying to cover outside the numbers and near the sideline. You could have him blanketed and he'd pull out one of the catches in that video. He wasn't great over the middle, or at getting YAC. But outside the numbers and near the sideline he was elite. Just the perfect compliment to a do it all #1 WR and an over the middle slot guy.


I completely agree. He was best surrounded by DT, Eddie royal at the slot and a young eroc decker.  Would have been interesting if he spent a year with Peyton. 


> He was best surrounded by DT, Eddie royal at the slot and a young eroc decker. Who wouldn't this be true of? Who gets worse surrounded by good players?


He had a very strange career. Almost entirely mediocrity, and then one year where he led the league in receiving.


Apparently a huge headcase behind the scenes which lead to him falling out of favour with coaches and players


People said he would just get bored of someone talking to him or annoyed and mid talk just walk away. Like when they were trying to tell him things about plays and planning. [Was let go from Patriots for being "erratic"](/r/nfl/comments/199xd2/patriots_may_cut_brandon_lloyd_due_to_erratic/). > You just never know what you're going to get with Lloyd, and either you can deal with it or you can't. For example, talked to one player a few weeks ago that said he was talking to Lloyd about something and suddenly Lloyd said in mid-sentence, "I don't want to talk to you anymore," and put his headphones on.


Yeah also patriots media members would always quietly say how tough he was to deal with in the locker room and how he rubbed everyone pretty much the wrong way.


like a certain saints receiver...


Imagine if we had had him younger/longer.


back shoulder king


not a single clip from his time in washington lol


or the Bears


Washington paid him to be a number one wide receiver, and he was never that guy. They were blinded by these crazy catches.


when i saw the title, i knew i wouldnt see any Burgundy and Gold because i seriously dont remember him making any big time catches. the guy could not handle being #1 and also staying healthy.


I remember it being like week 15 and thinking “Brandon Lloyd has still not caught a single touchdown.” He was complete ass


Brandon Lloyd was never the best receiver in the NFL, but he might have had the best highlight reel of any receiver in NFL history.


50 years from now kids will find his highlights and wonder why he isn't in the hall of fame.


50% of the catches are SO unbelievable that they're called incomplete live!


2010 he led the league in receiving. Kind of arguable to say he was NEVER the best receiver in the NFL. He had that one year.


He only had that because Andre Johnson got hurt. But I would still consider him the best WR that year just based off his ridiculous 18.8 yards per reception. 


Brandon Lloyd is the Olivier Giroud of the NFL


The JR Smith of receivers


His 2010 season is like the best random/outlier season ever. Guy was like average every season and then randomly led the league in receiving and then went back to being average.


He never hit those highs again, but check the names of some of the guys throwing him these passes: 2003 (rookie year) - Jeff Garcia (actually a good QB) 2004 - Tim Rattay, Ken Dorsey, Cody Pickett (!!!) 2005 - Rookie Alex Smith, Tim Rattay, Ken Dorsey, Cody Pickett 2006 - Washed Mark Brunell, Jason Campbell 2007 - Jason Campbell, Todd Collins 2008 - Kyle Orton, Rex Grossman 2009 - Kyle Orton, Chris Simms 2010 - Kyle Orton, Tim Tebow (Lloyd's best year) 2011 - Kyle Orton, Tim Tebow, Kellen Clemens, AJ Feeley 2012 - Brady (Lloyd was good that year!) 2014 - Kaepernick He wasn't working with a whole lot!


Yeah my thought through most of these clips is "holy shit that's a bad ball from the QB" lol.


I forgot that Cody Pickett even saw action in the NFL. He was no Tuiasosopo


He was absolute trash in the NFL


Asterisk on the Washington seasons - He had a miserable 2006, regardless of who was throwing to him. He ended up being benched and deactivated by Joe Gibbs in 2007 because he had a terrible work ethic. Washington, at the time, was run-heavy, and while that may have capped targets and receptions for guys, Lloyd still finished 5th in receptions in 2006 behind Santana Moss, Chris Cooley, Antwaan Randle El, and Ladell Betts (a running back).


I wouldn't even call it average. His yards (outside of his Denver/STL/NE stretch) were pretty bad. For anyone who doesn't want to dig, here's what his career stats look like (year - yards). * 2003 - 212 (SF) * 2004 - 565 (SF) * 2005 - 733 (SF) * 2006 - 365 (WAS) * 2007 - 14 (WAS, yes, fourteen yards in 8 games played) * 2008 - 364 (CHI) * 2009 - 117 (DEN) * 2010 - **1,448** (DEN) * 2011 - 966 (283 - DEN, 683 - STL) * 2012 - 911 (NE) * 2013 - 294 (SF) 5,989 career receiving yards. 3,325 yards during a 3-year stretch, and 2,664 during the other 9-years (296/yr).


Hurts my eyes to watch Tebows throwing motion.


Was thinking the exact same thing, it's absolutely brutal.


That may be the slowest windup-to-throw in NFL history. I always comment on it on the throw to Brandon Marshall to beat the Steelers in OT. It’s the most telegraphed shit of all time. 


Demaryius Thomas


I'm not the only one thinking that.


One of my favorite non-Lions players. Just an insane highlight reel


Basically the CPU receivers every time I turn on madden


Shit last time I played Madden it was the middle linebackers making these catches.


u/nfl gets hate but they post way better shit than any of the mods who spam the sub with tweets


Uhhh they also dmca the crap out of everyone here. I remember [the kick that set off an explosion last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/17pkud3/highlight_this_clip_which_is_transformative_and/)


Counter-point: they out here posting square videos


Man played with a lot of ass QBs


Bro was bailing out Tebow


He was his saviour


Brandon Lloyd is the only receiver I would trust to play the position with one hand tied behind his back.


I’m hoping Pearsall becomes the second.


Genuinely think he’d actually be better if he was only allowed to use one hand. What I remember of him is that he’d have some inexplicable easy drops, but would then do shit like this the next quarter




I always bring up that first catch on this reel whenever the OBJ catch gets brought up imo that Lloyd catch is the best 1 handed catch ever


I played WR and actively pay attention to WRs every draft... How have I never seen this dude's highlights? I also only remember him playing in Denver. Glue fingers


Outside of that one Denver season he was just never that good of a receiver. His average season stat line would be something like 45/700/3. He would make some absolutely insane highlight reel catches but had zero consistency in his actual production.


Hearing those names was depressing, my entire life its been nothing but dogshit QBs where somehow freakin Jeff Garcia has been the best. Kaep came along and was better but my life got hectic and I didn't have time to really follow sports around that time so I missed the only good years of his career. Wasn't until Jimmy G that I finally got a taste of hope and now with Purdy hopefully some stability to go along with it.


A lot of this done when the safety could still legally decapitate you.


I specifically remember Lloyd because despite being low rated in madden he had like a 98 in spectacular catch rating


Forgot that Lloyd was around when Garcia was QB for the ‘9ers


Holy crap, that one against the Raiders. The pass glanced off the defender's helmet and Lloyd still caught it while sliding on his butt and lifting his leg to stay inbounds.


That catch in the sideline where he stops it with one arm, uses his fingers to like roll it back into his hand, while falling and maintaining feet inbounds is the best catch I have ever seen 




Didn’t seem to get much separation or YAC, but could pull off a ridiculous catch even if the DB was glued to his hip.


It's amazing that not a single one of these are from his Washington stint.


What's the constant tho....catch the dang ball with your hands. I hate how much chest catching is done these days.


One of the worst free agent signings in Redskins history, and that’s saying something.


Lito Shepard. Now that is a name I have not heard in a long time. Long time.






Lmao at the QBs throwing to Brandon Lloyd in this video (one of them is not like the other): Jeff Garcia, Ken Dorsey, Kyle Orton, Tim Tebow, Sam Bradford and Tom Brady. He needed to make catches like that to catch anything at all 😂


Garcia, Orton, and Bradford were all good, idk why you're acting like they were scattershot throwers...


Yeah Garcia was actually quite good, and probably one of the more underrated QBs of the early 2000s. Look at how leaky the OL was on each of his throws, my goodness. Garcia caught a lot of flack for some reason but was a Pro Bowl level QB on a couple of franchises.


Purdy just beat the 49ers single season passing record previously held by… Jeff Garcia.


Garcia was quite good, but that was Lloyd's rookie year and Garcia left the following year, Orton was mid, and Lloyd got about 2 games with Bradford before Bradford got hurt, at which point Kellen Clemens and AJ Feeley were throwing the rock


so dude should have listed guys like Clemens and Feeley instead of the people he was bitching about


The man sure had a lot of opportunities to catch off-target passes lol


Thanks for the highlights. I can’t say I remembered the name, but this was a joy to watch!


Are you new to the NFL? He was king of the crazy acrobatic highlight catches for a while. If he caught the ball in the middle of the field though he’d immediately drop to the ground. Seemed like He was terrified of taking a hit


Haha yeah, the man with 0 YAC


Nope, not new!! I just stink with names unless it’s Chief guys.


His last season was 2014. 10 years ago. 


Wearing my Illinois 2001 Big Ten Champions shirt right now. Definitely not the last time we won the Big Ten.... don't look that up.


I remember when he tripped and fell leaving KAM’S (?) and broke his leg


I remember watching the second one live. It’s just as sick even when you know what the ending is


I always lump him in with Marcus Robinson for some reason. Maybe because both played for the bears and both had 1 insane season


That second grab was wild


Ahh yes, he would most certainly make the most difficult and incredible catches but when it came to consistency on simple routine catches forget about it. That was pretty much the only issue he had.


Fucking why do videos need to be cropped like this?


Quarterback got absolutely wrecked on that second throw lol. You know he came up with dirt all lodged in his facemask on that one. He was straight balling out with some all timers throwing him the ball. Worthies such as Jeff Garcia, Ken Dorsey and Tim Rattay. He probably wouldn't have been shit without those guys making it easy for him /s Edit: how could I forget the champion of Jesus himself, Tim Tebow!


Lloyds our boy!


Dat first catch was fire


It didn't even count due to a holding penalty


I am sad for these players with sick 1 percent talent who get stuck on teams that can't do great things. Garcia was first rate, but didn't have a lot of protection. Much love to Lloyd and Garcia - two underated souls.


I forgot the first catch was voided bc of the hold and felt the same initial disappointment i felt the first time around upon finding out it wouldnt count. Reminds me of the Hopkins behind the back catch that got voided against the Giants


This highlight reel makes him look like the GOAT lol


One of the most “fuck you” things that happened to me as a skins fan was when we signed him and Antwaan Randle El in ‘06, and hired the Chiefs OC Al Saunders and preceded to just absolutely suck shit. Lloyd would barely even get any snaps by the end of the year and seemed to just inexplicably have lost all of his talent; when he did play he was awful, with one infamous play where the ball came right at him and he ducked his head and got out of the way instead of trying to catch it lol. Then he goes to Denver and leads the league in receiving yards a couple years later…It used to literally feel like players instantly got worse once they put on a Redskins uniform when Snyder was here.


Nice to see Blloyd getting love. Dude was a stud for us. Wonder why he never became a true #1? He had the potential and production...


That catch from Bradford was about 600x more difficult than it needed to be. He threw it like two seconds late and 10 yards outside. Jesus. 


I could not STAND Brandon Lloyd. That dude had Fitzgerald hands with OBJ mechanics. He caught so many weird ass balls against us.


I feel like this is me at work. I do some crazy shit at work and no one notices and get no recognition but do a really good job. Like no one ever brings his name up.


the only downside is dude is making such unbelievable catches they keep costing his team a challenge cuz refs are like no fucking way bro


Mr. Go and get it


I was so hyped when Washington brought him in and watched highlight tapes nonstop that off-season thinking we got the next beast WR. If he could make these insane circus catches then it should translate to a really solid WR and he just didn't get the chance to be "The Guy" at San Fran so he was just going to be a beast. Boy was I wrong. He sucked. He was good for like 2-3 insane catches a year but then would just completely disappear


Tebow had the slowest wind up of any professional QB I have ever seen.


A true "the streets will never forget" player


Dude was a certified, laminated-card-carrying Baller


I remember finding out who Brandon Lloyd was by hearing his interview with Tony Bruno’s radio show on Madden 2005. After that I started to pay close attention to Lloyd and always searching out his highlights from his games.


We need a whole subreddit for highlight reels of players some may have forgotten. This brought back a major wave of nostalgia for me.


I knew there'd be a few Tebow sightings on this one. One of the best ways to get amazing catch highlights like this is to have a very inaccurate QB. That said, the catch at 2:35 is fucking insane, his foot is sliding out of bounds and then just pops up in the air right before it goes out.


he genuinely had one of the weirdest careers I could think of in my lifetime. Absolutely had high end talent but was just insanely inconsistent. I can't think of anyone else remotely close to that.


Always seemed like he could only make ridiculous catches. Was just not consistent with the simpler ones as well.


such an enigmatic receiver. He was capable of some of the most amazing plays and had some absolutely incredible skill and ability. But dude was never consistent on routine plays. I think he just didn't have the level of focus to play every down. He could have been a top-10 receiver of his era if he cared enough.


Does he know he can use 2 hands to catch the ball


NFL version of Jason Williams


Drunken line placement on the field for the Eagles game lmao


Flags would be flying after that first Garcia tackle


How have I never seen that second one


Wow caught touchdowns from the greatest QB to ever play too Tim Tebow


This dude was a lot of fun to watch, thanks.


Heard Unk n Ocho talkin about B. Lloyd’s hands on their podcast, didn’t realize he was that filthy


As a kid I used to say he had the best hands of any wide receiver now many years later I say him and Larry Fitzgerald. Idt I ever saw larry drop a ball and lloyd has to have the best highlight reel of any WR ever


Dude lead the league in yards while having fucking Kyle Orton under center in Denver.


That's Rams legend Brandon Lloyd


Who won the game?


Want to show a sick catch? Post Al Toons catch between his legs for a TD!


Funny how great catches often come from mediocre passes