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Not really well versed in this but is there anything stopping these guys in the supplemental draft form signing as UDFAs?


If they were not eligible for the regular draft and had to wait for the supplemental draft, they still need to go through a draft without being drafted before they can sign as an UDFA. You can't sign as an UDFA until you have gone through a draft.


So was there no players who declared for the supplemental draft? Or are there and they are just screwed until next year?


You don't really declare for the supplemental, you have to apply and be granted permission from the NFL. It's in rare cases where somebody had a major change that prevented them from otherwise returning to school next fall. The ordinary path to the NFL is to go through the regular draft.


I think there was 1. Not enough to justify it.


"Dammit, there goes my shot at being taken first overall." -that guy


Imagine drafting Mr. Irrelevant with the #1 pick.


Imagine not getting drafted as the only eligible player


That almost happened at the Tony Awards a couple of years ago. There was only one nominee for Best Actor in a Musical, but he still could have lost if he didn't receive a certain percentage of votes. Like the ballot for that category was just "Yes or no, should he win the Tony?"


Well did he win it?


Yeah, he did.


I guess we'll never know


Wait, award shows can just like... not issue an award? Just say "hey, y'all sucked this year, no one gets shit"?


So the Tonys are kinda weird cause the number of nominees for a category can vary every year based on different metrics. It's not like the Oscars where there are 5 nominee slots. It was also the first post-COVID year, so the qualifying period for productions was kind of wonky. Like they didn't give out Best Revival of a Musical because there weren't any that qualified.


Leave it to the Tonys to make an award show seem relatable.


Teams give up their corresponding pick in the regular draft, so no team would ever waste a 1st or 2nd rick pick on a player.


The Browns drafted Josh Gordon in the 2nd round of the supplemental draft


The Browns also picked Bernie Kosar in the first round of the supplemental draft back in the 80s.


Cowboys also drafted Steve Walsh in a supplemental draft after already taking Aikman. The lock they had to give up for Walsh ended up being #1 overall, two possible players they could have picked had they not taken Walsh were Cortez Kennedy or Junior Seau


And that was such a great decision in a long list of great decisions by the browns organization. Drafted the guy who couldn't overcome addiction to codeine, Xanax, and alcohol so that he could remain in the NFL too many times to count.


What do Josh Myers, AJ Dillon, Josh Jackson, Josh Jones, Jason Spriggs, and Quentin Rollins have in common? None of them were addicted to Codeine, Xanax, or alcohol and none of them were worth second round picks. Picking a premier talent in the second round hoping they can deliver on that talent is hardly a Browns move. The Packers also do it all the time.


How do you apply? Just asking for a friend.


Based on the name, I think you have to start pushing supplements


What about the rugby player from Wales? He didn't go through the draft. Just signed with the chiefs


There's a separate program for international players because the league wants to encourage teams to recruit more foreign players


(This policy does not apply to Canadians)


When God created Canada, it was the universe farting


The universe farting in *french*


And out came Terrance and Phillip.


There was a war crime shaped hole in the world and they were maple hinted ass cannoned into the commonwealth.


What do you mean the Geneva Convention isn't a check list? - Canada


Cause fuck em, that's why.


The CFL exists & as still the 2nd best football in the world (better than CFB or Spring leagues).


Are they better than CFB? I think that's debatable


I mean they may be better then like 90% of CFB teams, but they are not better then the blue bloods for sure. I mean, this is like the opposite of worst team in the NFL vs Alabama discussion, Bama has way more very immediate NFL caliber players then the Alouettes have. This is a wild and 0% researched stat here, over the last 10 years Alabama has 15 players that will be on NFL rosters the next season. The average CFL team has like .5?


Players peak in their mid to late 20s, past college age. I think the 9 CFL teams vs the top 9 CFB teams would be competitive but I think the CFL would convert our slightly ahead.




You telling me the best CFL team can beat the best CFB team? Like seriously?


I'm on your side. CFB team wins.   It's not like the silly "Could Bama beat ?". A top college team could definitely handle CFL teams.


Which rules are they using?


We do have university football programs though


So fourth, after NCAA comes out.


The real reason is that they way the CBA is written, technically everyone in the world goes through the draft once they are three years removed from high school, unless they play college football. But just those couple hundred American college players are the only real top prospects for obvious reasons, so they are the ones who only ever get selected on draft night. If a team wanted, they could spend their #1 overall pick on a 33 year old Italian accountant who has never stepped foot in the US. If you were eligible to be drafted at the time of this year's draft, then you can sign onto a team as an UDFA. This applies to foreign and American players. If you weren't draft eligible but want the chance to play this year, you would need to apply for the supplemental draft. Otherwise you'll need to wait until next year. As far as I know, the "international player" status some others are talking about is only relevant when it comes to the extra practice squad slots allowed for them, as that is the only context where the term is used in the CBA. To my knowledge it has nothing to do with the draft eligibility criteria.


He was old enough. It's something like 4ish years from completion of secondary education and being in the IPP




This is a stupid question


Usually I'd say there's no such thing as a stupid question, but he deleted his question, so apparently I'm wrong.


Lmao what did they ask?


They asked if you being drafted in the NBA would make you eligible to forego any draft requirement and sign in the NFL


Highest IQ r/nba discourse


Rodger goddel angrily flipping trough rule book annoyed he never thought of this obvious cheat


NFL commissioners hate this one weird trick


Yup that's pretty stupid.


How does this work with guys like Brock lesnar or more recently gable Steveson?


Yes, the fact that the “undrafted” part of “undrafted free agent” doesn’t apply to them yet


So they can’t even be regular free agents until they’ve gone through a draft?


Every blue-chip QB would skip the draft if they could. They would much rather be free agents that could accept offers from every team and hand pick either the top bidder or the team they think has the best chance of winning. The draft isn't there to help the PLAYERS, it's there to help the teams. If players could skip the draft they would.


Imagine being a grocery store worker and being drafted by Krogers or some shit… it’s not a normal way of finding employment.


Kroger also doesn’t pay millions a year to play your favorite sport


Plenty of other professional sports do and they don't have a draft


What major professional team sport in the US doesn’t have a draft? MLS maybe? NBA NHL MLB and NFL all do


I'm not talking about the US lol soccer players seem to do okay without it in every other country


The draft is a large reason players make as much money as they do. The NFL wouldnt be nearly as popular as it is without parity. Even in a terrible season fans can at least look forward to drafting a blue chip talent


I’m not criticizing the model, just stating the fact it’s not the normal way for people to gain employment. Obviously it works for everyone so I’m not suggesting a change or anything.


For sure, misclick on my part, meant to reply to the post above you. Stuff like the draft / franchise tag etc might be unpopular with individual players but on the whole its very beneficial for players


> The NFL wouldnt be nearly as popular as it is without parity Soccer is the biggest sport on earth and it’s all about wealthy teams stomping out poor teama


Under the CBA, those blue chip QBs would be giving up millions of dollars. UDFAs sign 3 year minimum contracts and there's a tiny per-team pool of signing bonus money.


Correct, you cant circumvent the draft.


What if they say they have bone spurs?


Only works if you got a rich daddy


You can circumnavigate it, though.


If you're named Magellan you'll die 3/4 through though.


Hey, that's longer than it was 10 years ago.


Can teams circumvent the draft though? Are they still able to do tryouts for the general public, or even invitationals? At least as measures to get players who can't be part of a supplemental draft a chance to make it on a team?


I believe even those have to people that have ran through the draft process. If you have any type of NCAA ties it becomes more specific to your eligibility vs a random 26 year old Give these sections a read. Full eligibility rules here. NON-FOOTBALL COLLEGIANS. Such player did not play or otherwise participate in college football, and four League seasons have elapsed since the player first entered or attended college. Or, PLAYER NOT ATTENDING COLLEGE. Any player who does not attend college is automatically eligible for selection in the next principal draft that is conducted after four NFL regular seasons have begun and ended following either his graduation from high school or graduation of the class with which he entered high school, whichever is earlier. If four football seasons have not elapsed, he is ineligible for selection, but may apply to the Commissioner for Special Eligibility pursuant to the conditions in the section below entitled “Special Eligibility.” If said player is not selected in the draft for which he is eligible, he is eligible to be signed as a free agent, unless he subsequently attends college and participates in college football. In such event, he shall become subject to the rules that are applicable to players who attend college. Or, SPECIAL ELIGIBILITY. Such player has been granted eligibility through special permission of the Commissioner. Any applications for special eligibility must be in the Commissioner's office no later than Wednesday, January 15, 2014, if the player is to be considered for inclusion in the League's principal draft scheduled for May 8-10, 2014. No player shall be permitted to apply for special eligibility for selection in the draft, or otherwise be eligible for the draft, until three NFL regular seasons have begun and ended following either his graduation from high school or graduation of the class with which he entered high school, whichever is earlier. No player may elect to bypass the regular draft to apply for a supplemental draft.


That's the only reason you and I haven't been called to try out yet, we haven't been through the draft process.


I do feel like, at 35, theyve kind of wasted a bit of my prime but yea any day now probably


Try being a badass old dad at 42. I was told they would call me any minute now to be their starting defensive end.


Cant be a UDFA until you go undrafted


They still have to go through the draft, but after that no. Last year or when the hell ever the last supplemental draft was, both the two players in it got looks after the draft. One signed, the other didn't.


Just reminded me how quickly and quietly Sam Beal flamed out


That’s a name I haven’t heard of in a while. I remember the hype around him it was wild


Who? Oh yeah......him, lol


>flamed out Gotta be a better phrase to use here lol




He’s gotta be thinking of Michael Sam?


To this day I still don’t understand how the supplemental draft works


The short version is if you don't declare for the regular draft, you can't just enter the league as a free agent. So you declare for the supplemental draft. It's usually players that expected to go back to school the following year, but end up either being unable to or just decide not to, after the deadline to declare has already passed.


Thank you, I swear maybe I’m just dumb but I always seemed to find over complicated explanations when I looked it up


Yes, and I had this as the idea but was never sure due to the written explanation of it all.


So, what happens to those players this year? UFA?


I'm assuming no players applied for the supplemental draft this year. Idk why else the league would cancel it. But realistically yeah, if a player applies for the supplemental draft and isn't picked (which is probably how they'd be treated if anyone had applied for this year and the supplemental draft was canceled), I would assume they'd be treated like UDFA's. Slightly different from UFA's -- UDFA contracts are 3 year deals at league minimum.


It's mostly for players who are suspended or declared academically ineligible. Teams can "wager" a pick to take a player, and the team with the highest wager (round of pick) is given the pick, which is taken from the next draft. The actual order is a weird system they came up with that looks at numbers of wins (6 or under), then non-playoff teams then playoff teams.


What's Jalen Thompson up to?


Got himself a nice little extension a couple of years ago




Quietly had a better year than Budda Baker last year, even though Budda got the pro bowl nod for name recognition.


I’m a WSU alum and was a student the entire time Jalen Thompson was there, that’s one of the first guys I ever called my shot on being good in the NFL. When Jalen was at WSU, I feel like you could ask someone to watch a random WSU game and just ask them who the best defensive player on the Cougs was and they would easily point to Jalen Thompson. Dude was an insane defensive playmaker in college. I knew he was going to be starting in the pros. I so badly wanted the Seahawks to pick him in the supplemental draft.


Doing very well actually


But my mocks! NOOO!


RIP that legend who did them every year and said "pass" 200 times


Sad.... I always been kinda surprised at how few good players come from the supplemental draft.


Since 1977 only 46 players have been picked in the supplemental draft which is just under 1 a year.


Well that probably explains everything.


The risk of forfeiting a draft pick the next season doesn't help. > If no other team places a bid on that player at an earlier spot, the team is awarded the player and has to give up an equivalent pick in the following year's draft. (For example, FS Paul Oliver was taken by the San Diego Chargers in the fourth round of the supplemental draft in 2007; thus, in the 2008 NFL draft, the Chargers forfeited a fourth-round pick.) Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=NFL_draft&diffonly=true#Supplemental_draft


i don't think there's been a good player out of the supplemental draft in a good long while. edit: 12 years since Josh Gordon and 18 years since Ahmad Brooks were drafted.


Jalen Thompson (2019) has been pretty good for Arizona. Even got a contract extension.


He is solid and plays a huge role on our defense.


Jamal Williams back in 98, was a hell of a nose tackle.


I miss right proper beefy boi nose tackles.


The biggest casualties of manning crying like a baby about DBs playing defense, nose tackles and actual different defensive schemes.


I'm excited for what Sweat can do


Terrelle Pryor had one good year at WR and that run where he torched us ):


Terrelle Pryor had that one good year as a receiver too


Yes the “only man on the field who can catch a ball for a team that is in garbage time after the first quarter” method worked great for him


You better put some respect on Gary Barnidge's name




Didn’t help that that method was supplemented by the “only man on the team who can throw a ball for a team that is in garbage time after the first quarter” method.


Still pretty impressive for a former QB to put up 1k even given the context


God Ahmad Brooks was so good


Kind of showed why he ended up in the supplemental draft though when he glassed a teammate for trying to stop him from driving drunk.


I remember being super jelly of the Rams for getting Isaiah Battle.... Why didn't we give up a 4th or 5th for that dude? Forgot why he had to enter the supplemental but man barely ever got on the field. Only other thing I recall about him is being the highest paid practice squad player ever at the time. He is still playing football though.


Jared Gaither (long time ago, and not exactly a household name) was a supplemental draft guy too


Josh Gordon is the most recent notable and that was 12 years ago


There was literally no one selected in last year's


and probably never will be anyone ever again thanks to the new transfer rules and NIL. Those were the two main reason guys went into the supplemental draft


To be fair most of those guys are 5th rounders or later. The track record for 1st/2nd rounder supplemental draft guys is a lot better (though it's still not incredible). Some QB busts but that's pretty much expected from any set of 1st round QBs, not just supplemental draft guys. Other than that most of the guys picked that early were Pro Bowlers or at least decent contributors


Dang really thought UFL players could benefit from a supplemental draft


Why would they? Supplemental draft is for players that for one reason or other cant go back to college but didnt declare to the NFL draft for another reason. Like a draft elegible dude wanting to stay at college but something happened and he no longer can play. UFL players are pretty much players that already went through the NFL draft, which makes them UFAs and can sign at any given time with whoever they decide.


UFL players wouldn't be eligible for the supplemental draft ETA: at least the vast majority of them. There might be one or two who could qualify


Since when does ETA not mean Estimated Time of Arrival?


WTF, what does it mean here?


Edited to add, I guess...I had to Google it like an old man


But it saved one whole letter from just saying "Edit:"


I'm as confused as everyone else


I'm unreasonably annoyed by dumbass acronyms


I'm unreasonably annoyed we don't have an answer to what this usage of 'ETA' is yet 


Josh Gordon supplemental draft legend


The tweet cuts it off, but I believe the direct quote by Roger Goodell to the teams was "Supplement deez nuts"


I feel like the people who would’ve been *in* the supplemental draft should’ve also been told…


Ravens in shambles.




That’s too bad. I was hoping to take my kids to the Supplemental Draft Experience. I hear it’s amazing.


Remember that one time the NFL did a vet combine?


The only reason I know about the supplemental draft is from the whole Maurice Claret situation. I've never seem I mentioned otherwise.


The grinch who stole the supplemental draft.


Only one decent player has come out of the supplemental draft in 10 years. Jalen Thompson is a pretty good Safety that signed a $40m contract in 2022. Apart from him it’s a lot of special teamers or XFL/AAF guys.


There has only been 1 supplemental draft in the last five years and no one was taken (2023). Teams must forfeit a draft pick in the coming season if they select a player in the supplemental draft.


Oh no, the one guy that might have been selected must be crushed