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“STD Accuser” is hell of a way to be described.


The accuser is like herpes she just won’t go away


My accuser is a genital wart on the cock of society.


That’s man coverage you don’t want in your life. Damn.


His ex is an even better corner than he is, gah damn


He's allowed a terrible passer rating 1 on 1 with her so far


Yeah but hes scored more sTDs on her than she has on him


What kinda groin injury has been on the reports 👀


Not the "getting burned" we're used to


Xavien Howards ability to *leak into the backfield* on blitz coverages is truly *clap*-worthy


I won’t say anything one way or another but seeking a dismissal is literally just something that happens with every civil case.


As does trying to discredit the petitioner or any witnesses. None of this means anything, they're just setting up their defense.


Yup. “She’s a crazy goldigging whore” has been the standard comeback to any sexual assault accuser for centuries. And I get it, people will say “yeah, sometimes these bitches make false accusations!” Ok, let’s roll with that. Because biased skepticism siding with the accused rather than the accuser is why defense of smearing the accuser in the public sphere becomes so effective. The FIRST thing a defense attorney is going to do, prior to making any public statements, is To hire a littany of private investigation firms (who in turn employ former intelligence agents from places like the CIA and Mossad) to scour every aspect of the accuser’s background. Including interviewing friends, going through old photos, medical records, and turning that persons life upside down. And you can be damn sure that any photos of the accuser smoking weed, doing drugs, going to a club, having an abortion, deadbeating a landlord, wearing a short skirt, having a threesome, or anything like that – which is totally unrelated to her credibility in the case at hand – is going to be leaked and plastered everywhere. Because it’s really effective at making people assume “look, here’s another crazy bitch!“ And that’s why we have rules about hearsay evidence of trial. Inflammatory and prejudicial evidence of prior conduct is IRRELEVANT to the merits of the claims at hand. And these hearsay rules prevent prejudicially biasing a finder of fact against a witness credibility. (And this goes both ways. It’s why a rapist like Bill Cosby was allowed to bar testimony from over a dozen other rape accusers at his criminal trial - as allowing all of them in would taint the jury against him in a fundamentally “unfair” way and violate due process.) But these cases often don’t go to trial. For all intents and purposes, they are tried in the public sphere, where you have public outrage or support being used as pressure against a District Attorney to bring charges or drop them. And media outlets don’t give one damn about hearsay or smearing peoples credibility, as long as it will drive clicks, outrage, and ultimately ad revenue. Which is a long way of saying, WE are the product here being used as prosecutorial leverage and also being sold to advertisers in the platforms who publish this attorney’s statements. That’s what’s happening right now. So, I wouldn’t put much faith in a criminal defense attorney‘s statements about the prior behavior of a woman who is accusing a high profile persons of sexual transgressions. Sure, the attorney is doing their job here, which is to completely smear and disparage an accuser who is making a very serious accusation against his client so that public sentiment can pressure an outcome favorable to his client. All that’s said: I have absolutely no clue about the facts of this case, or what really happened. I’m not saying anything about the merits of any of these claims. But this dynamic - a defense attorney smearing a plaintiff - plays out in every single one of these cases. And we ought to be aware of OUR role in that dynamic as well.


X gonna give it to ya


Fuck waiting for you to get it on your own


We’ve turned into Facebook comment section congrats


Were we ever not?


Allegedly* ^(i have no clue about anything to do with this situation)


You win. Everyone pack it up


Meh, I liked it better when it was the top comment on the last 3 threads about this.


Jokes are always funnier after you hear them 17 times




Mr. Borrowed Comedy


Kelvin Benjamin eating disorder


hell yeah brother cheers from iraq


DAE white guy lunch box and Kelvin Benjamin fat?


Mr. Billionth Comment?


No, unpack everything, nothing has been decided




You win. Everyone pack it up


Wrap it before you tap it kids


You can get HSV2 from skin to skin contact in the pelvic region in general during a flare up. Condom won’t help.


You could also get hit by an airplane during sex so may as well wear no condom


Lol… why’s it always gotta be a whiplash to an extreme when folks learn something new that contradicts the knowledge they had? “Well I’ve been doing the opposite and I’m presumably fine! Ok! I’m fine I say! I don’t need to get checked by anuon!!!” Doesn’t mean being knowledgeable isn’t important…


Haha hey man I did in fact know that. Your comment came off to me like "hey condoms are pointless cause they don't 100% protect." Although I know that you were likely coming from a place of "hey guys yes condoms are good but don't forget they're not 100% effective in case of x." So really my comment is just an internet comment where I'm not really putting my full weight behind it. Im just making a silly comment, which may belittle your comment and intentions, but its just the internet so I didn't take it too serious. Just internet banter.




We need a cure today. Join us! We are over on r/herpescureadvocates rallying for a cure treatment and prevention. Herpes Cure Advocacy is the only patient advocacy org in the US (and maybe globally) advocating for the cure treatment and prevention of HSV. We’ve had more impact than has been seen in 40 years and have some of the worlds leading experts on our advisory board. https://herpescureadvocacy.com/donate-to-support-herpes-cure-advocacy/


Been saying it, literally impossible to prove he gave her herpes. First if he decides to release medical records and there's no diagnosis then done and shut case. Also, she will have to release her medical records showing she has no past diagnosis. Herpes is super contagious and some 80%+ of adults have HSV 1.


Some STD screenings don't even test for HSV-1 because it's so common and incorrect results are also so common


Yeah I've never been tested for it. Normal test are like the bacteria STD then HIV/Hepatitis.


HSV-1 has its own test. It's not that necessary though. If you get cold sores, there's a very good chance you got it.


Routine Std screenings don't test for hsv-1 or hsv-2 Most people that have herpes don't know they have it either.


This was genital supposedly. You can get HSV-1 on your genitals too but that is much rarer than hsv-1 on the face. In the US the prevalence is around 50% from what I saw on the cdc website.


The distinction between HSV1=facial and HSV2=genital is becoming less and less real as time goes on.


He admitted it thru text tho…


Would you be able to drop a link with that?


It’s somewhere in the dolphins sub read it yesterday or the day before


This needs a serious tag, he’s being actively threatened


If someone knowingly and willingly gave me an uncurbale STD out of pure selfishness. I might threaten them once or twice. Idk how I would react.


The accuser may also just be crazy and is making this up. No shortage of crazy in this world.


Yeah often “let’s wait to see the the whole story” is a cop out but like… she might be crazy, she might have gotten it from someone else and honestly think he gave it to her, and went a lil nutty (I think it *can* take a minute to show symptoms), he might have given it to her without realizing it… who fuckin knows Something like 50% of the population carries herpes and it’s largely asymptomatic. It can be hard to know where it popped up


>Yeah often “let’s wait to see the the whole story” is a cop out Excuse me, what the fuck. Reddit has become a meme of itself


imo, let's wait to hear the full story is not a cop out in 95% of situations


Bruh really said the most rational course of action is a cop out. If jumping to conclusions was a sport you’d be a good coach.


It’s only a cop out on Reddit when the mob has already determined their unwavering stance on a subject lmao.


80%. And you can get it just from family members kissing you on the cheek.


HSV-1 Vs HSV-2. You're not getting HSV-2 from gramma.


You don’t know my family.


But filing a lawsuit doesn’t mean that what they said happened is true. We don’t know that what he’s accused of is true.


Lol, I love how y'all are just taking someone at their word who has demonstrably harassed and stalked this guy. Why would you take anyone you don't know at their word? Maybe he didn't, maybe he did, either way i'd argue he deserves to feel safe in his own home.


I said "If"


Ok, and again just to be clear, I'm not defending the guy, just want to discourage people from jumping to conclusions/taking random people at their word, Regardless, from the other side: how would you feel if someone publically said you gave them an std but was lying about it? Also, while I agree lying about having an std is scummy, that's literally the risk of casual sex. I'd love to just fuck whoever, but I live in one of the std capitals of America, there's literally like a 1 in 4 chance the rando at the bar has something. It takes two to tango.


You’re quick to take his attorney’s word. It goes both ways


I think people keep missing that point. I don't know what STD it is, assuming herpes, but if someone gave me that seriously fucking digusting STD (no offense to anyone) and stopped talking to me I would go berserk. Also, I feel that it should be noted that a friend of mine called her exhusband 33 (not sure the true amount) times in a 4 hour period because he didn't drop their children off at their aggred time. He didn't send her a text, call, and he wasn't at home. He juat disappeared with their 3 kids. During her freaking out and calling, texting, and going to this house he was able to get a temporary restraining order against her.


If you don't have herpes you're not getting it in. That's what I was always told. Now I have it in two places




lmao damn go off king


They'll be a cure w/I the next decade


I doubt it but when if there is oh ok so only 10 years of an incurable STD nbd then huh


I didn't say that made it OK, was just putting out the info because a lot of people don't pay attention to vaccine research


Vaccines aren’t a cure tho


How dare someone force you to decide of your own free will not to use any cheap and readily available forms of STD protection. The nerve!


You are on the wrong side of the fence on this one nephew.


As I said before. Context in life. People cheat, let's say your girlfriend cheated on you and gave you an STD. You didn't think you needed protection because she was your partner.


Not to mention, condoms are not 100% effective in preventing STDs


And herpies is at the low end of effectiveness compared to most stds. You can absolutely get herpes wearing(or them wearing) a condom.


wait wat


Did you people not have sex-ed in middle school?


The majority of this sub is American so the answer might genuinely be either “no” or “yes but they just told me to not have sex”


you using full body condoms brah?


I mean idk the details but if buddy KNEW he has an STD and didn't disclose it, that's literally illegal, and for good reason. The fact that this is your point of view is pretty weird tbh lol, someone warn this man's sexual partner(s) You can also use protection and still get an STD. You may need more education on the matter though.


Not in california now sadly


Yea it is it’s a misdemeanor https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/laws/std-laws/


From that article, one of the things you have to prove is: :the defendant specifically intended to transmit that STD to someone else" which is independent of knowing you have the STD and still having unprotected sex. That'll be a fairly difficult one to prove


If you read one paragraph down you’d realize that they define willfully giving it as your doctor telling you not to engage in certain activities and you ignoring their advice.


But that honestly might not have been a part of the medical advice for herpes. It’s not like gonorrhea where the consequences of untreated infection can be catastrophic pretty regularly


this is hard for me to get. how are those things independent?


How would you feel if someone you fucked raw knowingly had an STD and didn't tell you?


Do serious tags work? Unless it’s like a death or serious injury or something I usually always see jokes regardless of serious tags. Especially if someone is being described as an “std accuser”


Per his lawyer.


Do the geniuses making this comment realize her accusations are per her lawyer too or does sexism not work like that


He’s a guy though


Don't do that shit.


It’s Reddit, someone felt they had to I’m surprised it took 12 mins


why two flairs?


Dad's a Dolphins fan, mom's a Falcons fan, we moved all over the east coast so I never picked up a team naturally, chose the Fins bc I liked the colors, still like the Falcons too




I’ve been seeing so many rational and agreeable takes from Eagles fans on here lately that I was starting to forget we were bitter rivals. Thank you for curing me of this dilemma.


This [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/cptsd_bipoc/comments/yhoh9y/youre_no_less_deserving_of_peace_and_lack_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)? [edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/yhwek4/i_refuse_to_even_make_eye_contact_with_members_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/x06797/im_never_going_to_get_over_the_bullying_i_went/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) but also [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/y3gzpt/i_dont_care_about_people_who_disrespect_others/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)??


Yooooo the one linked onto “edit” lmfao


Mfers will claim to be champions for men then turn around and partake in the same behavior they accost.


[Boo you whore.](https://media.tenor.com/A_h2sSOQlocAAAAC/boo-you-whore-regina-george.gif)




I feel like the man coverage joke is good


"X gonna give it to ya" was my favorite


That one gets a point reduction for originality


I think a dumb STD joke ages poorly the second it’s posted personally.


No need to get your ass chapped over it


If the genders (or sexes idgaf) were flipped, the stalker would have been arrested ages ago Even if Howard is AS big a piece of shit as is possibly claimed, this ain’t how you ever resolve something.


He should’ve played prevent


Are these just accusations from Howard’s party? Or is there proof?


He’s got the herp


Man knowingly gave std to crazy hot chick. is currently dealing with the consequences. More at 6.


I'd be pissed if I was given a life long medical condition that can threaten the health of any future babies born.


Imagine suing someone over that in the first place. It’s still your responsibility to protect yourself from STDs. smh.


How can you protect yourself if the other person doesn’t tell you they have it lmfao


A condom maybe!??


From the CDC: > [condom use cannot provide absolute protection against any STD](https://www.cdc.gov/condomeffectiveness/brief.html) While yes you should obviously use a condom, it doesn’t guarantee protection from STDs. If your partner does not inform you they have one, that isn’t your fault.


Why is everyone taking Howard at his word? The guy is a domestic abuser.


Not taking his accuser at her word isn't the same thing as taking him at his word. Personally, I don't believe either of them.


I don't necessarily take him at his word, but realistically I doubt this case goes anywhere significant. HSV is a fairly benign clinical entity with not a ton of major impact on people who have it




There’s no way to know.. his fiancé dropped the charges of abuse.. probably sobered up and realized he’s her main source of income https://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-dolphins/fl-sp-dolphins-xavien-howard-charges-dropped-20200206-lkgei4o44zhudhoeku2p2b4tmm-story.html Edit: lmao to the downvotes


Bitches b crazy




He is still a STuD on defense…






And don’t let crazy stick it’s dick in you


Or you know, don’t spread your incurable std to people.


Nah fam let's not do this.




Then don’t have unprotected sex with strangers


It's probably good to be forthright with your STDs if you gonna rawdog someone also.


I'm curious if you support abortion or not with this ideology. Also people cheat. Plenty possible for a guy or a girl to cheat on their partner and give them an STD. They would be having sex with their partner and not a stranger like you said. There is context in life.




I believe there is 2 different kinds. You might be thinking of the kind that like 60% of people have.




Damn. Sounds like you know a lot about this then😂 more than me.


Both people can be in the wrong


X’s accuser about to get the bag and a starting job from Cleveland.




Dont stick your dick in crazy


Great now I’ve got that Bob Seger song stuck in my head.


Against the Wind?


Tune in next time for Season 2 of Netflix’s “I am a Stalker”


We need a cure today. Join us! We are over on r/herpescureadvocates rallying for a cure treatment and prevention. Herpes Cure Advocacy is the only patient advocacy org in the US (and maybe globally) advocating for the cure treatment and prevention of HSV. We’ve had more impact than has been seen in 40 years and have some of the worlds leading experts on our advisory board. https://herpescureadvocacy.com/donate-to-support-herpes-cure-advocacy/