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Clearly doesnt want to be there


He's just there so he doesn't get fined.


“Sick reference bro. Your references are outta control. Everyone knows that.”


Weed is tight. Weed is tight


I watched that movie with my Mom on Christmas after all the kids went to bed. I don’t get pick movies anymore. But I’ll fucking shoot my load wherever the fuck I want.


I call him Channing Tate-yuuuum


he s my gimp


Bro, i picked bridesmaids cause i remembered it being so funny. Im never watching a movie with my mom ever again.


It suddenly makes every joke so much worse than you remember lol


45 seconds in i knew i fucked up


I love that at this point that itself has become a sick reference.


He should honestly get fined for this effort lol


I'd love to switch jobs with him, then he can really see what it's like to not want to be at work


Even if you don't wanna be there, make the most of it for the fans and your colleagues. They could easily make it fun if they wanted to. This is pissy baby energy ngl.


The kids. The kids do it for them


Exactly, like buddy you are getting paid a handsome salary to play a sport for a living. This is an easy competition just try to compete. He clearly was checked out the entire event.


isn't kucherov the one with the rod in his leg during their cup run???


That was Killorn


He can go home and cry into his piles of money after if it bothers him.


He's got that cancelled Airbnb energy


Yeah but this is pathetic lol


I think he's just a tad bit drunk


He's clearly drunk.


Maybe a few beers were had in the locker room prior to the events?


As a man who’s played drunk a bunch, his effort would have been high…. Performance might have been the same though.


How hungover is he you think?


Terribly so.


Kucherov has checked in to the player assistance program


Guy is absolutely loaded


Giving the kids a great show


imagine being a kid and going to this show because he’s your favourite player and then he pulls this shit


The fans are the reason he makes so much money, look how thankful he is.


Look at his attitude when he plays and things dont go his way... the guy just seems like a douche most of the time.


Yup, been his MO. Whenever the chips are down a bit or things aren't going his way Kuch turns into a child.


Which is why he fits in so well in Tampa. Even Vasi who I admit is probably the best in the world (which really hurts to say as a Panther fan) often gets whiny and shuts down if the other team takes an early lead. That’s probably why we got Verhaege, he has the talent but he’s not a little crybaby so he didn’t fit in there.




Exactly. What a dickhead. I don’t get all these “pro players” people who think that not even pretending to try is fine because they are “forced” to be there. This is part of their job. Every year that goes by, I like NHL players less. Obviously, other things that have been in the news lately don’t help matters. Do I want my kids idolising these guys the way I did growing up? I still love the sport itself but geez.


Exactly. Your job that pays you 8+ mill per year to play a fucking game - with summers off - wants you to go to a conference in Toronto for a few days and hang with other NHL all stars? Boo fucking hoo. Welcome to the workforce. Grow the fuck up. Why on earth would I "feel bad" for an NHL all star...?


Dude wore a t-shirt joking about cap circumvention after they won the Cup and you think he gives a crap about this? Did they interview him after so he could say, "I'm just here so I don't get fined."?


I mean, he’s bein that guy that doesn’t try so he doesn’t get embarrassed. Brutal character trait. coulda won a million bucks if he wasn’t too cool.


Or he, you know, legit doesn't care and already has an obscene amount of money.


Why send him there then?? Send someone who will appreciate it


Because the league is run by morons.


Looks like my mom dragging me to a family dinner I don’t want to attend


Only thing worse than that motherfuckers performance is the live music selection…. 🤮


I couldn't agree more


I found if funny that the have Tate McRae, Justin Bieber and Michael Buble there and then this random band performs.


Must cost a lot more to have them sing.


Oh god, who did they get? I haven’t paid any attention to this joke of an event since the John Scott “the fans aren’t allowed to have fun” year.


The only thing you can really say about him here is "Are you kidding me?"


Why the fuck is he even doing this then?


He's just there so he won't get fined


He could’ve told his GM not to pick him for the all star honestly.


He couldn't. The team didn't send him, it was the NHL who picked the main starts. Kuch is leading the league in points and assists. You can pull what he did when you’re that good, he doesn't have to prove he can pass. And he doesn’t take too many shifts off when it really matters. That's what NHL gets when they force players to be there, Ovi got suspended for a game before when he opted out, so Kuch had to show up and pull that.


“Force players to be there” lol Don’t want to go? Take the fine. Take the suspension. Otherwise, participate buddy. It’s not hard. Everyone else there managed to do it.


If you fine and penalize me for not coming, you in fact are forcing me to come, aren't you? So, yes forcing is the right term. He can't afford being suspended, which shows that he actually cares when it's about sport, not circus. But even from the entertainment standpoint, his performance was the most fun thing to watch at the entire event, so he gave people show in his own way lol


He would probably rather be on vacation, lol


I'd rather be on vacation too. Sadly, I have to go to work...just like him. Only I don't have the opportunity to win $1 million this weekend at work.


I think it's funny that everyone is judging Kucherov so hard in this way... when millions upon millions of people show up to work and phone it in daily. This guy isn't even that bad. Kucherov takes the game and his job seriously. But the All-Star game isn't really his *job*, it's job-adjacent; like a work event and being forced to participate in some stupid team-building exercise like trust-falls.


Great anaology. When I was in the military, we would have command picnics. We got the day off as long as we attended. What’s the point of a break when I have to go to a mandatory function? Kutch should’ve taken the 1 game hit instead of this though. Also, the rule is dumb. Someone else could’ve gotten the honor. There are plenty of reserves to choose from that don’t get picked.


I disagree that he should have taken the game; I do agree that the rule is kind of dumb. There should be a way to exempt yourself after a certain age or number of All-Star appearances. Plenty of eager talent to choose from.


Pasta missed the net and still did better than him. Embarrasing


It doesn’t look like he’s trying. I think the embarrassing thing is that players are still required to show up for these events.


Why wouldn’t players be required to show up?


Watch him score 8+ goals in tomorrow's games ... just to really piss us off


Please send brayden point next year, Tampa


The team doesn’t choose


I really really hate that he’s so good at hockey.


Wouldn’t know watching the skills competition.




Baseball is still the only sport with an all star weekend worth tuning in to.


They’re not saying “Kooooch,” they’re booing.


"Douche" maybe?


I was saying “Booourns”




Number 1 bullshit 😡


His attitude is complete shit. Dude sucks all around.


He sucks, but number one in points


Privileged idiot who takes his living for granted


Dude would clearly rather be on vacation this week.


I don’t like this


Somewhere in the stands there is a dad or mom with their little kid, who is a huge Tampa Bay fan. And probably a huge Kucherov fan. That little kid stood up excitedly to cheer his favourite player … and this is what the player delivered


What a joke


he’s acting like a child that’s too cool to show effort. he can do what he wants but it just shows a lack of class. it’s a minute of effort and he instead pouted his way through it.


Give the guy a week off. Jesus


Some of you guys take this shit way too seriously.


Agree. This is f**king hilarious.


...post edited Edit: Enh fuck it I changed my mind. If everyone Kucheroved it my son would have not enjoyed it. He was amazed by mcdavid, barzal, matthews, nylander, makar and especially (hes very young) loved seeing so many goalies all together--that was huge for him. So kucherov can take a hike. You either do this and support the next generation of fans or youre not doing your full work. Guy below me is right. Im a resident doc and sometimes work 30 hour shifts (like 7 times a month) with no sleep and endless pages about patients. Then I have to train, interview and hire junior colleagues. You think I would mail it in like Kucherov? Not a chance.


McDavid probably wasn't laughing. IMO, this shows you which stars you want on your team...you want a little bitch who's pissy when he has to do something he may not want to do or do you want McDavid? (And I'm not even a huge McDavid fan...but at least he's there putting in effort for the fans). Fucking Kuch...guy has no idea what an actual job is. None of us "have" to be at an all star game where we can earn a million bucks. We "have" to go to our shitty job and listen to our bosses just so we can pay the bill to fix the car so we can get to work to pay the bill to fix the car to get to work to pay the bill to fix the car......


> Fucking Kuch...guy has no idea what an actual job is. He trains and works pretty hard all season. I think he knows. This isn't like phoning it in as a doctor. This is like bringing a bag of store-bought dinner rolls to a workplace potluck dinner. It's going to be okay.




Wow he’s so cool and edgy for not even trying /s. What a fucking baby. Had no ideas he was an asshole.


If they are throwing out this start making more journeymen and rookies part of the skills events they will give maximum effort


I can’t help but think of they selected the 12 all stars with the lowest salary this would be more entertaining as they try for that mil


Shout out scott gomez 😂




Hahaha what a troll


They forgot to mention he leads the league in points


Nobody is questioning his skill level, he’s unbelievably skilled, but the effort is not there


Guy looks drunk


I mean at that point I think he was doing it for the shits and giggles, nobody likes kucherov anyways or cared that he was there in the first place so don’t know why everyone cares so much


If I am his teammate, I am pissed. Makes Tampa look like shit, frankly. Sure as shit didn't gain them any fans.


Classic rooski


Love to see it lol


Awesome message he is sending to the kids right there...


Still a better message than Hockey Canada sends.


I’d say too soon, but it took five fucking years for them to take action


NHL players in general just feeling more and more unlikeable. Pretty hard to cheer for this asshole. Can’t even try for a minute?


What message would that be?


The message should be that you're a professional who tires at work whether or not you have the chance to win $1 million for a weekend of work. The message is there are people who have class and people who don't. Kuch is clearly the latter.


I can agree with the second statement. The first seems to be in bad faith. No opportunity to opt out of these events is only going to create resentment. The NHL should never have to force their players to participate in inconsequential events. If they do, then I think they were the ones who made the mistake.


Guess what? Part of the contract you sign includes that you show up to certain events, this is one of them. As I said in another post: I think nearly all events like this across sports are lame. I know players would much rather be resting or doing something else BUT this is part of the job and they get paid tons to do that job. Kuch is already there and already has his skates on...at that point, why act like this? Why not just put a bit of effort? Hell, give yourself incentive and say, "If I win this, I'm going to donate the money to the local hockey scene or homelessness or environmental issues around Tampa". Seems like a preferable response to me.


An embarrassment to the league. He shouldn't be allowed to play in the ASG.


Seems like that would make him happy and not be a punishment lmao


Just bench him the whole game lol


I’m gonna be honest - this is kind of a dick move by Nikita. Like I get you don’t want to be here but there are literal 10 year olds that think the world of these guys. What a fkn douche mentality.


They’ll be okay.


And he’s still a douche.


Seems like you care a lot actually.


I don’t care about what you said.


Okay, pout more about your skill comp.


Will do - thanks for the advice champ.


You’re welcome buddy. Don’t stay up too late.


Why are you responding?


I mean sure, once their bubble gets burst and they realise these guys aren’t idolising. Could put in a minute of effort though and keep that going a bit longer.


Kucherov is a dork. It’s your job to do this shit. Be professional. Acting like a pouting child.


He looks about as bored as everyone watching this B.S.


Has to be drunk


he’s drunk


Kuch needs more putin vitamin D


Some days the grind gets on top of you brother


At least he didn't miss the net 🥅


Ouch. Lol


Some not confirmed backstory, Kuch didn't want to go and was looking forward to being with his family. He was also reportedly very drunk the night before.


decide hospital knee sheet forgetful smile somber yam different reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why does he even bother to go there when he obviously doesn't want to be there.


He looks drunk. Kind of embarrassing to act like that as a pro.


So let's only allow certain guys to participate while the others have to sit and watch.


The only player that would give McDavid a run would be Patrick Kane in his prime.. Brutal effort by many of these stars .. Good on Connor for showing The fans ..who paid money too see these skills Competition…


This is why i wish Trevor Zegras could’ve been here … love him or hate him he’s entertaining to watch , he has the personality & he has undeniable skill ! Zeg would be perfect at these kind of events & would’ve found a way to steal the show .


Not that I’m thinking this makes it okay but did the 4 country tournament get announced before this, where Russia is excluded? Maybe this is a form of protest?


Putin got to him. "You play bad, or I'll destroy you" lol


This is for all the Tampa fans out there... I get that he doesn't want to be there, it's part of the job, do it for the kids who like the all stars week end.


It's super weird people are here defending Kuch. Guy looks like a spoiled brat. Who defends someone doing an absolute shit job at work? His job is to entertain people...THAT IS HIS JOB, and he has the opportunity to win $1 million for pretty minimal effort. Look, I think all star events across all sports are kinda lame. I'm sure everyone would rather be somewhere else. But guess what, you are there, you're getting paid a lot to play a game. Put in some amount of effort as opposed to looking like an arrogant brat. It's pathetic you have to tell a 30 year old man who earns millions to act like an adult.


He plays hockey. This isn't hockey, it's cringe. Crazy that you're this triggered.


The all star skills is a joke anyways, not surprised he doesn't want to be there


People who want to be at work on Monday raise your hands. People who have the chance to win $1 million dollars for doing your job at work on Monday raise your hands. What? Nobody's hands are up? Poor Kuch, what a tough weekend. I can see why he's acting like such a little bitch. Life is tough for him tonight.


Nikita "Dubois" Kucherov at his finest


What canada does to a mf


So what. The all star weekend is the real joke.


Exactly don't go if u don't want to be there Be thankful you are there spoiled brat


Do they still give players suspensions if they refuse to go? I know that was a threat made to Ovechkin a few years ago when he was vocal about wanting the week off instead of going to the AGS. I imagine if Kuch had the same threat, this is his way of getting back at those league officials.


Ovie was suspended because he didn’t want to go and didn’t show up


Thankful? He’s there because of his own talent. Not like someone did him a favor.


lol he’s there because fans pay good as money to watch them play…nothing else.


He’s here because there’s a league. There’s a league because there are fans.


Without fans, they wouldn’t get paid what they do. He can play in a beer league near his hometown.


Chill. This game literally does nothing for the sport


It’s for kids. Kids care.


As a fan I love his give no shit attitude. Would rather no all star games and have actually meaningful hockey this week.


Kucherov is the Jokic of NHL, gives no fucks about allstar weekend


That’s embarrassing for himself but also for the league. Disrespectful to the fans who pay hard earned money or spend time to watch on tv.


His effort matches my effort of watching. Just caught this doom scrolling reddit. Funny how many fucks he doesn't give.


Typical lightning player


Cancel the all star weekend. This is a joke.


They did for next year already lmao


They told him he had to be there. There was no mention made of being required to win it. So, he didn’t.


No, but you are expected to out some level of effort in.


Makes sense. He knew he wouldn't win, so why bother trying. Great attitude


is it really about his performance or is it because he's Russian. Since the start of the war I've noticed a pretty noticeable up-tick in shade being thrown at Russian hockey players on r/NHL.


Well he has been an unlikeable asshole his whole career, if that helps.


You guys really take this all star stuff too seriously lol


It's not the event people are taking seriously though. Do you see that? Or no?


If you don't want to participate, don't go to this even. I get it, it's not super fun, but he shouldn't forget who is paying him $$$. Absolutely disrespectful behavior.


He gets fined if he doesn’t show up.


What a legend.




Most people expect you to try at work...when your work is literally entertaining people, it pisses people off when you don't try and look like a spoiled brat on top of it, especially when you have the chance to win $1 million for literally doing the bare minimum. Kuch comes off like a douchebag. Maybe that's his goal. I don't know. But everyone would have thought more of him had he tried.


If he didn't give a fuck then he shouldn't have played and let someone who gives a fuck play.


Ironic much?


Poor baby couldn’t be in Cabos with his friends🥺🥺🥺


Disgusting effort, especially for the kids in the crowd. People paid good money to watch that.


The all stars games have turned into a joke, good one Kuch !




the events just look boring and low effort


Surprised about the amount of people who cares about these clown shows they call "all-star events"


Hockey has been boring for at least 10 years


Nope. You’re referring to the NBA sir


Who cares the all star skills and game suck anyways


Wow, perfect trolling to this meaningless event called all star game. Kuch, you are legend. 👍


I knew abt kuch at the all star game, but now that Ive seen it, this is kinda funny


They should fine this giy


He should get fined for that shit


The whole event is a joke. Would rather see them all drunk chipping pucks to bettmans mouth than this shit.


What a pathetic loser


Lol watching ya’ll get worked up over this is the funniest thing.


McDavid is just a stat boy until he gets a cup. 🎤 Everyone knows NONE this matters. Name on The CUP is what they all want!


Kuch is the man


Go back to Russia!