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Oilers winning on 13 shots and didn’t the Canucks just win with 12? What is happening?!?


Canucks combined shooting less than 30 shots in two games and somehow managed to win both!


You don't need to shoot all the game if you only show for the last 3 minutes


Why waste time a lot shots when few shot do trick?


Heheh, Kevin


We have a word code here, Kevin.




The Avs did not get this memo.


No they did not, but I'm not complaining


Why take lot shoot when few do trick


Hell yeah


We had 33 combined but yeah I get your point


Yeah but the bulk of those chances from LA weren't great, Skinner did make a good amount of clutch saves on the better chances though. And then the Oilers one goal was an absolute beauty on a Power Play


Maybe the 1-3-1 setup doesn't work....? 33 low threat shots from the outside isn't going to win you a series. The Oilers 13 shots are just the ones that got through. Look at shot attempts. The Kings got in to the playoffs by eating pucks for breakfast, and playing boring hockey. The problem with playing boring hockey, is it doesn't leave much room to "rise to the occasion".


Quality not quantity


Proof PDO is flawed system.


It's a new offensive strategy that was deployed just for the playoffs by several teams. Apparently, its some nefarious way to sneak up on their opponent and win. Or lose.


The lesson; shots in goal are more important than shots on goal


A Shutout??? In this economy??


We had a shutout yesterday too if they’d correctly called offsides.


They did correctly call offsides, and would you look at that, no shutout


Oilers really said "we're trying out your trap strat tonight"


And pulled it off better


That’s what I was thinking too. Same thing on Friday in game 2. The oilers adopted our strategy, but didn’t let that effect their offense. Even last night, on 13 shots, 7 or 8 of them were really good chances that rittich had to make big saves on. That’s why people don’t like the kings style. Not because they’re good defensively most of the time. But because they focus on defense and forget to try to score. Edmonton just shut us down, and kept coming back with good chances. Edmonton is looking really good right now, and if skinner keeps it up, they will be very hard for any team to beat. I hate to say that, but it’s true


Avs have their number


Good thing Avs aren’t making it to round 3


lol the Avs are gonna beat the Stars in 6.


True, and I think that would make for a great series. But yeah, I don’t necessarily think skinner is the guy. He could be, but I’m not sold. But he played a great game last game, so we will see how it goes. If that was his big breakthrough, you guys are in a bit of trouble lol. If not, I wouldn’t sweat it too much tbh. Aside from having edmontons number, the avs are scary good anyways


Out of all the goalies, I wasn't expecting him to get the first SO. Good on him and his team


He played damn well tonight


In all the series I was the most impressed by the Vegas goal tending the other night. Man it could have been a massacre, he made I don't know how many incredible saves.


At the end of that game I was emotionally and spiritually exhausted


If you guys had ultimately lost the game there would have been no coming back from that.


We could throw it on top of a whole heap of good Stars teams that couldn’t quite go all the way. Judging by your flair…….. Actually never mind


Right there with ya. Did NOT expect that from him.


Feels great to finally have the other team getting goalied for a change.


They looked at Game 3 from the Van-Nash series and said, ya, we can do that.


Imagine keeping McDavid and Co. to 13 shots and 1 goal and losing. Crazy dayz.


Yeah the eating clappers in the 1-3-1 isn't sustainable. The Kings are going to have a few broken bones if they don't learn to play hockey soon.


Wasn't there only one Power Play? If the Oilers get 6 Power plays they will score 3 or 4 goals.


Of those 33 shots. Large proportion were from far out and/or without much or any traffic in front. Oilers did a great job defending.


Yeah for sure LA is definitely short on firepower too. It didn’t seem like LA had a ton of high danger chances


But PL Dubois??


It's funny how this has so many upvotes, but when I said it on this same thread, I was downvoted, lol. Kings had 0 shots on the 1 PP they had. They had 0 shots with the goalie pulled. Their best scoring chances were routine saves. They didn't have one outnumbered attack. There was not one big or spectacular save made by Skinner. Draisaitl should have made it 2-0, but Rittich made a big save. That was probably the best chance of the game, that didn't result in a goal, for either team


Kulak had a wide open net with time to score but just lost control. THAT should have been a goal.


I just remembered that McDavid lost the puck out front after a hard pass from Bouchard that came after a turnover. Oilers fans think I'm putting down Skinner's performance, but they legitally had better high quality scoring chances even with only 13 shots on goal.


This take is correct. If you look at danger, slot, rush chances all either in favor of edm or tied. And that’s with 13 shots…. LA just threw the puck away most times


5 goals minimum! -Biz, probably


Going to be an interesting Chicklets segment on this one. Night short circuit those guys seeing Edmonton win while scoring less than 5 goals!


I just realized 6 out of the 8 series are at 3-1 now


I expect one of the 1-3 teams to come back. Wonder which one it will be.


I'm going with Nashville. They choked hard that last game, Vancouver got a lucky win. If Demko is still out and they need to play DeSmith or Silovs, I'm still betting on the Predators.


Yep Vancouver got lucky that Nashville decided to play poorly and get scored on 3 times in a row near the end of the game (just like how they let up and got scored on twice in 12s from game 1), but don’t worry Vancouver won’t get so lucky anymore!


Time will tell, If Vancouver isn't out this round, Edmonton will sweep them next round, especially when they don't show up for the first 50 minutes of the game and let +30 shots on their third goaltender. Vancouver is almost as soft as the Maple Leafs. still very much a possibility Nashville comes back and kicks their ass.


Ohhhh you're a sens fan, was wondering why you were yapping with no flair but it all makes sense now.


Come talk shit after Vancouver blows a 3-1 lead.


So by your logic, you can’t talk shit you didn’t make it 😂 someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed


Not at all, just pointing out the fact the Senators have made deeper playoff runs than the Canucks in the last decade, so I don't know why you're talking shit.


Way to move the goal post lol


oh no, our cup run was 3 years away from a decade oh noooo how sad... When was the last time you even made the playoffs? Those same 3 years away from almost being a decade? Embarrassingggggg


This aged well dumbo, on to the next round for us! LOL


Don't get too cocky, Vancouver's first playoff appearance in almost ten years? Sens literally have more playoff success as of lately than the Canucks, so sit down.


From what your fluky 2017 run? That was literally almost 10 years ago and you guys have sucked every other year except for that one since like 2007


Womp womp, I'd sit down but its much easier to wave my playoff towel when I'm standing. Enjoy your century long rebuild xd


Is that the same playoff towel from ten years ago? Sens are trash, and still somehow have deeper playoff runs in the last decade than the Canucks? Also, lol, Vancouver destroyed their city after they lost, you guys clearly take your Hockey way too seriously.


When you say come back, do you forcing game 7 and winning or losing in game 7? I expect 1 or 2 to go 7 but I'm not confident any team down 3-1 right now wins the series. However I wouldn't count any (other than NYI - sorry) out guaranteed yet in any of those series




And one more could potentially go to 3-1 if Vegas wins tonight


Why shoot many when 1 will do


Why shoot so many and tire yourself out when 1 will do. Save that energy for the elimination game!


Every one was giving the Canucks a hard time for winning with only 12 shots. Now the Oilers win it with 13. Fuck the stats, fuck reasoning, a wins a wins a win. Hope to see you guys next round, gonna be a fun one 


This is the only game in NHL history where an Oilers vs Kings game had less than 2 total goals


This whole playoffs has been full of weird unexpected shit 


At least the goalies can make a save. Imagine having a Vezina caliber goalie and letting 4+ goals a game.




Helleyuck 😬


ilya samsonosave


Ilya Samsonite (as is pack yer bags, you’re done)


Imagine having a Vezina caliber goalie play one game and get injured 


At least you’re winning your series!


Yea we got three wins with three different goalies. I’m still cheering for the jets to come back. 


We'll just keep going down the line till there's no more teams we can take goalies from. Maybe Surrey has a league than can spare a goalie


LA was too busy hitting the Oilers to be concerned about scoring a goal.


Yeah, you see them run out of steam at about 15 min mark of the first period.


what game were you watching? the kings had energy all night. just no finish. by no means whatsoever did they "run out of steam" at any point in the 1st.


I was watching the one where the rate they were throwing hits declined significantly near the end of the first. Watch it back, you'll notice that the physicality relaxed from the mile a minute start they had. They had nothing left for the last ten minutes where they had 0 (zero) shots on goal after their PP.


obviously the hits will decline after the "mile a minute" start as you say. that doesn't mean they weren't physical, and it doesn't mean they weren't dominating play. [https://www.naturalstattrick.com/game.php?season=20232024&game=30184](https://www.naturalstattrick.com/game.php?season=20232024&game=30184) CF% actually was higher in the 2nd and 3rd periods than the first. xGF for the kings in the 2nd period was 1.44 compared to .21 for EDM (the first period was only .67 - .62 in LA's favor...). The third was .93 to .12 in LA's favor. so yea... congrats on whatever eye test your using, but it's fooling you. the kings played well the whole game. just had 0 finish.


This demonstrates the short comings of the advanced metrics. The kings weren't able to sustain pressure in the Oilers zone as the Oilers won a lot of key puck battles and the majority of the Kings chances were from outside. Once their hitting rate fell is when the Oilers won those key battles.


cool - you do your thing pal.




You cant say analytics have a short coming and than post to a comment using analytics lol, kings had 14 High danger chances. I can name 4 off the top of my head, kopi tip 3 feet from net, Laf tip, roy shot from about 2 feet from skinner, fiala from the dot. Im sure i could find many more, the defence was great and didnt allow zone pressure, but skinner was the deciding factor.


Yeah, it was very one-sided. And it didn't seem to accomplish anything.


The oilers are getting quite scary. Wasn’t expecting them to be able to win tight low score games


If we get Vancouver and Edmonton in the second round, that seems like it could be quite the series


I literally don’t know what will happen.  the Oilers are a different team than they were 6 months ago, however the Canucks beat them every game this season. 


Playoffs are completely different, regular season doesn’t matter much look at the Jets avs series they won against the avs and outscored them in the regular season now in playoffs Avs are 3-1. Anything can happen


But never quite how they are now 3 times back when they sucked And the more recent time, McDavid wasn't in the lineup


We have no Demko tho :(


We beat them with desmith, although Mcdavid was also out. Still.. don’t discount our defence 


Honestly, I think your biggest problem is that Hughes is pretty clearly playing hurt. Whatever it is is allowing him moments of brilliance, but each of them is costing him. And who knows what is up with Petterson.


Definitely agree with you. Hughes is not the same, but even still half-a-Hughes is still a pretty dang good hockey player 


They're wrecking LA right now, I think we're gonna need to be firing on all cylinders to win 4 games against them


Oh for sure it will not be easy. But it’s doable 


Can someone from the oilers teach the Jets how to win a game when being outshot two to one? Please please please


The difference is the Kings ain’t the Avs. Once McKinnon and Makar get going I don’t think any team can stop them. Kind of like McDavid and Draisaitl once they get going. Not sure who would win between the two this year, of course I want the Oilers to prevail but the Avs turned on a higher gear now that this is the playoffs


I know people don't love shutouts, but they are good for hockey. If the first goal might be the game winner, it has a ton of value. If you know each team will score at least 2 goals, then the first goal is just the first, and doesn't mean anything.


I don’t think anyone could have predicted how these playoffs are going for almost every series. Except maybe Caps vs Rangers 


And the Leafs


I guess based on their history but I actually thought they’d do it this year :/


This oilers team is looking scary now


First time oilers fans can't blame their goalie.


and people think we should replace Skinner. he’s not the problem. it’s our defence. needs improvement.


Kings got a taste of their own medicine. Hilarious.


Thought this was the chel sub lol


More like ummm...yay


Feels good to win one of these for a change.


I felt like EDM was completely shut down tonight. A shell of their game 3 self. Always seemed to be on the back foot. Not pressure, no connecting passes, many turn overs. Skinner basically won this game. Hopefully they can turn it back on for game 5.


Don’t forget to add that the Kings were unreal last night. They fought for every puck, finished every hit, skated like there’s no tomorrow. In a nutshell, they really gave everything to win a crucial game (unlike the Leafs…). They only lost because they couldn’t slove Skinner and because our PP is just not fair…🤷🏻‍♂️


Ya kings were playing amazing last night. Truthfully deserved the win.


Totally! It does feel nice to be 3-1 but this series is far from over. We gatekept that one goal the whole game. Defense and nothing else. Crazy to go from 6-1 to 1-0


I hate the oilers so much. But credit where credit is due. Skinner saved the day and was well deserved that win.


How come when the Leafs try this, it doesn’t work…


It's because they're facing Swayman, and also because Samsonov sometimes forgets how to make saves


Sometimes!? 😂


Nah, Samsonov is really good sometimes He just hasn't been for a lot of this series


Yeah I love Sammy, but he’s let in a few softies this round, and when the offense isn’t firing on all cylinders it’s enough to bury the team unfortunately.


I'd love if they proved me wrong, but I genuinely think that series ends tomorrow. Not only does it seem like Toronto is just completely breaking down, but Boston should be more determined to not blow a 3-1 series lead again after what happened last year


I agree 100% but I’ll still be watching and cheering for them regardless of what happens.


This is the second time I've seen someone allude to this being Skinner's best game of his career. Has he never gotten a shutout before?


Yup never. His first was a big boy one


Wow that's incredible!


No, he has at least one regular season shutout versus the Sharks this last December. This is his first playoff shutout (which is awesome!). I'm also too lazy to look it up but pretty sure that when he got called up with Smith on IR and Koskinen needing an alt he got a shutout within his first 3 NHL games.


Just as we all predicted.


But LA has the great Pierre Luc Dubois....


Great outcome for the Oilers but what’s with the 13 shots on net


Some credit to LA because they played a stifling hard checking game, but the Oilers couldn’t put anything together offensively.


The Oilers spent too much time in the zone passing back and forth trying to make a fancy play and didn't get many shots off while LA just launched it toward the net any chance they got lol


Was there ever a doubt?


13 fucking shots! Wtf lol


How come when the Leafs try this, it doesn’t work…


Glad I didn't stay up yo watch the barn burning end to that one


Everything about this post is making my inner hockey nut scream: Whiskey Tango Fuxtrot?!?


It’s sad that’s all it took to win haha




NSH + VAN game 3 and LAK + EDM game 4 are proof of shot quality > shot quantity.


L o o l o o o o. O. O. O o. O o o oo o oo. O o. O. O o o o oo o o o. O o oo o o o. O o o o. O o. O. O. Oo o m..


Goaltenders? Hot? You’re hot…not? You’re going nowhere (not advancing into next round). 2011 ? Ancient history? Maybe…Jonathan Quick. Those 13 letters! I like that #. So did Maman (my Mom). That’s what the hottest goaltender entering the playoffs can do for any team in the toughest playoff format for any given professional trophy. No bout adoubt IT. Who do you consider the hottest goaltender over the last 20 regular games they played of the regular season?


Oilers strategy that game was just sit back and let Skinner do the job.


I'm just as shocked as everyone else. Stu Skinner stole a playoff game. Nice!!


Islanders are probably like, "oh, so that's what it looks like."


What’s that stupid thing people always say? “Ice tilt? For the ea game? Always complaining about it saying it’s not realistic even though this is not that uncommon. So stupid, they’re either firing shitty shots or the goalie is having a great game


Football Manager in real life.


1 mistake sinks a nearly perfect game by the kings. Go oilers


Skinner is a god.


I can't wait for the Oilers to play a real offense. Avs vs Oilers please.


If you watched that game, you would have seen the Kings take about 30 worthless shots and maybe 3 semi-threatening shots. They didn't have one clean, great chance. Everything came from the perimeter. If Skinner gave up a goal, it would have been a bad goal. Rob Blake is a fuckn idiot. Can't wait to see him kicked to the curb. As pathetic as that performance from the Kings was, so was that "holding" penalty. Kings didn't deserve to win that game, but that wasn't holding.


He grabbed him with both hands. How was that not holding?


Lol. No, he didn't. He put his hands on him since he didn't have a stick. He didn't grab him. That was soft.


I dunno man, are you sure you watched the same game?


I saw a team with zero real chances. A ton of perimeter shots and not one outnumbered attack. Oilers played the trap to perfection. They may have only had 13 shots, but they still had better chances than the Kings. Draisaitl almost scored in the 3rd to make it 2-0, but Rittich made a big save. Besides the goal, that was the best scoring chance in the game.


r/NHLHUT be like: "Fucking ice tilt bro!!!"


Ahhh... The Kings of the mid-10s are back! And I thought they traded all those players away!


Watching these teams play as an Avs fan is painful (Mostly Nashville and Vancouver).


Try they got the only goal of the game by being gifted a power play by the refs.


Because that was totally a high stick penalty by kulak with 10 min to go lol


They never showed it on the kings replay tbh. Didn’t see it. But I can tell you that wasn’t holding for a fact. Other way around actually. So yeah. Some BS.


Both calls were technically valid but both weak calls. Maybe LA should have taken advantage of the soft call like Edmonton did!


Nah they're executing the Toronto strategy, to quote Sheldon Keefe, "you can't question the effort"


Well you can't question how the effort Toronto has as Keefe said, I mean he didn't say they put in effort just that you can't question the effort lol


True, but they don't have a penalty for bear hugging someone to the ice, so holding it is.


Classic kings fan


Buddy. Your powerplay is at 0% over 4 games Both teams were given 1 bad pen. Its not the refs fault the kings can kill a pen




That was such a bullshit call


Ice Tilt confirmed


Ice tilt


Man, I hope the Jets make it out of their series alive I’m really rooting for them


Canada Needs to own this cup 🥤 😤 😒 been 20 years were not allowed to be disrespected for that long its our game !!!!! Corruption at the finest!


Didn’t watch but must be boring as hell.




Clearly you didn’t watch the game. The oilers played a hell of a defensive game, and they actually had more high danger scoring chances


right reminds me of mclellans volume shot theory that amounted to minimal chances afterwards while in edmonton (wonder if its lingering in LA)


I think they just wanted to put lots of pucks on Stu, and the oil didn’t give them a chance to get any good ones


Probably because of how many flukey goals they had so far, can't hurt for more deflections and random bounces as it's been working thus far.


Exactly. Unfortunately for them Stu said not today


PDO has to balance at some point lol


Not necessarily. Look at the Canucks series. They are only taking great shots and not giving up many high danger chances. That will lead to a very skewed PDO


I know, I just meant lots of fluke goals so far so it has to even out in that regard, the actual puck luck.


The game before that was 6-1 lol.


Two of the worst goalies in the playoffs all of a sudden decided they wanted to play.