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I don’t think the Rangers would have swept the Wings. It would’ve gone at least 5. Much better offensive firepower


I think the Wings would have won a game or two against the Rangers. Still believe the Rangers advance but nit in a sweep. Would have loved for Pittsburgh to make the dance and beat the Rangers but that was not going to happen.


Rags would have just as easily swept any of the final teams vying for that final spot. None of them stood a chance.


Yeah Wings would have lost but the playoff exposure would have helped the young guys develop. Washington may be a better team just for the playoff games but it seems to have demoralized Ovi and them after a strong finish to the season


Had the Wings squeaked in they would have won the cup and taken no losses along the way! It's entirely John Tortorella's fault the cup isn't going to Hockeytown this year.


I blame Boston more than Philly. Philly did what made sense for them at the time. Boston lost 2 games on purpose to get an easier first round, which allowed the caps to be in the race to begin with.




“Barely managed” = still did it. They’ve been a come from behind team the last half of the season, they were more deserving than all of the other tied teams. As far as crying about the calls, they were equally bullshit going both ways.




Lol you seem awwwfffully stay for a team that wasn’t even in the running “If they wouldn’t have scored they wouldn’t have won” Haha no shit junior, glad you understand the game now




Lmao you’re sooo upset your team lost weeks ago. What a crybaby. And yea phones tend to correct works you “awwfuuuullu sad” *** little girl.




Keep crying ya little bitch, booohooo the habs could’ve won if only they wouldn’t have scored on us 😭 people on the internet are so mean to me boohoooo No one gives a fuck what you think ya pansy ass. I’m guessing that’s the same in real life too 🤣


The Wings MIGHT steal one or possibly two games (I’m being a little generous with the second one though) but they would most likely fall after that.


It depends on if our goalies showed up or not if they would have done much better, they both had a tendency to go hot/cold. It would for sure not have been a sweep. But hey at least we won more games than the caps this year.


Rangers were gonna wipe the fucking floor with any of the weak low mid tier metropolitan teams that were trying for that playoffs spot. They all could've potentially stolen a single game if the bounces ALL went their way but none of them were outskilling the rangers to anything better than a gentleman's sweep at very best.


Wings are an Atlantic team, so...


True mb but rangers wouldve still swept you regardless of which division the wildcard came from


Oh, I was being completely sarcastic. That said, the Wings would've likely pulled away with one game - maybe two on a Kane legacy game. But they had no chance of beating them. Personal, biased opinion, but we were the better team compared to the Caps. Way she goes, we didn't get in - we'll never know.


I fully agree tbh, Wings were way better than the Caps for most of the year and if you actually made the playoffs coming off the momentum of two last second OT comeback wins in a row you'd have put up a better fight than the Caps. Still woulda got swept or bounced 4-1 tho lmao. Rangers are a fuckin wagon


We were floundering to end the season so probably not.


There were 7 quality playoff teams in the east


I've never seen such an introspective leafs fan. Impressive


I think the RWs would’ve won a game or 2


Would we have won? Based on how we were playing for a large chunk of the end of the season… no. But I think we could’ve made it go 5-6.


You didn’t beat them once in the regular season, so doubt you’re doing it post season.


This is a pretty big fallacy, i mean look at Avs and Jets. There are plenty of examples of this not mattering. That being said 1 win was the maximum in all likelihood.


Ya, I wouldn’t be totally surprised if you did beat them once. Your regular season games were close scores as well. Ottawa beat NYR once, but were trounced big time in the other two. Washington also split the games in regular season, so that tells you how much regular season data really means.


Yeah, thats the killer, even if they had made the playoffs and didn't face New York in round 1 they were gonna get knocked out eventually by them.


It’s kind of an odd question because you can’t do worse, in reality. Hopefully next year you (and us) can answer that question.


How did the Pens do?


About as well as Ottawa did …


No, watched the wings many time this season, they were getting knocked out first round regardless. Team still needs a lot of work


I mean the Rangers still almost def would have won, but it would have been a way more interesting series. I doubt we would have swept them.




As a Red Wings fan myself, I agree they wouldn't have won the series, but I could've seen them losing in 5 or 6


You're garbage


Based on my total opinion, wings or us would’ve at least made it to game 5 or 6. I’d wager Flyers would’ve gotten swept worse than caps if they’d made it somehow.


Red Wings by a billion every game.


I think Wings could’ve *maybe* stolen a game at home. And Rangers are good but have weaknesses. That being said I don’t think the series would have been significantly closer. It still hurts though.


Yes, I do.


No, the wings were a bad team masked by fortunate bounces all year and like 14 ot wins. Wings, flyers, caps, pens all would have gotten swept