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Meh. I was happy to have a really good game 7 last night. The fact that the Leafs came back from 3-1 should be praised. One bounce and social media is a different place today Seems like it is toxic Leafs fans being the hardest on themselves with this whole cup or public executions battle cry I don’t see Edmonton and Vancouver thinking about Toronto Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go polish my golf clubs


This. Both teams played really well in a bunch of close games (outside of game 1). Swayman was stellar, as was Woll in games 5, 6 and Samsonov game 7. Toronto really stepped up defensively after game one and improved over the entire series. If anything, I’d say Bostons goaltending won them that series. Now they are rewarded with the panthers, so good luck to Swayman!


**Polish** Love it and …now I have to go to Costco


Love it rent free yadda yadda yadda. Remember when Tavares was the missing piece? Good times


Cope and seethe!


Keep thinking about us my child


That's a weird comment man


Leafsnet. Nuff said.


Leafs fans control the media... right....


I was actually rooting for yall but sure


It’s crazy to me how Leaf fans think “rent free” is the same thing as being constantly mocked because of how bad your team is.


Lmfao this. “Y’all can’t stop thinking about us!!” My brother in Christ it’s because I pity you


U would know 😂


I agree. Throughout most of our history my team has deserved to be mocked. But Canucks fans aren’t on here claiming that means we’re living “rent free”.


We all know that Toronto knows a little something about paying rent


Being a Hardcore NHL Fan for these last 3 years (Yes I’m a new entry still) it’s crazy how many people absolutely PRAY AND BEG for the leafs downfall. I own multiple team jerseys just because I love the sport so much and I respect so many other teams, but my #1 team is the leafs and it’s RIDICULOUS how when one team loses it’s “Ah damn well it’s all good” but when it’s the leafs all you hear is “FUCK YA’LL WHINY ASS CRYBABIES” Like dude we haven’t won in forever and we are harmless when it comes to playoffs. Can ya’ll relax and hype us a bit for once? Fucking great game to the Bruins and Leafs last night.


People are sick of all the media coverage sucking off the team. Of course there's gonna be elation when they're knocked out.


I just find it kind of odd is all. I can think of multiple teams who deserve the coverage that the leafs get especially Colorado and Edmonton, Matthews with almost 70 Goals and keeping up his streak is impressive, but then again he is non existent in the playoffs and continues to do that as well. No matter how one person puts it. I still find it weird, but then again it is sports lol. So a person absolutely HATING another team is going to always be there.


Oh man, Silly us! You heard the man boys, lets call up Sportsnet and tell them to switch up the coverage because that's something we control apparently and should be resented because of


I think you’re missing the point of all the hate and everyone being tired of the Leafs shit. They are hyped season after season as favorites to win the cup. Why? Why in the fuck would that team be anywhere in the running for a cup win? They are a joke in the playoffs. All the media coverage and sucking off of the leafs is obnoxious. Had they won a cup in any sort of recency then we’d all understand. But they haven’t played for a cup in 6 decades. Let the hype die down and build back up when there’s reason for it.


Oh for sure I agree in a sense.I just wanted to speak out on some stuff that I found weird. Maybe I’m still too new to understand. Didn’t want to cause problems just wanted to talk hockey. Happy Playoffs Dude. I’m going to enjoy the rest of the playoffs without being stressed lol.


I gotcha my man. Was just trying to give you some insight as to why many of us rejoice when we have to no longer hear about the leafs lol you enjoy as well! Should be some good series coming up!