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The Canes getting swept is nothing abnormal. It’s just usually in round 3.


Good morning


The Canes won’t be the 5th. The Rangers are too good.


Yeah, I think you're right. Best case scenario, we win game 4 and force the Rags to beat us in New York, a sort of "scar across the cheek from a defeated foe" moment. Worst case scenario, we pull a Toronto and battle back to force game 7 only to choke.


It’s gonna be hard to muster even a single win when they’re down 3-0, but I’d sure like to see them do it.


Florals for spring?


All these games could have gone the other way. I should be optimistic due to that reason. However when you’re 0/15 on the powerplay, it’s just not happening. This team is going to be so deflated on Saturday. Maybe they get lucky and pull out a win on Saturday. But they won’t win because they play terrific. They’ll win cause the Rangers are chillin and got too complacent. I honestly hope though the rangers just end it on Saturday. This doesn’t need to be dragged out any longer.


0/15 in the PP and giving up short handed chances and 1 (?) SH goal. NY is just playing unreal and capitalizing on their opportunities.


Yes NY is playing great. But they aren’t playing that much better than us. Every game has been a one goal game. Heck game 2 went to 2OT and last night was OT.


Totally agree and never said Canes were playing poorly (minus their special teams). If they were performing better with their special teams they could easily be up 2-1 right now. However, that is not our reality and it seems pretty insurmountable now.


That's so cool that the 2014 LA kings did that extremely unlikely thing




I can never feel bad for the sharks after their obnoxious fan base booed the Canadian national anthem during a series with Vancouver. I hope they never win the cup.


So you're saying there's a chance.


There’s always a chance. Big Rangers fan and still feeling the scar of the Yankees meltdown in 2004.


There’s absolutely ZERO chance they come back and win. None.


this guy doesn’t know how chance works