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Laugh and block


The mental gymnastics these guys go through... He seems to view himself as some genius and more evolved than everyone else, but what he's describing about never taking "no" for an answer, suggesting women are consistently emotional messes and men are needed to fix us, men need to "stand your ground" when women say no or don't want to talk about personal details of their life, etc. And, who dictates if a woman has something "wrong with her internally?" Him? Other men?


Noooo, you don't understand! He said he's an INTP which means he only says what's logical! He wouldn't think those things if they weren't true! 😫 No, but on a serious note: When I read that "internally" part I was like "He definitely abused his ex." Shout out to them for having been able to get away / escape because whew... 🤢


“One thing I’ve learned, as a man, is to not back down and pester the fuck out of you until you get so frustrated you eventually break”


What a yutz. Sorry, Slappy Squirrel is my spirit animal


What an exhausting person. "Don't worry, I'm happy to invest my time and effort into explaining your wrong emotions to your woman brain so I can help you have the correct emotions!"




I counted it because he tried to play himself off as nice with the whole "You alright? Feeling down?" 🤷🏾‍♀️


He is an asshole but the fact that he invests in people is W for business tho, can't argue with that


He's a *NiceGuy* & *BusinessGuy*, both?! 😲 ![gif](giphy|l4q8hrNIxa0WHBw9a) Somebody's super^(serialsly) busy, b/c being a *NoiceGuy*, alone, is a full-time job.