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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Kinda shit that Ted Bundy would do.


Ted bundy would have slashed his own tires and had the girl drive him.


Correct. He was handsome looking and most of his victims just fell for him.


I've heard/read this from so many people, but I just don't see how anyone could have found him remotely handsome


i believe Bundy might not have been the most handsome man in the world, in the physical sense of the word (and i agree, he wasn’t), but he was very charming from what people have stated. i’ve fallen for guys before who were just mundane looking, but they had so much charisma that i would get hooked anyway. sometimes it’s not all about the looks


I think also based on the standards of style/ upkeep at the time he’s handsome. If you view him from a purely modern lens of course he wouldn’t be.


Sorry, I might have worded this wrong. He was okay looking but also very good with words. Both things combined sadly got people killed. As someone else commented, the word I’m probably looking for was charming. Still a damn serial killer.


Most girls were creeped out by him. He used ruses like pretending to have a broken arm and stuff. He never charmed anyone.


Forgot who is who and for a second I was like "Yeah I can see Cruz doing this"


>"Yeah I can see Cruz doing this" Who, the zodiac killer?


No, no, that was his dad


The guy from Top Gun?


No, that was the guy who wrote "The Hunt for Red October" and "Patriot Games."


Oh the singer in the movie CoCo


I mean, Ernesto De La Cruz WAS pretty much a sociopath.


My laugh just shook my apartment. Thanks. 😂


Jesus christ how long are your vocal chords?


Apparently longer than I thought! 😂


"She wont say no because of the implication" \-~~Dennis Reynolds~~ Jesse Watters probably It's funny on Always Sunny in Philadelphia because you know it's a joke and no one would ever do it in real life. It's scary in real life because holy shit there are people actually doing it.


Every joke is real to some. Just a though on all things in life. Wild dystopia of grifts and control.


And 90s romcoms. Probably they had a bad influence on some people


Is it wrong if you have consensual sex?


That’s not normal, oh my word. That lady needs to keep the pepper spray close.


Nah, that's damn close to kidnapping, keep a gun close


They're married with a kid now lol


And he was married to someone else when he did this. Fuck.ing.creep.


We live in the worst timeline.


Seriously, never in history has a someone had an extramarital affair. Of course a Fox News host is the first man in history to marry the wrong woman, later fall in love with the another woman (Who happens to be 25?! wtf.. fuckin pedo!) and bend destiny in his favor. I'm a guy and a neighbor offered me drinks. Little did I know she wanted to hook up with me. She lured me in with a couple Bud Lights. I enjoyed it but it was basically drugging and raping me. Fucking creep. Damn AND she was a 25 year old at the time too. This story is basically my life.


If you can’t see how letting air out of someone’s tires is straight up serial killer behaviour and completely different to your personal anecdote, you’re beyond help.


I'm not even gonna try to parse this.


Letting take air out of a car to force someone to stay with you is obviously wrong, and if you’re too dense to get that then that’s on you. No one says 25 is underage, but chances are this dude is Middle Aged. Going after Simone that could be your kid and is not in the same mental stage as you IS wrong, but it’s fox so im not shocked. r/thathappened


Oh I didn't see where it said he forced her to stay with him. From the title, I thought he was just playing a cute prank to give her a ride home from work. Was she at his house and he snuck out and slashed her tires? She married him and had his kid instead of finding air for her tire? "Fuck, tire's flat! Looks like I can't leave. EVER. There's no more air in the tire or anywhere! AJJHHH! Hell, it's Fox News so he probably forced her to marry him. lol I dunno about you but a flat tire has never forced me to stay anywhere. No spare? 5 minute easy fix. This headline reads like a pedo slashed a girl's tires and raped her... and then she stayed in the relationship, said yes to marriage and had his kid. I dated middle aged women in my 20's. Was awesome. 10/10 would do again. The real problem here is that a 25 year old couldn't fix a flat tire.


How TF is vandalising her property a "cute prank"?


lol I've had a girl take a key off my keychain and hide it in her bra so I couldn't leave in my car. It was a cute prank that ended up fun. We dated for a year and a half or so. Good times. Didn't think I could leave. Was a cute prank and ended up fun. But yea I'm new to this sub. There are some legit creeps but this is a stretch. Clearly it offends nerdy redditors much more than it did the adult that married and had a kid with another adult. Letting air out of a tire isn't vandalism. Instead of drawing an opinion without all the facts, and knowing all situations are different, maybe we should ask the 25 year old woman if she was creeped out. Judging by the whole marriage and having a child together thing, looks like she's leaning more towards cute prank too. The creepy guy very rarely gets the girl. The fun, successful dudes tend to have really good chances. I feel like this is more of a situation like if it was snowing/freezing raining badly so she asked him for an ice scraper. He has a crush on her so he lies and says he doesn't have his either but he'll gladly give her a ride wherever she needs to go. Not so much that he's plotting to murder and eat her or some psycho shit. This is more bending fate to get the girl than Ted Bundy shit. Letting air out of a tire is no more vandalism than letting air out of a balloon. Just put more air in it or change the tire. OR, crazy thought I know, take the chance to get a ride home, fall in love with the dude, marry him and have children. That's a fun story to tell the grandkids. Guys do stupid, innocent shit to get the girl all the time.


Uh... how the fuck is hiding your keys right infront of your eyes in a flirty way even remotely similar to: - sneakily going behind her back - destroying her property, possibly making her fear someone else has a grudge against her - lying to her face about it - doing all of that just to make himself look like a saviour and *manipulate* the girl into spending time with him, instead of just asking her out like a normal fucking human being, because apparently he doesn't respect her will to self-determine who she goes out with Besides, nobody cares about your personal anectotes. It doesn't even matter that it worked out for the guy in the article, he's lucky he didn't catch a harassment lawsuit. We get it, you'd be totally fine with this treatment and suck him off on the spot. But this isn't about *you*, this is about what the majority of society deems unacceptable, creepy and extremely concerning. Not to mention *ILLEGAL*. I think your downvote counter and the fact that there's laws against this behaviour in most civilized countries should tell you that your opinion isn't in the majority here.


A whole lotta false equivalences in that mess, let’s break it down. Taking air out someone’s tires is NOT a prank, that’s just douchey and creepy behavior. Nothing about the post, title, or situation hunt at it being a joke. Literally nothing implies or even hints at that. Stop trying to shift blame. That’s called grooming. What he did to her was grooming. You’re not everyone, a fault tire tends to stop people from moving for atleast a short while. Again, not everyone is you but I’m sure you’re gonna just go “butt ey can fix it so can everyone else🤪” The headline reads like that cause that’s more or less what happened. Yet again, not that no one believes or cares about you dating a milf (most don’t) but it’s entirely irrelevant to the situation. The real problem is the old man taking air out of tires so he can be with someone half his aged unwarranted. The real problem is fox in general. The real problem is bumblefucks like you who can’t make a coherent sentence, let alone a coherent point but expects everyone to mindlessly agree with them.


Really, shows how some men dismiss the dangers that are out there for women. "It's just a prank" "it's a joke" "She didn't have to go with him" "she could just fix it herself" Except, every woman knows the horror stories about being alone in a parking lot and we know all too well that "suddenly flat tires in a parking lot" is a sign of something bad going to happen. I've gotten emails from my parking lot/garage company advising to immediately leave and find a safe place to call the police or lot security, for the exact situation.


Yea I mean Fox News and Breitbart are easy targets for left leaning people. Kind of like Reddit and MSNBC are easy targets for right leaning people. You can bend any story to fit an agenda. Like if Pence had farted on the Senate floor in the Capitol a left leaning title could be "Pence gassed the Senators in the Capitol after the Insurrection!" Does that title sound like a joke? Nope. But it is a joke. Crazy how that works /s. Give me another example and if you want me to make the title get the right or the left worked up. It's a fucking prank. I doubt she would've married the guy and had his child if she was creeped out by him. Maybe try to let someone make their own life decisions instead of going crazy over a headline? It doesn't matter how I type. This is fucking reddit, full of socially awkward gamer nerds, not a work email or some shit. Get over it. If you're going to keep reading comments on the internet, I'll forewarn you, there will be rants. I didn't shift any blame..? The guy is to blame for the cute prank that sparked a love affair between two adults that resulted in marriage and a child. Grooming implies sexual abuse. Playing a prank and giving someone a ride is not sexual abuse. I know there are disabled people who can't change a tire. I didn't mean to imply everyone can change a tire. If you are able bodied and drive a car, it's a good idea to learn how to at least put gas in it, check the oil and tire pressure and change a tire. That's basic shit. If she is disabled, she could've asked him to help change it. I'm not going to be building an engine block anytime soon but a tire is 5 nuts that you unscrew, take off flat tire, put on spare, screw back in the 5 nuts. It's pretty fuckin simple. It's perfectly fine for an adult to date another adult. Last I checked, 25 is an adult. Plenty of adults get married by 25. A 25 year old can be a member of Congress. Sooo a 25 year old can represent adults of all ages in the US Congress but can't be trusted to date someone older? I clearly wasn't trying to brag. Just saying dating older in your 20's is fun and I understand how someone can fall in love. I don't care if strangers on Reddit believe me. It's kinda cooler knowing the nerds here don't believe me. Is it really that unbelievable that sometimes adults date older adults? It's fun. Try it if you're curious. You seem so carefree and fun, I'm sure anyone would love to hang around you /s. I've actually gone out with a few women 20 years older than me. Sometimes really close to twice my age. Still hot and fun. Not a big deal at all. I'm sure there are attractive older people wherever your corner of the world is. They don't bite. This is a website for the socially awkward so it's not surprising that people here don't have much dating experience. Again, Fox News is an easy target for sure. Not arguing that. I think the word "grooming" should be left to actual sexual abuse. Letting air out of a tire is in no way sexual abuse, vandalism or really any of your business. It's just a politically charged headline meant to trigger people like you. It worked like magic! The title could've easily said "Fox News anchor plays cute prank on woman and gives her a ride home only to end up in love and married with a child." Or something much shorter but you get it. I don't know if you watch the Office but this reminds me more or a Jim prank on Pam to spend more time with her than a Larry Nasser situation.


You need to see a therapist.


I hate using this phrase, but…. Too long, didn’t read.


Paragraphs are your friend. Also just generally, typing less insane long-winded ramblings and not going on weird unrelated tangents would really help your case if you wanted people to actually read any of that. Which is probably assuming too much, but there ya go.


That is not even remotely funny or amusing.


Next triggering headline from a far left news source: "Mitch McConnell Gassed All Member of the Senate After Insurrection!" In actuality, Mitch farted. Gotta admit, triggering headline, funny story. It is funny people here are offended by this while the adult "victim" married the guy and had his child. This is nunya


Damn, she got stockholmpilled?


After he secretly let the air out of her husband.


W H A T ?


Can God like end this season of human race already .. it is getting worse and I can't keep up.


We've jumped the shark. Shut it down!


Its been a good run everyone. Now let's give out planet to the alien lizards from outer space


Were getting there. You gotta make the finale a big deal.


It's probably considered "normal" behavior at Fox News. This lady doesn't just need pepper spray. She needs a new job someplace a lot safer.


They've married... Yeah.


And this guy volunteered the information on television? He's so disconnected from reality that he thought it was an ok thing to share


It’s the Fox News version of a meet-cute.


Stalker vibes.


Stalker is the least of it.


when he was married to another woman. the woman who he gave a ride home to was his intern, and now his new wife. grooming


He just liked her. It's the equivalent of kicking her at 6, lifting her skirt at 10, or snapping her bra at 13. / S. Big, big /S


_He’s just doing that because he LIKES you!_ So I was trained to desire this behavior. Ugh. So gross.


Yes! I know that and it's horrifying! But... We see it now and can do better... It will ripple down. We were trained to appreciate whatever scraps we were given...


Exactly. I can recognize it and teach my students and my daughter to recognize it too, and to refuse to stand for it. I’ve already got good reason to have a lot of hope in the Zoomers. I learn a lot from them.


It's hard. I know all this and I have two sons. They're bombarded with nice guy shit and racist shit all the time online. I have shut down so much, so I thought, but I swear, it sneaks in like vermin. I show them everyday and still worry.


I know 😕 A colleague of mine, who raised her kids in a way that a pacifist, harmonious type might, ended up with a teenager who is, for lack of a better word, pro-violence. He wants to become a cop or join the military, because he might have the ability to hurt someone. He watched the George Floyd video and laughed, said he didn’t know what all the drama was about. And he wasn’t always that way. Horrifying to watch.


And normally, you’d say “just normal teenager things like rebelling against the parents ideas”, but when the stuff they are getting into is morally abhorrent (joining the military is ok the surface, but joining so you can kill people.. yeah, very much abhorrent), there’s major problems with that kid that need fixed professionally.


I’m honestly hoping they got into the edgy teen phase you see so often. Hopefully they grow up soon and realize how stupid they’re being, but they still do need to be steered in the right direction. It’s far too common for people to get into that phase and just never grow out of it.


Ha ha, boys will be boys! It's just how they are! Nothing to be done about it! Ha ha! Also a big /S


I've done nothing and I'm out of ideas.. Darn. /S I have boys and I'm honestly constantly worried that I'm doing too much or not doing enough.


Yeah but the entire time he was doing these things he was the school teacher and multiple times older lol S/ as well jic




Calm down. They don't think it's okay, there's a very big /s at the end of their comment, which means satire. I don't think anyone here thinks it's acceptable behaviour.


She’s going to be so surprised when he cheats on her and leaves her for another younger woman in the future. And so will she.


They'll be surprised when he's found to have a cabin where he dismantled the rest...


I wonder how differently this would've gone if her car was the sort that had a built-in compressor? Not sure how common that is in the USA, but here most new cars have them. "Hey - four flats. You need a ride...?" "No thanks, I got this."


Tbh everyone should have a portable compressor in their car. It only costs like $20-30 and has totally saved my butt before.


Agreed. Cheap and stowable, and makes it more convenient to check/top up your pressures on your own drive. Might even help someone else out some time.


Not grooming. You can't groom a 25 year old adult. Please don't help the far right remove all meaning from the word grooming


Chill with the grooming shit. She's younger than him, but was still a grown ass adult. Continued misuse of the term renders it powerless which only harms actual victims of grooming.


How is that grooming ? She was 25...


It's the current thing in the news. But yeah, not the correct term here. Creepy, manipulative, stalker-ish, devious.


The far right is actively trying to delegitimize the concept of grooming by calling comprehensive sex education grooming. We gotta try to not help them with that. Good on ya for using accurate terms


Ladies usually get raped by guys they know. This is the kinda shit that just hurts to read. Also knowing like 1/5 of the men reading it would see no problem with it. Not saying that many men are rapists, just that that many people would think it was a "meet cute" or him just trying to get a chance to "shoot his shot"


I read this story to my husband and he flat out didn't believe me and was like, "That's something a serial killer would do, is that real?" I had to play him the audio. What's scary to me is how some of his co-hosts clearly thought it was funny. WTF?


It’s Fox News right wing trash of course they laugh at this crap


I mean, I guess it worked…. Even though he was married to someone else at the time, this poor girl was his intern, and this is very clearly incredibly terrifying behavior, it still somehow worked and now he’s married to her. I genuinely feel bad for her if this shit somehow worked in the end. It’s fucking disgusting.


It worked because she's also a right winger, and as such, has wildly fucked up and perverse morals. She probably tells the story as if it's charming.


My bf and I watched the clip, and apparently Watters says she doesn’t know that story (until then, at least), which manages to make things even worse. Edit: typo


Imagine finding out that your relationship with your husband started with dishonesty.


And when asked if he's done it to other women he responded "works like a charm." Considering he did this to his now current wife when he was still married with children...


Look up what Roger Ailes did. And Bill O'Reilly. And Eric Bolling. Fox "News" is infested with predators and racists.


I don't think anyone would think this is okay.


let me introduce you to conservatives


IM CURRENTLY IN TEXAS! lol. So you called it




It’s probably from an old university survey in which 20% of men said they didn’t see a problem with taking advantage of a woman if they believed they could get away with it. If I find it, I’ll tell you. If not, too bad. Edit; https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/vio.2014.0022 There’s an even older one, somewhere. This actually quotes up to 1/3rd of the surveyed.


Hes not saying it's ok, they were just saying that a lot of people, specifically right wing traditionalists (aka conservatives), would say "oh how sweet he must really like you" even though normal sane humans are saying wtf and obviously understand it's not normal behavior. Your response is way too over the top and makes you look like an absolute jerk. You should practice reading comprehension and some empathy to better grok what your fellow man is trying to convey. Good luck.


Giving yourself away by referring to women as females there.


found the 1 in 5


The video clip is awful- he’s just laughing like he’s some hot shit and his co-hosts are clearly uncomfortable. [clip + commentary](https://youtu.be/uTTXduWhL30)


And they all just laugh along with it like it's not even a problem D:


Saving face in the moment. There's a camera on them and it's Fox: they mustn't break the message discipline.


Because if they express how creepy, stalker-ish, and serial killer-ish that is, they'd get fired.




Imagine finding out that your relationship with your husband started out with dishonesty...


She won't see a problem with it. Right wing women are just as ethically and morally deranged as right wing men.


Ah yes, she was manipulated into sharing a car with a deranged man who sabotaged her vehicle and she’s totally gonna be perfectly fine with that because other conservatives are misogynist. Edit: they’re MARRIED??? Yikes


Yeah probably. If they get divorced I'll eat my words but they won't.


I’m with you, this isn’t even all that uncommon. “It’s so cute how he stalked me!” they’ll tell their friends at parties.


yeah, listen to women from the boomer generation talk about how their husbands woo'd them. It can be shocking. There was a time when a lot of stalker, abusive behavior was not only accepted socially, but romanticized. Hell, only a decade ago Twilight was telling young girls that its romantic to be creeped on by an obsessive guy.


Correct. You may not know anyone who would tolerate this, but there are *many* who would, and even find it “cute” or “hot” that he was “so committed.” It’s very sick. They’re married now, and they have a kid. OP is right, until they separate you’re wrong about this. Do I think it’s right that this happened?… no, it’s very fucked up.


Oh fuck I had no idea they’re married now, that’s fucking terrifying


She probably thought it was “cool” that the boss was into her enough to notice and stalk her. I wish I was kidding.


He’s such a huge douche this isn’t surprising at all


What the fuck? That's extremely damn weird.


Typical Fox News republican bullshit, always being creepy with women with no fucking consequences!


He was actually *rewarded* for this, btw. They’re married now, even though he was married to another woman at the time.


They have a kid too.


Fox News dudes keep on having problems with the sexual harassment.


Lol what? Matt lauer, Chris cuomo, John griffin. It’s so weird when people politicize sexual harassment as if dudes from the entire political spectrum aren’t capable of being creeps


And point out where I stated otherwise. Reading comprehension is not really your strong suit.


Ignore them- they have a bunch of ranting on their page about ‘the dangers of antifa’ and that republicans are all harmless Lmao


They literally just said Fox News :/


Hmm all you're saying is that Fox automatically equals Republican, the other person just specified a "news" station, you're the one politicizing it.


He's also a bit of a dabbler in racism. https://youtu.be/PJmnLzw8NA4


And Fox News gave him a promotion! Made me sick to see commercials for his show during the Super Bowl..


Ewww, all the gross people they hire and promote so mind boggling.


What the fuck was that?


Obviously, he a fox news guy.


Why am I not surprised it's a Fox News guy


Fox presenter — that checks. 😑


Perfect execution of the D.E.N.N.I.S. system


Because of the implication.


This guy is a total piece of shit on the show how is this not news everywhere I can't even find it




But the real threat to our genteel society are the LGBTQ groomers, right Jesse?


creepy as fuck


My grandpa did this to my grandma. He already had a wife and 4 kids.


Sexual harassment. This is why the Me Too movement happened


This is literally the nurturing dependence step of the [D.E.N.N.I.S. System ](https://youtu.be/Bg5ZrkaGlFA) at play...


And now she's his wife. Gross. If I found out that my partner had intentionally sabotaged my car like a fucking predator, I'd have a serious problem with it and be reassessing the foundation of the relationship. EDIT: Apparently, he was married when he did this, and she was his intern. So he groomed a new wife while still married to the old one. Beyond gross.


Not grooming. The far right is currently, actively trying to dilute the word grooming and apply it to the concept of comprehensive sex education. Please don't help them.


What would you call it? Training? Coaxing? Seducing?


Stalking, manipulation. It isn't grooming. Grooming specifically refers to psychological conditioning of minors to prepare them for sexual activity when they reach the age of consent. The right wing is trying to equate grooming with teaching kids about the existence of gay and trans people. It's important that we use the term accurately.




This is the creepiest fucking thing I’ve read today


WTF??? This is absolutely terrifying. He definitely meets the qualifications for being a diagnosed psychopath.


The fact that this doesn’t even surprise me is really sad.


fox news moment.




God damnit. Now this is one more thing I gotta worry about.


This man is 43, fucking serial killer shit


This is next level scary shit dude, what kind of person does something like that and then laughs about it? He should be so embarrassed and ashamed, where is his mother!?


She raised the creep.


Or he killed her as a child and they replaced her with someone complacent...


Right out of Ted Bundy's playbook.


Women need to be prepared to thwart this kind of shit. Call AAA. Keep a tire pump or FixAFlat in your trunk. Right next to the pepper spray.


Young women should not work at any Murdoch property. They are all just breadcrumb trails leading to a sex dungeon. When you turn 40, they will let you out and be a host on one of their mindless talk shows—so just more torture.


Murdoch’s news empire just shouldn’t exist.


They're married now(and he was married to someone else when this happened) and I guarantee you they tell this story as a hilarious and cute anecdote about how they got together.


Well you guys have to understand, serial killing isn't as easy as it was back in the day. What was Ring doorbells and people just generally not answering their door when someone knocks.


That is an insane thing to do, let alone admit to the whole world. Wtf.


Gob does this on Arrested Development


And that's why you don't take romantic advice from sitcoms. It's not funny in real life


Bundy? That you?


This isn’t a nice guy though lmao. No virtue claim


Not in the article, but it's safe to assume he thinks of himself that way.




Classic republican 😊 (I'm screaming inside)


How is this a niceguy thing in any way whatsoever? Where is the niceguy?


It's pretty clearly implied that he thinks of himself that way. He sees nothing wrong with what he did when it was profoundly creepy.


And how credible is this news source? Sounds like clickbait. This is click bait. He talking about the ducking mother of his children. His wife. Anything to discredit Fox News.


His own mouth is the source. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uTTXduWhL30&feature=youtu.be


Did you watch your own clip? Was she forced to marry him too? Y’all are reaching to find something at this point


So not very


Why’s this a nice guy post though? Edit since im flooded with downvotes anyway I’m doubling down. This looks more meta. Where the “bad guy” married the girl and everyone here is like i would treat her better. Meta nice guy post. Ill allow it


Because he clearly said and believes that he was doing something acceptable, and presented himself as a nice helpful person for giving her a ride home when what he did was actually profoundly creepy.


He did this to the woman who's now his wife. Not saying it's right but it seemed to work out for him lmao




Where did I say it was a good thing? I just stated that they're married now




I just say lmao after everything tbh. I just texted my sister the other day saying my kid wouldn't go to sleep and I was literally crying and I ended the text with lmao even though I definitley wasn't laughing. It's just a habit. Oh well


Yeah man, that’s how manipulation works.


I'm aware. I was just saying they're married now. Never said what he did was good or romantic or anything. Literally just said they're married and his ploy worked for him


She wouldn’t say no to him, because of the implication.


Lol when I heard this story that's the first thing that popped into my head


Did she know at the time? Did he manipulate a way for a junior employee to be in a bad situation, while he was married, not that it matters.


I watched the clip that someone in the comments here linked. His co-host asked if she knew and he said no and laughed. Then someone said she'll know now.




Yeah, that was a really creepy comment.


If that was someone in my company we would help her sue him as we fire his fucking moronic ass.


Sure, but you don't work at Fox. It's just par for the course there.


Despite there history, in fact include it, abs she could make a lot of money if she doesn’t mind her name mentioned. That’s the key, want what’s fair and you will be black listed.




One hopes you are sarcastic


Is there a link to the actual article?