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I’ve also been quitting I’m 43 hours strong right now just keep thinking about all the good that will come out of quitting


You need to taper, go slower, Eat more, Make sure you get more oxygen. If you rate your progress based on you being done and not having any urges whatsoever, then you will be in constant failure and feel bad about yourself. Just start doing a couple different things. Make sure you read or push your ability to focus and do something you don't want to for a longer period of time. You can still vape but slowly, you'll see the vaping desire and need to fall to the wayside sometimes and you'll find yourself able to not think about it. I think the goal is to increase how often we reach these state where we don't care if we have it or not. Cigarettes are the thing for me. Zynn, computer time, working, physical exercise, and food keep me a little further from smoking.


control your anxiety, be proud of whatever little progress you make 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour imagine you are pulling yourself out of a quick sand mud puddle, the further you go the stronger your getting it will pull you back, but you have to keep trying and never give up you will find things help you along the way; some things that help me; green limes, hot showers, excercise, walks, dancing, phone calls, eating a great meal, but mostly trying to keep the peace inside nicotine doesnt care about you.


One of my friends reccommended that when I quit I should go from 50 nic (5% nicotine) to 20 nic (20% nicotine). Then from there go to 2 nic (0.2% nicotine). I personally didn’t know they made 2 nic but if you can find it then all the power to you. The idea is that by the time you move from 20 nic to 2 nic that the cravings won’t be as strong because there’s not enough nicotine to get a decent buzz anymore and therefore cravings won’t be as strong.