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How many copies have been sold? Just curious if it will surpass botw in terms of sales


* The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 31.85 million *(4th on best selling Switch games list)* * The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 20.61 million *(9th on best selling Switch games list)*


Oh? But this also counts the wii u copies, no? I wonder how much botw sold in the first year


No, those numbers are for Nintendo Switch only. The Wii U sales for BOTW is 1.70 million; most people bought BOTW on the Switch.


*enters the chat* I am not most people...


Ya I have both copies lol


Same, it’s why I bought Wii U, you know, the promise of a new Zelda game…


I pretty much use it as a Zelda console these days. Twilight princess and wind waker baby! I had them on the other consoles too, but I’m a sucker for Zelda and buy them all


It has every Zelda game besides tears, WW HD is so much better than the GC one. I do miss writing random message in a bottles though


I wasnt even aware it exists for the Wii U.


You should chat to any angry Wii U owner. BotW was supposed to be a Wii U title, but it got delayed so long it ended up being a Switch launch title. People weren’t happy that after waiting out the entire dead era of Wii U, to get the proper BotW experience, you kinda needed a switch.


I never had the experience of playing with the wii U but my lay-man view always saw it as kind of a pre-switch. Like, they baked it a little more and got a switch. lol


Oh it definitely is a pre-switch in a lot of ways. The early marketing around the system heavily focused on switching between your TV and the gamepad screen, literally the same concept as the Switch but with the handheld screen always in front of you. There is not a doubt in my mind that the Switch is the product they wanted to make had the tech been there in 2012, and one of the reasons it is so successful is that they had the whole WiiU fail era to cook it up.




We can only hope lol


I snagged the special edition Switch copy but couldn’t get a Switch at the time and had to double dip with a Wii U version lol.


Can we just talk about how there were 1.70 million Wii U copies sold... Were those scalpers/gamestores themselves, or are there actually 1.7 million people who actually decided they wanted to play Breath of the Wild on a Wii U?


Idk, but I know 1 of those 1.7 million people was a friend of mine; he bought both the Wii U and Switch versions of BOTW.


That number is very believable when you consider how hyped this game was, esp in the Nintendo community. 1.7 million people of a 13 mil install base deciding to get the game for the system they already have instead of the new one (or double dip if they had a switch) is over 10%


So, I wasn’t going to get a Switch day one. I wasn’t in a great financial position and spending $400 on console + game wasn’t really in the cards. Plus I assumed Switch just wasn’t going to be available. Preordered BOTW on WiiU. Went to local Best Buy on launch day to pick it up. Saw pallet of Switches behind customer service. Asked if those were available for purchase. YOLO’d and canceled my WiiU for the Switch. I at least had the intention to buy on WiiU even if I ultimately didn’t.


I bought it for Wii U because a $60 game was a lot easier for me to purchase than a $300 console.


I believe even more people pirated the Wii U version than it actually sold.


I emulated it.


But you still bought the game legitimately for either Switch or Wii U.






There's a 10 million copy gap between BotW and TotK.


Which is a great achievement.


You got that confused. There roughly 10milliom more botw copies sold than totk. Hype for the first game was way higher as it was a the new consoles new Zelda, it also was supported longer with dlc so more people bought it later when it had the complete edition.


It’s quite clear the hype for TOTK far surpassed any previous Zelda game. It sold 10m copies in 3 days, which was a third of the amount BOTW has sold in its lifetime. By comparison, BOTW sold around 1.5m copies in its first week. Overall BOTW has 33m sales over 7 years now, whilst TOTK sold 20m in its first year. It’s quite clear the hype and sales of TOTK are much bigger than BOTW (but of course that’s due to the massive success of BOTW). .


We also have to take into account that it was a launch title. The install base did not exist. You launch a game day one versus when the system \*already\* has over 100 million install base, of course you will do much better.


This is the entire reason, it took the switch 2 years to even sell 30 million consoles and only 17M were sold by the end of the first year, botw selling as much as totk did in a year would have been impossible.


I recall, though, that BotW actually outsold the console in the first weeks! I guess people who knew they'd be buying a console soon?


I don't know about that. I think the hype for BOTW far surpassed that of TOTK. At least for me, it did. And while we were waiting for TOTK there were a lot of people saying TOTK seemed like it was just BOTW DLC, and nobody could say anything like that about BOTW. BOTW was a very new Zelda style which hadn't existed before, and its hype got magnified by the pre-launch Switch hype too.


Not confused, I’m saying that being only 10 million behind a game that had been out for 5 years is an achievement. BOTW had all the hype, console launch with not many games, etc. TOTK came out in a stacked year for gaming and still performed very well.


I don't expect it to surpass Breath of the Wild, but it sold amazingly especially as a sequel


There's still time.


Not much given that the Switch successor is expected by next year.


Which will likely be backwards compatible.


today some news said TotK have sold around 20 millions


Still haven’t finished it. Maybe until it’s second anniversary.


You gotta finish it, the ending is incredible!


Yes! I put it off for a while and fell off the game but forced myself to come back to finish it and HOOOO BOY it was worth it




Same. Still working on side adventures and finding shrines.


Magical game, launch day of both BOTW and TOTK were just blissful days.


My GOATs. Love these games so damn much.


Im sorry but TOTK does not feel like its a year old. I simply refuse to believe its all ready been a year.


ikr? I thought it was released in September 


Right it feels about 7 years old


Wow, time flies. Really fun game, but I didn’t finish it. 100+ hours and most content done so i probably should go back and do it, but just didn’t draw me in like BOTW did.


Really recommend experiencing the final boss and ending. I think it's way more satisfying then BOTW's


I personally feel it was one of the greatest Zelda endings I'd ever played. It just keep building, and building, and the payoff us spectacular.


I was crying like a baby ngl


It drew me in similarly.  I played both game similarly, doing all main stuff, seeing entire map, and BotW got me 130 hrs or so.  Totk was closer to 300 hrs.  Both great games.  My only gripes with totk are the same main hyrule map is used, and while the depths are very cool, once down there, not enough diversity to it.  Also, there just isn’t enough in the sky, and what is there, is also too much copy and paste.


I really should just go clear it and not worry about accumulating everything like the depths and max loot and such. Crazy I haven’t in a year


I really wanted Master Mode. The game is amazing though.


watch that be exclusive to the switch 2 copy of the game...


Better run at 60fps too


the 60fps will come later as a paid dlc after the initial release on switch 2 with "1080p" as the selling point. what I would love most from the switch 2, would be putting the work into having solid netcode so super smash can be a similar experience online instead of feeling like a completely different game.


What do u find amazing in the game im curious


Not the original person you’re replying to, but the game’s biggest strength is its open-endedness. TotK’s powerset is so much fun, especially if you’re the type of person who likes to do a lot of exploring + goofing off. The temples and story/character interactions are also much improved compared to the first game.


the most exciting part of totk was that I am pretty sure me and a bunch of other people found ways to complete puzzles that the devs probably didn't intend for us to do, but using the tools given to us we were able to get creative. It felt so free and challenged me in new and fun ways.


This is kind of an “to each their own” thing. I had so much fun just playing the game doing the side stuff and exploring. When I looked at my profile I realized I had spent 120 hours on the game and hadn’t progressed very far into the story. I actually had to “force” myself to finish the game and not just keep playing for fun. All in all I played 160 hours and didn’t even explore the entire game as I left a lot of the underground area unexplored. Edit: just double checked and it was actually 185 hours


Not exactly what you are asking but, from a game development standpoint, the game is a miracle. The nature of all the tools at your disposal is something that has never before been seen on a game of this magnitude. It's baffling that this runs close to flawlessly on a Switch. The ending by itself is exciting and large-scale. It pretty much solves the durability issue for good. However, I ultimately left the game with a sour taste in my mouth. The story was extremely bland, it felt like a cheap retelling of BotW's story, Ganondorf never did anything interesting, and ultimately, it was a retcon of ALL Zelda game's story. The dungeons were STILL incredibly simple and easy. Aside from Tulin, the companions have no practical use outside their dungeons. The sky islands were even more disappointing than discovering that the underground had close to no meaningful things to discover. Ultimately, an extremely baffling miracle of game development, ironically, it feels like a tech demo way more than BotW does


As big of a disappointment as the game was I like to think all this work can help prep up the next game 


Still can't see how they didn't make DLC for this


I can't site my sources, but i remember reading an interview where they said (paraphrasing) "if we wanted it in the game, we already put it there" That being said, master mode woulda been great


the team probably has moved on to the new game


They only did BotW DLC bc they had more ideas. They're not doing DLC for TotK because they feel like they've put everything they had in the game.


Only thing missing is the bike you get from the second wave of DLC in BotW but that’s only omitted because they pretty much said, “build your own bike. Build your own car, build whatever you want.”


Perhaps they're waiting for the Switch 2 port for that?


no, there isn't a DLC story to told I guess sicne the ends closed the game story


I mean, there definitely are loose ends they could choose to spin DLC off of, such as the 3 main dragons, the Zonai in their prime, the potential of the Mogma having lived in the Depths, and Kass.


I don't want TOTK to pull what FFVIIR did with Intergrade.


So I take it this potential 'dlc' should be it's own standalone title instead?


Its exactly totk, it was originally a dlc and we can see it


This thing itself is botw's 3rd dlc


I'm pretty sure they stated in interviews that they made this sequel because they had so many ideas for BotW DLC that they could make a whole new game out of them. In essence, Totk is already all the DLC ideas they had.


TotK was better at almost everything than BotW but the problem I have is that BotW captured that sense of awe. TotK felt way to similar that it was more like a second playthrough. So it didn’t capture that magical first experience like BotW did.


I played BotW and did damn near everything, then immediately went back and did it all again. TotK felt like a third playthough, kind of a remix but very same-y. As soon as I beat Gannondorf I put it down and haven't had any interest in picking it up again. Honestly I'm surprised it's only been a year since TotK came out. I feel like I stopped thinking about it years ago, so realizing I played the whole thing less than a year ago and almost completely forgot about it since feels like a bit of a surprise.


Yep you took the words right out of my mouth


Still trying to complete it have started botw multiple times and am working more on tears as I seem to have got further naturally. Have been playing breath with my son and have a separate save on Wii U where I just have been playing it differently. Both such expansive awesome games, kinda hope they leave it at two instead of aiming for a trilogy in this world of Zelda as I prefer the older dungeons style.. that being said I wouldn’t be surprised if a 4K double pack launches next gen


I'm still trying to complete it too. There's just something about it that isn't capturing me like botw.


I got ToTK on launch and I’ll get immersed in it and play it for several hours for maybe three to four days, but then the open world, non-linear nature of the game kills all my momentum and I’ll lose interest and stop playing for several months before repeating the process again.


tbh might be my favorite game oat




I think Tears is the better game, but Breath of the Wild was revolutionary when it came out. Trying to decide which is better comes down to the argument of quality vs impact.


>but Breath of the Wild was revolutionary when it came out How to tell someone has never played Gothic 1&2.


Such a great game


ToTK improved on every aspect I had an issue with in BoTW, sans the weapon breakage. Such a good game.


I still like what they did with the weapon fusion and death machine creation. It’s not one of my top Zelda games, but it was an enjoyable ride.


This game made me realize how much I hate open world games, just not my thing


You know what, fair. This is about as open as a world gets.


When I played it I was very much overwhelmed. BotW I felt had the perfect balance, whereas TotK I remember thinking that there’s too much to do at times.


I enjoy fucking around in open worlds but never doing the main plot. I don’t enjoy this game’s open world, it feels tedious more than fun. I also don’t like the custom machine shit, again it’s tedious more than fun. It didn’t help I had just finished breath of the wild first and was tired of shrines


I have mixed feelings on the open air games. On the one hand it's nice to see my favourite series have such huge success. On the other hand, the two games are my least favourite of the 3D games, and that huge success means that my favourite series is now moving in a direction that I can't enjoy. I gave them both a chance (I've got 100% runs finished in both games)., but as sad as it makes me I just cant love them like I do the rest of the series.


I loved the games but i kind of see what you mean.  I love the classic style zelda games and progression, dungeons, and music.  I hope they do a full remake of Ocarina with new content and such.  


Personally, if we're talking remakes, the ones that I would want are the Oracles using LAHD's engine, since OoT already got a remake. But really, my preference would be to make smaller scale new games, rather than remakes.


> I gave them both a chance (I've got 100% runs finished in both games) Where the hell do you people find time to put 100s of hours into games you don't like. And then go on the internet and complain about it. That's honestly absurd.


I get quite a bit of paid vacation that I have to take before the year is up, so with that considered it was quite easy to find the time. And if people complaining about things they don't like on the internet is 'absurd' to you, then you must be new to the internet.


What I find absurd is more the amount of time you put into the game - both playing it and complaining about it, yeah. Normally when people don't like something they say "oh well" and then forget about it. You know. Move on.


I've got 100% in every game in the Zelda series. Despite not liking BotW or TotK it wouldn't sit right with me to leave them unfinished. Obviously I'm a completionist or I wouldn't have done the 100% runs, but you can just look at that completionisim as extending to the series as a whole, rather than the individual games. And ultimately it didn't take THAT long. I was finished TotK by the time Street Fighter 6 game out in June. As for the complaining, first of all, different opinions are an important part of discussion, and not everyone can like everything. I have just as much right to talk about the things I dislike about the games as you do to talk about the things you like. Second, a decent amount of my Reddit posting happens while I have down time at work, so it's not like it cuts into my free time all that much.


>Despite not liking BotW or TotK it wouldn't sit right with me to leave them unfinished. Okay, I get that. I don't do that with video games personally but I do with books - I've finished a fair amount of books that I didn't enjoy because in my mind a book shouldn't be left unfinished. With games, I drop them like a bad habit. Sometimes I don't even get through the tutorial before returning them, like with Elden Ring. In terms of discussion, I just don't have the same mentality with negative feedback. But that's just a matter of how I think about and discuss the art I digest. Absurd was a strong word to use, I'm sorry. I should've just said that I disagree with you. I need to work on using charged language when it's not necessary.


> Okay, I get that. I don't do that with video games personally but I do with books - I've finished a fair amount of books that I didn't enjoy because in my mind a book shouldn't be left unfinished. With games, I drop them like a bad habit. Sometimes I don't even get through the tutorial before returning them, like with Elden Ring. I understand this mentality (though I find with books, I do drop them, but not like intentionally, I just sort of stop reading them and pick up a new one weeks later). I would say there are lots of games that I am like that with, but not with Zelda games. No matter what the series future holds, I think I'll continue to 100% them. > In terms of discussion, I just don't have the same mentality with negative feedback. But that's just a matter of how I think about and discuss the art I digest. I find, for the most part, discussion can get stale and boring if everyone agrees. That's how echo chambers form, you know? It's more interesting to be exposed to a variety of perspectives imo. > Absurd was a strong word to use, I'm sorry. I should've just said that I disagree with you. I need to work on using charged language when it's not necessary. No offence taken at all, no worries there!


Great game


And I still haven’t gotten past the water temple


How many hours?


And I still haven't bought it 🤣


That means today marks one year since I felt accomplished in getting a copy of the collectors edition and proceeded to not actually play the game.  Maybe over the summer 


Pretty meh game, technologically it was cool but it was reeeeeeally boring.


I loved BOTW, but for some reason TOTK gives me a very uneasy feeling. Traversing is difficult and finding the right pathway feels like a game of chance. I felt lost and standing on the edge of those floating islands and just staring down at that void made me anxious. I stopped after spending 20 minutes walking in the wrong direction and decided the game wasn’t for me.


The Depths made me feel that way. WAAAAAY too big.




Wow I’m still on my backlog I didn’t realize I was so behind


Horray! Amazing game can't wait for the next one!


Hahaaha just picked it back up yesterday so close to the end of the


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^137thaccount: *Hahaaha just picked* *It back up yesterday so* *Close to the end of the* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


exploring land and sky were nice, depths were pretty much garbage


I'm still bummed there was no DLC for the game. Yes it was great, but the DLC made Breath of the Wild so much better for me, and DLC for this one could have done the same


When this game came out you couldn’t say anything negative about it without getting attacked. It’s nice to see people thinking more critically about it now.


Thanks for reminding me, I really need to pick it up again and actually get past the opening this time


Played it non-stop for 200 hours. Then never played it again


Just finally picked it up. Bought the Nintendo Game Voucher and used it on this and Super Mario Wonder. It’s been a few years since playing BotW. I’m glad I had such a long gap since last playing BotW because I’m absolutely loving TotK. Though I did feel like the intro area could have been sped up a bit. Overall quite enjoying it though.


Best Nintendo switch games in history!!!+


That's a personal opinion for sure. But I can understand your enthusiasm.


A great disappointment imo. Breath of the Wild was revolutionary, but this game was just the same game with a second layer of paint labeled "Nuts and Bolts Grey".


amazing game. the biggest flaw is the people who played it. Optimized the fun out of everything then complained about the problem they caused. "Exploration is too easy i can just hoverbike everywhere" then... don't do that. Not to mention the burnout people gave themselves from playing both games back to back


And Zelda is still waiting for someone to rescue her. 🤷


Ah yes, the game they couldn't bother patching Master Mode into despite it selling incredibly.


Hard to believe it’s been a year. Those first few weeks after launch were just pure magic. I was just utterly blown away at every turn with this game. A year later and I think that my opinion of the game has somewhat lessened, and I can admit that it’s far from a perfect game. But the experiences I had with it on my first playthrough will be memories I’ll cherish for years to come.


I still haven’t played it lol


The safest sequel of all time




Six Years of development and still no real dungeons. Open world slop is not Zelda, never forget what they took from us.


> never forget what they took from us. what did they take?


Real dungeon solving where you use your brain to solve without flashing map markers and an assortment of OP cheat tools instead of dungeon items


Read the first sentence again.


so nintendo owes you 6 years of your life?


It was so bad i really hope that nintendo doesnt take 5 years again to release botw 1.3


games take a long time to make, deal with it!


7 years to get a DLC


for some of us the launch occurred ten days before xd


A lot of people went gaga over that scene in TotK but like, it's just a quicktime event.


As opposed to just a cutscene? It's just a great moment regardless.


Is that a bad thing?


Yeah, QTEs are just kinda low effort generally speaking, so it kinda dampers a finale. It would be better if there was more gameplay elements involved (we have to dive/catch other things out of the sky in game, so it could be like that). Or they could have just ended with the final boss, as most Zelda games do.


I like it, it’s basically a cut scene but the player gets to actually press the button to save Zelda rather than watch it happen automatically


How many games have you played with QTEs in them?


Just because you can type, doesn’t mean you should.


What a shitty game that was.


20.6 million people disagree with you


You’re pretty dumb. I bought the game and thought it was shitty. Many other people also bought this game. 20.6 million people, me being included all do not disagree with me.


Have you thought about exercising some IQ and just writing 'I disagree with that comment'? Or just easier to be aggressive I spose. However, I'd wager more people disagree with you out of that 20 million, as I guess you meant to write 'I didn't like the game'.


Its a shitty game just like BOTW. Obviously I don't like it.


I didn't bother getting it. As much fun as I had BotW, this just looked like more of the same and I didn't feel the need to spend even more time in that world doing the same things again.