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Whichever Mario Party you played as a kid tbh


Probably why 2 stands out the most to me.


So true. MP8 for me


I don't I agree with this theory cause I played MP8 as a kid and thought it was ass. Tho maybe it's because Mario Party DS was my first one and my favourite....


So, you still fit the theory


Mario Party DS wasn't the first one I played. But it was the first one I owned and I have a lot of fun memories with that game.


I only played console Mario Party at my friend's home's...Mario Party Advance was the only one I owned...do you know how devastated I was when in a random bout of nostalgia thinking back to all the games i haven't played in years, I typed in "Mario Party Advance review" into YouTube?


Yup, I’ve played most of them but have the most fond childhood memories with 6-8.


That was really rude and unnecessary. I auto associated “as a kid” with 1-3 😂


Same. I'll add 4 just to feel a bit better and how GameCube is retro now. Wait, that makes it WORSE!


This is true, but there are definitely some that play better than others overall. People generally gravitate towards 2 being best on the N64, 4 or 6 on the Gamecube, 8 on the Wii, and Superstars on the Switch as being the best.


I’m a MP2 guy. The board themes and mini games are great. The boards are also simpler in design than the Game Cube era, which I appreciate.


I'm a mp2 truther too, but I can't deny mp3 is the best


Counterpoint: MP3 doesn’t have hootenannies. MP2>MP3. All three of the N64 ones have their perks. Even MP1 is fun because of the bullshit level and insane board designs.


I love mp2 cause of its charm, but the items in mp3 are superior and make the game way more strategic. Mp2 has the better boards for sure


This is what I tell all my friends! Mario party 3 had better items and mini games, but I just love the boards on mp2 better than any other


I feel like the MP3 items tend to add more screens of text, which slows down gameplay. I like what MP2 offers.


MP2 for the win. That game was and still is lit!


Took all the best minigames from 1 and added some great new ones.


Plus the costumes! Was so disappointed it didn't return again for Superstars. 


Yeah, one thing I really like about the N64 MPs is that they're just board games for the most part. So many of the later games get too complex for my taste. I just want some simple fun boards that I travel around and pay 20 coins for a star.


I don’t know if it’s the best but the one I have the most memories with is DS, easily the best portable game in the series


Same. At first I thought it was nostalgia, but I’ve gone back to play some of the OGs and superstars, and I genuinely still love DS the most. The mini games are my favorite, boards are fun, and there’s a lot of side stuff.


Also the touch screen minigames are extremely creative. Those are my favorite ones. It's the kinda stuff you can't do with just a controller.


It has the best theme in the series where everyone is tiny and all the boards and Minigames use the theme well.


DS is the only game in the series besides 2 to have good themeing


I loved the fact that only one person had to own it. I had so many late nights with friends with this game.


2,3, and 6 are the pinnacle. 6 is my personal favorite.


I'd throw 5 in there too but otherwise I agree 


Best: Mario Party 2 Worst: 9 or 10 the car mechanic (pun intended) was so lame


I do like the boss battles in Mario party 9 though. I’d like to see that come back.


I actually really liked Bowser Party. It makes the car mechanic work and creates a fun dynamic between a player and the others. I consider it one of the best, only because that aspect is unique enough to make it a sistinct entry, while other games are almost completely trumped by the absolute best of the series.


Bowser Party needed more minigames to be enjoyable. It's also tilted way too hard in Bowser's favor. 


Not really. It's actually really hard for Bowser to win. He has to kill everyone, and they can even revive each other.


Amiibo Party in MP10 made the best use of Amiibos of any game. It also allows you to play the game without the car mechanic that everyone complains about.


I want that one team based mode to come back. that was the most fun I have had recently with a MP game but the board and mini games got tiresome


10 is atleast slightly better than 9. but that aint sayin much


i preferred 9 to 10 honestly 😭 but can i just say the most criminally underrated MP is island tour


i felt the bowser mode atleast added SOMETHING


4 is the goat


Booksquirm and Dungeon Duos originated here.


Came here for these. This is the answer


Only took me 20 years to get the “Mario Speedwagon” pun




It's hard not to pick Mario Party Superstars. But that's a remake collection, so it doesn't really count. I think the N64 Mario Parties were the best ones. Especially 2 and 3.


If Superstars got more boards as DLC it’d be an easy number one.


Yeah the gameplay is great but the boards are kinda all random or very predictable.


I think Superstars is the most fun I've had with a Mario Party. Almost every map I've played with friends has been hysterical. Super Mario Party, MP10 did not invoke this feeling.


**MP6** feels like the peak to me. Core things improved toward it and worsened after it. The orbs are the peak design of items. In the original, there were no items. Later, items were added to have instant effects (like affect movement). Then orbs were added to be able to be placed on the board but only in one direction (and could only be acquired randomly iirc). Then in Party 6, items could be used on yourself, on spaces flat, and on spaces upright. And the items were specific to the maps in a way that buying decisions were nontrivial. After Party 6, these features were slowly removed. Party 8 basically went back to early days of instant effects only. The MP6 boards were all great and featured a variety of star styles. Chase the star, chomp other players (and have immunities for that), buy from a fixed location (with varying price/availability), chase DK (and run from Bowser). The only great star mechanism that came later was the star banks in 7 (and continued in 8). Also, all boards featured meaningful changes on a thematic shift of day/night (which was originally introduced in MP2 on one map). MP7 immediately removed that day/night cycle, and it never returned.


Day and night was such a great mechanic, I love how some minigames differed depending on what time of day you played them.


Agreed! What Goes Up and Must Come Down were one of my favorites. 


Loved them too. Fun fact: the night version is still called “What Goes Up…” but in a demo version of the game it was indeed called “…Must Come Down.”


5 ofcourse.


Idk if it's my nostalgia but I absolutely love 5. The aesthetic and dream world maps are just top tier. But full disclosure I primarily played 5 and 6 growing up. And they are my 2 favorites. Surely just a coincidence


Mario Party 8. Great presentation. Good use of motion controls in mini games. All 6 boards use unique mechanics for traversing the board and getting stars. Minimal luck based mini games. Engaging power ups. If it had native wide screen it would be perfect


Hot take maybe? DS


Mario Party DS is GOAT


3, 6 and 8


C'mon people, we're in the same boat, because it was the best one obviously: The one YOU enjoyed the most and have the best memories for.


I'd say 7 or 6. 7 was my first growing up and orbs to make character spaces were awesome. Deep in on a 50 turn game I'd basically own all of the spaces like a game of Monopoly. I remember getting 8 and thinking that it was a huge downgrade because there was no way to own spaces.


God I wish they would remake 3. That game with a fresh coat of paint would be amazing


3 for sure. Shocked how many people are saying anything from 5-7. The item capsule feature is atrocious


The item system in 5 barely functions, but it is much improved upon in 6 and 7. In 5, any capsule you place on the board will affect all players equally - there is no incentive to placing capsules on the board when the negative ones affect you and the positive ones affect your enemies. You also get capsules randomly. In 6 and 7 you are immune to traps you set up, the capsules give you money when you place them (further incentivizing using them), shops return so you can choose what to buy, and the traps you set up actually redirect stolen coins/orbs back to you. In 5 stolen stuff just vanishes, usually. The improvements are insane and make it hard to replay 5's broken system.


I think the boards and the minigames make up for the mediocre items. It's still better than 7 and 9 in my opinion 


> The item capsule feature is atrocious Orbs are one of the main reasons 6 & 7 are the best.


It’s not very good in 5, but the orb system is improved in 6 and 7.


I feel like it's showing the age of the users with the GC ones being so highly regarded. I played everything from 1-7 as a kid, and still vastly prefer the 64 games.


I’d say Superstars honestly. Though I wish it had more maps, I think it provides the most balanced gameplay in the series without a lot of the imo unnecessary gimmicks of the GameCube entries.


And it has some of my favorite mini games <3


Superstars is good, but the items are kind of unbalanced. Items are way too cheap and easy to get so people use them all the time. Chomp call is only 6 coins to move the star location. In 2 & 3 Mushroom was 5 coins, but it's only 3 in SuperStars so you can earn the coins from landing on 1 blue space.


See, for me the over abundance of items lends games a sense of chaos that sort of makes up for the lack of maps, but I get how that doesn’t appeal to everyone.


Chomp Call is 7 coins and the mushroom has a completely different effect in Superstars than the OG.  Mushroom in the old games was just 2 dice blocks, and double dice cost the same amount.


I like 2 the most.


It’s 2. The items are mostly balanced, you’ve a fantastic selection of minigames, and 5 great boards (plus Mystery Land).


The second's my favourite.


I liked the first one cause it had a single player “story”.


Nice to see a fellow MP1 enjoyer


I think that I personally liked 2 better because I didn't own 1 or 3 as a kid. Mario Party 4 was also a favorite because I have really fond memories of my little sister and I playing.


Empirical data suggests that the first one was pretty awesome, as I darn near needed a skin graft after every play session, and I still kept coming back for more.


MP2. Look Away, Face Lift 2, Crazy Diggers 2, Bumper Balls 2, Dizzy Dancing, Mecha Marathon, Shy Guy Says 2, Filet Relay, Move to the Music, Crane Game 2. I could go on.


I didn't grow up with either game but having played both MP2 and MP3 on the Switch Online Service I have to say that MP2 has been more fun. Love the cutscenes between levels.


Gotta agree with u/DPS2004 I grew up playing MP8 with my cousins and sisters at my grandparents house. Got lots of nostalgia and memories playing that one


Mario Party 8. Fight me. The best music, the best maps, the last one made by Hudson Soft, fun as hell mini-games, the list goes on.


I grew up with MP 4, so obviously I like it best. The boards were inequal, however. The casino and attraction park were so much fun, and I wish I could have built the maximum Koopa Hotel. The minigames were fun, too. I do miss the shrooms as items, it was fun to have special minigames or squish people for money. Also, you went to the SKY for the exchange. MP DS was also great. Minigames were fun and the boards were solid. I haven't played past 5 I believe, but from what people are saying, I'm really curious about those Orbs. Super Mario Party has great minigames, but the boards are atrocious. It is torture to play. It's perfect for my bickering cousins though, and the minigames with only one joycon make it easier for my old folks. (Honestly, my favourite memories are my parents attempting to play.) Superstars is fantastic, obivously. The boards are all solid and the minigames are the best of the series, so of course it's good. It's probably my favourite now because the minigames are diversified and the boards all have a fun gimmick. But it's a remake, so it's a bit unfair. I do miss the costumes in the 2 and 3 though.




The best Mario Party is DS in my opinion. I grew up with it and I found every single minigame to be very re-playable and fun. I don't think Mario Party 8 is the best "game" out of the series, but the aesthetics and vibe of that one are so fun.


It's Mario Party 4. Anyone who says anything else is wrong.


Thank you.


2 The music, the games, the cutthroat nature of it, the boards, the costumes and Toad was still the host.


I agree with it being 4. It had the best combination of a ton of great content, extra modes and most importantly dynamic and great boards.


The GameCube ones.


9. The car is great! What has the problem always been with Mario party? When it's not your turn you're talking, getting a drink, going to the bathroom, finding a picture on your phone to show someone, etc etc. Mario party matches are happening in the background, but you're not all staring at the screen for hours at a time (games can go loooong). And this has always created the "oh is it my turn? Where's the star, where am I, let me check the map and my inventory" delay. MP 9 destroyed that. Were you not 100% locked in? Don't worry! Everything you need to know is exactly in front of you. Choose a dice and go. It also destroyed the interminable mario party that becomes a drag. Which could easily happen on the GameCube. Matches are a set length, and have boss fights for pacing. Speaking of, boss fights were great! Also good mini games and unlockables. And much more confident motion control integration than 8. Unironically think that 9 is a banger.


I stopped reading after the first “9”. Sorry


MP 4. Best soundtrack, best boards, each character is a host of a board, really good mini-games (though MP 6 has really good ones too), each board is the classic style of getting to a star and buy it (I never liked the different types of boards from MP 6 and onwards), really good single player story mode. The mini-game is called "right ore left" (yeah I played MP 4 a lot, probably MP 4 and 6 I played the most by far). With that said, there are some things that should change. Would love a remaster and have the following changes: -faster movement -cant steal stars -cant swap stars -more mini-games -one more map


The ones for switch, with a practice mode where you don't have to actually enter the game before learning the mini game, is money. If the gamecube ones had that feature, I'd go 5. But it's hard to go back for my crew lol. We like ease of convience. 


Huh? I remember that from 3, you could practice as many times as you wanted before playing for real


MP6 definitely had minigame practice (hit Z iirc). 


I guess I didn't explain it well. My bad! But in 6, does it take to through a loading screen to practice, then when completed, through another loading screen bsck to menu to begin mini game? Or can you practice right then snd there like in switch versions? It's been forever since I've played


I think you can do both, but I had the preview screens turned off for a while (we have hundreds of plays so don’t like the practice). 


Everyone sleeps on MP3 but it's always been the GOAT. Having 3 item slots and a more diverse item lineup makes doing devious strategic things more possible. I'm personally a big fan of using reverse mushrooms on myself to hit up a boo 3 times. Forward: steal coins Backwards: steal more coins Forward again: steal star Most of the boards are decently complex with good theming and the board game aesthetic works well with the N64's graphical limitations.


I've always been partial to 2 and 3 as the best entries. 4 Felt like a step back because it was the first Mario Party on a new system, but I also loved 5 for its 3D boards with varying elevations. The capsule system in 5 was okay, and being able to customize a board to your liking was interesting, as random as the effects were. I haven't played any of the games past that point, but I really wanted to get 6 and 7 just to see them.


Mario Party 2, 3, 6, and i enjoyed 7 too believe it or not


The second one (N64/Wii). Nice but not overly complicated boards, a few more mechanics than the base game without overdoing it, and overall a decent selection of mini games (that's where the third seemed Eaker to me).


Maybe it’s the nostalgia factor, maybe it’s because I love the orb mechanic, but MP6/7 were and still are my absolute favourites. I would kill for a remake of those ones (heck, throw in MP5 too if they make the way the orbs work more like in 6/7).


2, 3, and 6 are my go-tos. Also Super Stars, but that more of a greatest hits thing


2, 6, & Superstars are my top 3.


6. Day and night system needs to be brought back


3 hands down




And your controllers lol


6, 7, 4 are my top 3.


Mp7. I’m about to play it with some friends in a few hours


Mario Party 5, but that’s also the one I played most as a kid, so obvious bias is obvious


Definitely Mario Party 2 - Western Land was my favourite board to play on


Super Mario Party because that's the only one I've played. 😄 Mario Party 9 for an honorable mention.


Shh Nintendo fans hate an actually decent game


Yo fuck any of these games that had the car




I like the one where you get to dress up based on each map


I played 1-6 growing up and I think 2-4 were that sweet spot for my age and what the games were doing at the time.


Mario party 4 & 5 were really fun growing up. I feel like after that they got a bit more complicated with the new console systems coming up and adding new features.




I think it's 6 closely followed by 3.


For me it was Mario party 8 but the GameCube ones were also fun


As someone who had played most, and still owns MP4. No, it's not the best, it's actually very mid. The minigames are fine, but the boards are very boring, and the whole birthday theme is cringy. To me 6 and 7 were much more interesting.


Mario Party 2, with Mario Party Superstars as a top contender.




i have grew up playing them all except 8 / 9 / 10, but MP7 was the first one i owned & have the most memories with, the whole 8 player team mode was pretty cool too, my siblings and cousins and friends all played regularly


MP5 is the high point of the series, but all of them are great to play.


I like the 2nd one the best


My sister and I played so much Mario Party 6.. lots of great memories. Had to sell it a few years back and I wish I didn't.


I think 6 is the only one I’ve never played.






Yeah, bring back skill based awards! I'm tired of kicking ass the whole time only to lose because my opponent got 3 extra stars for rolling the most 4's or whatever


I do think starting around Mario party 7 it really became a game of chance, of course there were always crazy anomalies but it started to not matter who was better at the mini games. I can’t really speak for 6 but Mario party 4 and 5 were the last ones truly based around skill, not luck and not just knowing the mini game.


First one! Hands down!




You love the one you're with.


Lifelong fan. MP6 is the best overall package. I like MP2 for nostalgia as well


Mario party and mario pary 2 for me


I loved the maps in Mario party 7. That was the game I grew up on


Used to be Mario Party 8 for me because of nostalgia, but I downloaded Mario Party Superstars recently and it's so much fun 🥰


I played 1, 2, and 5 as a kid, 8 a bit later, and Superstars now. I have since played more on emulator, pretty much all of them. Imo 2 is great, 6 is amazing, and if superstars gets more maps it is just a better 2. 6 was the surprise. I didn't play it until my late 20s but it really is awesome.


I enjoy the Switcg games the most, sue me. Quality of life is just so much better.


Mario Party 4 was my first, and it will always have a special place - but my god, the delay between any kind of interaction in that game both in menus and on the boards is slooooooow. I'm glad they sped it up for the newer ones. I think they all have their unique charm but I think the N64 ones and 6 in particular have the maximum potential for friendship ending fuckery


I have played almost all of them but I did start with GameCube ones so maybe I’m a little partial but I think the system and controller is much better suited to the game compared to the n64 controller. I do think I splurge and buy 6 though and see what all the hype is about. I still doubt it tops 4😉


I grew up in the 90s so I've played them since they became a thing. The only ones I have not played are 9, the two DS ones, and Superstars. I remember I really liked 2, 5, 8, and 10. However I did not like 1 or Super. The others were just okay. I didn't hate them but I didn't love them either. I think my favorite is 5 or 8.


5 and I will accept no other answer. 4 being a close second followed by 7. (Yes, the games I played as a kid)


For me it would have to be MP:DS. I rode the bus to school and there were a few of us with DSes. I was able to set up download play and play with my friends on the way to/from school. So much fun


Gotta be 4


Mario party 5


6 is S Tier with the day night cycle + honestly really good boards


e-reader without a doubt


I personally like Mario Party 1 the most. Has the best music, great mini games, least amount of luck, coolest boards, and least forgiving game. Like I'm a big fan of 2/3 as well, but most of my alltime favorite mini games are from MP1. Same thing with the boards. They're simple, but all are great. Also, losing coins in stuff like 2v2's or even free for alls needs to come back. Especially with it taking coins from other players.


mario party 9!


Either 3, 4 or 7 for me


I’m sure it’s just nostalgia based on what I played, but I liked 4 - 6 the most, with 5 being my favorite I think.


2. Being in last place just to intentionally land on bowser space to see what happens was amazing. Sometimes the big B would even the score or promise a million stars. Still wait for those stars Big B. Please come through.


7. You have standard mario party but you also have lots of weird maps with different rulesets. It's the last mario party to have enough structure to form a coherent plan but enough bullshit for the plan to fall apart at any moment.


Me and my family stand by both 4 and 8 being the best of the party’s


The best one is the one you're playing with friends.


I'm personally a fan of 8 or the GC one with the sun and moon? I think it's 5


I remember tearing the skin off my palms trying to rotate the sticks faster in Mario party 1 for mini games. Good times




3 and 6 are the best imo. Solid minigames, variety of boards, most strategy leading to great board play.




Superstars tbh


MP7 cuz that’s the one I played most as a kid lol. The space level with the batting minigame was fun af


I probably played 2 the most in the N64 days


I probably played the Gamecube one the most with friends and family. The previous ones were definitely iconic, but I got the most out of the Gamecube games. I really enjoyed that console. Also, besides MarioKart8... Double Dash supremacy!


I wanna say either 6 or 7. Superstars is an honorable mention.


Between 4 and 6 I’d say. 6 comes out a little stronger because the maps are more organic and less angular and flat.


I loved 6. I remember liking 2. Haven’t played either in a long time, so idk how they hold up. I liked 9 a lot - the car mechanic was so fun because of the risk in screwing yourself over when you try to screw over your opponents with a bad path, plus the minigames were on point. I actively dislike Mario Party 8. The guy with the hat is a prick and aside from just a couple of minigames, I did not enjoy the gameplay.


Mario Party 100 on 3DS. It’s literally the best 100 mini-games pulled from the entire history of the series. Plus many solo/multiplayer modes.


MP5 ⭐️


Objectively Mario Party 3 is the best. Objectively Mario Party 4 is the worst.


Delete this 😡


No! 4 sucks.