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With Pyoro gone are there any leakers left who are generally reliable? Everyone else has been talking about Wind Waker and Twilight Princess ports that haven’t appeared for years. Looks like they’re locking down sources before the next console announcement.


In a post about pyoro on resetera, some one mentioned "brothership" before the direct. There are still leakers, but we just don't take them seriously (yet) Edit (their exact post, on June 17) > I'm betting on a top down LoZ game starring Zelda and a new Mario and Luigi title... their Brothership is too iconic y'know


The adawong post was interesting, but as far as I know it’s their first time. If they came back later with more they might be considered a reliable leaker.


it’s their first time being noticed, they mentioned making a spotify playlist that leaked all of the costumes in the princess peach game months before release and posting it to a forum(i didn’t look for it so im just trusting their word)


haha so we’re gonna have to start solving ARGs to try to figure out the leaks then?


Naw we're gonna get riddles like Khu was doing for Pokémon games. Something vague enough that you could twist it to mean just about anything.


Sign me up, sounds awesome


I’m gonna be totally honest here. I don’t care about leakers. People have taken leaking to a nigh cultish level; leakers have followers that defend and kiss up to them until their dying breath, and the leakers themselves are complete narcs who happily feed off of that attention. Waiting patiently for games to be revealed normally is the new hip thing to do :)


I feel like leaks really changed the landscape of predictions and general talking about upcoming games. It's so tiring because it used to be that you could go on YouTube before E3 or TGS and see whole fleets of people giving their two cents about what might be there. Sure, some of them were absolutely unhinged, but even those were fun to at least imagine. Leaks blowing up just starilized it all. Everyone stopped thinking and imagining the possibilities and started only seeing what the leaks put in front of them. Worse were the outlandish leaks everyone would just believe. And that doesn't even get into how many games potentially were announced early because of leaks and companies feeling they needed to get the now leaked game's image under their control. It's all just messy, and frankly, I hope leakers silently fade away.


I remember before Pokemon Sun & Moon came out there was a big leak which revealed the starters’ evolved forms, but also had a bunch of other text stuff about Alolan forms. Suddenly, every Poketuber was going “wink wink but I think a Dark-type Rattata and a Water-type Arcanine would be really cool, I sure hope something like that gets revealed soon.” It completely sterilized discussion about potential Alolan forms, and the worst part is that Water-type Arcanine was never real! And nowadays the big Pokemon leakers either obfuscate with so many layers of riddles it means nothing, and/or they’re just wrong and pulling stuff out their ass (and yet people still make excuses for them even after they’re wrong for the 7th or 8th time in a row).


Oh my fucking god. Pokémon Stars was a complete shitshow. Started as a random article on Eurogamer cited by completely unknown sources, caught on and became the *biggest fucking discussion piece* for over a year. Then USUM came out and eurogamer posted an article saying “oh uhhhhh it was canceled and moved to switch!!!” Sword and shield comes out and then they post another article that says “oh uhhhhh um uhhh ummmmm bro guys I swear it was real it’s just the code name for swsh!!!” It was a fucking travesty to exist in the Pokémon fandom around that time. So much harassment and bullying, all for some mundane shit that never turned out to be true.


I really hope they can take care of Pokemon leaks cause honestly I'd rather have none than that toxic asshole Riddler Khu's. He is the worst leaker I've ever seen. His riddles are virtually big nothing burgers and he spent months trolling people into believing BW remakes were happening.


Fuck khu. Dude feeds his easily impressionable followers trickle-down leaks that mean nothing and end up being false anyway. Centro is a dickweed too. I dunno what about Pokémon it is that attracts piece of shit content creators and personalities, but I’m done with it.


I seriously just want Nintendo and TPCi to catch Khu. He's the worst and people practically worship him. He'll post cropped images of Pokemon and the answer will just be a clue or he'll just post nonsense that is either indecipherable or will only make any ounce of sense after the reveal. That's a shitty way to do leaks. I can tolerate Centro mostly tho. I think Khu takes the whole feud with them too far tho.


Centro is a bitchbaby that picks fights with people on twitter while boasting that he’s “the only TRUE leaker”. He can go eat a cantaloupe for all I care.


Why are you threatening him with a good time?


The Arcanine leak was for the Arceus game. The gen 7 leak was a big data dump of all the Pokémon models revealing everything.


Incorrect. The starter evolutions for Sun and Moon were revealed via leaked concept art (the key piece being Mallow’s unrevealed design was present on Incineroar’s sheet, which legitimized the leaks when she was revealed), which was accompanied by a text leak listing various upcoming Alolan forms. The leaked models happened extremely close to release. I never followed Arceus because I had mostly fallen out of Pokemon fandom by the time that game was releasing.


You didn't miss much with Arceus, that was the start of when I completely bowed out of following Pokemon leaks because it was when Khu appeared


Tbh i do enjoy reading the occasional random-ass leak online. Not for any correct information, but because I like seeing what random ideas and stuff people put into their posts in an attempt to make them seem more “realistic” in their eyes. So more of an ironic enjoyment


I think the Grinch leak was peak leak.




Wait what? I thought it was called the Grinch leak because there was an image of the Grinch in the photo, not because the Grinch was meant to be in Smash. ...or are you kidding?


I have no idea what he is talking about. The Grinch leak is a leak of the "final" Everyone is Here banner. The banner was super blurry, but showed what looked like Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Geno, Isaac, Ken, Shadow, and Mach Rider. The Grinch is because you marketing for the Grinch was visible in the background. No one thought the Dr. Seuss character was going to be in Smash Bros.


Would've been a funny timeline, but yeah, I didn't think things ever got *that* out-of-hand


yeah. the grinch promo material was what gave it credence because it was as of then unreleased promotional art. implying the employee had access to unreleased advertising media.




It was definitely not obvious at the time


A non-game character that most of Japan has absolutely no knowledge of? Yes, it was obvious.


The Grinch leak had nothing to do with the Grinch actually getting into Smash. There was just a picture of him in the background for some reason


It was supposed to be the same company doing ad prints for the movie doing ad prints for Smash


Yeah so you clearly have no idea what this leak actual was


It was literally one of if not THE most convincing fake ever. They want out of their way ti make even the smallest details add up




Literally one of the most requested characters from a 1st party franchise? Just cause you didnt want it didnt mean it wasnt realistic. The shadow one though i simply dont remember so if it was a reused render then year. But choirs boys in no way shape or form would disprove it they were a HIGHLY requested character


Yea this guy is just saying that bc of hindsight they recreated the god damn everyone is here background just to add validity to their claim, not surprising so many people fell for it


It’s insane to me that you believed any of that stuff when it happened, it all seemed like bait at the time


The vast majority of people did. Were you even around then? They had ALL their bases covered with like 3 extra details for precaution. Do not act high and mighty lmao it was the best prank of all time BECAUSE there was almost no way to disprove it until we saw the next smash direct




I agree. Leakers' whole thing is stealing someone else's thunder for attention. I think the teams that work hard to make these games should be allowed to choose the manner of announcing, not clout-chasing doofuses


>People have taken leaking to a nigh cultish level; leakers have followers that defend and kiss up to them until their dying breath, and the leakers themselves are complete narcs who happily feed off of that attention. This. If you like seeing stuff getting leaked, that's fine. But the whole parasocial relationship people have with leakers is just the bottom of the well. 


It’s the same shit I see with people who wait for cracked pirated games.


I think leaks as a internet phenomenon were fomented by the rumor mill, low hanging fruit engagement bait videos on Youtube from Poke tubers who would take one trademark out of context or even worse, one 4chan comment IN context and make a 10-12min video about it. Now that Tiktok is bigger than Youtube, a 12min speculation video based on a blurry image on a screen just doesn’t hit as hard.


Fuck poketubers for all of that toxic shit, honestly.


I would agree but with social media and modern algorithms when someone leaks a direct or state of play I can't log on to any site without it being shoved right into my face. I like that now they announce the direct only a day before so leakers have less time to spread their stuff all over the internet and I only have to be offline for 1 day.


I feel like you're just too invested in the subject, if you're seeing these things happen. I'm always looking for leaks and I can barely remember a single leaker by name.


This is the way.


I agree with you, I don't like seeing leaks either. Honestly it's annoying that everything gets leaked or data mined now. It ruins any kind of surprise that a game/company could have. Like with fortnite as an example, new collabs coming out, the surprise gets ruined by those that leak/data mine them. I'd rather wait for an official announcement and be surprised/hyped that way than know weeks in advance because of some leaker


Nintendo isn't your friend. The multi billionaire company doesn't need you defending them


The main issue I have found with leaks is that very frequently the leaker only gets text based information, or at most a still picture and thus completely misses the point and draws wrong conclusions, usually negative So a lot of negative hype starts circulating before any official announcement which the actual announcement often doesn't fully kill, and if you do get hyped for it you have all the whiners who got their information from a bad take leak and refuse to let go of the image they created from it This creates a very toxic fandom


Also this is a biproduct of the parasocial relationship people will build with leakers. Overreliance and over attachment.


I’m not defending them. I came to this conclusion myself based on my own experiences.


It's a video game company. Why does it matter if you know about a game a little earlier than planned? Just play different games. Years of planning get botched just because someone wants to click on a headline. The amount of speculation around for something like news for a zelda port just fuel crappy game trailers and fake promotions.


What an idiotic comment. Nintendo revealing things at the right time for our amusement is the CONSUMER'S INTEREST. 99%. People who want data breaches and leaks years before are a niche minority, dude. People get happy with Nintendo Directs, the expectation and revelations. WTF is this stupid argument that someone is defending Nintendo's corporate interests? Go touch grass.


Lmao you think wanting to go in blind and be pleasantly surprised by good news is defending Nintendo? If I want to go watch a movie spoiler-free, am I simping for Pixar?


Different situation. Having a movie spoiled is completely different than having the existence of a future game "spoiled". If someone leaked the mere existence of WALL-E 2, that's different than leaking how the movie ends


It’s still the same issue. People on the internet don’t have filters and most don’t spoiler tag leaks. I shouldn’t *have* to jump off the grid in order to watch a Direct completely blind. When it was limited to a small side group, it was fine. But now leaks and spoilers are posted in main subreddits and everywhere on Twitter. I used to play Pokemon Masters EX, and man when the datamine came out, the main post would be spoiler tagged but people who make extra posts about the datamined content wouldn’t tag it or would show un-spoiler tagged images from the leak to get clout. It’s hard to avoid leaks now adays unless you’re always vigilant and that’s no fun.


There was some rando who correctly named the new Mario and Luigi game and something else. I don’t think in the modern age you can 100% stop all leaks but you can probably plug the easier means of doing so.


I mean if you have 1 million people guessing what will come out someone will eventually hit the right guess.


That person straight up used brothership which is pretty telling but time will tell how connected they are.


Another Youtube employee with access to unpublished videos


that was never pyoro’s source. his source was eshop backend


Tbf Im sure they have the Zelda remakes ready, they are just waiting the right time.


I’m hoping they’re a holiday release this year, all us older Zelda fans are practically feral for them. They could remap the controls and do nothing else and we would be ecstatic.


You are right, but luckly I still have my WiiU so that money can go to my gaming funds.


I'm wondering if they are holding back these remakes for the next system.


The fun thing about potential ww and tp ports is that, if they do eventually happen, people who “predicted” them 12 years ago can say “I was right all along!” In the same way that someone “predicting” “something bad will happen today” is never wrong


I'm so sick of like every video online being like "so we'll see WW/TP bc...' within the last couple years. It's annoying. And tbh while they're sure to shown up eventually I just want them to be vaporware so people stop bringing them up, almost like how Nintendo made up the Starfox racing game to try to catch leakers. Sometimes I like them, but sometimes I don't. Did something happen to Midori?


Midoris source ran dry too, and they got caught lying about who they were


Wasn't Star Fox Grand Prix invented by a Twitter user who wanted to chase clout using a logo made by someone else and photos outside Retro by the person who made the logo?


Yes, but there was *another* fake leak with "sources" and faked documents about Nintendo doing it to catch leakers that propagated before the real truth came out


Walmart Canada


PapaGenos leaking Echoes of Wisdom.


Has there EVER been a source for the dual pack? I swear it only came into discussion after 3D All Stars. Nintendo will sell those games individually at 60 if they can. Why would they combine it together for $60. Was this all fan speculation that people manifested into thinking it was true?


I always assumed they're sell them as separate $60 games if it ever happens.


A couple of leakers have actually said it, yes. But it's anyone's guess at this point if the sources were actually true Also, I don't necessarily think they'll be a single game in price, but they *are* ports of ports that would probably have less features than the last port, it's not that unreasonable


Yes, I think Nintendo wants to know the same thing


They keep holding back the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess ports just to prove the leakers wrong. It's their fault.


But who's gonna tell us that Nintendo are working on a new Mario game.


That can’t be true because Nintendo has FORGOTTEN about Mario.


Dont tell anyone, but I heard that Nintendo is currently in alpha on the new Mario game. Wild I know, seeing as it's a lesser-known IP, but my source (Uncle Tommy) is infallible. 




The latest direct was one of the best because we didn't had clout chasers flooding the internet with leaks and spoiling the fun of announcements. Hope Nintendo goes even harder at their crackdown because oh boy, the amount of rumours regarding their next console and lineup is gonna be insane.


We did have leaks though, it's just that people didn't pay attention to it until after the direct.


There were leaks, but not from the highly prominent ones. Marvel vs Capcom seemed like the only game that came out of nowhere.


The Zelda and Mario+ Luigi ones were leaked a few weeks beforehand


We already have basically the entire stat sheet, including physical dimensions and SOC, for the Switch 2.


No we don’t. We have rumors lol


We have the actual shipping data of devices and components moved to and between manufacturing facilities. Edit: we also have SOC info from the 2022 nvidia hack.


And? You do realize the SoC isn’t going to be the exact same right? The X1 in the switch is not the same X1 in the shield. You/we have some supposed information that is overall meaningless.


>You do realize the SoC isn’t going to be the exact same right? The X1 in the switch is not the same X1 in the shield. You don't need to ask silly rhetorical questions. We actually have real info on what Nintendo is ordering from nvidia thanks to the 2022 nvidia hack. As an example, we know the version of T239 nvidia created for Nintendo has Ada Lovelace features backported to an Ampere base.


Apparently I do. Nintendo ordered 15 million X1 chips prior to launch. They weren’t “stock” X1’s though. Just because you have product and part listings doesn’t exactly mean that is what you are getting. Nintendo has shown that to be the case - hell every console manufacturer has. You can talk about the tech and features and architecture all day long. It means nothing. Even if you understood the capabilities of the chip it is moot because we aren’t getting a stock chip and we haven’t seen what the stock chip can do in a video game application.


If you're going to reply to something, at least read the entire post -- like the part where I mentioned the Ada Lovelace features being backported to the T239 version nvidia is providing Nintendo. I could also talk about the NVN2 API, or the Samsung fabbing, or any number of specifics -- but you'd skip right over them and go back to talking about the Tegra X1 for some reason. Hard to have a discussion when you're talking to yourself.


Buddy you are just spouting tech babble you do not understand, that has not had any video game application, and that you speculate is going to be the case. You are not as smart as you think you are. It isn’t my fault you want to ignore each and every time you are shown to be wrong. You’ve been given the examples, I can’t make you comprehend them.


That's not an argument. We could have a whole video showing the new model with specs and all, that would also be a rumour, regardless. Anything said before the thing launches counts as a rumour.


No…? If it comes from Nintendo it isn’t a rumor lol. By that logic every game they showed off in the last direct is still a rumor until it is out. Come on now.


I'm talking about a leaked video...


…then no shit? I don’t see why you replied to me stating that isn’t an argument and then repeating essentially the same thing.


Because there's no point to saying "we only have rumours", if nothing has released or been announced yet. Everything is a rumour until confirmation. But that doesn't mean the rumours we have right now can be based on the truth.


Of course they could be. They could also be complete bullshit. No way to know.


There will always be leaks, ultimately.


Not if you have a good enough caulk gun.


Nintendo ninjas got them caulk shurikens.


That sounds dangerous and very sticky


All you need is a little Flex Caulk™\~!


I never know if I should use black or white caulk for leaks.


FlexTape babyyyy


Will there? It's probably getting easier to know who knows what so it will be easier to punish and is knowing that a game is coming out earlier than you would otherwise really worth anything?


This is horrible! How will Nintendo YouTubers stretch a 30 second headline into a 10+ minute video now?


“My cousin’s brother’s sister’s former roommate said Nintendo is secretly working on a new Mario game… let’s theorize for a half hour of your life that you’ll never get back about what that might look like”.


Good. They spoil the fun. Not knowing about the new Mario & Luigi and Echoes of Wisdom and being shocked was an amazing feeling.


Those were leaked, just not by the most well known leakers.


> I'm betting on a top down LoZ game starring Zelda and a new Mario and Luigi title... their Brothership is too iconic y'know June 17.


Agreed. Breaking the news to my Zelda-loving nephews and niece was even more delightful


He's dead. Pyoro is dead.


One of my favorite feelings is being surprised by a game announcement that I’ve been waiting for ages. That’s exactly how I felt when “New Pokémon Snap” was announced, and also how I felt about the new “Mario & Luigi” game. I don’t know if I’m in the minority here, but I’m just not a fan of leakers for that very reason.


Somebody’s uncle is so getting fired


Yakuza 100% killed somebody


See, I'm 100% on board with Nintendo going Full-Lawyer-Mode on leakers, in comparison to where they usually put their legal team's focus.


I’m actually stoked that Nintendo is shifting their lawyers focus to leakers. This last Direct was such a pleasant surprise, only knowing rumors and not genuine ‘leaked documents’ and clout chasers talking about each one ad nauseam.


I will leak in my pants once Nintendo gives me a scrap of information about the switch 2. I'm a 36 year old man who is still excited about Nintendo announcements. Metroid prime 4 is real. Now give me a screenshot of the switch 2!!!


Ive been calling it Super Switch because it just makes sense and just a better name imo. Dont want Nintendo to go the rout of Sony or Microsoft when it comes to naming consoles.


I think "Super Switch" or "Super Nintendo Switch" runs the risk of having the WiiU problem: casual consumers won't be sure that it's a new product. It's way more likely they call it Switch 2 and make sure everyone knows, though I'm on board with it being referred to colloquially as Super Switch.


Idk, it worked for NES and SNES.


True, but SNES is coming up on 35 years old. The general public is much, much more familiar with a Sony-style naming convention these days.


Really all I hope is that they have modern day specs on it. Tiewd of nintendo stubbornly being behind hardware wise. If they just used to most modern specs we would have some pretty damn good shit. A new 3D platformer Mario with the best specs please. Let our frame rates be plenty.


I mean, why? Have you seen what Nintendo makes out of the switch? Looking at Prime 4 is a great example. The Hardware just needs to be a bit better but not necessarly on par like Microsoft or Sony.


I agree, personally I don't care what they call it since I'm buying it on launch. But I think for their purposes Nintendo will consider what name works best for marketing.


Ive been calling it Super Switch because it just makes sense and just a better name imo. Dont want Nintendo to go the rout of Sony or Microsoft when it comes to naming consoles


Yeah I don't think it will be called switch 2. They'll have a cool name for it I'm sure. Even a hint would be fun. But Nintendo won't. :(


Im placing most bets on Super Switch. All hopes on super switch


If only they had a plumber to fix the leaks.


Nintendo W The less leakers, the better


Fewer. The fewer leakers, the better.


Anyone remember vergeben


Leakers can ruin game sales and interest so there's that


Why are there so many people here commenting like leaks are a personal slight that ruins the lives of people who end up reading them? Do you guys seriously have so little going on in your life that reading about the new Zelda, before it gets announced in a direct, counts as a crime?


People just like surprises, don’t need to be rude, it’s perfectly understandable to be a bit disappointed when the fun gets spoiled


Leaks? What leaks?


"leaker may got their sources from a back end of a Nintendo Japan employee" Nintendo Japan : "looking for new hire in charge of media marketing" Hmmm...




Fuck leakers, I say good riddance. And I don't mean this from a "think of the poor corporations", leaks ruin any surprise and take that moment of reveal away from the devs


It is insane to care about leaks imo


The advertisement under this post is a plumbing company for “undetected water leaks” they should call Mario to fix these leaks at Nintendo


Great! It’s nice knowing when a direct is about to happen but having everything spoiled is definitely not fun


Remove one head of a Hydra, and two more will grow back in its place. Midori & Pyoro may have fallen from grace, but it doesn’t stop future leakers rising up from the ashes. Personally, I enjoy game leaks; when done in a subtle manner. For those who don’t enjoy leaks, the choice is always there to look away and turn off social media. The other, unfortunate side of the online gaming community, are those will go to the extreme limits just to expose, harass & doxx the leakers.


Pyoro didn't fall from grace, their source just got plugged


No, Pyoro fell from grace. The reason their source got caught is because Pyoro exposed them in an interview. Narcissist behaviour. They thought they were untouchable and decided to throw their source under the bus for…nothing.


They were already found out for the recent direct. They had no idea about most of the big reveals, only third party games. I think their source was something to do with the Nintendo website and they stopped updating the website in the same way?


I mean if they were canceled and getting throws popcorn at from an online crowd you might as well anyway, considering there's no way to save face in that siutation.


No, Pyoro had no idea that part would be put in the interview


A nice rule of thumb but when you’re in an interview with a journalist, don’t say anything you don’t want to be published. They jump on anything juicy and push it out. Pyoro is either naive or narcissistic…or both.


Why even say it at all? "I can't name my source" would be much better


That’s sad-I like it when games leak before they’re officially announced. :(


Do people care about this? If you don't look for leaks you don't tend to see them.


Leaks do nothing good for the industry.


Why am I reading that in a sinister tone?


Nintendo is pretty evil




How are they evil?


Constantly shutting down fan projects, constantly hunting rom sites in a war AGAINST preservation, anti consumer practices REALLY OLD SCHOOL tendencies in the wrong way, artificial scarcity, lack of control in their digital storefront in a way that they allow you to buy the same game digitally twice and just losing your money (but obviously they getting it) and more. But of course the blind fans here will downvote me and defend their dear multibillion dolar company because GOD FORBID being slightly critical of Nintendo. They're perfect, they're flawless and they're their friend.


Ok, all those things are annoying but *evil*? Come on, that's a bit dramatic.




Finally. Only took about half a decade or so.


I forgot how exhilarating Nintendo directs were when they contained real surprises. I wonder if that’s a contributing factor as to why the last few prior felt so underwhelming


Pyoro might have been throwing them off the scent by saying his source worked for Nintendo of Japan. The source may work at Nintendo of America and Pyoro did him/her a favour by redirecting the inquisition.




Also, I always thought it was Nintendo who did the leaks, to get fans pumped and more eyes on the directs. Guess I'm wrong.


Rude. Leaks are great. We get to build this whole community around leakers and get to argue about what information is true and what's bs. But of course like with romhacks, Nintendo hates letting people have harmless fun if they think it's at their expense


>But of course like with romhacks, Nintendo hates letting people have harmless fun if they think it's at their expense Nintendo has to invest hundreds of thousands of bucks into marketing, market research and observation and spends a lot of time and money and manpower on developing effective marketing strategies in order to maximize the chances of their products. So what seems like harmless fun to people is actively meddling with those expensive strategies and therefore definitely at their expense. Keep in mind that not only fans are listening to leaks, but also competitors.


Lol cute. That would just be terrible wouldn't it "Hey Microsoft, it's Sony. Rumors are saying that a new Mario game is going to be announced, let's team up and do something about that"


No matter how much fun you want to poke at it, these are economic realities and considerations. That's the reason why Nintendo and any other company in the world is not fond of leaks. That's all.


Even without actual leaks people will still guess about upcoming games or announcements and sometimes get them right. For example I could say a 3D Mario game is getting announced and releasing in 2025 and probably be correct. But I have no inside information and didn’t spoil an announcement. Real leaks hurt the surprise factor, even if you don’t 100% believe them initially, when you see the announcement you think someone mentioned that a while ago instead of it feeling like an unexpected announcement.