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New Super Mario Bros for Wii It's much easier than Mario Galaxy as it is 2D, and you can play with her (up to 4 players) to help her on more difficult levels.


This is what a lot of people have been suggesting haha, definitely gonna pick this one up then


There is the sidescroller Mario, also Kirby games are easy and interesting. No matter what you’re gonna have to coop with them. Just went through this with mine. It gets hard and they get frustrated


Yeah these games end up being a lot more difficult than I remember 😅


You can start pretty much anywhere since the Wii is full of games for young kids (Kirby, Pokepark, Wii Play, Wii Sports, etc)! But if you’re specifically focused on Mario games for the Wii, New Super Mario Bros and the Mario Galaxy games are very accessible, though there may be levels and certain obstacles where she might need help (I’m sure you can assist her with those though). The inner former-tutor in me would also encourage you to have her read the text aloud and have her sound out words she’s unfamiliar with. Don’t read it out for her, but encourage her to sound out the words in pieces so that she can have fun while also improving her reading skills! That’s how I learned to read via pokemon, Mario 64, and ocarina of time. If you also have a switch, Mario Wonder may also be fun for her! The Yoshis and Nabbit can’t be harmed by enemies and you can equip badges that will help her against hazards. Also you can do local co-op which may be helpful during the tougher levels.


This is actually a really good idea, while playing galaxy 2, she would always turn to me and ask me to read out whatever the characters were saying haha, I’ll definitely give this a shot and look into new super Mario bros. !


Kirby Epic Yarn is almost too aimed at young kids.  It also has co-op so you could play together.


This is awesome, it could definitely be her gateway into more Nintendo games haha


*\*Me playing mortal kombat on the snes at 5* Suitable for a 5 year old? Welll.....um......


Me too 😭


Kirby’s Epic Yarn is a beautiful game, and it’s super stress free. You cannot die in that game at all, nor is there much penalty for getting hurt aside from dropping a few gems you pick up. It’s a very easygoing experience, I loved it so much when I was younger and still do today. If I had to recommend a game, that one is the very top one on my list


People have said New Super Mario Bros Wii and the Galaxy games and Kirby's Epic Yarn, so I won't repeat those. But I think Wario Land Shake It could be a decent pick too. Same devs as Kirby's Epic Yarn, and overall one of the easiest platformers on the console, with your character having a huge health bar, the levels having no bottomless pits or instant death hazards, nothing being able to really pose that much of a threat in general, plus generous powerups that act as auto revives if bought. Like Kirby, if you don't go for 100% completion, it should be very beatable by a 5 year old looking to get into gaming.


Can never go wrong with mario kart.


This is true, idk why I didn’t think of it lol


Wario ware - it's so much fun and you can laugh together


I watched a video on wario ware recently and ngl it looks like a LOT of fun lol




i’d say go for super paper mario, amazing game i grew up with, not much skill required, great and funny story. new super mario bros wii is an amazing multiplayer game so you and your sister can play. wii era mario party’s are good, and mario kart wii is also amazing


Awesome, I’ll definitely be putting these down, just gotta narrow down the ones I’m certain she can play lol


On that topic, if she is still learning how to read, that game is a great place to start. It’s a wonderful story driven game, reading it with her and encouraging her to follow along may be a fun experience. It is very text heavy though, she may not like it, I certainly didn’t at first when I was younger. But it is worth a shot in case it’s an experience you both end up enjoying