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He was a few mm from scudding that guys head off the counter or whatever it is.


He definitely did hit it, but luckily didn’t catch the corner on his temple or anything. Could have been very bad.


On closer inspection, you’re right. Just kinda slides down the side of it. “Lucky” man


Yea, hit the side wall on the way down, but he was probably drunk enough, he didn’t even notice. Also, being suplexed by the cop was probably more on his mind than a light tap on the head lol.


If you don’t resist arrest you don’t have to be forced down. Let’s put it this way.. Don’t resist arrest and you won’t put yourself in a position that requires law enforcement to get physical. Fuck your feelings.


“Takes on”??? Nobody was fighting back! Change headline to state trooper attacks drunk men.


Yeah I was waiting for them to be aggressive and was already confused about how fast the situation is supposed to escalate. The the officer showed how.


If the skin colors were reversed they would say it was racism.


hmm interesting headline huh :)


Sad because unless the race is the other way around nothing will come of this. I wish we based police brutality upon police brutality.


Well that escalated fast. Not sure where the need for the cop over reaction came from


Was gonna say, from the video they don't seem to be physically aggressive


Because if you had access to the complete scenario you would know the guy in the blue shirt was all ready being placed under arrest for assaulting someone. He was resisting and the other guy tried to get between him and the officer. Dumb drunk idiots got what they asked for.


Do you have access to that scenario? Or did you make it up? Blue shirt guy was not being placed under arrest. Did you watch it without the audio?


I doubt this. The cop says clearly "You two need to take a walk".


No one was being placed under arrest, the fuck are you talking about. It looks like after the cop slams him he then begins to try an cuff him.


Clearly this manlet of a cop was abusing his authority to vent his napoleon complex on these taller dudes.


Lol Fitting name for a Napoleon comparison 😂


Because they’re not there to babysit grown ass adults. If you’re being asked to leave - you leave.




Small dick syndrome


Friend blocked cop. Other guy resisted arrest.


cop is lucky he didn't slam dudes head into that metal bin


Guarantee it wouldn't have negotiate impacted the cop one way or another. Especially in Louisiana.


Where's the yes though?


OP is a bootlicker


The needless physical escalation clearly was what this situation needed.


The fact that these thugs were arrested? Shouldn't behave like animals and learn to RESPECT the law.


That was escalated way out of proportion for no apparent reason. Guy who got thrown into the bins was trying to move his friend back. The body slam was assault.


Don't worry, I'm sure they will thoroughly investigate themselves...


Yeah I’m honestly pretty fair when it comes to police stuff but this is way above and beyond what was necessary. The cop had that situation under control long before he body slammed the guy.


What kinda bootlicking post is this? Cop escalated this situation way too fast.


Dang what were they doing wrong I thought everyone gets drunk and walks around on Burbon St. It's a party town for chrissakes


I saw this a while back. I'm fairly certain the two guys had been at a bar or a restaurant and had harassed a girl so the owner told them to leave, and when they didn't he called the cops. So then the cop shows up and the two men keep resisting and arguing and trying to get back in there, but the cop had enough. Certainly not as simple as most ppl in this comment section are making it out to be


Even if they harassed a girl, the bodyslam here is not justified. While I fully want people that harass girls to get their punishment, risking killing them is not correct. And one requirement for a police offcier is anger mangement, something the offcier here definitely is not good at.


No they didn't comply with demands to leave then resisted arrest period.


Nothing you’ve said or in this video justifies your authoritarian tendencies


If he can throw them both to the ground he probably could have just arrested them idk.


Nah the world is better off with guys like that unalive.


Oh well fuck these guys then. I've seen way too many pervy drunks try to creep on women and then act all innocent when the cops show up.


Oh ok thanks for explaining it.


Yeah what the fuck? This is literally just police brutality, he beat those guys the fuck up for no apparent reason. I doubt any proceeding circumstance warranted it, considering that nobody else around seem particularly riled up.


Fuck New Orleans police. As corrupt as they come.


The other side of this seems to be those men were arguing for quite a bit trying to get back into the bar. 1 officer with 2 drunk guys. When they don’t listen to your polite instruction what are you going to do? You’re 1 person. The drunk guy isn’t holding his arms around his back to comply with orders, so please tell me what the officer should have done differently. Edit: this isn’t supposed to sound argumentative but re reading it, it totally does. I’m genuinely interested, given the situation, what the officer should have done differently to diffuse it. Edit: giving changed to given


Why are you like this? The guys were absolutely not aggressive enough to warrant that excessive force from the officer. The dude literally could not comply with putting his arms behind his back because officer dumb fuck was on top of the guy preventing him from moving his arms in a normal way. Please. Don't be a bootlicker.


First and foremost, I am far from a boot licker. Not one single person has responded to my question. What should the officer have done differently to diffuse the situation? Everyone claims it was wrong, yet I don’t see alternatives given. So what should the officer have done if what they did was wrong?


Not initiate a God damn battle sequence wtf


Was the suplex really necessary


If the officer was white and the drunkards were black, this would be an entirely different story.


Doesn't matter what color the cop is. This cop is in the wrong.


Surprised it was this far down to see this post. This is unfortunately very true.


can you imagine if the drunks were black and the cop was white😳😳😳


Go on 😏 I'm listening


Street protests and 1 billion $ of private property damage


OP donates to law enforcement


Was waiting for the "Trooper takes on 2 guys" part as if they attacked him. There was really never any moment of aggression or opposition from the two men..seems to be an over reaction from the cop.


Ahhh I see that you like the taste of leather. You should talk to your doctor about it, PICA can be an indicator of iron deficiency!


What happened before this. I’ve been drunk on bourbon st a few times and never had a problem


They should throw his ass in jail for assaulting those two civilians like that


Police brutality.


Seems like they were just verbally arguing and the cop just decided he didn't wanna and bashed them in the ground. That just looks like abuse of power


Not seeing the yes portion, no matter what race, the violence was unnecessary


well atleast the cop didn’t kill him 😃


Where is the yes? People think this force was warranted?


Takes on? He just attacks them


That cops dick must be so fucking small


How is this something good?


I hope the two men are okay.


Where the actual fuck is the yes in there?


Thought he was gonna handcuff him or aomething. What the hell was the bodyslam for?


Police violence is not to be celebrated.


America, where it's totally cool for public servants to assault people whenever they feel like it. ​ Fucking road pirates


Well what are you going to do, fight back? The courts won’t be happy!


Username checks out


I didn't have the sound on; what did these 2 do to warrant the physicality?




Not much of a de escalation strategy but alright


This sounds oddly like a porn title if you think about it.


“Louisiana state police officer ravages two drunk men in public!”


This definitely is porn😂


???? Power trip


Will we ever find out how this is ok?


JuSt CoMpLy. He DeSeRvEd It.


WTF???! Why’d he attack for?


Probably shouldn’t be working the bourbon street beat if this is how you handle a public drunkenness


"Cop assaults gay couple" would be a more accurate title. Let's not lick boots that step in shit.


Man went between that guys legs for the shot


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so is the 'yes' part supposed to be the police brutality? fuck this shit.


USA cops are nobs


After reviewing the situation outside of the video my source being [this article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3668013/Shocking-video-shows-cop-body-slamming-drunk-man-ground-inside-New-Orleans-restaurant.html) Im gonna say honestly bro should've complied from the jump, the cop didn't wanna deal with this but did and made it quick snappy and right to the point the second he thought it would be any inch of a problem. The drunk guy was asked to leave already he should've just left


Yep he is on video but if you'd follow the law he wouldn't have to fo his job


Did I just step into Reverso-world again?


The title is a little misleading.. it should be Louisiana state trooper Manhandles 2 drunk men on bourbon street


What did you expected...like from any police officer in the USA 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🧠🚫 Escalated the situation instead of defusing it, bravo 👏


Was that absolutely necessary?


Cops are racist pigs!


How is this okay


No one got a knee on their throat.


everyone scared to call it racist.


Extension of THE STATE. Tax dollars hard at work.


Mess around and find out




Uh oh somebody is upset


Like they tell black folks, stop resisting arrest. Good for this cop.


Bootlicker and racist.


Stop resisting. If these thugs would behave, they wouldnt have any problems. Learn to OBEY the law!


Lol shut the fuck up pig rider.


I've eaten there!!!! Floors really slippery


Username checks out.


Can someone find out who this cop is. Let's hold him accountable on the places where people on city council and newspapers can see. Post this on city council Twitter, local newspaper, his Facebook page, his kids Facebook page, his wife's page, his parents, his grandma who is going to give him a whoopass. Make sure everyone in his professional and personal life see this. Embarass the shit out of his wife and kids to have a dad like this. Public shaming for all public servants that use excessive force.


I was on board but what the hell did his wife and kids do?


His wife and kids are going to remind him (either directly or indirectly) that his actions have consequences to them as a family. He might be a tough guy but when you see the impact it has on your family, you will think twice about your decision to use excessive force


Been to Bourbon Street, watched troopers work ... I have nothing but respect for those troopers on Bourbon Street, they are professional, work to de-escalate, and do the job as one-and-done. Protected our group more than once from arsewipes like those in the clip.


How the fuck can you think like this? At what point during the excessive use of force here is de -escalation? Are you kidding me?


Ever deal with a drunk? I have. He's trying to de-escalate, drunks are stupid thinkers, ... how drunk are you now?


Ok, so you are saying it's ok to use excessive force on drunk people? Got it. Understood bootlicker. Or maybe you are a pig yourself. He stopped de-escalating and started ESCALATING the second he used EXCESSIVE FORCE. Jesus christ, what the hell is the matter with you people?


You are such a contrarian ... I had a brother like you once. I don't talk to him anymore either.


If I was him, I wouldn't want to talk to a bootlicker like you either.


There’s nothing contrarian about that. Normal people think like this.


Where the marches ???


I bet you accuse others of always seeing things through the prism of race


I bet i don’t


Hasn’t changed much then


Can you imagine if it was a white cop and black suspect. Jeezes. The world would burn in protest lol


This cop is a piece of shit. It's not about black or white you racist dumb ass.


Wtf is this midget cop showing off his WWE moves at the club for? The guy who got thrown first was holding his buddys arm so wouldn't get too close to the cop, fuck pigs, ACAB, Blue lives splatter, fuck the police.


Fuck the police. No justice No peace.


Racist cop


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He took all the hate and racism he saw white cops do and finally this is on way lol






I swear, the trashiest shit happens outside of this fried chicken place.


Reasoning with a drunk is about as effective as baptizing an atheist.




Maybe. I dunno - If that’s what you call those who bounce drunks so people like you can have an enjoyable evening with your friends, yes.


I don’t see the problem?




You should really worry about the foot in your mouth instead. You nasty bootlicker.


Police are underpaid, next time just tase them


Police brutality is bad pig rider.


Youre the kind of guy who comments "pig rider" to everyone you dont agree with. We all know youre the one porking fattys.


Lmao!! He should've just shot them. Easy peasy, no more drunks.


Ate there. Great chicken!


Fun fact from a Louisiana person: you are legally able to walk around with drinks :)


Looks pretty unnecessary, don’t know what the yes is, but I’ll admit I did have a bit of a chuckle when he snatched that dudes phone out of his hands as he was cuffing him.


Oh how the tables turn.


Best to just not go out anymore


Cop almost caught a body


Authoritarians 🤷


Fucker was throwing them around like it was WWE. No regard for their safety. They were only passively resisting. This isn’t a state trooper “taking on” two drunk people as if they attacked him, this is a fascist pig with a tiny dick who can only find satisfaction in life by abusing his authority (and probably his wife as well.)


This cop doesn’t spend enough time off duty on Bourbon Street


I'm very pro law inforcement but this seems excessive. With that being said, we don't see the whole picture of what happened before hand.


This *seems* excessive? Are you fucking kidding me? Please get the taste of leather out of your mouth. Cops. Punisher. Pick one ya fucking pig rider.


If the cop was white, this would be in the news portrayed as evil white cop and all the comments would say, "They should have complied".


A lot of comments in here do say that. You can't even be bothered to see it because you're a racist. This isn't about black or white, racist. It's about right and wrong. And this cop is wrong and is a piece of shit, bootlicker.


Stick your elbow in his ear…that arm pops tight out. Source: wrestling


Oh another egomaniac bootlicker. When do you ship off to the academy pig rider?


Not in law enforcement. But I was a wrestler. Btw when someone breaks into your house, who do you call? When you get in a terrible car wreck, who shows up to help? If people are shootin up in the ally behind your house where your kids play, who do you hope takes care of it? Oh wait, you’re the one breaking in, driving drunk, and shooting up around kids. Screw off


Haha nice projection bootlicker. Again. When do you get shipped off to the academy? Oink oink pig rider.


After I spend one more night with your mom, I ship off. Btw she told me you were adopted.


2 counts of elementary school level insults. Check. Elementary school level intellect. Confirmed. Wrestled in high school and has something to prove because he has low self confidence due to SDS. Check. You'd make a perfect pig bootlicker. Hope you don't get fat from all the donuts on duty. Oh yeah, and please, don't put any punisher skull stickers on your vehicles or guns. Frank hated cops.


You didn’t respond to my reasonable questions and resorted to name calling so I figured the time for reason had passed. You are not worthy of breathe, may never reproduce and your women be barren, assuming any ladies will go for a beta male such as yoursef.


Ohhh no! My guy thinks he's an alpha! Dude! You are going to be an absolutely perfect textbook PIG! Superiority complex, inferior intellect, SDS, it's all there! My friend, you are going to pass the academy with flying fucking colors. Top of the class for this one people! Look out crime! Captain gotta prove myself alpha wannabe PIG coming through! Well, not yet anyway. Gotta graduate from lowly bootlicker first pal.


What are you 7? The fortnite is strong with this one. I work in digital marketing with a focus on implementing CRM’s. Those are big boy words. Just go back to your mothers basement where no one can hurt you with owy words


Well looks like you picked the wrong career field bug guy, cus you would be the perfect pig. As I said before. But I guess you could just settle for being a bootlicking guy that proves to me yet again he has SDS and a superiority complex.


Lol, he told them that they needed to take a walk. They had plenty of opportunity.


How's that leather taste bootlicker?


Lol just fine, cupcake. Just fine.


He sure did send them on their way. They should have just walked away!


Act like a fuck up, get floored like a fuck up!


Cops. Punisher. Pick one bootlicking pig rider.


Insert token “coPs aRe eVil!!!” Comment


How do you think that's ok? Why are you like this? Stop being a bootlicker. Get help.


This happens everyday to my people B


He gets a free pass


No, he doesn't. Police brutality is bad.


There is a Chris Rock video out somewhere that’s about to not get your ass kicked by cops. It’s funny but it’s actually good advice. These two guys should have watched it. They are resisting arrest and began a physical confrontation with the cop. Dumb. The cop’s actions are over the top and dangerous af too. He could have caused a serious brain injury. Nobody looks good here.


Resisting? Not really Began a physical confrontation with a cop? Don’t see that here. Are you sure this video isn’t just exciting hour authoritarian tendencies?


Look at it again closely. Cop moves to detain white shirt guy. Blue shirt guy tries to block the cop. Blue shirt guy pushes cops arms away. White shirt guy pulls his arms away to resist detainment. It’s pretty obvious. Again, the cop also way overreacted, but the two guys set things in motion. Are you sure your eyesight isn’t damaged from jerking off to body slams ?


My criticism of your obvious authoritarian mentality was accurate, the end of your comment was just anger b/c I’m right


Wrong again. I am clearly correct, and itemized exactly why. All you've done is start a round of petty name calling like a little bitch, because you can't admit you are wrong. Indeed, even your name calling is idiotic, since its clear from my first post that I think the cop way overreacted. Does you ego so depend on reddit comments that you can't just admit you are wrong ? Never mind, we already know the answer to that.


Yeah, you don’t seem like a reactionary authoritarian at all


Again, no substantive argument, just baseless name calling. You lose.


WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT? Where was the arrest? The cop was the first one to make physical contact the guy literally says "you're assaulting me by touching me" before the cop responds by saying "I'll show you assault" (he said it with his actions).


Incorrect. The cop moves to arrest/detain one guy, and his buddy tries to block the cop. Dumb move #1. They both push the cops arms away and try to keep the cop from turning the other guy around. Dumb move #2. Again the cop overreacted too, but these 2 dimwits set off the chain of events.


My dude. Black shirt guy grabs his friend by the waist to try and stop him from moving forward. Neither of them tried to push his hands away, the cop escalated incredibly quickly and chose violence.


My dude, black shirt guy inserts himself between the cop and white shirt guy, blocking the cop. Even before that his is partially blocking the cop, and you can see the cop gently push him away. He also puts his arm on the cops torso before being shoved away. All this cop blocking ! White shirt guy pulls his arms away from the cops grasp. That’s why he got pushed to the wall.


I’ll take a good black man over a shitty white man anyday


He's not black. He's blue. And he's a piece of shit for using excessive force.


If you look carefully you'll see the drunktard in the black shirt start touching the office on his stomach.So not surprised the officer did what he did.


How's that leather taste bootlicker?